What Will You Do? (1 Viewer)

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    Mr. Blue Sky

    Still P***** at Yoko
    Feb 4, 2020
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    Between the Moon and New York City
    If Trump wins again in November (and for the record, i think he will- since he’s made it clear he’ll stop at nothing)- What will you do? It’s pretty apparent that he wants to be in power for life, and America will go down the road of countless countries before it, that we’ve all seen on the news and thought ‘It cant happen here’... If you dont think that this is the direction Trump will take us, then i will submit that you haven’t been paying attention... Of course, his followers will tell you the exact opposite- “If Trump doesnt win reelection, then we’re all doomed!!”.. Well, only one side can be right.. We cant both be ‘sort of’ correct... It’s a shame, becuase i used to be a moderate, but now due to Trump and his enablers/voters, it’s become more of an extremely high stakes team sport.. As your Dear Leader himself would say: “It is what it is.”

    So back to my question: What , specifically, will you do if he wins? Where will you go? Canada , or Mexico? Elsewhere? Or stay and fight, and become like another Beirut, or Belarus, where protestors get dragged off in windowless vans .. Oh wait, that’s already happening here.. I am genuinely interested in whether any of yall are hatching an escape plan, or planning to do anything drastic.. As for me, the answer is I Dont Know... The only thing I’m sure of is i dont want to be around for two, or three, or four Trump ”terms” until he mercifully drops dead.
    Canada is tempting, but if we go down the road of tyranny, what will stop the U.S. from invading? Would NATO help fight against the U.S.? Trump probably wouldn't invade Mexico, since he thinks they are mostly rapists, so I might be more apt to go south.

    I actually think there is a fair chance that some states will band together to secede if Trump wins by obvious fraudulent means. If so, then I think much of the military would join those new countries, and could ally with Canada to resist what remains of the U.S. I think multiple West Coast states could band together, and perhaps the northeast will attempt to become part of Canada. I would try to immigrate into those new states, but first I'll have to extricate myself from all of my assets. Florida would be isolated, but perhaps the newly purplish states of Georgia and North Carolina could band together.
    Canada is tempting, but if we go down the road of tyranny, what will stop the U.S. from invading? Would NATO help fight against the U.S.? Trump probably wouldn't invade Mexico, since he thinks they are mostly rapists, so I might be more apt to go south.

    I actually think there is a fair chance that some states will band together to secede if Trump wins by obvious fraudulent means. If so, then I think much of the military would join those new countries, and could ally with Canada to resist what remains of the U.S. I think multiple West Coast states could band together, and perhaps the northeast will attempt to become part of Canada. I would try to immigrate into those new states, but first I'll have to extricate myself from all of my assets. Florida would be isolated, but perhaps the newly purplish states of Georgia and North Carolina could band together.

    I hadn’t really thought of secession, but it actually makes a lot of sense.. after all, over half the country doesn’t believe in the Trump BS, and wouldnt want to be a part of the United States moving forward if he remains in power... Would be an interesting choice on whether to live on the West Coast or the East Coast if they both seceded .. Fortunately i sold my house in NOLA last year and am renting at the moment, so i think my choice would be to go East, since I’ve already done the West Coast thing years ago.
    While I do believe there would be significant civil unrest if Trump were to win, especially under suspicious circumstances, I do not think there would be any mass exodus or secession. However, if he attempts to remain in power in the face of a loss in November, all bets are off. He would have almost two and a half months to do considerable damage to the republic. In the history of our nation, there has never been a president suggest that there wouldn't be a peaceful transfer of power until now. The fact that Trump has even floated trial balloons with the suggestion that he could fight the results of the election should be enough for reasonable people to prepare for the possibility that he might not leave peacefully. That is why it is critical that this election not be close. I am hoping that Biden wins all of the battleground states including Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Texas so the electoral college win is overwhelming. If the margins of victory for Biden are large enough, Trump should have no choice but to accept that the American people wanted him out of office.
    While I do believe there would be significant civil unrest if Trump were to win, especially under suspicious circumstances, I do not think there would be any mass exodus or secession. However, if he attempts to remain in power in the face of a loss in November, all bets are off. He would have almost two and a half months to do considerable damage to the republic. In the history of our nation, there has never been a president suggest that there wouldn't be a peaceful transfer of power until now. The fact that Trump has even floated trial balloons with the suggestion that he could fight the results of the election should be enough for reasonable people to prepare for the possibility that he might not leave peacefully. That is why it is critical that this election not be close. I am hoping that Biden wins all of the battleground states including Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Texas so the electoral college win is overwhelming. If the margins of victory for Biden are large enough, Trump should have no choice but to accept that the American people wanted him out of office.

    Well, I’m going on the assumption that Trump wins, becuase i think he will.. and if he wins, then it will be by definition *suspicious*, since we already see today that he is, for example, purposefully defunding the postal service...... So i dont see how he loses, and I’ll have to disagree with you that there wont be any civil unrest if he wins- since , again, most of the country is fed up with his rule.
    Well, I’m going on the assumption that Trump wins, becuase i think he will.. and if he wins, then it will be by definition *suspicious*, since we already see today that he is, for example, purposefully defunding the postal service...... So i dont see how he loses, and I’ll have to disagree with you that there wont be any civil unrest if he wins- since , again, most of the country is fed up with his rule.
    Actually Richard does believe there will be significant civil unrest, but he doesn't believe there would be any secession. I think it is a fair probability at best, but this country is so divided, and Trump has been legislating to hurt the blue states, so I think there will be a lot of interest in it. The only chance of success would be if many states banded together. No single, nor even couple of states, could successfully secede, since the U.S. military would overwhelm them, but if enough states banded together, they could get much of the military to side with them, and perhaps even NATO.

    I hate to cite similar grounds, but here is an interesting letter written to justify the confederacy in which the right to secede is said to be a natural right:

    Here is an article with a step by step guide to secession. If Trump wins under suspicious circumstances, then I think we're close to step 4:
    Well, considering there are only 7 countries on the planet that haven't banned Americans from entering, I'd say I'm stuck here. None of those 7 seem like attractive living spots to me.
    I think this is the exact wrong time to panic...and let things run their course, I'm confident we will see major changes coming after November. And Trump won't be able to do anything about it....
    I think this is the exact wrong time to panic...and let things run their course, I'm confident we will see major changes coming after November. And Trump won't be able to do anything about it....

    I'm hoping for an electoral college margin of 412-126 in favor of Biden in order to quash any notion that the election was close and give Trump cover for his post-election shenanigans.
    Actually the west coast absolutely could survive (thrive actually) by secession.

    We would boarder three countries (the wasteland remains of the US, Canada and Mexico) the US would fall to third on the richest country list and the West Coast would be either 4th or 5th richest with a population bigger than any EU nation. We’d be protected still by the US nukes unless the US Wanted to dismantle their entire pacific ICBM network.

    Also a HUGE portion of Ag, Basically all the Tech would come with us and no maritime bases for the US navy without massive payoff. We have an Ocean to trade with China, who I am sure would love to divest in the US - same with Korea and Japan. Mexico and Canada and the West Coast would form their own trade pacts and freeze out the Us for their previous bad behavior.

    The US would have to cross our airspace to the Pacific. Tarrifs would be heavy.

    Militarily we would have the state national guards which would give us the 8th largest military in the world.

    Meanwhile, the remaining states would be stuck without the revenue for California to prop up the poorly managed southern states, 1/3 of the livestock, 1/2 of staple produce and over half of the nuts and fruit.

    I am actually convincing myself that if he wins, that this would be a better course of action than staying part of a dying racist republic.

    In short you all need us a hell of a lot more than we need you
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    I'll keep living my life and adapting to whatever comes my way... make the best of my situation... and keep advancing myself and family to the best of my abilities.... while realizing that my country isn't perfect, yet still having love and pride for my country - knowing it's better than any alternative on the planet (despite what the haters say).... I will keep trying to impact changes where I think they should be through legal avenues... while trying to accept the electorates' decision should it not fall my way.... I will also try not to fall into the traps set by both of the far and radical ends of the decisive political machines hell bent to cloud my judgment, skew my reality, and create chaos in an attempt to get me to abandon my values and beliefs in exchange for some false perception of safety.

    Also, I would encourage anyone that wants to revoke their US citizenship - to do so.... I would only ask them first though to take with them all the people that said the same thing would happen - when Obama took office.
    In what metric is the US the “best” country.

    Economy? Hardly
    Healthcare? Laughable
    Education? Not even top 20.
    Happiness? Nope

    Murder - especially with guns? Now we found one!

    ETA- we are also #1 in incarceration!

    We are the best at killing and putting people in jail. USA! USA! USA!
    I hate to break it to you, but America hasn't been the best country in the world in quite some time.

    We had a good run from about 2012-2015 though.

    I hate to break it to you... but like.... that's your opinion man.... I'm glad you have the right to voice it without being jailed, killed, persecuted, or tortured for having it.... In fact, even though I completely disagree with it... I would fight... and die.... so you and others like you can continue to have the birth right to voice that opinion without fear or retribution for doing so.

    This is my opinion... This is my Truth... Feel free to disagree. You only make my case more when you do so.
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