2024 GOP Presidential Race (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    Many of Trump's endorsed candidates did not do well on Nov. 8th.
    Gov. Ron DeSantis DID do well.
    He won convincingly.
    Yet in this OP's opinion, Donald Trump is an egomaniac who is seemingly incapable of putting "Party over Self"
    Trump has ZERO chance of being elected our next president.
    In my opinion, if Trump would just shut up and go away (fat chance of that)...but "if" Trump did that, Gov. Ron DeSantis would have a CHANCE to be a formidable candidate for President in 2024.
    Here is an interesting article on this topic...
    What do any of you think re. Trump vs DeSantis?
    My take is that there is a sizable portion of the electorate that will never vote for a woman. This crosses political party lines, IMO. Lots of Bernie Bros wouldn’t vote for Clinton.

    In the 7 years since 2016, IMO, this sentiment has grown a lot on the R side, but maybe lessened a bit on the D side. The R side has gotten significantly worse than the D side has gotten better, if I had to guess. To the point that the Rs will not nominate a woman. IMO.
    My take is that there is a sizable portion of the electorate that will never vote for a woman. This crosses political party lines, IMO. Lots of Bernie Bros wouldn’t vote for Clinton.

    In the 7 years since 2016, IMO, this sentiment has grown a lot on the R side, but maybe lessened a bit on the D side. The R side has gotten significantly worse than the D side has gotten better, if I had to guess. To the point that the Rs will not nominate a woman. IMO.
    In the general I can see a lot of Republicans not wanting to vote for not just a woman, but a brown skinned Asian woman whose parents are practising Sikhs. But I can also see a lot of moderates, women in particular, who normally vote Democrat crossing over to support her.

    The trick for her is she'd have to get through the primary, and right now she's fighting with Ramaswamy for third place in the polls.
    In the general I can see a lot of Republicans not wanting to vote for not just a woman, but a brown skinned Asian woman whose parents are practising Sikhs. But I can also see a lot of moderates, women in particular, who normally vote Democrat crossing over to support her.

    The trick for her is she'd have to get through the primary, and right now she's fighting with Ramaswamy for third place in the polls.
    Nope. I cannot see any Democratic women voting for her. Period. We are not fooled by her mealy-mouthed ideas on abortion bans plus we don’t trust her to keep her word.
    GOP mega-donors are panicking and some are meeting with Youngkin. Which leads to a threat from MAGA, of course.

    GOP mega-donors are panicking and some are meeting with Youngkin. Which leads to a threat from MAGA, of course.

    I think this is not Younkin's time. Nothing to do with threats...or MAGA...or anything like that. He is still young. Why run now?
    I think this is not Younkin's time. Nothing to do with threats...or MAGA...or anything like that. He is still young. Why run now?
    I think the donors will pressure him to run to save the Republican Party from Trump. Because Trump running means Rs will lose. They will tell him it’s his duty to the Party, especially since DeSantis has crashed and burned.
    I think the donors will pressure him to run to save the Republican Party from Trump. Because Trump running means Rs will lose. They will tell him it’s his duty to the Party, especially since DeSantis has crashed and burned.
    I understand that. I totally agree with what you said. What I am saying is: He should ignore the pressure. Shrug it off. It is not his destiny to run in 2024. It is not my responsibility to save the country and vote for Biden and it is not Younkin's responsibility to save the GOP and run now. He should be the best Governor of Virginia he can possibly be and then if he feels "called to run" he can run in 2028. That would be better timing than this Biden Trump mess.
    She could win.. if she could gain the nomination which she won't.

    We are still barreling towards having Trump as the nominee and I just don't see that changing.
    We have not had the Iowa Caucus or New Hampshire primary yet. Since the voting has not even begun, things....COULD....happen. They could!
    I think that there could be a "jump on the Haley bandwagon" movement given some more time.
    Anti Trump people like me are on the lookout for someone to emerge from the pack.
    Nope. I cannot see any Democratic women voting for her. Period. We are not fooled by her mealy-mouthed ideas on abortion bans plus we don’t trust her to keep her word.
    I have plenty of Democratic Women colleagues working in the 2 elementary schools I teach in.
    I think I will ask SOME of them if they had a choice between Biden and Haley....who would they vote for?
    I'll eventually report my informal findings. It will not be soon. I'm busy and so are they.
    I'm traveling tonight. I gotta cook dinner and then I'll be out until late.
    I will look back here tomorrow and see how people have responded to my opinions.
    Remember, I am just having fun as daydream what it would be like if I had any power to put together a ticket.
    Obviously I don't.
    Wait, so do you want people to comment on your posts or not?
    Robert F Kennedy Jr is reported to be ending his challenge to Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination and run instead as an independent candidate, in a move that could upset the 2024 race for the White House.

    Kennedy, 69 and a scion of a famous political dynasty – a son of the former US attorney general and New York senator Robert F Kennedy, and a nephew of the former president John F Kennedy – will announce his run in Pennsylvania on 9 October, according to Mediaite.

    “Bobby feels that the Democratic National Committee is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go,” the website quoted a “Kennedy campaign insider” as saying.

    Whether Kennedy; Cornel West, the Green party pick; or a notional nominee backed by No Labels, a supposedly centrist group, a third-party candidate is widely seen to be likely to peel more support from Biden than the likely Republican nominee, Donald Trump, thereby potentially handing the presidency to the Republican.……

    Wait, so do you want people to comment on your posts or not?
    I did mean to convey that people could comment and I would respond today. Yet last night around the midnight hour (EST) I didn't feel ready to sleep so I responded to a few people ...especially @MT15.. and I posted some more comments myself. Here I am yet again the next morning to see if there were additional notifications.
    Yours is/was the only one presented on my notification bell.
    I just came back to provide Brandon some additional thoughts.
    Hey Brandon....the way I look at it is:
    If I post my opinions, then I should invest some time answering people who respond to my opinions.
    Yet if I post a Yahoo news article so others can enjoy that article, I don't feel the need to respond to people's questions on that article. As explained numerous times in the past, I post articles on the threads in which I am the OP of those threads to make the threads interesting for those who participate in them...I'm just being a good thread host.
    Have a nice weekend, Brandon.
    Last edited:
    Robert F Kennedy Jr is reported to be ending his challenge to Joe Biden for the Democratic presidential nomination and run instead as an independent candidate, in a move that could upset the 2024 race for the White House.

    Kennedy, 69 and a scion of a famous political dynasty – a son of the former US attorney general and New York senator Robert F Kennedy, and a nephew of the former president John F Kennedy – will announce his run in Pennsylvania on 9 October, according to Mediaite.

    “Bobby feels that the Democratic National Committee is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy so an independent run is the only way to go,” the website quoted a “Kennedy campaign insider” as saying.

    Whether Kennedy; Cornel West, the Green party pick; or a notional nominee backed by No Labels, a supposedly centrist group, a third-party candidate is widely seen to be likely to peel more support from Biden than the likely Republican nominee, Donald Trump, thereby potentially handing the presidency to the Republican.……

    I think Bobby will pull some support from Trump, but apparently the I’m in the minority there. I don’t see hardly any Biden voters being swayed by his crazy, Q adjacent BS. I read just yesterday he is being bankrolled by some anti-Trump R donors, though, so maybe I’m not the only one who thinks he pulls from Trump?

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