2024 GOP Presidential Race (4 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    Many of Trump's endorsed candidates did not do well on Nov. 8th.
    Gov. Ron DeSantis DID do well.
    He won convincingly.
    Yet in this OP's opinion, Donald Trump is an egomaniac who is seemingly incapable of putting "Party over Self"
    Trump has ZERO chance of being elected our next president.
    In my opinion, if Trump would just shut up and go away (fat chance of that)...but "if" Trump did that, Gov. Ron DeSantis would have a CHANCE to be a formidable candidate for President in 2024.
    Here is an interesting article on this topic...
    What do any of you think re. Trump vs DeSantis?
    "I'm not sure if he's willing to go as far as he needs to, but that's his path."

    I don't think it matters how far he (Christie) goes, if Trump's base hasn't abandoned him by now they aren't going to.
    I also believe that if someone else does somehow get the Republican nomination, at least half of Trump's base will not vote for the Republican in the general election, because they will believe Trump's whining that the Republicans rigged the election and stole the nomination from him. No Republican candidate can win the general without nearly 100% of the votes from Trump supporters.

    Counterintuitively, I think Trump is the best chance the Republicans have at winning the presidency, even though I don't think it's a very good chance.
    How can you be president if you don't even have the balls to stand up to trump? the guy s a big baby if you cant handle him how would you handle china or Russia? hell I could see trump calling them and demanding things they give him
    ……..So, instead of arguing that Trump has been bad for the Republican Party, the 2024 field is mired in a futile argument over which of them is the most like Donald Trump.

    Nearly all of the candidates seem to be saying they’re more palatable than Trump — but definitely still like Trump!

    “I give him credit, even though we’re competing, for the great things he did do,” Ron DeSantis recently said. “But one of the things he did not do was drain the swamp.” In other words: I’m just like Trump and have the same priorities as he does, and I can finish the job he started.

    Mike Pence loses no opportunity to say “I’m proud of what we accomplished during the four years of the Trump-Pence administration.” He’s Trump but without the election-stealing.

    Almost every candidate is offering themselves as Trump-plus-or-minus-something, with the “something” varying from candidate to candidate.

    Nikki Haley is Trump — but younger and female. Tim Scott is Trump in policy — but more friendly.

    Chris Christie is rude and combative like Trump — but with a respect for institutions and laws.

    To be fair, Christie is one of a few candidates who aren’t afraid to take Trump on directly: former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson and former Texas congressman Will Hurd are the others.

    But Christie is the only one not struggling in the back of the pack. The other two haven’t qualified for the first debate.

    Of all the candidates, Vivek Ramaswamy is the most curious. He seems to be running to be a Trump surrogate on cable news.

    Ramaswamy is essentially a Trump hype man, whose entire campaign is the political equivalent of someone standing a few feet away chanting, “Go Donald! Go Donald!”

    If that’s a bit of a caricature, just wait until you see the candidates hem and haw when asked in this week’s debate why they and not Trump should be president. Whatever they say, it’s unlikely to amount to a coherent argument……

    He's an insult to poo.

    His "bold ideas!" are mostly wildly displaced, based on pure factual error, or completely unrealistic. Several of them (including ending birthright citizenship and raising the voting age) would literally require constitutional amendment. And most of the others would require major legislation to accomplish - like restructuring the executive branch and overhauling federal employment. NONE of those things is going to happen and it's not just because they're hard to achieve - but because there are strong and important counterarguments that will ensure that they don't happen.

    He's like the junior high kid who runs for student council on a platform of longer recess and no homework.
    Last edited:
    Even in the face of growing personal legal peril, Donald Trump summoned his top economic advisers to his private golf club in New Jersey for a two-hour dinner last Wednesday night to map out a trade-focused economic plan for his presidential bid.

    Trump and top aides — including former senior White House officials Larry Kudlow and Brooke Rollins, as well as outside advisers Stephen Moore and former House speaker Newt Gingrich — spent the dinner discussing how Trump could attack President Biden in the 2024 election on the economy, amid a recent spate of positive economic news that has buoyed Biden’s fortunes, according to three people familiar with the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the private event.

    Among the ideas they discussed was Trump’s plan to enact a “universal baseline tariff” on virtually all imports to the United States, the people said. This idea, which Trump has taken to describing as creating a “ring around the U.S. economy,” could represent a massive escalation of global economic chaos, surpassing the international trade discord that marked much of his first administration.

    Trump’s advisers have for months discussed various potential levels to set the tariff rate, and they say the plan remains a work in progress with major questions left unresolved, the people said.

    On Fox Business on Thursday, the former president publicly called for setting this tariff at 10 percent “automatically” for all countries — a move that experts warn could lead to higher prices for consumers throughout the economy, and likely lead to a global trade war……..

    Economists of both parties say Trump’s tariff proposal is extremely dangerous. Adam Posen, president of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, a D.C.-based think tank, called the idea “lunacy” and “horrifying” and said it would lead the world’s other major economies to conclude the United States cannot be trusted as a trading partner. Although aimed at bolstering domestic production, a 10 percent tariff would hurt the thousands of U.S. firms that depend on imports, while also crippling the thousands of U.S. firms that depend on foreign export markets, Posen said.

    Currently, the United States imposes an average tariff on imports of just above 3 percent, according to Posen. That number is higher for some countries, with Chinese goods facing an average import duty of 19 percent.

    “You’d be depriving American families of an enormous amount of choice, making their lives much more expensive, and putting millions of people out of work,” Posen said.…..


    DeSantis Targets Disney Florida Workers' 'Unethical' Perks To Save 'Millions Of Dollars' In Free Passes, Discounts​

    I work in a warehouse at plant. Vendors bring us food periodically. But at one time, we used to bring us lunches and some nice vendor merchandise (cups, hats, shirts, etc). One day the new head of purchasing decided that wasn't ethical becuase we could give them special treatment, which was crazy because we were not able to make any decisions on what we got from who. But do you know his team in the front office was an exception on getting that stuff? That is what i equate this to, I have no doubt DeSantis takes perks all day everyday while telling this board its unethical to do. Sad...


    DeSantis Targets Disney Florida Workers' 'Unethical' Perks To Save 'Millions Of Dollars' In Free Passes, Discounts​

    I work in a warehouse at plant. Vendors bring us food periodically. But at one time, we used to bring us lunches and some nice vendor merchandise (cups, hats, shirts, etc). One day the new head of purchasing decided that wasn't ethical becuase we could give them special treatment, which was crazy because we were not able to make any decisions on what we got from who. But do you know his team in the front office was an exception on getting that stuff? That is what i equate this to, I have no doubt DeSantis takes perks all day everyday while telling this board its unethical to do. Sad...

    HIS ENTIRE CAMPAIGN is financed by "monetary PERKS".

    aka send me $$ and ill look out for your best interest.

    This dude is a moron.

    LOL he going after Disney or the previous board members that accepted perks?

    This is about to open a can of "what did i just do" for him...state/nationally. He best hope he NEVER took a single solitary "freebee" or his entire case is shot.
    HIS ENTIRE CAMPAIGN is financed by "monetary PERKS".

    aka send me $$ and ill look out for your best interest.

    This dude is a moron.

    LOL he going after Disney or the previous board members that accepted perks?

    This is about to open a can of "what did i just do" for him...state/nationally. He best hope he NEVER took a single solitary "freebee" or his entire case is shot.
    Just ask the guy in the TN legislature about that..lol
    HIS ENTIRE CAMPAIGN is financed by "monetary PERKS".

    aka send me $$ and ill look out for your best interest.

    This dude is a moron.

    LOL he going after Disney or the previous board members that accepted perks?

    This is about to open a can of "what did i just do" for him...state/nationally. He best hope he NEVER took a single solitary "freebee" or his entire case is shot.
    Not only that but he is punishing Disney employees for one of the perks they get for working there. Not the corporation itself - it will hurt their rank and file.
    Not only that but he is punishing Disney employees for one of the perks they get for working there. Not the corporation itself - it will hurt their rank and file.

    and a good portion of them are INTERNS ( my college daughter has 2 friend there NOW on internship for semester )
    HIS ENTIRE CAMPAIGN is financed by "monetary PERKS".

    aka send me $$ and ill look out for your best interest.

    This dude is a moron.

    LOL he going after Disney or the previous board members that accepted perks?

    This is about to open a can of "what did i just do" for him...state/nationally. He best hope he NEVER took a single solitary "freebee" or his entire case is shot.
    I thought he said he was done with Disney???

    DeSantis Targets Disney Florida Workers' 'Unethical' Perks To Save 'Millions Of Dollars' In Free Passes, Discounts​

    I work in a warehouse at plant. Vendors bring us food periodically. But at one time, we used to bring us lunches and some nice vendor merchandise (cups, hats, shirts, etc). One day the new head of purchasing decided that wasn't ethical becuase we could give them special treatment, which was crazy because we were not able to make any decisions on what we got from who. But do you know his team in the front office was an exception on getting that stuff? That is what i equate this to, I have no doubt DeSantis takes perks all day everyday while telling this board its unethical to do. Sad...

    Are those board members state employees? Most states have rules about gifts and freebies state employees can accept. If Florida does, then either they can or they can’t.
    Are those board members state employees? Most states have rules about gifts and freebies state employees can accept. If Florida does, then either they can or they can’t.
    Yea, actually, DeSantis may have a point here.
    Yea, actually, DeSantis may have a point here.

    When it was the self-governing Reedy Creek Improvement District, I don't think it was part of the state government. The employee perks where likely the same as Disney gave to its other employees. Now that DeSantis took away the self governing district, all of those district employees are now government employees, so some limits probably apply. It sucks for them, but it's especially dickish for DeSantis to make an issue of it and spot light it.

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