2024 GOP Presidential Race (1 Viewer)

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    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    Many of Trump's endorsed candidates did not do well on Nov. 8th.
    Gov. Ron DeSantis DID do well.
    He won convincingly.
    Yet in this OP's opinion, Donald Trump is an egomaniac who is seemingly incapable of putting "Party over Self"
    Trump has ZERO chance of being elected our next president.
    In my opinion, if Trump would just shut up and go away (fat chance of that)...but "if" Trump did that, Gov. Ron DeSantis would have a CHANCE to be a formidable candidate for President in 2024.
    Here is an interesting article on this topic...
    What do any of you think re. Trump vs DeSantis?
    NEOLA, Iowa — Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, the Senate’s lone Black Republican, tells voters in early voting states that he’s been called the n-word by some critics on the left, who deride him as a token for rejecting their conception of a widely racist America.

    Former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, an Indian American and the first woman of color to lead her state, warns primary voters that focusing on racial division amounts to nothing more than “woke self-loathing.”

    Biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who is also Indian American, decries the corrosive “cult of racial woke-ism,” which he says turns those who dissent from an accepted racial orthodoxy into “pariahs in your own community.”

    The three politicians are among a record six minorities seeking the Republican nomination for president, and are often held up by party leaders as dynamic figures who can expand the GOP’s appeal in a more pluralistic America.

    But as they address almost entirely White audiences in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, they also echo a complaint made mostly by White conservatives — that the country has focused too heavily on systemic racism.

    It’s a view that puts them sharply at odds with many other Americans, including most people of color, and showcases the challenge of being a minority candidate seeking to lead a party that downplays the pervasiveness of racial discrimination…….

    For White and non-White GOP candidates alike, attacks on “woke” attitudes have become a go-to way of saying that Democrats’ embrace of Black and LGBTQ+ priorities defies common sense.

    That message is delivered with gusto by the GOP candidates of color now stumping through Iowa and New Hampshire, which hold the party’s first nominating caucus and primary respectively. In both states, nine of every 10 people are White.

    In a recent ad, Scott charged that “the radical left is indoctrinating our children, teaching CRT instead of ABC,” a reference to critical race theory, which contends that bias is inherent in many parts of society. Scott often cites what he calls the “culture of grievance” and “victimhood” stoked by Democrats.

    At a campaign appearance in Davenport, Iowa, Scott described the racism his grandfather faced growing up in South Carolina in the 1920s. But the progress America has made since then, Scott said, is precisely what shows how great the country is…..

    Polls suggest the forceful downplaying of racism in America carries political risk. Just 8 percent of Black Americans say they agree with Republicans on policies involving racial minorities, while 55 percent agree with the Democrats and 35 percent with neither, according to a Pew Research Center poll in June.

    In Georgia, a key swing state, Biden won Black voters by 88 percent to 11 percent in 2020, likely providing the decisive margin.

    Theodore Johnson, director of the Us@250 initiative at New America, said the GOP candidates’ arguments are aimed more at the Republican base than the electorate at large.

    “I just think they want to win,” said Johnson, an expert on the intersection of race and politics. “The path to victory in the Republican primary, where probably 95 percent of primary voters are White and probably half of those, if not a little bit more, love Trump — you can’t show up to that crowd and say, ‘We need to do better on race’ and expect to be the presidential nominee.”…….

    NEW YORK (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis is replacing his campaign manager as the Florida governor continues to reset his stagnant presidential campaign.

    The Florida governor is bringing on James Uthmeier, his chief of staff from his state office, to serve as his campaign manager, replacing Generra Peck, who led DeSantis’reelection campaign last year before jumping into the same role on his presidential bid.

    Peck will stay on as a strategist.

    The changes come after DeSantis made two big staff cuts in the past few weeks, laying off about a third of his staff in late July as the campaign faced financial trouble.

    “James Uthmeier has been one of Governor DeSantis’ top advisers for years, and he is needed where it matters most: working hand in hand with Generra Peck and the rest of the team to put the governor in the best possible position to win this primary and defeat Joe Biden,” campaign spokesman Andrew Romeo said in a statement.…..

    Always a good sign when you are laying off 1/3 of your staff and replacing your campaign manager in August...The year before the election.

    I can't wait to see Christie get a hold of him in the debate. Without Cheeto Mussolini, Meatball Ron is the next biggest target. He is just so awkward.

    Speaking of debates and Meatball Ron, did you see his rule demands for his debate with Newsom? Looks like someone else knows how bad he would do in a fair debate.

    Newsom's team's response was great, though
    Always a good sign when you are laying off 1/3 of your staff and replacing your campaign manager in August...The year before the election.

    I can't wait to see Christie get a hold of him in the debate. Without Cheeto Mussolini, Meatball Ron is the next biggest target. He is just so awkward.

    Speaking of debates and Meatball Ron, did you see his rule demands for his debate with Newsom? Looks like someone else knows how bad he would do in a fair debate.

    Newsom's team's response was great, though

    I just Googled it to see. Unsurprisingly, DeSantis is a joke.
    I have had the pleasure of a cruise from Copenhagen Denmark to Norway. My wife and I are waiting to board our flight to return home. I have been out of touch since we flew out of Philadelphia on the evening of July 29th. What are any major stores I have missed?
    I have had the pleasure of a cruise from Copenhagen Denmark to Norway. My wife and I are waiting to board our flight to return home. I have been out of touch since we flew out of Philadelphia on the evening of July 29th. What are any major stores I have missed?

    Hope you had a nice time. Trump got indicted for four federal charges relating to the post-election 2020/2021. And DeSantis fired his campaign manager. That’s about it as far as big stories go.
    Man, I've been ferrying my ex-wife's kid (also mine) around like an damn Uber driver since he was born and thankfully nobody around me has had cancer. I didn't know that was worthy of recognition or required her having cancer for me to do. Is that something only gay dad's do :scratch:?

    Those two are so akward and :loco: .

    Man, I've been ferrying my ex-wife's kid (also mine) around like an damn Uber driver since he was born and thankfully nobody around me has had cancer. I didn't know that was worthy of recognition or required her having cancer for me to do. Is that something only gay dad's do :scratch:?

    Those two are so akward and :loco: .

    I'll go ahead and take this opportunity to acknowledge just how wrong I was following the 2022 election regarding DeSantis' chances at taking down Trump for the nomination.

    I certainly did not appreciate just how bad of a candidate he would be on the national stage and I thought Republicans would view him as having a better chance of defeating Biden.. which they don't.

    It's not that he wasn't ready for the big stage.. it's that he's not built for the big stage.
    I'll go ahead and take this opportunity to acknowledge just how wrong I was following the 2022 election regarding DeSantis' chances at taking down Trump for the nomination.

    I certainly did not appreciate just how bad of a candidate he would be on the national stage and I thought Republicans would view him as having a better chance of defeating Biden.. which they don't.

    It's not that he wasn't ready for the big stage.. it's that he's not built for the big stage.
    i have family in Florida. My dad asked his sister if she would rather have Desantis as Preisdent, she said no, They love Desantis, but only as Gov because he is good for the state, but Trump is the only one they want for President.
    I am not sure Desantis will win Fla in the primaries.
    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suspended the Orlando-area state attorney Wednesday, saying she was “clearly and fundamentally derelict” in her duty.
DeSantis removed Monique Worrell, a Democrat, from her job as the chief prosecutor for Florida’s Ninth Judicial Circuit Court at a brief news conference in Tallahassee.

    It’s the second time in a year that the governor, who is running for the Republican presidential nomination, suspended an elected Democrat from office.

    “The state of Florida is a law-and-order state,” DeSantis said from the room of the Florida Cabinet. “Refusing to faithfully enforce the laws of Florida puts our communities in danger and victimizes innocent Floridians.”

    Worrell called the move “a political hit job” by a “weak dictator.”
“This is a smokescreen for his failing and disastrous presidential campaign,” Worrell said at a news conference outside her office in Orlando.

    The action by the governor, who has largely been absent from Florida as he campaigns in early primary states such as Iowa and New Hampshire, came five days after two Orlando police officers were shot and injured during a traffic stop. The suspected shooter was later killed by SWAT officers.

    The local police union accused Worrell of being “soft on crime,” on Monday — a theme DeSantis echoed Wednesday.
The suspect, Daton Viel, 28, had a long criminal history and had been arrested in March for sexual assault against a child but was released on bond.

    “Bond is something that individuals are entitled to as a matter of law. In this case, the court determined that this individual was entitled to bond,” Worrell said at a news conference earlier this week defending her office. “I don’t determine who gets out of jail. All I do is uphold the law.”

    But DeSantis’s office has had Worrell under scrutiny for more than a year. Worrell, the state attorney for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court, which includes Orange and Osceola counties, was elected in 2020 with 66 percent of the vote. She ran as a liberal prosecutor who promised “restorative justice.” She said crime rates have fallen in Orlando since she took office.

    “Three years ago, I was elected to do things unconventionally, to do things differently,” she said. “I didn’t hide. I did exactly what I said I would do, and that’s what you want from elected officials.”

    Worrell, the second African American elected to the position and the first of Caribbean descent, said she will continue her reelection bid…….

    Hope you had a nice time. Trump got indicted for four federal charges relating to the post-election 2020/2021. And DeSantis fired his campaign manager. That’s about it as far as big stories go.
    Thank you. I am in Toronto awaiting my connecting flight to Philadelphia.
    The US Women’s World Cup Soccer team lost in an unexpected early round defeat to Sweden this weekend – and Donald Trump, as he is wont to do, decided to make it all about him and his relentlessly bleak vision of an America in decline.

    Most presidents try to offer a message of optimism and uplift. They look for US victories to cheer on, in sports and most other realms. Trump, in contrast, revels in evidence of failure, loss, and despair. He is a politician who thrives in misery, like an orange dung beetle wallowing in filth.

    Trump shared his joy at the athlete’s defeat by posting a rabid attack on the women’s team, claiming that their loss was “emblematic of what is happening to the our [sic] once great Nation under Crooked Joe Biden” and attacking the players for being supposedly “openly hostile to America.” He concluded, “WOKE EQUALS FAILURE. Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!!! MAGA”.

    It’s hardly surprising that Trump singled out Megan Rapinoe, not as the team captain who missed a penalty shot, but as someone who has openly criticized Trump in the past. Rapinoe preemptively said she would not visit the White House if the team won the tournament in 2019– which they did.

    Trump, the pettiest president who ever lived, never lets go of a grudge.

    What is striking about the attack, however, is how quickly Trump slides from a soccer defeat to a sweeping jeremiad about the US sinking into the abyss.

    Obviously, his argument doesn’t make logical sense. Rapinoe’s politics were liberal and anti-Trump in 2019 when she won – it’s not like Joe Biden’s victory magically turned the women’s soccer team into losing leftists.

    But Trump has never cared much about logic. His rant is pure emotion, and that emotion is a kind of resentful glee. He’s a confused preacher reveling in the good news that God is going to smite his enemies. “The USA is going to Hell” and Trump is standing on the edge of the abyss looking down and smiling…….

    The US Women’s World Cup Soccer team lost in an unexpected early round defeat to Sweden this weekend – and Donald Trump, as he is wont to do, decided to make it all about him and his relentlessly bleak vision of an America in decline.

    Most presidents try to offer a message of optimism and uplift. They look for US victories to cheer on, in sports and most other realms. Trump, in contrast, revels in evidence of failure, loss, and despair. He is a politician who thrives in misery, like an orange dung beetle wallowing in filth.

    Trump shared his joy at the athlete’s defeat by posting a rabid attack on the women’s team, claiming that their loss was “emblematic of what is happening to the our [sic] once great Nation under Crooked Joe Biden” and attacking the players for being supposedly “openly hostile to America.” He concluded, “WOKE EQUALS FAILURE. Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!!! MAGA”.

    It’s hardly surprising that Trump singled out Megan Rapinoe, not as the team captain who missed a penalty shot, but as someone who has openly criticized Trump in the past. Rapinoe preemptively said she would not visit the White House if the team won the tournament in 2019– which they did.

    Trump, the pettiest president who ever lived, never lets go of a grudge.

    What is striking about the attack, however, is how quickly Trump slides from a soccer defeat to a sweeping jeremiad about the US sinking into the abyss.

    Obviously, his argument doesn’t make logical sense. Rapinoe’s politics were liberal and anti-Trump in 2019 when she won – it’s not like Joe Biden’s victory magically turned the women’s soccer team into losing leftists.

    But Trump has never cared much about logic. His rant is pure emotion, and that emotion is a kind of resentful glee. He’s a confused preacher reveling in the good news that God is going to smite his enemies. “The USA is going to Hell” and Trump is standing on the edge of the abyss looking down and smiling…….

    It’s stuff like this that shows just how horrible of a human being and an American he is. It’s completely disgusting and he needs to be kicked in the balls.

    Why anyone thinks he’s a great person is shockingly hard to imagine - I just don’t get it. He’s a massive piece of shirt

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