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What happens to the Republican Party now? (4 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    This election nonsense by Trump may end up splitting up the Republican Party. I just don’t see how the one third (?) who are principled conservatives can stay in the same party with Trump sycophants who are willing to sign onto the TX Supreme Court case.

    We also saw the alt right types chanting “destroy the GOP” in Washington today because they didn’t keep Trump in power. I think the Q types will also hold the same ill will toward the traditional Republican Party. In fact its quite possible that all the voters who are really in a Trump personality cult will also blame the GOP for his loss. It’s only a matter of time IMO before Trump himself gets around to blaming the GOP.

    There is some discussion of this on Twitter. What do you all think?

    Former Attorney General Bill Barr said the real threat in the United States is coming from the “far left” and not from former President Trump.

    Barr was discussing the potential difficulties a second Trump administration might have with getting people to serve, arguing the former president’s priority will be getting people “who he feels would be more subservient to him,” which the former attorney general said is an “area of concern.”

    “But at the end of the day, you have to remember I was serving in his administration,” Barr told Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto during his Saturday appearance on “Cavuto Live.” “I was fine with his policies. I think his policies were good policies. My problems came with his behavior, which I found very troubling after the election.”

    Barr then stated the “idea” that Trump would take over “power” like “right-wing dictator” is not a threat facing the U.S., arguing instead the real threat to democracy is coming from the “far left.”

    “The threat facing our country is from the far left and the drift that’s been occurring toward really a socialistic system,” Barr said.

    He added, “It’s a heavy-handed bunch of thugs in my opinion, and that’s where the threat is.”

    His remarks come despite having previous criticism of his former boss, who is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. Barr previously said another Biden term is the worst outcome for the country...........

    Former Attorney General Bill Barr said the real threat in the United States is coming from the “far left” and not from former President Trump.

    Barr was discussing the potential difficulties a second Trump administration might have with getting people to serve, arguing the former president’s priority will be getting people “who he feels would be more subservient to him,” which the former attorney general said is an “area of concern.”
    He is became a bigger Peice of work. thought he finally pulled his head out of trumps butt but then put it right back up there. I wish they would put him upon trial.
    Former Attorney General Bill Barr said the real threat in the United States is coming from the “far left” and not from former President Trump.

    Barr was discussing the potential difficulties a second Trump administration might have with getting people to serve, arguing the former president’s priority will be getting people “who he feels would be more subservient to him,” which the former attorney general said is an “area of concern.”

    “But at the end of the day, you have to remember I was serving in his administration,” Barr told Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto during his Saturday appearance on “Cavuto Live.” “I was fine with his policies. I think his policies were good policies. My problems came with his behavior, which I found very troubling after the election.”

    Barr then stated the “idea” that Trump would take over “power” like “right-wing dictator” is not a threat facing the U.S., arguing instead the real threat to democracy is coming from the “far left.”

    “The threat facing our country is from the far left and the drift that’s been occurring toward really a socialistic system,” Barr said.

    He added, “It’s a heavy-handed bunch of thugs in my opinion, and that’s where the threat is.”

    His remarks come despite having previous criticism of his former boss, who is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. Barr previously said another Biden term is the worst outcome for the country...........

    Opus Dei. He’s a radical, and he thinks Trump will cause enough chaos to bring about an authoritatrian government in the US.
    The MAGA movement has spent the past four years getting a “civics lesson,” and it’s now maneuvered into a position where it can put what it’s learned into practice, according to its mastermind.

    Steve Bannon told writer Isaac Arnsdorf that the right-wing movement has spent its formative years learning the “rules” of government and stacking the low-level building blocks of government with its loyalists.

    And now it's ready to really start making its move.

    The result, Bannon said, will be an extreme political movement that will last 100 years.

    “Now they understand how important the rules are,” Bannon told Arnsdorf in his new book, “Finish What We Started: The MAGA Movement’s Ground War to End Democracy," which was profiled in theNew York Times Wednesday.

    “We’re having a civics lesson here. We’re exploding, and the reason we’re exploding? We’re really getting into the granular, and people can’t get enough of it.”

    Since 2020, Arnsdorf wrote, the MAGA movement has been building itself up at a local level, instilling itself into low-level but locally powerful spots and preparing to break into the national mainstream.

    Despite disappointment in the midterm elections, Bannon sees the movement as a long-term project which, when it breaks through, will be dominant.

    “In the book, [Bannon] keeps insisting to Arnsdorf that most of the country is MAGA, even if some of those MAGA supporters don’t know it yet,” the New York Times reported.

    “Bannon believed the MAGA movement, if it could break out of being suppressed and marginalized by the establishment, represented a dominant coalition that could rule for a hundred years."

    The long-term plan, the writer stated, involved work that is a lot more behind the scenes than the Capitol riot or the bombastic speeches of Donald Trump.

    And, Arnsdorf warned, it’s been happening. MAGA has shown “infinite patience,” slowly packing the humble yet foundational building blocks of the party structure — “precinct positions that were often vacant because no one was paying attention” — with loyalists, the Times wrote...........

    The MAGA movement has spent the past four years getting a “civics lesson,” and it’s now maneuvered into a position where it can put what it’s learned into practice, according to its mastermind.

    Steve Bannon told writer Isaac Arnsdorf that the right-wing movement has spent its formative years learning the “rules” of government and stacking the low-level building blocks of government with its loyalists.

    And now it's ready to really start making its move.

    The result, Bannon said, will be an extreme political movement that will last 100 years.

    “Now they understand how important the rules are,” Bannon told Arnsdorf in his new book, “Finish What We Started: The MAGA Movement’s Ground War to End Democracy," which was profiled in theNew York Times Wednesday.

    “We’re having a civics lesson here. We’re exploding, and the reason we’re exploding? We’re really getting into the granular, and people can’t get enough of it.”

    Since 2020, Arnsdorf wrote, the MAGA movement has been building itself up at a local level, instilling itself into low-level but locally powerful spots and preparing to break into the national mainstream.

    Despite disappointment in the midterm elections, Bannon sees the movement as a long-term project which, when it breaks through, will be dominant.

    “In the book, [Bannon] keeps insisting to Arnsdorf that most of the country is MAGA, even if some of those MAGA supporters don’t know it yet,” the New York Times reported.

    “Bannon believed the MAGA movement, if it could break out of being suppressed and marginalized by the establishment, represented a dominant coalition that could rule for a hundred years."

    The long-term plan, the writer stated, involved work that is a lot more behind the scenes than the Capitol riot or the bombastic speeches of Donald Trump.

    And, Arnsdorf warned, it’s been happening. MAGA has shown “infinite patience,” slowly packing the humble yet foundational building blocks of the party structure — “precinct positions that were often vacant because no one was paying attention” — with loyalists, the Times wrote...........

    Interesting piece that was shared here. Very believable as well.
    F Larry Hogan, he also gutted the state of MD tax offices.....it took me almost 2 years to get them to correct their mistake and one of them told me that Hogan's administration refused to replace the many folks that retired.....this is a state with some of the highest taxes in the nation, so makes perfect sense, right?

    He's a clown, just like the rest of the R's for the most part....
    I'd say lol, I'm in Virginia...but we ain't much better on our side of the DMV, heh.
    Pretty good survey of the current Republican party...

    Crime is when you launch a violent attempt to overthrow the republic. Corruption is when you convince an entire political party to pretend they didn’t watch it live on television, or cower from it inside the Capitol while dozens of police officers were being bludgeoned by the mob.

    Crime is when you make off with top-secret documents. Corruption is when a MAGA judge can’t find time to schedule your trial, or process the mountainous evidence of your guilt.

    The Republican Party has been corrupted absolutely. House Republicans have combined McCarthyism with Larry, Moe and Curlyism to twist Congress to comically corrupt ends — all to serve the greater degeneracy of Trump. In the Senate, the young hyenas, Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), study Trump’s demagogy and lick their chops, hoping for a turn at democracy’s carcass.

    The establishment has utterly caved. Former Atty. Gen. William Barr’s endorsement of Trump this week, after having called Trump unfit, a psychologically damaged incompetent who cares only about himself, was barely newsworthy. What is Barr but another in the long line of weak men, one more debased Republican offering fealty to the grease king? Trump thanked Barr by humiliating him again.

    But it was the Republican Supreme Court — mostly men again — that put the shiv a little deeper in democracy’s back this week. Originalists or textualists, all sounded more or less Trumpist as they seriously entertained Trump’s argument that his assaults on the constitutional order are protected by the Constitution itself. There is no way to make honest sense of such a liar’s mash. But Larry, Moe and Curly aren’t just chairing committees in Congress. They wear robes and furrowed brows now, too. And they seem eager to pretend that crimes are just constitutional exercises of power, and that one ex-president is a king.
    Pretty good survey of the current Republican party...

    So, here's my crazy thought.

    If the Supreme Court rules that presidents are heavily immune from prosecution, then if I'm the sitting president I have the most covert ops team I have abduct and abandon him on a un-visited, remote Pacific island to fend for himself. Or, if the government does have a secret arrangement with aliens, then I have the aliens drop him on a human friendly, uninhabited planet in another galaxy.

    If I get caught, I'm immune, so says the Supreme Court.
    Bad Faith, a new documentary on the rise of Christian nationalism in the United States, opens with an obvious, ominous scene – the storming of the Capitol on 6 January 2021 – though trained on details drowned out by the deluge of horror and easily recognizable images of chaos.

    That Paula White, Donald Trump’s faith adviser, led the Save America rally in a prayer to overturn the results for “a free and fair election”.

    That mixed among Trump flags, American flags and militia symbols were numerous banners with Christian crosses; on the steps of the Capitol, a “JESUS SAVES” sign blares mere feet from “Lock Them UP!”

    The movement to overturn the 2020 election for Donald Trump was, as the documentary underscores, inextricable from a certain strain of belief in America as a fundamentally Christian nation, separation of church and state be damned.

    In fact, as Bad Faith argues, Christian nationalism – a political movement to shape the United States according a certain interpretation of evangelical Christianity, by vote or, more recently, by coercion – was the “galvanizing force” behind the attempted hijacking of the democratic process three years ago.

    Bad Faith traces the origins of the movement as a savvy, disproportionately powerful political force, from churches to Republican political operatives to donors, either from conviction or convenience.

    “I think a lot of Americans have a very difficult time accepting and understanding the fact that such treason, such anti-democratic activity, could be carried out by people who basically look like Sunday school teachers,” Stephen Ujlaki, the film’s director, told the Guardian.

    By looking back on the half-century of Christian nationalist belief, organizing and action, the events of January 6 no longer seemed shocking, but the logical endpoint of anti-democratic ideals.

    “It was unmistakable, once you looked in the right place and you listened to what people were saying, and you understood how to decode what they were saying,” said Ujlaki.

    “Little would you know that when they talk about recreating the kingdom of God on earth, they weren’t talking about something spiritual. They were talking about demolishing democracy so that God, ie themselves, could rule. And for that reason, I call it a conspiracy carried out in broad daylight.”…….

    Bad Faith, a new documentary on the rise of Christian nationalism in the United States, opens with an obvious, ominous scene – the storming of the Capitol on 6 January 2021 – though trained on details drowned out by the deluge of horror and easily recognizable images of chaos.

    That Paula White, Donald Trump’s faith adviser, led the Save America rally in a prayer to overturn the results for “a free and fair election”.

    That mixed among Trump flags, American flags and militia symbols were numerous banners with Christian crosses; on the steps of the Capitol, a “JESUS SAVES” sign blares mere feet from “Lock Them UP!”

    The movement to overturn the 2020 election for Donald Trump was, as the documentary underscores, inextricable from a certain strain of belief in America as a fundamentally Christian nation, separation of church and state be damned.

    In fact, as Bad Faith argues, Christian nationalism – a political movement to shape the United States according a certain interpretation of evangelical Christianity, by vote or, more recently, by coercion – was the “galvanizing force” behind the attempted hijacking of the democratic process three years ago.

    Bad Faith traces the origins of the movement as a savvy, disproportionately powerful political force, from churches to Republican political operatives to donors, either from conviction or convenience.

    “I think a lot of Americans have a very difficult time accepting and understanding the fact that such treason, such anti-democratic activity, could be carried out by people who basically look like Sunday school teachers,” Stephen Ujlaki, the film’s director, told the Guardian.

    By looking back on the half-century of Christian nationalist belief, organizing and action, the events of January 6 no longer seemed shocking, but the logical endpoint of anti-democratic ideals.

    “It was unmistakable, once you looked in the right place and you listened to what people were saying, and you understood how to decode what they were saying,” said Ujlaki.

    “Little would you know that when they talk about recreating the kingdom of God on earth, they weren’t talking about something spiritual. They were talking about demolishing democracy so that God, ie themselves, could rule. And for that reason, I call it a conspiracy carried out in broad daylight.”…….

    The thing us regular people, who aren't batcrap crazy zealots need to realize is that these guys Can. Not. Stop. You'll never win them over, you'll never bury them so deep (electorially) that they realize it's a lost cause and they're incapable of compromise.
    As far as they're concerned, God Himself wants to turn America into a purely Evangelical Christian nation. The idea that what they're doing is unamerican, borderline treasonous is irrelevant.
    If we don't vote, if we don't run for those ground level offices, bit by bit we'll be completely subverted.
    Last edited:
    The thing us regular people, who aren't batcrap crazy zealots is that these guys Can. Not. Stop. You'll never win them over, you'll never bury them so deep (electorially) that they realize it's a lost cause and they're incapable of compromise.
    As far as they're concerned, God Himself wants to turn America into a purely Evangelical Christian nation. The idea that what they're doing is unamerican, borderline treasonous is irrelevant.
    If we don't vote, if we don't run for those ground level offices, bit by bit we'll be completely subverted.
    This kind of mess is why a whole lot of women won’t vote R again. Barr is talking pure bull crap here and he knows it. Don’t act like we’re stupid.


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