What happens to the Republican Party now? (4 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    This election nonsense by Trump may end up splitting up the Republican Party. I just don’t see how the one third (?) who are principled conservatives can stay in the same party with Trump sycophants who are willing to sign onto the TX Supreme Court case.

    We also saw the alt right types chanting “destroy the GOP” in Washington today because they didn’t keep Trump in power. I think the Q types will also hold the same ill will toward the traditional Republican Party. In fact its quite possible that all the voters who are really in a Trump personality cult will also blame the GOP for his loss. It’s only a matter of time IMO before Trump himself gets around to blaming the GOP.

    There is some discussion of this on Twitter. What do you all think?

    Then there's this guy running for governor in NC:

    Prior to his political career, Robinson frequently referred to the civil rights’ era as the “so-called civil rights movement” and criticized the Greensboro lunch counter-sit protests as a “ridiculous premise” designed to pull “the rug out from underneath capitalism and free choice and the free market.”

    “You talk about the sit-in movement. We’re in a free market system. So we’ve got a place called Woolworth in Greensboro that won’t serve Blacks at the lunch counter. What do you do? You go down there and you sit at the lunch counter and you demand for these people to take your money. How crazy is that?” said Robinson in March 2018. “That’s not what you do in a free market system. What you do in a free market system is you just say, ‘Hey guys, these guys don’t treat people fair. Do not eat here.’”

    Tuberville has somehow managed to make his statements worse now. And this after his office released a statement to try to clean it up earlier. Lol. It was a really, really dumb statement. How did that man ever tie his shoes, let alone coach?
    So Jim Jordan’s “weaponization” hearing isn’t going so well today. He subpoenaed Pomerantz, who quit the Manhattan DA’s office when they declined to prosecute Trump earlier and he must have thought he would be able to poke around in an active case against Trump. Pomerantz’s opening statement is great, lol.

    Also, about the “border crisis”. I saw one of the cabinet members on tv this morning saying that Biden’s plan to have asylum seekers apply in their own country rather than making the dangerous trip with human traffickers is slowly working.

    However, they have to deal with targeted disinformation to potential asylum seekers which says “the border is open”. And it dawned on me - Fox, NewsMax and MAGA Rs say that all the time. They are actively creating the disinformation that is partly fueling the crisis. They know it’s a lie, but they say it anyway, which is repeated by human traffickers so that they don’t run out of people to take to the border.

    Not to mention Trump could have actually done something to fix it during his presidency, but I suspect Rs don’t want to fix the border because they want to use it as a scare tactic to get votes and money. Disgusting.
    Also, about the “border crisis”. I saw one of the cabinet members on tv this morning saying that Biden’s plan to have asylum seekers apply in their own country rather than making the dangerous trip with human traffickers is slowly working.

    However, they have to deal with targeted disinformation to potential asylum seekers which says “the border is open”. And it dawned on me - Fox, NewsMax and MAGA Rs say that all the time. They are actively creating the disinformation that is partly fueling the crisis. They know it’s a lie, but they say it anyway, which is repeated by human traffickers so that they don’t run out of people to take to the border.

    Not to mention Trump could have actually done something to fix it during his presidency, but I suspect Rs don’t want to fix the border because they want to use it as a scare tactic to get votes and money. Disgusting.

    I think the Republicans learned a lesson with the abortion issue. They won the Roe fight, but it's costing them a lot of support because the dog caught the proverbial car, now what? I think theyre gonna wise up with the rest of their agenda and make sure they're impossible to achieve so that they have issues to run on in 2024.
    I think the Republicans learned a lesson with the abortion issue. They won the Roe fight, but it's costing them a lot of support because the dog caught the proverbial car, now what? I think theyre gonna wise up with the rest of their agenda and make sure they're impossible to achieve so that they have issues to run on in 2024.
    I don’t know about that. State legislatures are moving ahead as fast as they possibly can with bans, criminalization etc.
    I think the Republicans learned a lesson with the abortion issue. They won the Roe fight, but it's costing them a lot of support because the dog caught the proverbial car, now what? I think theyre gonna wise up with the rest of their agenda and make sure they're impossible to achieve so that they have issues to run on in 2024.

    There have been a few R politicians that are savvy and realize that it is a losing proposition long term. But more of them are just doubling down, especially in the south.....they don't want to "learn" anything, they just want to turn the clock back to 1900....I think some will try to avoid the topic in a debate per se....but thats about as far as it goes....

    I know if I had a daughter I would beg her to live in a state that actually respects women's rights and medical science.....
    There is a petition here to create a carve out for women’s care for patient from other states or countries, within our Oregon State Healthcare program.

    Within this program individuals will be able to apply for medical care, housing and social benefits for up to 6 months for them and their newborn and any other children they may have.

    Apparently my property taxes will take another hit (I already pay just under $12k a year) and I have some questions about schooling for of age children etc, but I signed the petition, and will vote for it in November if it gets on the ballot.

    But I have to shake my forking head that we are even having to have this conversation. We have social programs out the Yin Yang here. They cost me a fortune, and I receive literally no personal benefit from any of it. And I am
    Happy to do it because that is how society is supposed to work. But now I have to pay for other states social ills too? I mean this in the nicest way possible but that is some immature bullshirt

    What are the other states gonna do (I’m looking straight at you Idaho) if/when we pass this? You know, the ones with punitive actions? They gonna arrest Oregon? Stop travel to and from? Yeah the interstate commerce clause of the Constitution would like to have a word with you.

    So what? Nothing is what they will do. They will be thrilled to send us even more of their social problems. We have a massive houseless population. Our downtown has not recovered from Trump’s Occupation. West coast states are busting at the seams because we give a shirt and populations are being (forcibly?) moved here from other parts of the country. Portland (because we are the whole state economically other than Agriculture) doesn’t have the resources; but we will figure it out and take in more refugees from the American Taliban.

    I swear, if it wasn’t for the awe inspiring scenery, terrific weather, and countless tech and apparel companies being based here I might think about moving where I wouldn’t pay 10% in property taxes.

    why is MTG not given the Steve King treatment? She should be run out of the GOP instead of being elevated. She is just as racist as Steve King ever was.
    Adam Tritt, a high school English teacher in Palm Bay, Florida, was shocked when his school’s librarian – eager to comply with Florida’s new law restricting “inappropriate” books in schools – removed one-third of the books on his classroom shelves, including a collection of Emily Dickinson’s poetry that was not on her list of approved books.

    Vivian Taylor, a seventh-grade teacher in Miami, says she was told to hardly discuss Emmett Till – the 14-year-old victim of one of the US’s most notorious lynchings – in her civics classes because under Florida’s year-old “stop woke” law, “people say you’re not supposed to talk about that because it will make children uncomfortable”.

    Carol Cleaver, a middle-school science teacher in Pensacola, says that when LGBTQ+ students who are feeling hopeless or depressed approach her to discuss their emotional troubles, she, different from before, often balks at telling them about a crisis support hotline for young LGBTQ+ people.

    She fears that if she mentions it, she will get in trouble under the Parental Rights in Education bill (known as the “don’t say gay” law) backed by Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis.

    As the summer holidays approach, Florida teachers are feeling anxious, confused and beaten down by new laws, championed by DeSantis, that limit how issues of race can be taught, what teachers can say about sex, especially about homosexuality, and what books are permitted in schools. In promoting this legislation, DeSantis angered many teachers when he denounced “indoctrination in our schools” and let his press secretary accuse teachers of “grooming” students.

    In interviews with the Guardian, Florida teachers said they’re feeling more disrespected, unappreciated and under attack than ever before, worried that they’ll be fired or otherwise punished if they run afoul of the controversial – and often vague – new laws.

    As a result of these laws and their emboldening parents to challenge and even castigate teachers, many Florida teachers say they’re considering either giving up teaching or finding a teaching job in another state – all when Florida, which ranks 48th among states in teacher pay according to a recent study, is already suffering from a shortage of 5,300 teachers.

    Florida teachers complain that DeSantis – who is expected to announce plans to run for the Republican presidential nomination – has targeted them as part of a culture war aimed at winning over GOP voters.

    “All this is just one more rock on the scale toward leaving,” said Arian Dineen, a middle school teacher in Stuart, 100 miles north of Miami. “I have many friends and colleagues who are genuinely afraid.” Afraid, for instance, of being accused of teaching critical race theory, an esoteric theory about race, rarely taught outside universities, that a DeSantis-backed law bars schools from teaching.

    “There are many more important things for the governor to be worrying about,” Dineen added. “We have a housing affordability crisis, a health insurance crisis, a housing insurance crisis. It’s absurd for the governor and legislature to be worried about teachers indoctrinating students on things we don’t even discuss in class.”…….

    In the nearly two weeks since Daniel Penny was recorded killing Jordan Neely on a New York City subway with a minutes-long chokehold, the 24-year-old Marine Corps veteran has faced calls to be arrested, been denounced as a vigilante by activists and been labeled a “murderer” by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).

    But in the lead-up to the Manhattan district attorney’s office charging him with second-degree manslaughter, Penny has found a groundswell of financial and online support from high-profile Republicans such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Fox News personalities and conservatives on Elon Musk’s Twitter.

    Many of them have rallied around Penny and hailed the veteran as a “hero” and “good Samaritan.”
“We stand with Good Samaritans like Daniel Penny,” DeSantis tweeted Friday night. “Let’s show this Marine … America’s got his back.”

    “The Marine who stepped in to protect others is a hero,” tweeted Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).
A legal-defense fund set up by Penny’s attorneys on a crowdfunding site that has hosted fundraisers for defendants in the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection and Kyle Rittenhouse had raised more than $1 million as of Saturday afternoon.

    Most of the money has come from anonymous donors thanking him for what he did and agreeing with his lawyers’ statement that Penny never intended to harm Neely, 30.

    The right-wing response to the case suggests that Republican lawmakers and pundits could make Penny into the latest conservative talking point.

    In the process, conservatives and right-leaning media outlets have described Neely — a Black homeless man who authorities say was described by witnesses as acting in a “hostile and erratic manner” — as “unhinged” and with “a long history of violent crime.”

    The political right has seized on police statements that Neely had 44 previous arrests for offenses such as assault, disorderly conduct and fare evasion. (Authorities have not confirmed Neely’s record for The Washington Post.) Fox News host Greg Gutfeld said the manslaughter charge against Penny was “pro-criminal” and “anti-hero.”……..

    Republican and rightwing rhetoric over the state of crime in the US could spark a rise in violent incidents and worsen the country’s mass incarceration problem, experts say, as “tough-on-crime” political ads and messaging seem set to play a large role in the 2024 election.

    Violent crime was a huge focus for Republican candidates during the 2022 midterm elections. Republicans spent about $50m on crime ads in the two months leading up to those elections, the ads pushing a dystopian vision of cities ridden by murder, robbery and assault, and of Democratic politicians unwilling to act.

    As the 2024 contest heaves into view, it is clear that Republicans plan to follow the same playbook.

    “Joe Biden and the defund-the-police Democrats have turned our once-great cities into cesspools of bloodshed and crime,” Trump said in a recent campaign video.

    Trump said if elected president he would order police forces to reinstate “stop and frisk” – a police tactic which has been shown to disproportionately target young Black men – and said he wanted to introduce the death penalty for drug dealers.

    Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor who is expected to be Trump’s closest rival for the Republican presidential nomination, has also leaned into tough-on-crime rhetoric and policy. Last month, DeSantis signed a law lowering the death penalty threshold in Florida, allowing people convicted of certain crimes to be sentenced to death if eight or more jury members recommend it.

    “They think that’s the way to score political victories,” said Udi Ofer, a professor at Princeton University and the former deputy national political director of the American Civil Liberties Union.

    “I think there’s a bit of a kneejerk, and, quite frankly, lazy attitude that tough-on-crime is the only way to win an election, despite the fact that we have so much evidence today that shows there are other ways.”…….

    As well as the impact on incarceration and violent offenses, the tough-on-crime approach can also lead to the demonization of certain communities, said Stephen Piggott, a researcher at Western States Center, a non-profit organization which works to strengthen democracy.

    Republican talking points about the danger of immigrants and people who live in inner cities could be behind an increase in attacks on minority groups. “In recent years, there’s been a real mainstreaming of both violent and dehumanizing rhetoric, and it’s espoused by elected officials and media personalities,” Piggott said.

    “And it’s really served to kind of normalize this political violence. When you have individuals with large platforms, like elected officials and media personalities, and they’re talking about things like an impending civil war, it could lead to folks kind of taking that to heart and then acting on it.”

    The number of hate crimes in the US increased by 12% in 2021, according to the FBI, although the true number is likely to be much higher, given data from some of America’s largest cities was not included in the FBI’s report.

    About 65% of the hate-crime victims were targeted because of their race, according to the report, while 16% were targeted over their sexual orientation and 14% of cases involved religious bias…….

    Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) sees the military in a dramatic leftward lurch that has hurt recruiting and combat readiness.
The third-year senator believes Pentagon leaders are forcing troops to read liberal books. That they are helping provide abortion services. And, in new remarks the past few days, that they are inappropriately driving “white nationalists” out of the service.

    “They’re politicizing the military so much, they’re ruining our military,” Tuberville told reporters on Thursday, noting that the Army missed its 2022 recruiting goal by 25 percent. “Something’s going wrong in our military.”

    These positions have placed Tuberville — whose military background consists of using war metaphors to inspire his teams during three decades coaching college football — in the spotlight as the leading conservative antagonist to the Defense Department.

    It’s a particularly unusual twist because Republicans have for decades wrapped themselves in the patriotic mantle of supporting the military.
Republicans have spent months privately complaining about Tuberville.

    It was perfectly fine to play to the TV bookers at Fox News with complaints about a “woke” Pentagon culture, which most GOP lawmakers consider, at best, a narrow problem.

    But Tuberville has gone too far in actually picking a fight with the most trusted public institution in America, creating a one-man blockade of nearly 200 promotions among top Pentagon brass to critical military positions……..

    Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) sees the military in a dramatic leftward lurch that has hurt recruiting and combat readiness.
The third-year senator believes Pentagon leaders are forcing troops to read liberal books. That they are helping provide abortion services. And, in new remarks the past few days, that they are inappropriately driving “white nationalists” out of the service.

    “They’re politicizing the military so much, they’re ruining our military,” Tuberville told reporters on Thursday, noting that the Army missed its 2022 recruiting goal by 25 percent. “Something’s going wrong in our military.”

    These positions have placed Tuberville — whose military background consists of using war metaphors to inspire his teams during three decades coaching college football — in the spotlight as the leading conservative antagonist to the Defense Department.

    It’s a particularly unusual twist because Republicans have for decades wrapped themselves in the patriotic mantle of supporting the military.
Republicans have spent months privately complaining about Tuberville.

    It was perfectly fine to play to the TV bookers at Fox News with complaints about a “woke” Pentagon culture, which most GOP lawmakers consider, at best, a narrow problem.

    But Tuberville has gone too far in actually picking a fight with the most trusted public institution in America, creating a one-man blockade of nearly 200 promotions among top Pentagon brass to critical military positions……..

    Please, please to all the spirits, manitous, gods and devils, please let the Democrats USE THIS in their campaigns.

    "See? We've said it for years, the Republican party doesn't care about veterans. They care about wars and sending billions to their fat-cat defense contractor friends. They've NEVER cared about you once you got home. Never cared about your wounds, your jobs, your families. We have. The Democratic Party has consistently tried to increase VA funding, consistently tried to obtain better care and better benefits, ones you and your families can actually use. We've also tried to spend your blood and your lives for causes we felt were truly needful. Give us the power at long last to work for you despite Republican resistance."
    Here’s a shocker, NOT: Rs have lost contact with the supposed whistleblower who had definitive evidence of Joe Biden profiting from Hunter’s activities. They think we’re all idiots.


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