2024 GOP Presidential Race (4 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    Many of Trump's endorsed candidates did not do well on Nov. 8th.
    Gov. Ron DeSantis DID do well.
    He won convincingly.
    Yet in this OP's opinion, Donald Trump is an egomaniac who is seemingly incapable of putting "Party over Self"
    Trump has ZERO chance of being elected our next president.
    In my opinion, if Trump would just shut up and go away (fat chance of that)...but "if" Trump did that, Gov. Ron DeSantis would have a CHANCE to be a formidable candidate for President in 2024.
    Here is an interesting article on this topic...
    What do any of you think re. Trump vs DeSantis?
    Just as I figured. Walsh is as conservative as it gets, and he stood up for his principles when he knew it would cost him politically. He recognized the threat to democracy that Trump poses, and acted on his loyalty to country over party. Wish we had more conservatives like him, and I don’t think I agree with him on one policy issue.

    No committee judges people who support Trump, the majority of people in this country do. He is a grifter, just factually. Scam university, scam charity. Any other person would have been jailed before now for doing what he did even before he decided to run. There are plenty of people who went to jail for the kind of self-dealing he did with his fake charity alone.

    And he is still, as far as I know, scamming his supporters with pre-checked boxes for recurring donations. We talked about it during the 2020 campaign, and I think there were some lawsuits filed over it. I tested it myself, and what they said was true. You could easily think you were making a one-time donation, and end up with a monthly recurring withdrawal. Came to light when a couple of elderly supporters lost everything they had, which wasn’t much to begin with.

    Why does a billionaire need donations to cover his legal expenses anyway? Why take hard-earned money from the middle class to support your self-inflicted legal woes?
    I actually think that Trump will change the minds of many open minded people during his second term in office. First thing he will do is clean out the filth and Corruption from the Department of Justice and the fbi. Then he will be able to govern without constantly fighting faked Criminal charges.

    At this point, even the farthest of leftists have to see what a disaster Biden's open border policy is. Trump with DeSantis by his side as vice president or as Homeland Security director are the only ones who can turn that around at this point. Many people will secretly be happy about that while publicly excoriating both. Not meaning you, of course.
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    I actually think that Trump will change the minds of many open minded people during his second term in office. First thing he will do is clean out the filth and Corruption from the Department of Justice and the fbi. Then he will be able to govern without constantly fighting faked Criminal charges.

    At this point, even the farthest of leftists have to see what a disaster Biden's open border policy is. Trump with DeSantis by his side as vice president or as Homeland Security director are the only ones who can turn that around at this point. Many people will secretly be happy about that while publicly excoriating both. Not meaning you, of course.
    What a complete load of garbage. It’s actually sad that you think this common conman, who has never had an honest day in his life, cares about filth and corruption, except when he can personally benefit.

    There are no faked criminal charges. Only someone who is delusional thinks anything has been faked.

    Biden is actually slowly getting the border under control. If you could read some actual sources instead of right wing propagandists you would probably have noticed that.

    What Trump means by cleaning out the DOJ and FBI is installing loyalists to him. Not to the rule of law or the US Constitution, because that is basically what we have now with the exception of a few Trump cultists (and there are some who have been obstructing from the inside).

    If Trump gets his wish, he will become our Putin. He openly covets that type of power. And America as we know it will cease to exist. All because some people are so gullible to believe what a consummate liar and conman says.
    I actually think that Trump will change the minds of many open minded people during his second term in office. First thing he will do is clean out the filth and Corruption from the Department of Justice and the fbi. Then he will be able to govern without constantly fighting faked Criminal charges.

    At this point, even the farthest of leftists have to see what a disaster Biden's open border policy is. Trump with DeSantis by his side as vice president or as Homeland Security director are the only ones who can turn that around at this point. Many people will secretly be happy about that while publicly excoriating both. Not meaning you, of course.
    How many people out there do you think there are who are truly open minded? I have to think a large majority of people already have a well-defined opinion of Trump. I'm not so sure there are many people out there who will chamge their minds about him at this point.

    And with this recording of Trump saying the documents he was showing the reporter was from DOD and that he couldn't de-classify them being made public, I suspect more people will drop their support than join him.
    How many people out there do you think there are who are truly open minded? I have to think a large majority of people already have a well-defined opinion of Trump. I'm not so sure there are many people out there who will chamge their minds about him at this point.

    And with this recording of Trump saying the documents he was showing the reporter was from DOD and that he couldn't de-classify them being made public, I suspect more people will drop their support than join him.
    I hope you’re right Dave, but as you can see, the denial of basic facts is well learned muscle memory now among Trump supporters. It’s reflexive.
    I'm not sure what you mean by "early." If opposing Trump is a sign of integrity, there was a whole clown car full of Republicans with Integrity as early as the 2016 primary. Now, in 2023, there are several opponents to Trump in the primary. Some of them really oppose Trump. Do they all have integrity?

    The problem for all those Republicans who had the "integrity" to oppose Trump is that their own voters were sick of them by then. Tired of the rousing speeches about the border, gun rights, right-to-life, and spending cuts inevitably followed by them knuckling under to Democrats.

    I get why Democrats like them, but that's why Republicans do not.

    What is it exactly that you and Republicans want out of government? Do you just want government to be adversarial all of the time? For the two sides to fight to the bitter end on everything and never find any common ground for legislation? Because that is what apparently what all Republicans want (or say they want). You talk about Democrats and anybody that isn't Republican as some evil that you need to defeat and subdue. How do you expect to have a functioning democracy like that? Is that the reason you and other Republicans are constantly turning towards authoritarianism?

    WASHINGTON — The idea is somewhere between conventional wisdom and an article of faith for Democrats: Joe Biden beat Donald Trump once, so he can do it again.

    For Trump’s Republican primary challengers, most notably Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, that concept is a necessary predicate for convincing GOP voters to switch horses after nominating Trump twice.

    But a new NBC News poll released Sunday showed Biden with a relatively narrow 49% to 45% lead over Trump — which falls within the survey’s margin of error and is far lower than the 10 percentage point edge Biden held in NBC’s last poll before the 2020 election. The new survey shows DeSantis, who is less known than Trump, tied with Biden at 47% each.

    Despite an air of confidence from Biden and his team, some Democrats say they believe Trump has a very serious shot at winning back the Oval Office.

    If you think otherwise, you have literally had your head buried in the sand,” said former Rep. Tim Ryan, Democrat of Ohio, who fell short in his bid to woo Trump-friendly voters to his side in a 2022 Senate race against JD Vance. “You’re living in a world of delusion. And it’s dangerous.”

    I think former Representative Ryan goes a little too far. I don't consider any Democrats on here to be dangerously delusional.

    I wonder how a Democrat tried to woo Trump-friendly voters to his side?
    “Trump is a criminal who is using you to become Orange Fuhrer, or is it Cheeto? (Pauses momentarily in thought…), while I’m honestly trying to help you.“ ? :);)
    I'm not sure what you mean by "early." If opposing Trump is a sign of integrity, there was a whole clown car full of Republicans with Integrity as early as the 2016 primary. Now, in 2023, there are several opponents to Trump in the primary. Some of them really oppose Trump. Do they all have integrity?

    The problem for all those Republicans who had the "integrity" to oppose Trump is that their own voters were sick of them by then. Tired of the rousing speeches about the border, gun rights, right-to-life, and spending cuts inevitably followed by them knuckling under to Democrats.

    I get why Democrats like them, but that's why Republicans do not.
    The real issue with today’s Republicans is that the truth is not all it’s cracked up to be, they’ve become professional liars, twist it any way you can for the win, and have become outright anti-Democracy torchbearers pretending to support our Constitution while undermining it because this is what turns on their white-privilege base who does not want to be awake, instead living in their fantasy MAGA world and… We just want to win! :unsure:
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    How many people out there do you think there are who are truly open minded? I have to think a large majority of people already have a well-defined opinion of Trump. I'm not so sure there are many people out there who will chamge their minds about him at this point.
    If the DOJ thought that, they wouldn't be trying so hard to convict him.

    But you may be right, in which case the race will be decided by who can most excite their base to get out and vote
    And with this recording of Trump saying the documents he was showing the reporter was from DOD and that he couldn't de-classify them being made public, I suspect more people will drop their support than join him.
    First of all I can't tell from that recording whether Trump was showing the text of the document or just waving it around which seems more in character for him.

    Doesn't matter, though, as far as the election.

    Trump's support doesn't come from people who think he declassified every document he took with him or that he never shared sensitive information with a journalist off the record. That doesn't affect their lives at all.

    Things like using their children's school as migrant shelters affects them and will get out the vote.
    If the DOJ thought that, they wouldn't be trying so hard to convict him.

    But you may be right, in which case the race will be decided by who can most excite their base to get out and vote

    First of all I can't tell from that recording whether Trump was showing the text of the document or just waving it around which seems more in character for him.

    Doesn't matter, though, as far as the election.

    Trump's support doesn't come from people who think he declassified every document he took with him or that he never shared sensitive information with a journalist off the record. That doesn't affect their lives at all.

    Things like using their children's school as migrant shelters affects them and will get out the vote.
    So, integrity doesn't matter to voters? Yeah, you're probably right on that.
    “Trump is a criminal who is using you to become Orange Fuhrer, or is it Cheeto? (Pauses momentarily in thought…), while I’m honestly trying to help you.“ ? :);)
    What does that have to do with Democrats acknowledging the likelihood of Trump winning the WH in 2024?
    What is it exactly that you and Republicans want out of government? Do you just want government to be adversarial all of the time? For the two sides to fight to the bitter end on everything and never find any common ground for legislation? Because that is what apparently what all Republicans want (or say they want). You talk about Democrats and anybody that isn't Republican as some evil that you need to defeat and subdue. How do you expect to have a functioning democracy like that? Is that the reason you and other Republicans are constantly turning towards authoritarianism?
    You honestly don't realize that by posting that paragraph about adversarial government while only criticizing Republicans ("all" Republicans) for it, you are guilty of what you complain about?
    You honestly don't realize that by posting that paragraph about adversarial government while only criticizing Republicans ("all" Republicans) for it, you are guilty of what you complain about?

    No. I'm asking you a question about what Republicans want from government. Just answer that.

    You can complain about Democrats and make fun of all of the trans people you want to, but if we're going to have a functioning government in a pluralistic society, like we have, that means that neither side is going to get everything they want. By the very nature of having a pluralistic society, there needs to be comprise in government. But Republicans punish fellow Republicans while criticizing and demonizing government for any such compromise. So how do you expect to have a functioning government and country?
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    On Monday, Republican presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pledged to end birthright citizenship if elected president in 2024, a position shared by former President Donald Trump. Neither are likely to succeed, however, without the help of the courts.

    At a press conference in Texas, DeSantis said he would "take action to end the idea that the children of illegal aliens are entitled to birthright citizenship if they are born in the United States."

    While president, Trump promised to end birthright citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants via executive order, though he never followed through with the promise.

    DeSantis, however, did not detail how, exactly, he planned to address the issue and simply said that it would be up to "the courts and Congress."

    "Dangling the prize of citizenship to the future offspring of illegal immigrants is a major driver of illegal migration," DeSantis said. "It is also inconsistent with the original understanding of 14th Amendment, and we will force the courts and Congress to finally address this failed policy."................

    No. I'm asking you a question about what Republicans want from government. Just answer that.
    I cannot speak for all republicans, because Republicans are not a homogeneous group. There is a split between Trumpets and never Trumpets and smaller factions among those two groups.

    However, there is a set of stated goals common to most Reps. They would be more widely known if not for all the noise created by the weaponized government going after Trump.

    They include securing the border, focusing on education not indoctrination in schools, reducing regulation of our personal lives and the economy and slowing the borrow and spend train wreck.

    Reasonable Republicans who want to talk about these issues are asked instead about Trump.

    I fear that the obsession with Trump will not die with him.

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