What happens to the Republican Party now? (3 Viewers)

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Mar 13, 2019
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This election nonsense by Trump may end up splitting up the Republican Party. I just don’t see how the one third (?) who are principled conservatives can stay in the same party with Trump sycophants who are willing to sign onto the TX Supreme Court case.

We also saw the alt right types chanting “destroy the GOP” in Washington today because they didn’t keep Trump in power. I think the Q types will also hold the same ill will toward the traditional Republican Party. In fact its quite possible that all the voters who are really in a Trump personality cult will also blame the GOP for his loss. It’s only a matter of time IMO before Trump himself gets around to blaming the GOP.

There is some discussion of this on Twitter. What do you all think?


This is where we are at.

Wonder what all the board Rs think about this ?

I looked that up, it seems that this is the source of that:

I think the board D's ought to laugh out loud. Please don't watch all of that video I posted, just the first 10 seconds. I watched the first 30 second so that you would only need to watch 10 seconds. There's nothing in the following 20 second you would want to watch.

This is where we are at.

Wonder what all the board Rs think about this ?

He issued a non-apology apology. Claimed HIS remarks don’t reflect HIS views.

Another imbecility in Ohio.

My state has turned into schlitz.

Btw, the answer to this thread’s opening question is:

A quick and painful death.
When Teamsters president Sean O’Brien spoke at the Republican national convention on opening night, it seemed to hint that the Republican party – long a lapdog for corporate interests – was turning an important page and would stop being so hostile toward labor unions.

But when Donald Trump gave his hugely divisive acceptance speech three days later, he seemed to forget he was supposed to act lovey-dovey toward labor unions.

The former president essentially kicked the United Auto Workers (UAW) in the teeth, and the UAW fired back by calling Trump the “mascot and lapdog” of billionaires.

During the unscripted, let-it-rip part of his speech, Trump lashed out at the UAW, seeming to suggest that the UAW was responsible for automakers building plants in Mexico.

That seemed rather unhinged because the UAW wishes that it – and not profit-maximizing corporations – had the power to decide where plants are built.

Even more bizarrely, Trump said the UAW “ought to be ashamed” about Chinese automakers’ plans to build plants in Mexico. (Trump offered no explanation why the UAW was responsible for any of this.)

Trump then directed his fire at the UAW’s president, Shawn Fain, saying he “should be fired immediately”, even though Fain’s stature and popularity have soared across the US because he led last fall’s victorious strike against Detroit’s automakers…….

O’Brien was trying to both court and bring a big shift in a party that has long been extremely hostile toward unions. O’Brien praised several Republicans who had taken some baby steps to show support of unions; he noted that Missouri senator Josh Hawley had walked a Teamster picket line.

O’Brien failed to mention that Biden was the firstsitting US president ever to join a picket line. He also failed to mention that Hawley scored 0% in 2023 on the AFL-CIO’s legislative scorecard or that Senator JD Vance, Trump’s supposedly pro-worker running mate, also scored zero.

O’Brien’s gamble backfired. Many labor leaders condemned him for undermining the Democrats and helping Trump. John Palmer, a Teamsters vice-president, was so angry at O’Brien for playing footsie with Trump that he announced he would run against O’Brien for the Teamsters’ presidency in 2026.…….

When I was kid learning about the Civil Rights Movement, I always asked my older relatives (who were all at least 20 at the time) what were their reactions at the time.
Most of them prefaced this response with “But it was a different time” or some other variant.

You’re seeing the next generation of those older relatives trying to explain past behavior in real time.
When Teamsters president Sean O’Brien spoke at the Republican national convention on opening night, it seemed to hint that the Republican party – long a lapdog for corporate interests – was turning an important page and would stop being so hostile toward labor unions.

But when Donald Trump gave his hugely divisive acceptance speech three days later, he seemed to forget he was supposed to act lovey-dovey toward labor unions.

The former president essentially kicked the United Auto Workers (UAW) in the teeth, and the UAW fired back by calling Trump the “mascot and lapdog” of billionaires.

During the unscripted, let-it-rip part of his speech, Trump lashed out at the UAW, seeming to suggest that the UAW was responsible for automakers building plants in Mexico.

That seemed rather unhinged because the UAW wishes that it – and not profit-maximizing corporations – had the power to decide where plants are built.

Even more bizarrely, Trump said the UAW “ought to be ashamed” about Chinese automakers’ plans to build plants in Mexico. (Trump offered no explanation why the UAW was responsible for any of this.)

Trump then directed his fire at the UAW’s president, Shawn Fain, saying he “should be fired immediately”, even though Fain’s stature and popularity have soared across the US because he led last fall’s victorious strike against Detroit’s automakers…….

O’Brien was trying to both court and bring a big shift in a party that has long been extremely hostile toward unions. O’Brien praised several Republicans who had taken some baby steps to show support of unions; he noted that Missouri senator Josh Hawley had walked a Teamster picket line.

O’Brien failed to mention that Biden was the firstsitting US president ever to join a picket line. He also failed to mention that Hawley scored 0% in 2023 on the AFL-CIO’s legislative scorecard or that Senator JD Vance, Trump’s supposedly pro-worker running mate, also scored zero.

O’Brien’s gamble backfired. Many labor leaders condemned him for undermining the Democrats and helping Trump. John Palmer, a Teamsters vice-president, was so angry at O’Brien for playing footsie with Trump that he announced he would run against O’Brien for the Teamsters’ presidency in 2026.…….

As much as the right was gloating over the Teamsters president speaking at the RNC apparently the Teamsters members was not happy about it at all

I'll see if I can find the articles I read about it

EDIT: this isn't the one I read but the gist is the same

..........Breaking from nearly all other speakers at the Republican convention, O’Brien did not publicly endorse Trump. He also criticized corporate greed and took pains to emphasize that he would work with any lawmaker who would support union priorities, regardless of party affiliation. But his very presence in Milwaukee — among GOP lawmakers and a former president who have pushed a policy agenda sharply at odds with that of the unions — sent shock waves through labor and Democratic circles.

White House aides were particularly furious over O’Brien’s appearance, which they viewed as a betrayal of the administration’s support for many of the Teamsters’ top priorities, according to two people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations.

President Biden secured a pension bailout that restored retirement accounts for about 350,000 Teamsters members, appointed staunchly pro-labor allies to the National Labor Relations Board and instituted labor requirements for federal contracts. The backlash against O’Brien’s speech reflects the high stakes of the 2024 presidential election for the nation’s labor movement, which fears Trump will undo these policies.

“How could the Teamsters not endorse the man who is transparently the most pro-labor president in history? There is no question the White House is furious,” said one person in communication with White House officials. “Everybody is p---ed. Everybody is like, ‘What on Earth? How could this have gotten so messed up?’”

White House spokesperson Robyn Patterson did not respond directly to reports of internal backlash at the White House but told The Washington Post in a written statement, “as Teamsters President Sean O’Brien said on Tuesday: ‘Joe Biden is the most pro-union President we’ve ever had,’” referencing a CNN interview O’Brien gave after the convention............

Still, O’Brien’s embrace of Trump on the national stage drew criticism from other labor unions, congressional Democrats and even members of his own union.
John Palmer, a Teamsters executive board member and vice president at large, said Tuesday that he was “embarrassed” by O’Brien’s convention speech. “Without Joe Biden, myself and many other Teamsters would lose our pensions. So this is really disrespectful,” Palmer added.

Other labor officials were also critical of O’Brien’s appearance.
Liz Shuler, president of the AFL-CIO, the country’s largest federation of unions, said in a statement that although she agrees with O’Brien’s critiques of corporate greed, “Donald Trump and J.D. Vance are on the bosses’ side.”

“We won’t be fooled,” Shuler said.

“It’s disappointing to see a national labor leader speak like that at the GOP convention,” said Matthew Biggs, president of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, which has 90,000 members. “Make no mistake about it, their intent is to crush federal unions and have mass firings of federal employees and turn the government into an at-will employer where people are hired and fired based on their political leanings.”

Jimmy Williams Jr., president of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, representing 140,000 skilled trades union members, called O’Brien “a brother of mine” but noted that “on this issue we respectfully disagree.”

“The Republican Party platform doesn’t do a thing to help unions or working people,” Williams said. “And what we are hearing in this campaign is no different.”
It’s not surprising that a number of top labor unions are angry, experts say.

“Many labor leaders and rank-and-file members, inside and outside the Teamsters, are upset and feel betrayed by O’Brien’s speaking at a convention of the party that has been vehemently anti-union,” said Kate Bronfenbrenner, director of labor education research at Cornell University, citing conversations with union officials. “We have the Teamsters now endorsing, whether directly or indirectly, a Republican candidate that is very anti-labor.”.............

“The Democratic Party is pro-labor union and pro-worker,” said Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Pa.), the son of a Teamster, responding to O’Brien’s address. “Every single Democrat in Congress voted to save the pensions of hundreds of thousands of Teamsters workers. And every Republican voted against it.”.........

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So the House has a rather important fiscal deadline coming up, don’t they? This is the absolute worst House session I can remember. They can’t be bothered with fulfilling their fiscal duties but they can file spurious impeachment motions all day long.

Republicans should focus on policy differences with K. Harris and steer far from anything relating to race.
Additionally, Republicans should NOT call for President Biden to resign and not finish out his term.
This would actually help VP Harris if she became the President....it would help her if she traveled in Air Force One as the President....and she would be helped when she had a chance to make some headline decisions prior to this November's election.
These are the opinions of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (see link below)
Republicans should focus on policy differences with K. Harris and steer far from anything relating to race.
Additionally, Republicans should NOT call for President Biden to resign and not finish out his term.
This would actually help VP Harris if she became the President....it would help her if she traveled in Air Force One as the President....and she would be helped when she had a chance to make some headline decisions prior to this November's election.
These are the opinions of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (see link below)
Some GOP members can’t help themselves with the racist misogynist comments. DEI hire has already been said by a few people. Just like the guy who said we will have a civil war if Trump doesn’t win.
Johnson has already communicated to everyone not to say those things as they know it will fire up the Dems. If the Dems turnout, Trump loses. Dems are not good at turnout like the GOP.
Republicans should focus on policy differences with K. Harris and steer far from anything relating to race.

they cant. Well, they can try, but it will be very difficult.

Trump offers no "policy" with regards to HOW he would accomplish things. So that only leaves them to attack the messenger, not the message.
Republicans should focus on policy differences with K. Harris and steer far from anything relating to race.
Additionally, Republicans should NOT call for President Biden to resign and not finish out his term.
This would actually help VP Harris if she became the President....it would help her if she traveled in Air Force One as the President....and she would be helped when she had a chance to make some headline decisions prior to this November's election.
These are the opinions of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (see link below)

It's like someone constantly forgets what the Republican party has regressed into now....sad....so sad......
guess this can go here
Nassau County in New York implemented a controversial ban on wearing face coverings in public on Wednesday, in a move criticized by state politicians and civil rights advocates.

The Mask Transparency Act, signed into law by Bruce Blakeman, the Republican county executive, makes it a misdemeanor for anyone to wear a facial covering to hide their identity in public. People who defy the law could be sentenced to up to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine, although there are some exemptions for health or religious reasons.

Opponents of the bill have described it as “a dangerous misuse of the law to score political points and target protestors”, given it was introduced in response to protests against Israel’s war on Gaza, while one New York state senator warned that it “could lead to anti-Asian hate”.

Blakeman, a controversial Trump supporter who in a recent post on X said the “Democrat[ic] Party is a hot bed for Jew Hate, pro-criminal policies and anti-Americanism!,” said the ban is a “bill that protects the public”, NBC News reported. The politician criticized pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University in New York City, and claimed the ban would reduce crime, but others disagree.

“Nassau County’s mask ban is a dangerous misuse of the law to score political points and target protestors. Barring people who speak out from protecting themselves and their identities puts their health and well-being in danger, particularly people with disabilities, people of color, and those with unpopular views,” Susan Gottehrer, regional director of the Nassau county New York Civil Liberties Union, said after the bill was passed.

“Masks protect people who express political opinions that are unpopular. Making anonymous protest illegal chills political action and is ripe for selective enforcement, leading to doxxing, surveillance, and retaliation against protesters.”

In a statement, Iwen Chu, a New York state senator, said wearing masks is “a common practice in many Asian cultures” which some have adopted “as a societal responsibility to prevent health crises from spreading”.

Chu added: “I am concerned about the possibility of bias and hate crimes stemming from this new mask prohibiting legislation. Legislation like this may lead to anti-Asian hare and discrimination towards the mask needed population due to health, culture, religious reasons.”

The bill was introduced by Mazi Pilip, a Republican legislator who ran unsuccessfully for Congress earlier this year. Pillip claimed “terrorist supporters around the country and especially in New York are hiding behind the mask and terrorizing the Jewish community”.............

Hilarious. Inflation is down, gas prices are down, crime is down, jobs are plentiful. Border crossings are less than when Trump left office, we are pumping more oil than ever. So this old chestnut gets trotted out. lol.

That GOP senate candidate in MN is a real charmer. He started out his primary campaign saying that “women are too mouthy these days”. And now this:

That GOP senate candidate in MN is a real charmer. He started out his primary campaign saying that “women are too mouthy these days”. And now this:

Wait a minute. Is this the same Royce white who tanked his nba career?

Edit typo...or my autocorrect..

Edit again.

I had forgotten about him...very weird how he pops into my consciousness like this.
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