2024 GOP Presidential Race (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    Many of Trump's endorsed candidates did not do well on Nov. 8th.
    Gov. Ron DeSantis DID do well.
    He won convincingly.
    Yet in this OP's opinion, Donald Trump is an egomaniac who is seemingly incapable of putting "Party over Self"
    Trump has ZERO chance of being elected our next president.
    In my opinion, if Trump would just shut up and go away (fat chance of that)...but "if" Trump did that, Gov. Ron DeSantis would have a CHANCE to be a formidable candidate for President in 2024.
    Here is an interesting article on this topic...
    What do any of you think re. Trump vs DeSantis?
    An African American man whose grandfather dropped out of school to pick cotton. A daughter of Indian immigrants raised in the Sikh faith. A son of Cuban immigrants, an Indian-American entrepreneur, a Black talk radio host and a former undercover CIA officer who is mixed race.

    A casual observer might assume that these candidates for the White House in 2024 must be from the same Democratic party that produced Barack Obama. In fact, they are all contenders in the Republican presidential primary field – the most diverse in the party’s history.

    But what should be an important breakthrough for a party long criticised for racist dog-whistling is overshadowed by some significant caveats. First, the opinion polls are dominated by Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, two white men whose words and deeds have alienated many Black voters.

    Second, they are, critics say, seeking to benefit from identity politics and deny the existence of racism at the same time. Senator Tim Scott, former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, Miami mayor Francis Suarez, biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, conservative radio host Larry Elder and ex-congressman Will Hurd refer to their own struggles but are reluctant to acknowledge a wider social and historical context.…….

    Now the presidential primary candidates vying to take on Joe Biden, an 80-year-old white man, seem unwilling to discuss racial politics, except in the past tense or with an individual anecdote rather than a societal diagnosis. Haley, the first Asian American woman to compete for the Republican nomination, has described the discrimination that she and her family suffered as immigrants in the south while rejecting the idea of systemic racism.

    Launching his presidential campaign, Scott, the sole Black Republican in the Senate, spoke of feeling angry and disillusioned until a mentor “told me in the most loving way possible to look in the mirror and to blame myself”, leading Scott to choose “personal responsibility over resentment. I became the master of my fate.”

    It was a message that implied: if Scott could live the American dream, any Black person can. He accordingly likes to frequently swipe at the left with lines such as, “My life disrupts their narrative. The truth of my life disrupts their lies,” – even though has in in the past described incidents in which he was racially profiled by police, including US Capitol police.

    Steele, for one, is not impressed. He said: “Tim knows me, he knows I’m not going to sugarcoat shirt; I’m going to be straight up. That’s just playing to a white audience because that’s not his own experience. He’s the one who told us of the time he was profiled as a member of Congress. So what are you talking about?……….

    I'm sure that's true.
    That is not my problem.
    If Trump and Biden are on the ballot and I have an option for Joe Manchin then that's what I'm doing.
    That's crazy say many.
    Too bad.
    I'm responsible for my vote. The weight of the country does not fall on my shoulders.
    I'm sure that's true.
    That is not my problem.
    If Trump and Biden are on the ballot and I have an option for Joe Manchin then that's what I'm doing.
    That's crazy say many.
    Too bad.
    I'm responsible for my vote. The weight of the country does not fall on my shoulders.
    That's an interesting question. If you believe that Trump is dangerous to America's democracy, and I certainly do, is it my responsibility to do whatever helps to keep Trump out of the White House? I would say that, "the weight of the country", is my primary responsibility.
    That's an interesting question. If you believe that Trump is dangerous to America's democracy, and I certainly do, is it my responsibility to do whatever helps to keep Trump out of the White House? I would say that, "the weight of the country", is my primary responsibility.
    Well that's you.
    I can't vote for Biden.
    I can't vote for Trump.
    IF...IF...the voters of America send those two men to "The Finals"...to use a sports analogy...then it is THEIR fault...not mine.
    I'm doing what I can to convince conservatives not to send Trump to the convention as the winner. If Trump is NOT the GOP nominee...then problem solved!
    Well that's you.
    I can't vote for Biden.
    I can't vote for Trump.
    IF...IF...the voters of America send those two men to "The Finals"...to use a sports analogy...then it is THEIR fault...not mine.
    I'm doing what I can to convince conservatives not to send Trump to the convention as the winner. If Trump is NOT the GOP nominee...then problem solved!
    Well, I certainly don't want to vote for Biden but if we have a rerun of 2016 I'm going to do whatever I can to keep Trump out of the White House. Biden is a weak leader and an ineffective president, but Trump is a danger to the life of this republic.
    Well, I certainly don't want to vote for Biden but if we have a rerun of 2016 I'm going to do whatever I can to keep Trump out of the White House. Biden is a weak leader and an ineffective president, but Trump is a danger to the life of this republic.
    If people can't see this, our country will be in serious trouble, and I'll be out of here before Trump takes office. When the choices are between Trump and anyone else, you vote against Trump every time. If you don't (whether no vote or third party throwaway vote), then you really don't care about the country. It's really that simple.
    If people can't see this, our country will be in serious trouble, and I'll be out of here before Trump takes office. When the choices are between Trump and anyone else, you vote against Trump every time. If you don't (whether no vote or third party throwaway vote), then you really don't care about the country. It's really that simple.
    Dave.....Dave....you can't say I don't care about my country if I don't vote the way you say I should.
    To use a Biden catch phrase:
    Come on man!
    Dave.....Dave....you can't say I don't care about my country if I don't vote the way you say I should.
    To use a Biden catch phrase:
    Come on man!
    Sure I can. That's how I feel about it. At some point, you have to put the good of the country ahead of your own feelings. Trump is simply that much of a threat to our country. I hope it doesn't come to that, but we'll see.
    How can people say Biden has been and ineffective and weak leader? By what metric? :shrug:

    Objectively speaking, he's been a very effective and strong presdident in his first term. I get that voters don't want an 80-year old president, but that's different than saying Biden has been ineffective and weak in his first term.
    Dave.....Dave....you can't say I don't care about my country if I don't vote the way you say I should.
    To use a Biden catch phrase:
    Come on man!

    If you honestly believe that there may not be a country anymore if Trump wins then I disagree, especially if you are in a swing state

    If you are in California or Alabama it most likely doesn't matter who you vote for, or if you don't vote at all
    Sure I can. That's how I feel about it. At some point, you have to put the good of the country ahead of your own feelings. Trump is simply that much of a threat to our country. I hope it doesn't come to that, but we'll see.
    You as a former pastor know it is God that raises kings and God that removes them.
    I am only responsible for voting for the candidate who is not ancient or not Trump.
    That's it.
    How can people say Biden has been and ineffective and weak leader? By what metric? :shrug:

    Objectively speaking, he's been a very effective and strong presdident in his first term. I get that voters don't want an 80-year old president, but that's different than saying Biden has been ineffective and weak in his first term.
    Well, I said he's A) a weak leader. To me he is. I don't see, or feel, strength when it comes to Biden. I felt some strength when Obama was in the White House. I felt some strength when Bill Clinton was in the White House. I felt quite a lot of strength when George H. W. Bush was in the White House.

    B) Effective? The fleeing from, and debacle in Afghanistan is not the kind of thing that happens under an effective leader. A debacle I might add that many feel led to Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
    Last edited:
    Well, I said he's A) a weak leader. To me he is. I don't see, or feel, strength when it comes to Biden. I felt some strength when Obama was in the White House. I felt some strength when Bill Clinton was in the White House. I felt quite a lot of strength when George H. W. Bush was in the White House.

    Thankfully our NATO allies see it differntly than you do. NATO has never been stronger, and you don't get a strong NATO without a strong US and a strong US President. Just objectively speaking, you're way off here.

    B) Effective? The fleeing from, and debacle in Afghanistan is not the kind of thing that happens under an effective leader. A debacle I might add that many feel led to Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

    The "fleeing from" or exiting Afghanistan was always going to happen. The US populace was fed up with the forever war, that much was clear on both sides of the political spectrum. You can put all the blame for the debacle on Biden as he was the president, but that is also foolish. There's a whole cadre of intellegence and military officers that had responsiblity for how it turned out and that's not even discussing how the previous administration set up that failure. In any case, the war in Ukraine has shown that Putin seriously miscalculated (i.e. he was wrong).
    Thankfully our NATO allies see it differntly than you do. NATO has never been stronger, and you don't get a strong NATO without a strong US and a strong US President. Just objectively speaking, you're way off here.
    NATO's present strength isn't representative of Biden's strength as a leader. Being more aware of NATO's importance than Trump was doesn't make you a genius.

    The "fleeing from" or exiting Afghanistan was always going to happen. The US populace was fed up with the forever war, that much was clear on both sides of the political spectrum.

    Because some Americans are tired of war isn't a good enough reason to flee.

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