Twitter swings the ban hammer at Project Veritas (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Nov 13, 2019
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    Project Veritas has been known to use deceptive practices and spread misinformation in attempts to expose what it views as “corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct” from liberal organizations or individuals. In September, Stanford University and University of Washington researchers wrote that a Project Veritas video alleging voter fraud with unidentified sources was what a “a domestic, coordinated elite disinformation campaign looks like in the United States.”
    I don't know about a retread, but he's not trolling. There's a profile for these alt-right Grievance Populism types.

    There's a segment of people who feel aggrieved in a general sense, but don't really have the ability to express what it is they feel aggrieved about, at least not in a way that isn't immediately repulsive. So they lose themselves in the alt-right blogosphere and use other people's words who are more articulate than them to express it. The problem that always occurs when you're solely parroting what you're being told is you don't fully understand what it is you're saying. There are some catchy phrases in there that it's easy to regurgitate and a few flowery words they didn't know until they heard <insert alt-right blogger here> say it, but repeating by rote is rarely a path to understanding. So they run through the alt-right blogosphere greatest hits:

    • De-platforming
    • Cancel Culture
    • BLM is Marxist
    • Leftists are the real racists
    • Except Racism isn't real, except by leftists
    • If you don't agree with me you're a leftist
    • Candice Owens for Queen!
    • Did I mention, leftists?
    It's as predictable as rain in April, so I don't think he's trolling. He's a true believer, he just hasn't applied 17 seconds of critical thought to what he believes. No parrot ever does. Well, my parrot actually did understand "peek-a-boo" meant hiding, but Ziggy was a flipping genius bird. However, the alt-right grievance crowd doesn't actually understand what they are saying, they really are just repeating it. It's why I call it pseudo-intellectualism because actual intellectualism requires some understanding of the points you're making, not just a bunch of links and flowery catchphrase vomit.

    LOL! Leftist blathersmack. You don't fly anywhere near the altitude of my intellect and learning, lefty, and that's Candace Owens for president to you, lefty. And if you must wax sarcastic don't lie, such as the emboldened above. It undermines the impact.

    By the way, did I say lefty?
    LOL! Leftist blathersmack. You don't fly anywhere near the altitude of my intellect and learning, lefty, and that's Candace Owens for president to you, lefty. And if you must wax sarcastic don't lie, such as the emboldened above. It undermines the impact.

    By the way, did I say lefty?

    You're only proving my point. Every time you stop regurgitating alt-right talking points you sound like you struggled with 3rd grade English. You haven't shown any ability to do anything except quote your favorite alt-right blogger, copy links and spout every variation of the word "left" in the English language.

    Well, and "I know you are but what am I". I'm trying not to bring up that Blue Clues level discourse because it makes me feel sorry for you and I don't want to do that.

    I'll keep waiting for something intelligible that isn't a direct copy and paste from out of the alt-right playbook, but I think I'll end up like the kid in the commercial on WandaVision this week.

    I don't know about a retread, but he's not trolling. There's a profile for these alt-right Grievance Populism types.

    There's a segment of people who feel aggrieved in a general sense, but don't really have the ability to express what it is they feel aggrieved about, at least not in a way that isn't immediately repulsive. So they lose themselves in the alt-right blogosphere and use other people's words who are more articulate than them to express it. The problem that always occurs when you're solely parroting what you're being told is you don't fully understand what it is you're saying. There are some catchy phrases in there that it's easy to regurgitate and a few flowery words they didn't know until they heard <insert alt-right blogger here> say it, but repeating by rote is rarely a path to understanding. So they run through the alt-right blogosphere greatest hits:

    • De-platforming
    • Cancel Culture
    • BLM is Marxist
    • Leftists are the real racists
    • Except Racism isn't real, except by leftists
    • If you don't agree with me you're a leftist
    • Candice Owens for Queen!
    • Did I mention, leftists?
    It's as predictable as rain in April, so I don't think he's trolling. He's a true believer, he just hasn't applied 17 seconds of critical thought to what he believes. No parrot ever does. Well, my parrot actually did understand "peek-a-boo" meant hiding, but Ziggy was a flipping genius bird. However, the alt-right grievance crowd doesn't actually understand what they are saying, they really are just repeating it. It's why I call it pseudo-intellectualism because actual intellectualism requires some understanding of the points you're making, not just a bunch of links and flowery catchphrase vomit.
    sure, all of that is possible and most likely probable, i was just describing why i was bothering
    And the truth of about the national organization continues to be covered up by the far left MSM.

    So, fair to assume you cannot provide anything to prove your contention that BLM is “Marxist”?

    I have actually read some of their websites. Have you?
    <div style='position:relative; padding-bottom:calc(75.00% + 44px)'><iframe src='' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' width='100%' height='100%' style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;' allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
    You're only proving my point. Every time you stop regurgitating alt-right talking points you sound like you struggled with 3rd grade English. You haven't shown any ability to do anything except quote your favorite alt-right blogger, copy links and spout every variation of the word "left" in the English language.

    Well, and "I know you are but what am I". I'm trying not to bring up that Blue Clues level discourse because it makes me feel sorry for you and I don't want to do that.

    I'll keep waiting for something intelligible that isn't a direct copy and paste from out of the alt-right playbook, but I think I'll end up like the kid in the commercial on WandaVision this week.


    Let us go then, you and me,
    And stroll beneath a cloudy sea
    As evening spreads across its face like a toothless grin.
    Let us go a-meandering down narrow-minded suburban lanes,
    Silky slick with sullen rains
    And hemmed in by redundant four-bedroom stalls and grated sewage drains;
    Past the immaculate parks and the quaint, steepled churches,
    the lofty perches,​
    Where the vagabond Riffraff lurches in the pristine shadows:
    A restless Crowd that chases dreams of easy grace and meadows,
    And sings a melancholy hymn, a petulant brew, that lingers at your nervebone.
    So, fair to assume you cannot provide anything to prove your contention that BLM is “Marxist”?

    I have actually read some of their websites. Have you?

    A chorus of crickets roll their eyes
    And dance beneath the cloudy skies.
    Let us go then, you and me,
    And stroll beneath a cloudy sea
    As evening spreads across its face like a toothless grin.
    Let us go a-meandering down narrow-minded suburban lanes,
    Silky slick with sullen rains
    And hemmed in by redundant four-bedroom stalls and grated sewage drains;
    Past the immaculate parks and the quaint, steepled churches,
    the lofty perches,​
    Where the vagabond Riffraff lurches in the pristine shadows:
    A restless Crowd that chases dreams of easy grace and meadows,
    And sings a melancholy hymn, a petulant brew, that lingers at your nervebone.

    “That’s T.S. Eliot darling. It appears Mr. Rawlings here is an educated man. Now I really hate him.” 😂

    I think the issue is that some see left/right as opposites - they are not. They have far more in common with each other than they have with the more moderate version of both sides.

    I don't see the political spectrum as a straight line but as a circle, where the extremes on both sides line up besides each other and the moderate line up with the centrists on the opposite side of the circle
    From a strict political theorist perspective on interpreting socio-political ideologies, there ARE certainly clear, undeniable differences between far-left and far-right competing platforms, respective political groups, parties and what their long-term end games are, allegedly. Now, yes usually Militant, extreme political parties and ideologies do tend to have clear, authoritian/totalitarian tendencies or brutal, violent repressive techniques to ban opposing parties, censor press, free speech, limit or suspend civil liberties in their collectively shared paranoia of crushing real or perceived enemies.

    But even if extreme political ideologies on the spectrum share many of same methods, and procedures in their gaining and consolidation of political power, what Marxist-Leninist inspired regimes supposedly set out to achieve in establishing their anarcho-communist "Plato's Republic", as they've read, analyzed, and extrapolated from dissecting Marx's original economic/political theories about individual alienation, from work, life, discovering a fuller, deeper understanding of one's purpose and what materialist forces oppose this, whether one is a factory worker, police officer, or multi-billionaire CEO of a Fortune 500 company compared to Hitler's apocalyptic frightening extreme vision of a Gross Deutschland, " Greater Germany", a massive ethnic Volkstaat or VolksGemenieShaat (People's Ethnic Community), where Germany-centric Central European superstate where millions of ethnic Germans would live and take over vast territories in Eastern Europe(Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Baltic states, Ukraine, Russia or the Soviet Union) only after ruthless military conquests, mechanized industrialized, top-secret state-sanctioned exterminations of European Jews, Poles, Czechs, Slavic-speaking majorities, "racially inferior" subgroups or minorities or "sexual deviants"--like homosexuals, or T-4 euthanasia program of sterilizing and then murdering epileptics, people with mental disorders, children or adults with mental/physical deformities. " Useless breeders" or "Those unworthy of life" are two such evil, ominous euphemisms Nazi leaders, particularly the SS, like to use to categorize(or demonize, really) these innocent victims as justifications for exterminating them.

    Their goals are vastly different and it would be inappropriate to not emphasize those characteristics.
    From a strict political theorist perspective on interpreting socio-political ideologies, there ARE certainly clear, undeniable differences between far-left and far-right competing platforms, respective political groups, parties and what their long-term end games are, allegedly. Now, yes usually Militant, extreme political parties and ideologies do tend to have clear, authoritian/totalitarian tendencies or brutal, violent repressive techniques to ban opposing parties, censor press, free speech, limit or suspend civil liberties in their collectively shared paranoia of crushing real or perceived enemies.

    But even if extreme political ideologies on the spectrum share many of same methods, and procedures in their gaining and consolidation of political power, what Marxist-Leninist inspired regimes supposedly set out to achieve in establishing their anarcho-communist "Plato's Republic", as they've read, analyzed, and extrapolated from dissecting Marx's original economic/political theories about individual alienation, from work, life, discovering a fuller, deeper understanding of one's purpose and what materialist forces oppose this, whether one is a factory worker, police officer, or multi-billionaire CEO of a Fortune 500 company compared to Hitler's apocalyptic frightening extreme vision of a Gross Deutschland, " Greater Germany", a massive ethnic Volkstaat or VolksGemenieShaat (People's Ethnic Community), where Germany-centric Central European superstate where millions of ethnic Germans would live and take over vast territories in Eastern Europe(Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Baltic states, Ukraine, Russia or the Soviet Union) only after ruthless military conquests, mechanized industrialized, top-secret state-sanctioned exterminations of European Jews, Poles, Czechs, Slavic-speaking majorities, "racially inferior" subgroups or minorities or "sexual deviants"--like homosexuals, or T-4 euthanasia program of sterilizing and then murdering epileptics, people with mental disorders, children or adults with mental/physical deformities. " Useless breeders" or "Those unworthy of life" are two such evil, ominous euphemisms Nazi leaders, particularly the SS, like to use to categorize(or demonize, really) these innocent victims as justifications for exterminating them.

    Their goals are vastly different and it would be inappropriate to not emphasize those characteristics.

    Not very different from the way of the totalitarian extreme left. Pol Pot and and the Chinese cultural revolution comes to mind not to mention the way the Chinese try to eradicate all "non-sino-chinese" cultures (Tibeth and the Urghur among others).
    “That’s T.S. Eliot darling. It appears Mr. Rawlings here is an educated man. Now I really hate him.” 😂

    it's not Prufrock, he got it from a guy who repurposed Eliot - Michael David Rawlings - it appears on a few far right god + tyranny blogs
    so i guess we see where he got his nom de guerre (or maybe it's him)
    it's not Prufrock, he got it from a guy who repurposed Eliot - Michael David Rawlings - it appears on a few far right god + tyranny blogs
    so i guess we see where he got his nom de guerre (or maybe it's him)
    He was kinda right here (ignoring the whole leftist lies thing). Of course, the GOP picked option B. So, it seems he doesn't support lies and the whole birther movement.. so why defend project veritas that obscures the truth by selective editing? Aren't they part of the problem?

    Sadly, most of those who have joined this craze are conservatives, persons who are supposed to care about facts and sound logic. Instead, they have been seized by a feverish hatred for the Messianic One. It's the flip side of Bush-derangement syndrome. Politics by slogan. Debate by sophistry. Other conservatives who do not necessarily believe the Movement's claims—ascribing to the doctrine of fighting leftist lies with even more lies of their own—suggest it is a good idea to encourage the Brithers to go on with their campaign. They see the spread of fictitious rumors as a means of creating doubt and suspicion in the minds of the independent voting block, since alienating them is the only way that such a strategy might work. But they are wrong. It will be the general public's rejection of failed policies that will defeat Obama as conservatives make their case on the issues. The other way only serves to create more confusion about the law on citizenship and eligibility, as it makes conservatives look stupid and dishonest, instead of the sane alternative to the left's lies and failures. Hence, Michael Medved says that they "make us look sick, troubled and not suitable for civilized company."
    So, it appears that since the election stealing nonsense is over online (for the most part) there isn't a way to report those posts anymore.

    Check out Indiana's AG's Valentine's Day tweet.

    So, it appears that since the election stealing nonsense is over online (for the most part) there isn't a way to report those posts anymore.

    Check out Indiana's AG's Valentine's Day tweet.

    Twitter did the right thing and flagged it.
    Anyone with a modicum of sense -- regardless of their political persuasion -- should know the ironically named 'Project Veritas' was, at best, low hanging fruit for those predisposed to ignore reality in pursuit of an agenda. And, yes, there are left-leaning sites cut from a similar cloth. The internet is better without both.

    Of course this claim is absolutely false.
    You're ignoring what people are telling you. I see at least 3 posts in this thread giving examples.

    Saying America is systemically racist is delusional rubbish. Pointing to the institutional and societal racism of the past does not make that case against the America of today, indeed, against the America of the last 40 to 50 years!

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