All Things LGBTQ+ (1 Viewer)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    Didn't really see a place for this so I thought I would start a thread about all things LGBTQ since this is a pretty hot topic in our culture right now

    • The Supreme Court on Thursday delivered a unanimous defeat to LGBT couples in a high-profile case over whether Philadelphia could refuse to contract with a Roman Catholic adoption agency that says its religious beliefs prevent it from working with same-sex foster parents.
    • Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in an opinion for a majority of the court that Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services once it learned that the organization would not certify same-sex couples for adoption.

    I will admit, I was hopeful for this decision by the SCOTUS but I was surprised by the unanimous decision.

    While I don't think there is anything wrong, per se, with same sex couples adopting and raising children (I actually think it is a good thing as it not an abortion) but I also did not want to see the state force a religious institution to bend to a societal norm.
    From the education thread but better here:

    One side - If you are born male but now identify as female you should use the men's bathroom
    The other side - If you are born male but now identify as female should be able to use the women's bathroom
    Both the left and right are wrong on this one.
    If a woman that believes she is a man wants to use the male bathroom no one gives a shyte. The transgender man may attract attention if he tries to urinate in a urinal standing up. Hence it is advised to go into a private stall.

    A man that believes he is a woman can go into the ladies room. No one cares as long as she does not flashes her penis.

    So one of the sides is saying exactly what you think is the right way to handle the situation (no big deal, use whatever bathroom you want) yet that side is somehow wrong too?

    How does that work?
    So one of the sides is saying exactly what you think is the right way to handle the situation (no big deal, use whatever bathroom you want) yet that side is somehow wrong too?

    How does that work?
    It's right using the logic that was used to create this thread in the first place. Raise your hand if you think this thread was started with the intentions of fostering discussion and understanding of "All things LGBTQ+" or more created along the lines of: "Look how pathetic Biden and these Dems are getting on their knees to cower to these freaks who are either forked up in the head and are really pedos or just want the attention they'll get by not adhering to the normal sexual standards of modern society and be treated like the freaks they are because they weren't popular, good looking, hetero-bros/chicks in junior high school.

    I know plenty of people from high school who thought that was the only way someone could possibly be trans and would be utterly shocked if they felt differently today. They probably know better than to say it out loud or tease people about it when in view of the public - but what wouldn't shock me in the least would be those people walking back to their cars after a night on Bourbon St. and once they pass St. Ann and it's all residential until Esplanade - and no one is around for blocks, would be those guys ganging up on and beating one of the multitude of trans people who hang out on that corner (quite literally the only corner that is claimed and ultimately a 24 hour a day safe zone) to a pulp for being trans and knowing they can get away with it.

    So, both sides are wrong because there is no right for these kinds of people in a lot of peoples' minds. It's why North Carolina created the Trans bathroom in the first place. It wasn't even a thing, but they needed a cause to rally the red meat base around and trans people certainly fit the bill for that base.

    How many people on this board have done more than say hello to a trans person in passing? Any know one or more well? Any ever have a conversation about whatever with one? Has anyone on here ever been the lone person to stand up for a trans person who was being ridiculed in front of a crowd to the point she was in tears but the crowd wouldn't even just let her leave? Two weeks ago someone called me to tell me that was going on right on the edge of the quarter at Burgundy and St. Phillip. I was still driving to meet him so I called NOPD first but I beat them there. My friend and I stood in front of her and begged these people to just leave her alone and have some compassion or empathy. Imagine if it were someone in their family. No response at all, until NOPD rolled up. Every last one of them in that crowd who she identified as preventing her from leaving and harassing her or throwing shirt at her got taken to jail. Some for felonies. Was it worth it? For any of them? They probably don't live here and will be waiting in jail on those felonies for a few weeks since they don't have a local address to bond out with. I gave my statement and said I didn't want anything to do with prosecuting any of them but would appreciate better patrols in the quarter from the 8th District since it's on Royal with a substation on Basin.
    There is no right or wrong. People should use whatever bathroom they think is OK for them

    So the people who think "People should use whatever bathroom they think is OK for them" would be right

    And those who think otherwise would be wrong

    Do you agree? Yes or No?
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    So the people who think "People should use whatever bathroom they think is OK for them" would be right

    And those who think otherwise would be wrong

    Do you agree? Yes or No?
    I agree, people should use whatever bathroom they want. If a man that thinks he is a woman walks into a female bathroom he should pretend she is a biological female and try to look as feminine as possible. If that is the case no one will blink an eye.
    1. The entire board knew about the rape the day that it happened, which was about 5 months before their vote; your assertion that the girl was raped because of the vote they just took is pretty sketchy.
    "The decision comes after the Daily Wire spoke to the victim’s father, who said the male student forcibly sodomized his ninth-grade daughter in a school bathroom while wearing a skirt. When the father attempted to describe and protest the incident at a local school-board meeting, he was arrested for disorderly conduct, allowing the sexual abuse to stay underground for months." -

    2. No mention is made of the boy wearing a skirt. Not by the superintendent in his original email, not by the local newspaper, not by the school board. That accusation seems to be solely from your source at this point, and even then it is presented as “some are saying”.
    "The alleged gender fluidity of the perpetrator was not raised during the hearing, according to the New York Times, although court documents confirm the offender was wearing a skirt when the assault took place."

    3. So when the school board member recently asked the question about any sexual assaults in the bathroom the superintendent assumed she meant any assaults involving trans students, because she already knew about this rape from 5 months ago. The school board member who asked the question said she understands how he could have misunderstood and doesn’t blame the superintendent.
    "After the assault, the perpetrator was transferred to another school where he allegedly assaulted a second female student in early October."

    4. NOBODY literally NOBODY is saying this: “ 'Girls can fend for themselves, we must protect the sanctified victim classes' feelings at all costs.'”

    The rape that occurred at the other school apparently happened in an empty classroom. Seems that the boy pushed a girl into an empty classroom. It seems consistent with a boy pushing a girl into an empty bathroom. It probably doesn’t have anything to do with trans people or wearing a skirt.
    I guess we will disagree then because as you said 'it probably has nothing to do with...'. I don't see if there is a question of a girl getting raped at school or a some confused pervert going into a women's restrooms why we would chose the pervert. Again, lots of replies trying to find the innocent of this guy just because.....he might be trans, protection of the school board....the backing of of the gender inclusivity policy? I would say none of those things are important enough to leverage the saftey of our girls.
    Also, the 2nd rape that is was somewhat 'OK' (I did not make the hand sign, so I am not racist) was by the same pervert after he was shifted to another school (sounds a lot like the catholic bishops in the 90s would you not agree?

    So there’s not much here that would indict the bathroom policy that probably wasn’t in effect when the rape happened.
    "In the interim, the Loudoun County School Board passed a sweeping gender-inclusivity policy allowing students to use restrooms and locker rooms, as well as compete in sports, according to their gender identity rather than biological sex."

    So this was just to buy time and keep everything quiet while they worked to pass this policy hoping to sneak it by the parents, as so often with corrupt school boards. The arrested the father of victim for getting upset at a board meeting when they told him he was mistaken, his daughter was not raped there and labeled him a domestic terrorist. Solid leadership.

    I guess this is the fake outrage Obama just told us about. Teen girls getting raped at school....stop noticing is what he was really saying.

    EtA: my source:
    "The decision comes after the Daily Wire spoke to the victim’s father, who said the male student forcibly sodomized his ninth-grade daughter in a school bathroom while wearing a skirt. When the father attempted to describe and protest the incident at a local school-board meeting, he was arrested for disorderly conduct, allowing the sexual abuse to stay underground for months." -

    "The alleged gender fluidity of the perpetrator was not raised during the hearing, according to the New York Times, although court documents confirm the offender was wearing a skirt when the assault took place."

    "After the assault, the perpetrator was transferred to another school where he allegedly assaulted a second female student in early October."

    I guess we will disagree then because as you said 'it probably has nothing to do with...'. I don't see if there is a question of a girl getting raped at school or a some confused pervert going into a women's restrooms why we would chose the pervert. Again, lots of replies trying to find the innocent of this guy just because.....he might be trans, protection of the school board....the backing of of the gender inclusivity policy? I would say none of those things are important enough to leverage the saftey of our girls.
    Also, the 2nd rape that is was somewhat 'OK' (I did not make the hand sign, so I am not racist) was by the same pervert after he was shifted to another school (sounds a lot like the catholic bishops in the 90s would you not agree?

    "In the interim, the Loudoun County School Board passed a sweeping gender-inclusivity policy allowing students to use restrooms and locker rooms, as well as compete in sports, according to their gender identity rather than biological sex."

    So this was just to buy time and keep everything quiet while they worked to pass this policy hoping to sneak it by the parents, as so often with corrupt school boards. The arrested the father of victim for getting upset at a board meeting when they told him he was mistaken, his daughter was not raped there and labeled him a domestic terrorist. Solid leadership.

    I guess this is the fake outrage Obama just told us about. Teen girls getting raped at school....stop noticing is what he was really saying.

    EtA: my source:

    Please show me where anyone is doing this because I am 100% positive you are failing to understand what is being said.

    Also, if the policy was not in place at the time of the rape, why would people be trying to justify what happened to support the policy that was, again, not in place at the time?
    Please show me where anyone is doing this because I am 100% positive you are failing to understand what is being said.

    Also, if the policy was not in place at the time of the rape, why would people be trying to justify what happened to support the policy that was, again, not in place at the time?
    I linked the article where it was written.

    Do you think they would know this would cause parents to pay attention and push back on the 'gender inclusivity policy' so they wanted to keep it under wraps until it was able to pass?

    Do you think it was a coincidence that the alt-left member of the board that was pushing this, resigned from push back after all this came out but the policy was already established?

    Why else would the cover-up happen? It took a father being arrested as a domestic terrorist at a school board meeting for complaining that his daughter was raped at school for this to come out.

    I am also 100% positive you are mistaken in what you think I think is being said.
    I linked the article where it was written.

    Do you think they would know this would cause parents to pay attention and push back on the 'gender inclusivity policy' so they wanted to keep it under wraps until it was able to pass?

    Do you think it was a coincidence that the alt-left member of the board that was pushing this, resigned from push back after all this came out but the policy was already established?

    Why else would the cover-up happen? It took a father being arrested as a domestic terrorist at a school board meeting for complaining that his daughter was raped at school for this to come out.

    I am also 100% positive you are mistaken in what you think I think is being said.
    There is no nexus between the gender inclusivity policy and the rape.

    A father whose daughter was raped should not be expected to be rational.
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    I linked the article where it was written.

    You said replies were defending the rapist and trying to find a way to portray him as innocent. My assumption was that you were referring to replies on here. Is that accurate or am I misunderstanding what you said?

    Do you think they would know this would cause parents to pay attention and push back on the 'gender inclusivity policy' so they wanted to keep it under wraps until it was able to pass?

    Do you think it was a coincidence that the alt-left member of the board that was pushing this, resigned from push back after all this came out but the policy was already established?

    Why else would the cover-up happen? It took a father being arrested as a domestic terrorist at a school board meeting for complaining that his daughter was raped at school for this to come out.

    I am also 100% positive you are mistaken in what you think I think is being said.

    The policy has nothing to do with what happened. Anyone linking the two things is demonstrably wrong. The rapist did (or attempted to do) the same thing in an empty classroom with another girl. He also had consensual encounters in the bathroom. Is this not enough to demonstrate that the bathroom policy that wasn't even in place yet didn't factor into it?
    Ok, I was perplexed by the obvious slant of this story on Yahoo News, until I noticed this is actually from National Review. Nice sleight of hand, Farb. I will look for a less biased article.

    If you read what I wrote and think I was excusing this rape, you are just really, really bad at reading comprehension. It pisses me off actually, in a somewhat visceral way, so I will probably not post on this for a while.
    I’m pretty disgusted by the rank and offensive politicization of these crimes. By people, including Farb, who would use these attacks to justify punishing and hating a whole category of people. Who would, instead of blaming the perpetrator, would use the crime to attempt to punish their political enemies, knowing that innocent people will suffer because of their repellent political activities.

    At this moment in time, I really cannot articulate how angry this makes me. This isn’t a game, you shouldn’t try to score political points by blaming people who had nothing to do with this crime for this crime.

    These sorts of attacks have happened since the beginning of time. I knew girls growing up who were raped by men they dated. To use this as a political ploy to further the hate against a group of people who had nothing to do with the crime is just sick.
    Oh, and i guess I’m not done.

    I made a good faith effort to see what was actually known and what was made up by Farb’s totally shirt sources. To then get accused of trying to excuse the rape, is just beyond what any normal human being should be capable of.
    This is what I am referring to. This should be unacceptable.

    I’m pretty disgusted by the rank and offensive politicization of these crimes. By people, including Farb, who would use these attacks to justify punishing and hating a whole category of people. Who would, instead of blaming the perpetrator, would use the crime to attempt to punish their political enemies, knowing that innocent people will suffer because of their repellent political activities.

    At this moment in time, I really cannot articulate how angry this makes me. This isn’t a game, you shouldn’t try to score political points by blaming people who had nothing to do with this crime for this crime.

    These sorts of attacks have happened since the beginning of time. I knew girls growing up who were raped by men they dated. To use this as a political ploy to further the hate against a group of people who had nothing to do with the crime is just sick.

    I had no idea you were so passionate about this. I admire your tenacity!
    A couple of things:

    Crimes committed by juveniles are not generally made public, at the very least the alleged perpetrator’s identity is not made public. The school has admitted that they need to do better with this type of situation, although I’m not sure what else they could have done.

    This situation is complicated by the fact that the two were in a sexual relationship and that the girl had agreed to meet him in the bathroom the day of the rape and that is the location they had used for their sexual encounters in the past. It had nothing to do with the bathroom policy that wasn’t in effect yet.

    We do have a legal doctrine that people accused of a crime are to be regarded as innocent until proven guilty. So once this boy is accused of rape, we can’t really just lock him up based on an accusation. His defense is that the sex was consensual. I’m not sure what the school district should do in a case like this.

    He was wearing a skirt. This does not necessarily make him “gender fluid” or trans. It could be a rebellious phase or attention seeking behavior. If he comes out and says he is trans, then he is. And it won’t make a bit of difference in his innocence or guilt. Nor will it say anything about the way trans people should be treated with human dignity.

    I should be clear that my tendency is to believe the girl here. Not only because we have the separate incident of touching at the other school, I would tend to believe her even without that.

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