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All Things LGBTQ+ (3 Viewers)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    Didn't really see a place for this so I thought I would start a thread about all things LGBTQ since this is a pretty hot topic in our culture right now


    • The Supreme Court on Thursday delivered a unanimous defeat to LGBT couples in a high-profile case over whether Philadelphia could refuse to contract with a Roman Catholic adoption agency that says its religious beliefs prevent it from working with same-sex foster parents.
    • Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in an opinion for a majority of the court that Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services once it learned that the organization would not certify same-sex couples for adoption.

    I will admit, I was hopeful for this decision by the SCOTUS but I was surprised by the unanimous decision.

    While I don't think there is anything wrong, per se, with same sex couples adopting and raising children (I actually think it is a good thing as it not an abortion) but I also did not want to see the state force a religious institution to bend to a societal norm.
    A couple of things:

    Crimes committed by juveniles are not generally made public, at the very least the alleged perpetrator’s identity is not made public. The school has admitted that they need to do better with this type of situation, although I’m not sure what else they could have done.
    I would suggest the best course of action would have been to remove the rapist in question out of the school so he could not do it again to another innocent victim. They did not and he/she did, so no sympathy for me.

    This situation is complicated by the fact that the two were in a sexual relationship and that the girl had agreed to meet him in the bathroom the day of the rape and that is the location they had used for their sexual encounters in the past. It had nothing to do with the bathroom policy that wasn’t in effect yet.
    I know you are not, but that is sounding a lot like victim blaming. I hope you are not.
    If the gender whatever policy, that was lined up for voting, did not aid in trying to keep this under wraps and had no relivance on the rape, then why was the rapist wearing a skirt to gain access or not cause teachers to notice or report him going in a females bathroom? The two are pretty obviuosly linked and if someone can't see that, then they chose not to see it. Why? Feeling of a pursectued group? Again, sounds like school district made a choice...protect trans kids from having to use the same restroom they have used since they were born or girls. I think we see what they picked in the name of cause. I also think that is outrage from the parents and the students.


    We do have a legal doctrine that people accused of a crime are to be regarded as innocent until proven guilty. So once this boy is accused of rape, we can’t really just lock him up based on an accusation. His defense is that the sex was consensual. I’m not sure what the school district should do in a case like this.
    Maybe not put alt-left ideology over the safety of the students they were elected to educate and keep safe? Maybe not allow a 'accused' (at the time) rapist back into schools until the legal system figured it out? Maybe not lie to parents and the victims parents? Basically, you can take how the school board handled this from day 1 to present and just pick a decision and it would be the wrong decision if you had the best interest of the students in mind.

    He was wearing a skirt. This does not necessarily make him “gender fluid” or trans. It could be a rebellious phase or attention seeking behavior. If he comes out and says he is trans, then he is. And it won’t make a bit of difference in his innocence or guilt. Nor will it say anything about the way trans people should be treated with human dignity.

    I should be clear that my tendency is to believe the girl here. Not only because we have the separate incident of touching at the other school, I would tend to believe her even without that.
    From what I read, he self identifies as female. I wonder if I could get away with calling a trans teen as seeking attention or in a rebellious phase. I could not because that would be blasphemy.
    How is it beneath human dignity to use the bathroom that goes with your plumbing? Is a woman that identifies as a man going to square up at a urinal?
    Oh, and i guess I’m not done.

    I made a good faith effort to see what was actually known and what was made up by Farb’s totally shirt sources. To then get accused of trying to excuse the rape, is just beyond what any normal human being should be capable of.

    Stop the indignation. You accused me of hating 'loose women' not too long ago. It is political message board, people will disagree with you.
    If you have a problem with my sources, which is getting tiresome, find better ones that were written before Monday, when the judge ruled. I will wait.
    You can't because there were no reporting of this from main stream media. In fact, a conservative news source, the Daily Wire, was the first to report on this because they actually dug around.

    Your media was there in force when the father was arrested as a 'domestic terrorist' according to those new sources you want me to source from but did not even bother to look into his claim of his daughter being raped in the school bathroom by a guy wearing a skirt. You call for not 'shirt' sources but before Monday, this was only right wing fake outrage


    And then you have the divider in chief here begging voters not to look at this story, after all, the rape of a 15 year old girl, who had prior sexual contract with the rapist, is only 'fake outrage' that we 'don't have time for'.
    This is what I am referring to. This should be unacceptable.

    Do we not remember if you voted for Trump you voted kids in cages. Do we not remember if you voted for Trump, you voted for hate, racism and bigotry? I remember.

    Is it unacceptable because the right is finally engaging the culture wars, and the name calling and character assassination, that the left has ridden to power?

    I see no difference in what Gutfeld said and what the left has been saying for years.


    Romney hated women too, he kept in the binders


    I could go on, but you get the point. It goes both ways and to act like it doesn't is just more gaslighting.
    Do we not remember if you voted for Trump you voted kids in cages. Do we not remember if you voted for Trump, you voted for hate, racism and bigotry? I remember.

    Is it unacceptable because the left is finally engaging the culture wars, and the name calling and character assassination, that the left has ridden to power?

    I see no difference in what Gutfeld said and what the left has been saying for years.


    Romney hated women too, he kept in the binders


    I could go on, but you get the point. It goes both ways and to act like it doesn't is just more gaslighting.

    Sad, but not unexpected is what I'd say.
    Is it unacceptable because the right is finally engaging the culture wars, and the name calling and character assassination, that the left has ridden to power?

    Finally? :smilielol::smilielol::smilielol:

    Culture wars are all the right has had Obama became president. Empty, vapid pointless culture wars meant only to enrage their constituents like yourself.

    If only you guys cared as much about a functioning government, democracy, science and climate change as you all do about shouting and intimidating school board members over a non-existent CRT hysteria, this country wouldn't be in such the shirtty place it's in right now. The right is like an anchor around this countries neck, constantly dragging us down to the bottom of the ocean. That anchor is getting heavier and we're about to drown (literally in many areas around the country).
    Finally? :smilielol::smilielol::smilielol:

    Culture wars are all the right has had Obama became president. Empty, vapid pointless culture wars meant only to enrage their constituents like yourself.

    If only you guys cared as much about a functioning government, democracy, science and climate change as you all do about shouting and intimidating school board members over a non-existent CRT hysteria, this country wouldn't be in such the shirtty place it's in right now. The right is like an anchor around this countries neck, constantly dragging us down to the bottom of the ocean. That anchor is getting heavier and we're about to drown (literally in many areas around the country).
    I take it you are a member of the other tribe.

    Finally? :smilielol::smilielol::smilielol:

    Culture wars are all the right has had Obama became president. Empty, vapid pointless culture wars meant only to enrage their constituents like yourself.

    If only you guys cared as much about a functioning government, democracy, science and climate change as you all do about shouting and intimidating school board members over a non-existent CRT hysteria, this country wouldn't be in such the shirtty place it's in right now. The right is like an anchor around this countries neck, constantly dragging us down to the bottom of the ocean. That anchor is getting heavier and we're about to drown (literally in many areas around the country).
    I find it fascinating people are still defending a hill about CRT that the racist that love CRT have already abandoned. That would be that it is not being taught anywhere besides law school but not surprising.

    The 'right wing fake outrage' has an real life example of the left putting their ideology over the welfare of children and you guys refuse to see it. Perfect example of the unbiased media covering it factually by not reporting it all.

    I agree with you. The anchor is getting heavy. About time to cut the rope and have the country decentralize and start figuring out how to live as separate political entities.

    Also, all for not, but you say the right is dragging this country down? Down from where? From where the policies of the right have gotten us? That would be prosperity like never seen before. So much comfort that we can afford to get upset by pronouns.

    Where in the world has the alt-left ideology been instituted and helped the lives of the people they so care about? No where. Ask anyone from any of those leftist wonderlands. Literally not one single place.
    But, we are so much smarter and enlightened from all the other backward fools before us, am I right!? We will put power aside for the good of the people but we get upset and need safe spaces from words and can't even say if a man is a man and woman is a woman because some person with a mental disorder might get his/her/ze feelings hurt.
    The left has all the institutes of power. You guys are in charge in the government, education, media, entertainment and every other part of our society but yet you still have pushback and not just from the right. Must tell you something.

    I will say, I enjoy being a in a counter culture movement. #resist
    I find it fascinating people are still defending a hill about CRT that the racist that love CRT have already abandoned. That would be that it is not being taught anywhere besides law school but not surprising.

    The 'right wing fake outrage' has an real life example of the left putting their ideology over the welfare of children and you guys refuse to see it. Perfect example of the unbiased media covering it factually by not reporting it all.

    I agree with you. The anchor is getting heavy. About time to cut the rope and have the country decentralize and start figuring out how to live as separate political entities.
    If only it where that simple. That's not something that can happen in reality for a whole host of reasons no matter how much you desire it (or no matter how many fantasies right wing media puts in your head). All of us liberals, that you hate, are here to stay. We vote and we have a say in the future of this country. You have to deal with us, just like we have to deal with you. We better start finding a way. Actually caring about things that mattered would be a place to start.

    Also, all for not, but you say the right is dragging this country down? Down from where? From where the policies of the right have gotten us? That would be prosperity like never seen before. So much comfort that we can afford to get upset by pronouns.

    Where in the world has the alt-left ideology been instituted and helped the lives of the people they so care about? No where. Ask anyone from any of those leftist wonderlands. Literally not one single place.

    From 1-19 on that list has a more liberal government polices than the US. I don't know what alt-left ideology is, but I'd take single-payer healthcare any day over what we have.

    But, we are so much smarter and enlightened from all the other backward fools before us, am I right!? We will put power aside for the good of the people but we get upset and need safe spaces from words and can't even say if a man is a man and woman is a woman because some person with a mental disorder might get his/her/ze feelings hurt.
    The left has all the institutes of power. You guys are in charge in the government, education, media, entertainment and every other part of our society but yet you still have pushback and not just from the right. Must tell you something.

    I will say, I enjoy being a in a counter culture movement. #resist

    Good for you. Here's a pat on the head. :shrug:
    I would suggest the best course of action would have been to remove the rapist in question out of the school so he could not do it again to another innocent victim. They did not and he/she did, so no sympathy for me.
    They did remove him from that school. They called the police and it was being investigated. They allowed him to attend a different school, which they admitted now was a mistake. But in a climate of “innocent until proven guilty” there’s an argument to be made about punished him before a charge is proven.

    I know you are not, but that is sounding a lot like victim blaming. I hope you are not.
    If the gender whatever policy, that was lined up for voting, did not aid in trying to keep this under wraps and had no relivance on the rape, then why was the rapist wearing a skirt to gain access or not cause teachers to notice or report him going in a females bathroom? The two are pretty obviuosly linked and if someone can't see that, then they chose not to see it. Why? Feeling of a pursectued group? Again, sounds like school district made a choice...protect trans kids from having to use the same restroom they have used since they were born or girls. I think we see what they picked in the name of cause. I also think that is outrage from the parents and the students.
    That was stating the facts of the case. I also said I tend to believe her story and that she is telling the truth. But you cannot just judge the case without an investigation and during that investigation the accused has some rights as well.

    You are making the assumption that he was wearing the skirt to gain access to the bathroom, when the bathroom policy didn’t even exist at that time. They were not following that policy then. That just doesn’t make sense.

    Maybe not put alt-left ideology over the safety of the students they were elected to educate and keep safe? Maybe not allow a 'accused' (at the time) rapist back into schools until the legal system figured it out? Maybe not lie to parents and the victims parents? Basically, you can take how the school board handled this from day 1 to present and just pick a decision and it would be the wrong decision if you had the best interest of the students in mind.
    Once again you are assuming ideology played a role, but we see no evidence of that being the case. They already said they are going back to look at their policies and probably wouldn’t have allowed the accused rapist to transfer to another school if they had it to do over again.

    When were parents actually lied to? The question and answer that I think you are talking about has a normal explanation, and the school board member who asked the question said she understood why the superintendent misunderstood and was satisfied with his explanation.

    From what I read, he self identifies as female. I wonder if I could get away with calling a trans teen as seeking attention or in a rebellious phase. I could not because that would be blasphemy.
    How is it beneath human dignity to use the bathroom that goes with your plumbing? Is a woman that identifies as a man going to square up at a urinal?
    Where did you read that he self-identifies as female? I did note that if he says he is trans, then we need to take him at his word. But that wearing a skirt alone isn’t proof of that.

    I said what I did because my daughter went to high school with a boy who wore long skirts to class every day. It didn’t have anything to do with being “trans” according to her, but it was attention-seeking. He never really attempted to look like a woman, he just enjoyed being different. He also wore dreds as a white guy, it was a whole “look”. 🤷‍♀️

    People who are actually trans want to “pass” as their identified gender, from my admittedly limited understanding. If you are dressed as a woman and want to look like a woman, you should not be forced to go into the men’s room. That would be humiliating. Also, if you are dressed as a man and look like a man, it would be embarrassing to have to use the women’s restroom. In either case they will be going into a stall, I’m sure you realize that. And nobody will be the wiser. It’s stupid and cruel to make them go where they will stick out like a sore thumb and call more attention to themselves and possibly even invite someone to call security or beat them up.

    As far as your last part, I will try to take your point to heart. But you can also help by quitting your strident language - the father wasn’t arrested for being a domestic terrorist, as I am sure you are well aware. That kind of inflammatory drivel doesn’t make your point, and serves no one.

    As for main stream media not covering it, it really isn’t a national news kind of story. Or it wasn’t until your crappy sources went in and served up a slanted version trying to ascribe motives to the people in school administration and the school board. Your crappy sources are 100% using this crime to advance their ideology. Which is apparently fine with you, but enrages you when you think people are advancing ideologies you don’t like. Physician, heal thyself.
    First Gender neutral passport issued
    DENVER (AP) — The United States has issued its first passport with an “X” gender designation, marking a milestone in the recognition of the rights of people who do not identify as male or female, and expects to be able to offer the option more broadly next year, the State Department said Wednesday.

    The department did not identify the passport recipient, but Dana Zzyym, an intersex activist from Fort Collins, Colorado, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that they received it. Since 2015, Zzyym, who prefers a gender-neutral pronoun, has been in a legal battle with the State Department to obtain a passportthat did not require Zzyym to lie about gender by picking either male or female.

    Zzyym (pronounced Zimm) picked up the UPS package with the passport after getting an early morning text and phone call from their lawyer, Paul Castillo of Lambda Legal, that it had arrived. Zzyym had stayed up late celebrating Intersex Awareness Day with two visiting activists………

    First Gender neutral passport issued
    DENVER (AP) — The United States has issued its first passport with an “X” gender designation, marking a milestone in the recognition of the rights of people who do not identify as male or female, and expects to be able to offer the option more broadly next year, the State Department said Wednesday.

    The department did not identify the passport recipient, but Dana Zzyym, an intersex activist from Fort Collins, Colorado, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that they received it. Since 2015, Zzyym, who prefers a gender-neutral pronoun, has been in a legal battle with the State Department to obtain a passportthat did not require Zzyym to lie about gender by picking either male or female.

    Zzyym (pronounced Zimm) picked up the UPS package with the passport after getting an early morning text and phone call from their lawyer, Paul Castillo of Lambda Legal, that it had arrived. Zzyym had stayed up late celebrating Intersex Awareness Day with two visiting activists………

    First Gender neutral passport issued
    DENVER (AP) — The United States has issued its first passport with an “X” gender designation, marking a milestone in the recognition of the rights of people who do not identify as male or female, and expects to be able to offer the option more broadly next year, the State Department said Wednesday.

    The department did not identify the passport recipient, but Dana Zzyym, an intersex activist from Fort Collins, Colorado, told The Associated Press in a telephone interview that they received it. Since 2015, Zzyym, who prefers a gender-neutral pronoun, has been in a legal battle with the State Department to obtain a passportthat did not require Zzyym to lie about gender by picking either male or female.

    Zzyym (pronounced Zimm) picked up the UPS package with the passport after getting an early morning text and phone call from their lawyer, Paul Castillo of Lambda Legal, that it had arrived. Zzyym had stayed up late celebrating Intersex Awareness Day with two visiting activists………

    I think people that think they belong to the opposite sex or something else are OK, God bless them. When I was in High School I had a girl friend who believed she was a vampire. I went along with it. As long as no one gets hurt it is fine.
    Last edited:
    I do not care what ta

    I think people that think they belong to the opposite sex or something else are OK, God bless them. When I was in High School I had a girl friend who believed she was a vampire. I went along with it. As long as no one gets hurt it is fine.

    Do you know that you are male without a shadow of a doubt?
    Do you know that you are male without a shadow of a doubt?
    I have discuss this issue with my wife. I believe I am 100% certain I am a man and I am also 100% certain I am heterosexual. There is nothing of greater beauty in the universe than a woman.

    I suspect there is a spectrum and not all people fall into a male female/male or homosexual/heterosexual side. However, the majority seems to align along their biology.

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