Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights per draft opinion (Update: Dobbs opinion official) (2 Viewers)

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    Not long ago Kari Lake proclaimed Arizona's abortion law was a great law and wanted it the law of the state.

    Now that she has gotten her way, she is lobbying for it to be repealed.

    As I have been saying since 2022, the overwhelming vast majority of women aren't going to vote for the man who proudly boasts that he got rid of Roe V. Wade. Nor are those women going to vote for a forced birther politician.

    Turns out, republican belief in "pro life" was all just lies to get votes. Who is surprised? I sure am not.

    How many forced birthers will do the same about face? ... r-BB1ltx3I.

    Arizona Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake is actively lobbying state lawmakers to overturn a 160-year-old law she once supported that bans abortion in almost all cases, a source with knowledge of her efforts told CNN.
    While a new survey finds that more than half of Florida voters support a state ballot initiative to protect abortion rights, it might not be enough to clinch passage in November’s election.

    A poll released Wednesday from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and Mainstreet USA found 56 percent of Sunshine State voters support the proposed amendment, falling short of the 60 percent threshold Florida requires for constitutional amendments to become law.

    Slightly more women said they would vote for Amendment 4 than men, 59 percent to 54 percent. A greater share, 62 percent, of 18- to 49-year-olds support the initiative, pollsters added.

    Party voters are much more split on the issue, with Democrats largely in support of the initiative versus 35 percent of Republicans and 59 percent of independents.

    Amendment 4 would prohibit laws in the state from restricting or banning abortion until fetal viability. It has faced various challenges from state officials even after Florida’s Supreme Court greenlighted it for the ballot in May.

    The most recent numbers are an increase from April, when the amendment had 49 percent support, Luzmarina Garcia, Ph.D., assistant professor of political science at FAU, wrote in a statement.

    Compared with another poll, however, it is a drop in support from last month.

    The earlier poll, released late last month from University of North Florida’s Public Opinion Research Lab, found 69 percent of respondents said they would vote for the amendment, 13 points higher than FAU’s survey............

    I think this illustrates the problems polls are having. It's unlikely that since April there has been that large a percentage of people who have reversed their opinions twice.
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    Abortion rights will be on the ballot in 8 states this fall.

    That's 2 battle ground states, 2 solid Democratic states and 4 solid Republican states. If AR and NE get added, then it makes it 5.8 solid Republican states. NE splits it's votes and 4 out of 5 are solid Republican.
    “Oh, no, no, I think you’re trying to get in contact with my wife.”

    That’s what a man in Florida recently told an activist who knocked on his door to talk about abortion rights. But the man was wrong.

    The activist, who represented a group called Men4Choice, was there to talk to him, because the group is dedicated to getting more men who support abortion rights involved in the fight for them.

    “They have to get off the sidelines,” said Dewayne Martin, the youth organizing director for Men4Choice, who relayed the activist’s account to the Guardian. “They have to become the foot soldiers of this movement.”

    Two years after the US supreme court overturned Roe v Wade and allowed more than a dozen states to ban almost all abortions, most men in the United States support abortion rights.

    Within months of the decision, 65% of men between the ages of 18 and 29 said they supported abortion being legal in all or most cases. But Men4Choice calls these young men “passively pro-choice”.

    Young women still support abortion rights at higher rates than their male peers – and young men are just not as motivated to take a public stand on the issue.

    Just 43% of gen Z men say that abortion rights are a “critical issue”, compared with 68% of gen Z women, the political scientist Melissa Deckman found in her forthcoming book The Politics of Gen Z.

    This indifference has consequences: compared with women, men between the ages of 18 and 44 are less likely to say that abortion is motivating them to vote in the 2024 elections, according to polling from the firm PerryUndem.

    They are also less likely to say that the state of abortion rights will affect whom they vote for.

    Men4Choice’s goal is to get these young men to vote, canvass and otherwise act on their beliefs – instead of leaving the work to women.

    “When we think about our organizing strategy, it’s: help men see the harm,” said Oren Jacobson, a Men4Choice co-founder. “Help men understand how this issue is not just a woman’s issue. It’s not just about abortion. It’s about freedom, it’s about power, it’s about control. It is an issue that impacts all of us, our families, our loved ones.”……

    yeah I was just reading about that ^

    The group Arkansans for Limited Government (AFLG) had gathered over 100,000 signatures to place the amendment on the ballot, well over the 90,074 needed; but, only 87,675 were collected by volunteers. The rest, about 14,000, were collected by paid canvassers.

    In July, Secretary of State John Thurston rejected the amendment on the grounds that AFLG had not complied with state law regarding paid canvassers. Under state law, a sponsor is required to sign a statement affirming that each paid canvasser has received a copy of the secretary of state’s initiative and referenda handbook, and that they have had canvassing laws explained to them.
    So a thread about voter registrations after H
    yeah I was just reading about that ^

    The group Arkansans for Limited Government (AFLG) had gathered over 100,000 signatures to place the amendment on the ballot, well over the 90,074 needed; but, only 87,675 were collected by volunteers. The rest, about 14,000, were collected by paid canvassers.

    In July, Secretary of State John Thurston rejected the amendment on the grounds that AFLG had not complied with state law regarding paid canvassers. Under state law, a sponsor is required to sign a statement affirming that each paid canvasser has received a copy of the secretary of state’s initiative and referenda handbook, and that they have had canvassing laws explained to them.
    yes, but isn’t this the state where they later found the correct paperwork HAD been submitted, and they had a copy with a date stamp, but the state claimed they never submitted it?
    Nebraska’s general election ballot will include two proposed measures related to abortion: one that would guarantee the right to an abortion up to the point of viability and the other to enshrine the state’s 12-week abortion ban.

    On Friday, Nebraska Secretary of State Robert Evnen confirmed both measures had met the required number of signatures to appear on the November ballot.

    “Barring any legal challenges, this November general election ballot will host two ballot measures that appear in direct conflict with each other, which could be the first time this has happened in Nebraska’s history,” Evnen said in a press release.……..

    I know this logic has been brought up before. There isn’t any answer to it. It just exposes the lie about “letting the states decide” cleanly. Copy/paste from Twitter:

    ‘For those saying reversing roe v wade brings the decision closer to the's an idea - why stop at the state? let the counties decide. Or the cities, or maybe even by neighborhoods. And then, hear us out, really take the decision to the people by letting the individual forking people decide for themselves if they want an abortion’
    Women can turn every state blue by themselves.

    I've been saying it since Dobbs, the R's are fooling none of them with this garbage and they are about to find out how serious women are when their rights are attacked.....
    With her blond hair pulled into a braided ponytail, a small gold cross slung around her neck and decked out in teal scrubs covered in cartoon frogs, Brenda Morgan was polite but firm as she doled out instructions to her clinic employees.

    People rarely pick up their phone if they don’t recognize the number, so you’ll probably have to leave a voicemail, Morgan advised a trio of staffers. When you leave that voicemail, she continued, never say you’re calling from Whole Woman’s Health. Instead, Morgan suggested they say something vague, like: “This is Brenda from your doctor’s office. Please give me a call back.”

    The last thing they want is for the wrong person to hear the voicemail and realize an abortion clinic is calling.

    The staffers eyed the phones on the desk. Protecting a patient’s privacy was paramount, but they had little time to perfect their voicemail technique. Less than 24 hours later, that clinic, the latest addition to the Whole Woman Health’s network of abortion clinics, would welcome its first patient.

    In the two years since the US supreme courtoverturned Roe v Wade and allowed more than a dozen states to ban almost all abortions, more than 100 facilities have stopped providing abortions.

    New clinics have sprung up in states that still allow the procedure, but there are nowhere near enough to make up for those that shuttered. Many of those clinics are also in solidly liberal, northern states.

    By contrast, Whole Woman’s Health newest clinic – which quietly opened last week – is located in Petersburg, Virginia, within a purplish state that rebuked a GOP campaign to ban abortion past 15 weeks in the 2023 elections but remains ruled by a Republican governor.

    In opening in Petersburg, a small city perhaps best known for being home to some of the American civil war’s final battles, Whole Woman’s Health is declaring a new front in a war that has again divided the US north from south: the fight over abortion.…..

    The notoriously verbose Ted Cruz has gone largely silent on abortion, one of his favorite topics to legislate on and bloviate about, during his Senate re-election campaign in Texas – an ominous sign both for Cruz and the anti-abortion movement writ large.

    Indeed, Texas representative Colin Allred has mounted an unusually strong campaign for Cruz’s Senate seat at a time when Texas has become ground zero in the grisly maternal health disasterunfolding across the country since the fall of Roe v Wade.

    As of the latest University of Houston poll, the race between Cruz and Allred is currently a dead heat, with Cruz leading the former NFL player by only two points (47-45%). This is remarkable for Texas, which hasn’t elected a Democrat in a statewide race in three decades and has never elected a Black US senator.

    Abortion is a particularly toxic issue for Republicans this presidential election cycle, so much so that even Donald Trump posted after the Democratic national convention that his administration “would be great for women and their reproductive rights”.

    Cruz had openly celebrated the US supreme court overturning Roe in 2022, calling the decision a “massive victory”. But since Texas women began pouring out personal horror stories and suing the state left and right for denying them emergency abortions under the state’s draconian ban, he’s gone quiet.

    The senator dodged multiple questions in December about the Texas supreme court denying 31-year-old Kate Cox’s request for an emergency abortion, which forced her to travel out of state for care after her doctor discovered a severe fetal anomaly, and has repeatedly avoided press inquiries about abortion ever since.

    So as Cruz tries to distance himself from the very real consequences of the abortion bans that the US supreme court unleashed, it’s important to look at exactly how influential Cruz was behind the scenes in enabling this health care disaster…….

    Under the Trump administration, Cruz “basically had free rein” to fill district courts with conservative judges and reportedly urged Trump behind the scenes during that time to nominate Ho to the fifth circuit, according to the Texas Tribune.

    Cruz then attended his “good friend” Ho’s swearing in ceremony, and Ho went on to become the notorious appellate judge who cited a wildlife case in his argument to ban the commonly used abortion pill in 2023, writing that doctors suffer an “aesthetic injury” when they lose the ability to observe their unborn patients –much like a bird-watcher suffers if he can’t look at birds.

    Cruz has also bragged about his role in getting Texans Don Willett and Andrew Oldham confirmed to the fifth circuit, touting his own role in “reshap[ing] the federal judiciary” in a 2020 press release and gushing that Willett, Oldham and Ho were “well on their way to becoming national judicial superstars”.

    The trio have since been described as “arguably the most transformative figures” on the court that paved the way for overturning Roe, as they greenlit laws such as Texas’s infamously cruel abortion ban, the Heartbeat Act (Senate Bill 8), and overturned lower court rulings on abortion cases that were intentionally aimed for the US supreme court……..

    The notoriously verbose Ted Cruz has gone largely silent on abortion, one of his favorite topics to legislate on and bloviate about, during his Senate re-election campaign in Texas – an ominous sign both for Cruz and the anti-abortion movement writ large.

    Indeed, Texas representative Colin Allred has mounted an unusually strong campaign for Cruz’s Senate seat at a time when Texas has become ground zero in the grisly maternal health disasterunfolding across the country since the fall of Roe v Wade.

    As of the latest University of Houston poll, the race between Cruz and Allred is currently a dead heat, with Cruz leading the former NFL player by only two points (47-45%). This is remarkable for Texas, which hasn’t elected a Democrat in a statewide race in three decades and has never elected a Black US senator.

    Abortion is a particularly toxic issue for Republicans this presidential election cycle, so much so that even Donald Trump posted after the Democratic national convention that his administration “would be great for women and their reproductive rights”.

    Cruz had openly celebrated the US supreme court overturning Roe in 2022, calling the decision a “massive victory”. But since Texas women began pouring out personal horror stories and suing the state left and right for denying them emergency abortions under the state’s draconian ban, he’s gone quiet.

    The senator dodged multiple questions in December about the Texas supreme court denying 31-year-old Kate Cox’s request for an emergency abortion, which forced her to travel out of state for care after her doctor discovered a severe fetal anomaly, and has repeatedly avoided press inquiries about abortion ever since.

    So as Cruz tries to distance himself from the very real consequences of the abortion bans that the US supreme court unleashed, it’s important to look at exactly how influential Cruz was behind the scenes in enabling this health care disaster…….

    Under the Trump administration, Cruz “basically had free rein” to fill district courts with conservative judges and reportedly urged Trump behind the scenes during that time to nominate Ho to the fifth circuit, according to the Texas Tribune.

    Cruz then attended his “good friend” Ho’s swearing in ceremony, and Ho went on to become the notorious appellate judge who cited a wildlife case in his argument to ban the commonly used abortion pill in 2023, writing that doctors suffer an “aesthetic injury” when they lose the ability to observe their unborn patients –much like a bird-watcher suffers if he can’t look at birds.

    Cruz has also bragged about his role in getting Texans Don Willett and Andrew Oldham confirmed to the fifth circuit, touting his own role in “reshap[ing] the federal judiciary” in a 2020 press release and gushing that Willett, Oldham and Ho were “well on their way to becoming national judicial superstars”.

    The trio have since been described as “arguably the most transformative figures” on the court that paved the way for overturning Roe, as they greenlit laws such as Texas’s infamously cruel abortion ban, the Heartbeat Act (Senate Bill 8), and overturned lower court rulings on abortion cases that were intentionally aimed for the US supreme court……..

    Ted Cruz and the Tea Party was the reason the Republican party left me. He needs to be gone just like Trump.

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