Twitter swings the ban hammer at Project Veritas (1 Viewer)

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    Nov 13, 2019
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    Project Veritas has been known to use deceptive practices and spread misinformation in attempts to expose what it views as “corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct” from liberal organizations or individuals. In September, Stanford University and University of Washington researchers wrote that a Project Veritas video alleging voter fraud with unidentified sources was what a “a domestic, coordinated elite disinformation campaign looks like in the United States.”

    The marijuana charge rate is a really easy example.

    The only systemic racism in America today is the destructive matrix of leftist policies that foster government dependency, fatherlessness, economically depressed neighborhoods, lousy schools, lawlessness, victimhood, resentment. . . .
    The only systemic racism in America today is the destructive matrix of leftist policies that foster government dependency, fatherlessness, economically depressed neighborhoods, lousy schools, lawlessness, victimhood, resentment. . . .

    I wonder who our friend here is referring to. I wonder.. 🤔:sneaky:
    The only systemic racism in America today is the destructive matrix of leftist policies that foster government dependency, fatherlessness, economically depressed neighborhoods, lousy schools, lawlessness, victimhood, resentment. . . .

    can you name some of these destructive matrix of leftist policies that lead to all of the other things you mentioned?
    can you name some of these destructive matrix of leftist policies that lead to all of the other things you mentioned?
    funny thing is, I bet 2884 would let me get away with calling this a leftist program (though it was clearly quite the opposite) bc FDR signed it
    What facts? LOL! You imply systemic racism prevails in America. I disagree. Bald statement. Bald denial.

    Ok, let's dive in. How do you define system racism, and what evidence would convince you that it exists in the U.S.?
    can you name some of these destructive matrix of leftist policies that lead to all of the other things you mentioned?

    The seminal work is that of Patrick Moynihan's report: “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action”. See the City Journal article on it:

    City Journal
    The Black Family: 40 Years of Lies: Rejecting the Moynihan report caused untold, needless misery.​
    Read through the megazillion words on class, income mobility, and poverty in the recent New York Times series “Class Matters” and you still won’t grasp two of the most basic truths on the subject: 1. entrenched, multigenerational poverty is largely black; and 2. it is intricately intertwined with the collapse of the nuclear family in the inner city.​
    By now, these facts shouldn’t be hard to grasp. Almost 70 percent of black children are born to single mothers. Those mothers are far more likely than married mothers to be poor, even after a post-welfare-reform decline in child poverty. They are also more likely to pass that poverty on to their children. Sophisticates often try to dodge the implications of this bleak reality by shrugging that single motherhood is an inescapable fact of modern life, affecting everyone from the bobo Murphy Browns to the ghetto “baby mamas.” Not so; it is a largely low-income—and disproportionately black—phenomenon. The vast majority of higher-income women wait to have their children until they are married. The truth is that we are now a two-family nation, separate and unequal—one thriving and intact, and the other struggling, broken, and far too often African-American.​

    As things turned out, the policies of Johnson's "War on Poverty" served to exacerbate fatherlessness and entrenched, generational poverty. In response, the Reagan Administration sought to build a political coalition around the implementation of policies to reform welfare amidst cries of racism and victim blaming. Utter gibberish. It was left to the Clinton Administration and a Republican-controlled Congress to finally get at some of the more hackneyed aspects of welfare legislation with the The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. The most successful aspect of that legislation was the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program, which changed the benefit structure and financing of cash assistance. It has since dramatically reduced the costs of welfare, the welfare caseload and increased employment among the impoverished, but it's not enough. Among other things, we need to aggressively reform the collectivist education system, particularly in the impoverished neighborhoods of our inner-cities, but leftists fanatically continue to oppose the privatization reforms of academic freedom.
    Just for starters: PragerU, Crowder, Tommy Robinson, Veritas, Candace Owens, and many others have been deflatformed altogether, including Stefan Molyneux who was falsely accused of racism.

    These are whom you consider to be mainstream, traditional conservatives? Wow. Veritas is veritable disinformation campaign. I never thought of conservatives as inherent liars. Tommy Robinson leads an ultra-nationalist, anti-muslim, anti-immigrant organization. Again, not what I consider to represent classical conservatism. Candace Owens is not only rabid ant-muslim but she also completely rewrites history, e.g., the falsehood of the "Southern Strategy". And she was apparently ok with Hitler so long as he stayed inside Germany. Similar criticisms apply to PragerU. In your mind, it seems that the conservative works with strong doses of fascism.

    All these people have a right to express themselves. I'm curious where you draw the line with hate speech. Should that be deplatformed? I'm asking honestly because any kind of censorship scares me.
    The seminal work is that of Patrick Moynihan's report: “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action”. See the City Journal article on it:

    City Journal
    The Black Family: 40 Years of Lies: Rejecting the Moynihan report caused untold, needless misery.​
    Read through the megazillion words on class, income mobility, and poverty in the recent New York Times series “Class Matters” and you still won’t grasp two of the most basic truths on the subject: 1. entrenched, multigenerational poverty is largely black; and 2. it is intricately intertwined with the collapse of the nuclear family in the inner city.​
    By now, these facts shouldn’t be hard to grasp. Almost 70 percent of black children are born to single mothers. Those mothers are far more likely than married mothers to be poor, even after a post-welfare-reform decline in child poverty. They are also more likely to pass that poverty on to their children. Sophisticates often try to dodge the implications of this bleak reality by shrugging that single motherhood is an inescapable fact of modern life, affecting everyone from the bobo Murphy Browns to the ghetto “baby mamas.” Not so; it is a largely low-income—and disproportionately black—phenomenon. The vast majority of higher-income women wait to have their children until they are married. The truth is that we are now a two-family nation, separate and unequal—one thriving and intact, and the other struggling, broken, and far too often African-American.​

    As things turned out, the policies of Johnson's "War on Poverty" served to exacerbate fatherlessness and entrenched, generational poverty. In response, the Reagan Administration sought to build a political coalition around the implementation of policies to reform welfare amidst cries of racism and victim blaming. Utter gibberish. It was left to the Clinton Administration and a Republican-controlled Congress to finally get at some of the more hackneyed aspects of welfare legislation with the The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. The most successful aspect of that legislation was the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program, which changed the benefit structure and financing of cash assistance. It has since dramatically reduced the costs of welfare, the welfare caseload and increased employment among the impoverished, but it's not enough. Among other things, we need to aggressively reform the collectivist education system, particularly in the impoverished neighborhoods of our inner-cities, but leftists fanatically continue to oppose the privatization reforms of academic freedom.

    Speaking of seminal works, take a gander at Gunnar Myrdal's "An American Dilemma," and tell me that there systemic racism does not exist in the U.S.
    Speaking of seminal works, take a gander at Gunnar Myrdal's "An American Dilemma," and tell me that there systemic racism does not exist in the U.S.

    You're still living in the past. The problem today is the destructive government policies of the redistribution mentality.
    These are whom you consider to be mainstream, traditional conservatives? Wow. Veritas is veritable disinformation campaign. I never thought of conservatives as inherent liars. Tommy Robinson leads an ultra-nationalist, anti-muslim, anti-immigrant organization. Again, not what I consider to represent classical conservatism. Candace Owens is not only rabid ant-muslim but she also completely rewrites history, e.g., the falsehood of the "Southern Strategy". And she was apparently ok with Hitler so long as he stayed inside Germany. Similar criticisms apply to PragerU. In your mind, it seems that the conservative works with strong doses of fascism.

    All these people have a right to express themselves. I'm curious where you draw the line with hate speech. Should that be deplatformed? I'm asking honestly because any kind of censorship scares me.

    Leftist talking points of demonization. The so-called Southern Strategy is nonsense, and you're characterization of Owen's position is misleading. Progressives are the fascists.
    ”she” is a feminist monstrosity? Seriously?

    You may hate racism, but misogyny seems to be A-OK?

    Let‘s assume that was some sort of typo.

    BLM is a movement more than an organization. We’ve covered this ground last summer. As such it doesn’t really have any sort of ideological manifesto, not really, and no real national leadership. What I understand it’s purpose is to mitigate police violence against unarmed POC. It has lots of individual organizations. One of these had some people who made a statement last summer that they were “trained Marxists”. This was seized upon and amplified by the far right wing press, who are inherently racist IMO, and looking for anything they could use to delegitimize BLM. I have looked at some of the websites that BLM organizations maintain and found nothing that would indicate they support Marxism in any form. IMO, this was a smear started by the likes of Breitbart and Gateway Pundit and then amplified by the likes of Hannity and Carlson.

    So if you could point out what exactly makes you think that BLM is inherently Marxist that would be great. Actual policy statements rather than media smears.

    And the truth of about the national organization continues to be covered up by the far left MSM.
    Social media will cease to exist if 230 is repealed.

    I’m fine with that, but I think many people don’t realize what they are asking for.

    I agree. About a week ago some friends of mine suggested that Section 230 should be revoked. I told them that would be disastrous. That seemed obvious to me at a glance, but I had to admit that I hadn't given the matter a great deal of thought in the face of the historically recent demands of the mindless knuckleheads of political correctness, cancel culture and radical transgenderism, relative to the cowardly reaction of corporate America, especially that of the big tech oligarchy. I saw this OP and played the Devil's advocate. I expected to get hammered, but I'm now more convinced than ever from the well-thought-out responses that my initial instincts were right.
    Rightists are the gerbils and so-called Marxism is actually vanilla pudding

    i also enjoy word salad poetry

    The day Candace Owens spayed and neutered lying leftist demagogues: two congressmen are missing their balls, and a white Karen is missing her ovaries.

    "I know that Ms. Owens distanced herself from those comments later."​

    What a crock.! Owens did no such thing. There was nothing she had to distance herself from in first place. In fact, she doubled down and exposed that lying white Karen beside her.


    The day Candace Owens spayed and neutered lying leftist demagogues: two congressmen are missing their balls, and a white Karen is missing her ovaries.

    "I know that Ms. Owens distanced herself from those comments later."​

    What a crock.! Owens did no such thing. There was nothing she had to distance herself from in first place. In fact, she doubled down and exposed that lying white Karen beside her.


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