Trump GA Indictment (2 Viewers)

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    Donald Trump’s former attorney Jenna Ellis scrambled to secure a plea deal for herself in the Georgia election subversion case after watching two other indicted lawyers fold, it was revealed on Wednesday.

    The haste in which her legal team acted to snag an advantageous agreement for their client was laid out by Ellis’s own attorney Frank Hogue in an exclusive interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

    He said surprise guilty pleasby Sidney Powell and Kenneth Chesebro, charged alongside Trump in Fulton county over the former president’s efforts to overturn his 2020 election defeat to Joe Biden, injected urgency into discussions with the prosecutor, Fani Willis.

    “I think what really accelerated it was Powell and Chesebro falling as they did, one right after the other. It looked like timing was of the essence for us,” Hogue told the Journal-Constitution.

    A tearful Ellis, 39, pleaded guilty to one felony count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings last week, becoming the fourth of 19 defendants to admit a role in the plot by Trump and his allies to keep him in office.……

    CNN) — Fulton County prosecutors asked a judge Wednesday to jail Harrison Floyd, who is charged in the 2020 election subversion case in Georgia, because of his alleged “effort to intimidate codefendants and witnesses,” according to court filings.

    This is the first time Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has asked to revoke someone’s bond in the case.

    Prosecutors highlighted Floyd’s recent social media posts about Georgia election officials who are likely to be called as witnesses in the case, as well as his recent comments on a conservative podcast about Jenna Ellis, who pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate.

    “The Defendant’s actions demonstrate that he poses a significant threat of intimidating witnesses and otherwise obstructing the administration of justice in the future, making him ineligible for bond,” prosecutors wrote in the court filing……

    CNN) — Fulton County prosecutors asked a judge Wednesday to jail Harrison Floyd, who is charged in the 2020 election subversion case in Georgia, because of his alleged “effort to intimidate codefendants and witnesses,” according to court filings.

    This is the first time Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has asked to revoke someone’s bond in the case.

    Prosecutors highlighted Floyd’s recent social media posts about Georgia election officials who are likely to be called as witnesses in the case, as well as his recent comments on a conservative podcast about Jenna Ellis, who pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate.

    “The Defendant’s actions demonstrate that he poses a significant threat of intimidating witnesses and otherwise obstructing the administration of justice in the future, making him ineligible for bond,” prosecutors wrote in the court filing……

    No wonder, wow:

    That's so close to the election though. Would that even work?
    🤷‍♀️. But they could get deep into it by October with plenty of stuff coming out during that time. It’s a state trial so no DOJ rule applies.
    CNN) — Fulton County prosecutors asked a judge Wednesday to jail Harrison Floyd, who is charged in the 2020 election subversion case in Georgia, because of his alleged “effort to intimidate codefendants and witnesses,” according to court filings.

    This is the first time Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has asked to revoke someone’s bond in the case.

    Prosecutors highlighted Floyd’s recent social media posts about Georgia election officials who are likely to be called as witnesses in the case, as well as his recent comments on a conservative podcast about Jenna Ellis, who pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate.

    “The Defendant’s actions demonstrate that he poses a significant threat of intimidating witnesses and otherwise obstructing the administration of justice in the future, making him ineligible for bond,” prosecutors wrote in the court filing……

    Where did these clips come from where Trump is only willing to admit that congress certified the election, but then says he didn't even want to admit the election was over? When was this recorded?

    This is from her proffer - basically her account of what happened, under oath, for various purposes (in this case part of the plea deal). So this recording was just recently, I think last month.
    This is from her proffer - basically her account of what happened, under oath, for various purposes (in this case part of the plea deal). So this recording was just recently, I think last month.
    I'm wondering about the clips showing Trump doing some outtakes. It looks like they may have been recorded on 6 JAN.
    I'm wondering about the clips showing Trump doing some outtakes. It looks like they may have been recorded on 6 JAN.
    Yes, they are outtakes from the video they finally finally convinced him to make that afternoon. I believe the Jan 6 committee subpoenaed them and got them. I remember seeing them when the committee was meeting. He really, really didn’t want to make the video, and was only convinced when he saw that the police had regained control of the Capitol.
    Fulton county prosecutors do not intend to offer plea deals to Donald Trump and at least two high-level co-defendants charged in connection with their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia, according to two people familiar with the matter, preferring instead to force them to trial.

    The individuals seen as ineligible include Trump, his former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and Trump’s former lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

    Aside from those three, the Fulton county district attorney Fani Willis has opened plea talks or has left open the possibility of talks with the remaining co-defendants in the hope that they ultimately decide to become cooperating witnesses against the former president, the people said.

    The previously unreported decision has not been communicated formally and could still change, for instance, if prosecutors shift strategy. But it signals who prosecutors consider their main targets, and how they want to wield the power of Georgia’s racketeering statute to their advantage.……

    Georgia state Sen. Colton Moore (R) detailed what he called a "foolproof" plan to have charges against Donald Trump and others for an alleged conspiracy to overturn the state's 2020 presidential election dropped.

    During an interview with right-wing podcaster Steve Bannon on Thursday, Moore explained how Republicans in Georgia could scuttle the charges against Trump and 19 others.

    "I'm working on a piece of legislation called the Stop Political Persecutions Act. This thing is going to be foolproof," Moore said.

    "[The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act] in the state of Georgia does not have a monetary component like most states do. Some say if we added a monetary component to Georgia's RICO, well, you know, Trump and everybody's been indicted on election stuff, not monetary stuff."

    "You know, if that doesn't work, because some people could argue that maybe Trump was trying to make money by getting elected," he continued, "we are going to list out every single charge that these people have been indicted with and just say those charges are not going to be associated with RICO anymore. And therefore, that would retroactively drop the charges."

    Moore insisted that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis "would be done" if he could pass his legislation.

    "All we need is 29 votes of 33 Republicans, and we could get this done, and we would set Trump free," he said.

    Moore has previously warned of civil war if the prosecution against Trump moves forward.

    "We need to be taking action right now," he explained to Bannon earlier this year. "Because if we don't, our constituencies are going to be fighting it in the streets. Do you want a civil war? I don't want a civil war. I don't want to have to draw my rifle. I want to make this problem go away with my legislative means of doing so."..........

    Georgia state Sen. Colton Moore (R) detailed what he called a "foolproof" plan to have charges against Donald Trump and others for an alleged conspiracy to overturn the state's 2020 presidential election dropped.

    During an interview with right-wing podcaster Steve Bannon on Thursday, Moore explained how Republicans in Georgia could scuttle the charges against Trump and 19 others.

    "I'm working on a piece of legislation called the Stop Political Persecutions Act. This thing is going to be foolproof," Moore said.

    "[The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act] in the state of Georgia does not have a monetary component like most states do. Some say if we added a monetary component to Georgia's RICO, well, you know, Trump and everybody's been indicted on election stuff, not monetary stuff."

    "You know, if that doesn't work, because some people could argue that maybe Trump was trying to make money by getting elected," he continued, "we are going to list out every single charge that these people have been indicted with and just say those charges are not going to be associated with RICO anymore. And therefore, that would retroactively drop the charges."

    Moore insisted that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis "would be done" if he could pass his legislation.

    "All we need is 29 votes of 33 Republicans, and we could get this done, and we would set Trump free," he said.

    Moore has previously warned of civil war if the prosecution against Trump moves forward.

    "We need to be taking action right now," he explained to Bannon earlier this year. "Because if we don't, our constituencies are going to be fighting it in the streets. Do you want a civil war? I don't want a civil war. I don't want to have to draw my rifle. I want to make this problem go away with my legislative means of doing so."..........

    The party of law and order :facepalm: :frack:
    One of Donald Trump’s co-defendants in the Georgia election subversion case, Trevian Kutti, posted a video to Instagram last month in which she appeared to make disparaging remarks about a witness in the case.

    The Fulton County district attorney’s office is now considering whether to try to get Kutti’s bond revoked, according to a source familiar with the situation, by arguing her remarks on the Instagram Live video violated the terms.

    Kutti, a Chicago-based publicist who worked at one time with musicians R. Kelly and Kanye West, has been accused by prosecutors of pressuring a Fulton County elections worker in early 2021 during a meeting filmed by Cobb County police officers in the Atlanta suburbs.........

    Fulton county prosecutors have signaled they want prison sentences in the Georgia criminal case against Donald Trump and his top allies for allegedly violating the racketeering statute as part of efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, according to exchanges in private emails.

    “We have a long road ahead,” the Fulton county district attorney, Fani Willis, wrote in one email. “Long after these folks are in jail, we will still be practicing law.”

    The previously unreported emails, between Willis and defense lawyers, open a window onto the endgame envisioned by prosecutors on her team – which could inform legal strategies ahead of a potential trial next year, such as approaches toward plea deal negotiations.

    Prosecutors are not presently expected to offer plea agreements to Trump, his former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and his former election lawyer Rudy Giuliani, but left open the possibility of talks with other co-defendants, the Guardian previously reported.

    The emails also underscore the increasing breakdown in trust with a growing number of defense lawyers who have regarded prosecutors’ tactics – including Willis assuming she will win – as inappropriately aggressive and presumptuous given the case remains months from a potential verdict.

    The district attorney raised the prospect of defendants in prison in a 29 November exchange, which started with Trump’s lawyer Steve Sadow complaining about an incomplete Giuliani transcript the defense received in discovery, according to two people with direct knowledge of the emails……..


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