Secret Service Foreknowledge or Criminal Negligence? Damning New Evidence Surfaces In FBI’s January 6 “Pipe Bomb” Story (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 5, 2019
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    Over three years have passed since January 6, 2021, and the truth of what really happened that day has never been more relevant. For the regime, the stakes involved in selling the official narrative of January 6 as a uniquely horrific domestic terror event are higher than ever. Such are the stakes that Biden’s crypt-keepers presumably injected him with the strongest stuff they had to keep the President conscious and standing upright for the duration of his hour and a half-long speech marking the anniversary of the day “we almost lost America.” And it makes sense. The ludicrous notion of January 6 as an “insurrection” has long served as the key pretext for the accelerated political weaponization of the national security state against Trump and his supporters. More recently, the still more ludicrous theory of Trump’s culpability for this “insurrection” has become the sham legal basis behind the attempt to throw him in prison and remove him from the ballots—all in the name of democracy, of course.

    That the regime has invested so much in the “insurrection” story of January 6th helps to explain its commensurate hostility to anyone who challenges that narrative. This applies especially to our reporting on what we’ve coined the “Fedsurrection”—the elements of January 6 that overwhelmingly point toward government involvement. Last year, we reported on a case in which an FBI agent investigating January 6 crimes had his security clearance revoked and his loyalty to the United States questioned simply for sharing one of our articles with colleagues. A top Democrat lawyer teamed up with Ray Epps to sue or threaten to sue Revolver News, Tucker Carlson, and anyone who asks uncomfortable questions about certain events during January 6, which Epps, in his own words, “orchestrated.”

    Thankfully, such intimidation efforts aren’t working—in fact, quite the opposite. The DOJ’s decision to charge Ray Epps with a wrist-slap misdemeanor nearly three years after January 6, 2021, for which he is to serve no jail time, strikes anyone who is remotely informed about the case as a desperate and sloppy attempt to rescue an unsalvageable narrative. Although Speaker Mike Johnson has not followed through on his promise to release 40,000 hours of January 6 footage, the 90 or so hours he has released have done a great deal to popularize and reinforce the public’s understanding of just how inaccurate the official version of January 6th is. We say this footage popularizes and reinforces the public’s understanding of the Fedsurrection, but it does not advance this understanding. New footage depicting Capitol Police opening the doors or ushering crowds in or footage of Capitol Police committing violence against protestors is great for spreading awareness, but it doesn’t tell us anything new; similar types of footage have been around for a long time.

    The Most Important January 6th Video You Have Never Heard About

    Curiously enough, the Capitol did quietly release a damning short piece of footage that had gotten virtually no public attention, though it could very well be the breakthrough we need to definitively expose the phony January 6 “pipe bomb” story once and for all.

    The Capitol authorities were counting on no one knowing that this footage even exists, let alone understanding its significance, and put up tremendous resistance when Congressman Massie tried to make the footage public. Ultimately, it took a direct call from Kevin McCarthy to break the stonewall (and one can only imagine how much pressure McCarthy must have been under to make that call!). Courtesy of Congressman Massie’s efforts, the footage is available below. For a first viewing, we encourage the reader to skim the video to get a general idea. Make note of the man in the backpack going up to the police and secret service cars. It will likely turn out that identifying this man in the backpack will lead to the unraveling of one of the darkest and most scandalous government coverups in recent history.

    Any follow up to this pack of lies and crazy conspiracies without any proof for this thread?

    Let's review the OP's "record" of sorts:

    --He gish-gallops Tweets, often from crazy, RW conspiracy theorists, racists, MAGA cult members; these tweets are often littered with unsubstantiated claims based on claims without any proof, often based on cherry-picked information without context.
    --He often acts offended or off-put by posters accusing HIM of being a racist, but when it's pointed out that he posts racist tweets from Christian Nationalists, Proud Boys, and other RW hate from Twitter, he's claims that "Democrats" just accuse others of "racism" whenever there's disagreement--another blatant lie.
    --He often lies about what others post in plain site, making claims that are just not true about what others think or have said, often in the same thread.
    --He often does not read or read closely the links to content he posts, often just making dubious or false (lies) conclusions that the linked articles are tweets do not claim. Often, he does not even bother reading the content he posts.
    --He often compels others to do his "homework" for him, chasing down primary sources or evidence that contradicts the the articles or tweets he posts, or actually reading the content he posts only to discover that the content he posts does not at all support the claims that he makes.
    --He has absolutely no thoughts for himself; everything is just a regurgitation of gish galloping wacko conspiracy theories and claims with absolutely no proof beyond what his "sources" have claimed; then refuses to acknowledge any evidence or proof of other sources, often primary sources--which contradict his posts.
    --He misuses terms. The latest is "corporate media" and refuses any detailed discussion as to what the "corporate media" means in any specific way, and its consequences, re: why the "corporate media" is not reliable. Moreover, he often uses the "corporate media" when advancing his own claims--and then completely is oblivious to his obvious hypocrisy.
    --He does not know or familiar with basic concepts relating to government, e.g. free speech, censorship, and how basic constitutional rights work.
    --He literally posts direct propaganda from Putin and the Kremlin regarding Ukraine and other international relations without the slightest bit of irony, and when others point this fact out, he claims that posters are engaged in a "Neo-Mcarthyism" even when it's demonstrated that he would trust the KGB over the CIA and Vladimir Putin over Joe Biden.
    --He has not shown one shred of evidence of a substantive, good-faith discussion regarding any topic--or at least recently.
    Because the OP does not vet his sources, here's more on this Daniel J. Beattie."

    Liberals and corporate media shills don't know what the "truth" is, but some loser who rubs elbows with racists, anti-semites, xenophobes and other RW extremists will educate us all.

    The lagniappe? He was a speech writer for DJT. And was fired, for being even too extremist for Trump--or he was caught, take your pick.

    Keep lapping up that corporate media, though you sheep!

    Any follow up to this pack of lies and crazy conspiracies without any proof for this thread?

    Let's review the OP's "record" of sorts:

    --He gish-gallops Tweets, often from crazy, RW conspiracy theorists, racists, MAGA cult members; these tweets are often littered with unsubstantiated claims based on claims without any proof, often based on cherry-picked information without context.
    --He often acts offended or off-put by posters accusing HIM of being a racist, but when it's pointed out that he posts racist tweets from Christian Nationalists, Proud Boys, and other RW hate from Twitter, he's claims that "Democrats" just accuse others of "racism" whenever there's disagreement--another blatant lie.
    --He often lies about what others post in plain site, making claims that are just not true about what others think or have said, often in the same thread.
    --He often does not read or read closely the links to content he posts, often just making dubious or false (lies) conclusions that the linked articles are tweets do not claim. Often, he does not even bother reading the content he posts.
    --He often compels others to do his "homework" for him, chasing down primary sources or evidence that contradicts the the articles or tweets he posts, or actually reading the content he posts only to discover that the content he posts does not at all support the claims that he makes.
    --He has absolutely no thoughts for himself; everything is just a regurgitation of gish galloping wacko conspiracy theories and claims with absolutely no proof beyond what his "sources" have claimed; then refuses to acknowledge any evidence or proof of other sources, often primary sources--which contradict his posts.
    --He misuses terms. The latest is "corporate media" and refuses any detailed discussion as to what the "corporate media" means in any specific way, and its consequences, re: why the "corporate media" is not reliable. Moreover, he often uses the "corporate media" when advancing his own claims--and then completely is oblivious to his obvious hypocrisy.
    --He does not know or familiar with basic concepts relating to government, e.g. free speech, censorship, and how basic constitutional rights work.
    --He literally posts direct propaganda from Putin and the Kremlin regarding Ukraine and other international relations without the slightest bit of irony, and when others point this fact out, he claims that posters are engaged in a "Neo-Mcarthyism" even when it's demonstrated that he would trust the KGB over the CIA and Vladimir Putin over Joe Biden.
    --He has not shown one shred of evidence of a substantive, good-faith discussion regarding any topic--or at least recently.
    He's a troll, full-stop. But yeah, I agree with everything you said. :9:
    Any follow up to this pack of lies and crazy conspiracies without any proof for this thread?

    Let's review the OP's "record" of sorts:

    --He gish-gallops Tweets, often from crazy, RW conspiracy theorists, racists, MAGA cult members; these tweets are often littered with unsubstantiated claims based on claims without any proof, often based on cherry-picked information without context.
    --He often acts offended or off-put by posters accusing HIM of being a racist, but when it's pointed out that he posts racist tweets from Christian Nationalists, Proud Boys, and other RW hate from Twitter, he's claims that "Democrats" just accuse others of "racism" whenever there's disagreement--another blatant lie.
    --He often lies about what others post in plain site, making claims that are just not true about what others think or have said, often in the same thread.
    --He often does not read or read closely the links to content he posts, often just making dubious or false (lies) conclusions that the linked articles are tweets do not claim. Often, he does not even bother reading the content he posts.
    --He often compels others to do his "homework" for him, chasing down primary sources or evidence that contradicts the the articles or tweets he posts, or actually reading the content he posts only to discover that the content he posts does not at all support the claims that he makes.
    --He has absolutely no thoughts for himself; everything is just a regurgitation of gish galloping wacko conspiracy theories and claims with absolutely no proof beyond what his "sources" have claimed; then refuses to acknowledge any evidence or proof of other sources, often primary sources--which contradict his posts.
    --He misuses terms. The latest is "corporate media" and refuses any detailed discussion as to what the "corporate media" means in any specific way, and its consequences, re: why the "corporate media" is not reliable. Moreover, he often uses the "corporate media" when advancing his own claims--and then completely is oblivious to his obvious hypocrisy.
    --He does not know or familiar with basic concepts relating to government, e.g. free speech, censorship, and how basic constitutional rights work.
    --He literally posts direct propaganda from Putin and the Kremlin regarding Ukraine and other international relations without the slightest bit of irony, and when others point this fact out, he claims that posters are engaged in a "Neo-Mcarthyism" even when it's demonstrated that he would trust the KGB over the CIA and Vladimir Putin over Joe Biden.
    --He has not shown one shred of evidence of a substantive, good-faith discussion regarding any topic--or at least recently.

    Any follow up to this pack of lies and crazy conspiracies without any proof for this thread?

    Let's review the OP's "record" of sorts:

    --He gish-gallops Tweets, often from crazy, RW conspiracy theorists, racists, MAGA cult members; these tweets are often littered with unsubstantiated claims based on claims without any proof, often based on cherry-picked information without context.
    --He often acts offended or off-put by posters accusing HIM of being a racist, but when it's pointed out that he posts racist tweets from Christian Nationalists, Proud Boys, and other RW hate from Twitter, he's claims that "Democrats" just accuse others of "racism" whenever there's disagreement--another blatant lie.
    --He often lies about what others post in plain site, making claims that are just not true about what others think or have said, often in the same thread.
    --He often does not read or read closely the links to content he posts, often just making dubious or false (lies) conclusions that the linked articles are tweets do not claim. Often, he does not even bother reading the content he posts.
    --He often compels others to do his "homework" for him, chasing down primary sources or evidence that contradicts the the articles or tweets he posts, or actually reading the content he posts only to discover that the content he posts does not at all support the claims that he makes.
    --He has absolutely no thoughts for himself; everything is just a regurgitation of gish galloping wacko conspiracy theories and claims with absolutely no proof beyond what his "sources" have claimed; then refuses to acknowledge any evidence or proof of other sources, often primary sources--which contradict his posts.
    --He misuses terms. The latest is "corporate media" and refuses any detailed discussion as to what the "corporate media" means in any specific way, and its consequences, re: why the "corporate media" is not reliable. Moreover, he often uses the "corporate media" when advancing his own claims--and then completely is oblivious to his obvious hypocrisy.
    --He does not know or familiar with basic concepts relating to government, e.g. free speech, censorship, and how basic constitutional rights work.
    --He literally posts direct propaganda from Putin and the Kremlin regarding Ukraine and other international relations without the slightest bit of irony, and when others point this fact out, he claims that posters are engaged in a "Neo-Mcarthyism" even when it's demonstrated that he would trust the KGB over the CIA and Vladimir Putin over Joe Biden.
    --He has not shown one shred of evidence of a substantive, good-faith discussion regarding any topic--or at least recently.
    Any follow up to this pack of lies and crazy conspiracies without any proof for this thread?
    Pack of lies apparently includes video footage of the Vice President sitting in her vehicle for multiple minutes even after being told there was a supposed pipe bomb right next to her. Also, it was so dangerous around that pipe bomb that they let kids walk right by it. Nobody who posted on this thread have said anything about it. If it's such a lie, wouldn't it be easy to point out why letting the Vice President and kids be next to and walk by a supposedly live pipe bomb.

    Why hasn't a journalist asked Kamala why the secret service let her sit for multiple minutes next to a supposedly active pipe bomb? This requires an investigation. There isn't much a poster on a message board can do to follow up on it.

    How convenient is it that they have arrested anyone who set foot on one blade of grass around January 6th, but they haven't been able to find either person who supposedly left the pipe bombs. Those pipe bombs that had a 12 hour kitchen timer were obviously not active because they were placed 17 hours beforehand if I'm remembering correctly.

    Let's review the OP's "record" of sorts:

    --He gish-gallops Tweets, often from crazy, RW conspiracy theorists, racists, MAGA cult members; these tweets are often littered with unsubstantiated claims based on claims without any proof, often based on cherry-picked information without context.
    Omg I'm gish-galloping according to the far left professor who is so smart that he hides on the liberal board and only posts here occasionally. You would think that someone who thinks they are as smart as you do wouldn't be scared to post more.

    -He often lies about what others post in plain site, making claims that are just not true about what others think or have said, often in the same thread.
    Thats also not true. Can you post a link to an example?

    --He often acts offended or off-put by posters accusing HIM of being a racist, but when it's pointed out that he posts racist tweets from Christian Nationalists, Proud Boys, and other RW hate from Twitter, he's claims that "Democrats" just accuse others of "racism" whenever there's disagreement--another blatant lie.
    Speaking of lies, I've never posted anything from anyone from the Proud Boys. Post a link showing I did because otherwise we can see you are the liar.

    Oh I post white nationalists according to the activist left Southern Povert Law Center? Yawn.

    RW hate? You sound like you support censorship. What do you do when you hear RW hate at a restaurant or a grocery store? Do you crawl up in ball in a corner and start crying or demand that person is removed from the premises?

    It well known that many Democrats use false accusations of racism, antisemitism, white nationalism, misogyny, etc to try to shut down debate or discredit someone. Its very obvious to anyone who isn't a partisan Democrat. It's obviously not working based on Biden hemorrhaging minority support to Trump lol.

    --He often does not read or read closely the links to content he posts, often just making dubious or false (lies) conclusions that the linked articles are tweets do not claim. Often, he does not even bother reading the content he posts.
    Not quite, but I do notice that's a common message board tactic here as if it discredits a post based on that claim. Remember, people will have different views, opinions, or interpret things differently. Fasely labeling those differences as lies is a juvenile tactic.

    --He often compels others to do his "homework" for him, chasing down primary sources or evidence that contradicts the the articles or tweets he posts, or actually reading the content he posts only to discover that the content he posts does not at all support the claims that he makes.
    Wrong again. If someone makes a claim, asking them for a link or evidence of their claim isn't getting them to do my homework. If you make a claim on a message board, then be prepared to back up that claim.

    But what many here like to do is respond to a post with vague talking points. When asked for specifics then it's crickets
    --He has absolutely no thoughts for himself; everything is just a regurgitation of gish galloping wacko conspiracy theories and claims with absolutely no proof beyond what his "sources" have claimed; then refuses to acknowledge any evidence or proof of other sources, often primary sources--which contradict his posts.
    What an idiotic claim, but it fits with the far left bubble that you live in. You guys complain about the posts from X or articles I link to, but you guys don't say a thing when Optimus Prime or others do the same thing.

    When the supposed proof or other sources you reference are stenographers for the government, a neocon think tank, or some censorship goons, then it's perfectly reasonable to question it especially based on the horrendous record of the media

    It's an obvious and transparent message board tactic.

    --He misuses terms. The latest is "corporate media" and refuses any detailed discussion as to what the "corporate media" means in any specific way, and its consequences, re: why the "corporate media" is not reliable. Moreover, he often uses the "corporate media" when advancing his own claims--and then completely is oblivious to his obvious hypocrisy.
    It's not a misuse of the term. Do tell how corporate media is an incorrect description. I haven't refused a discussion about it, but I ignored your thread because you seem unable to respond to me without personal insults. I normally ignore people who constantly insult me and yes I will give it back to someone who constantly insults me.

    I guess I need to dumb this down for you since you are obviously incapable of understanding the issue.

    The corporate media includes most of the media we consume including the NYT, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News etc. Those corporations won't let certain things be covered if it would harms them financially.

    The corporate media isn't credible and we can look at how they covered wars and pushed the war propaganda like eager stenographers rarely if ever pushing back on evidence free claims. For the war propaganda they rely on information from anonymous Intelligence officials that later turn out to be complete BS. Rinse & Repeat.

    Those reporters who peddle that propaganda are never penalized when the story is found out to be false. In fact it's the complete opposite. They get promoted for pushing the establishment propaganda. Rinse & repeat.

    Natasha Bertrand is a perfect example. She was one of the biggest pushers of the completely insane Russiagate supposed bombshell reports that later turned out to be false. She never acknowledged those stories later being proven to be lies. She just moves on to her next stenographer project. Ken Dilanian literally got caught clearing articles with the CIA before he published them

    On the biggest and most important stories the corporate media is generally in lock step of pumping out the government and war propaganda. The corporate media should never be trusted on those kind of stories unless they show evidence for the claims which many times they don't do.

    But that doesn't mean that everything they report on is propaganda or lies like reporting that Iran's leader died in a helicopter crash, that Senator Menendez got indicted, that a big building burned down, etc. Facts that can be easily verified are things that generally we can trust for the media.

    But foreign policy, wars, censorship, surveillance of US citizens, reporting on things that have a racial component are all things, based on the media track record of constantly lying or pushing propaganda, that we shouldn't trust from without evidence or proof.

    The media has one of the lowest approval ratings maybe only eclipsed by Congress. It's been that way for a while so it's not just me that doesn't trust the media. Democrats are the only one who still trust the corporate media.


    --He does not know or familiar with basic concepts relating to government, e.g. free speech, censorship, and how basic constitutional rights work.
    Says the guy who was whining about hate speech. You are aware that even hate speech is protected under the 1st ammendment right? I'm well aware of how free speech and censorship works.

    I'm guessing you support censorship of views you don't like under the guise of stopping misinformation.

    Do you think the government can pressure social media companies to censor and restrict people's speech online? If so would you consider that a violation of the 1st ammendment? 4 federal judges have found the Biden administration violated the 1st ammendment through their censorship efforts.

    --He literally posts direct propaganda from Putin and the Kremlin regarding Ukraine and other international relations without the slightest bit of irony, and when others point this fact out, he claims that posters are engaged in a "Neo-Mcarthyism" even when it's demonstrated that he would trust the KGB over the CIA and Vladimir Putin over Joe Biden.
    What a brain dead response. Any criticism of the war or foreign policy isn't direct propaganda from Putin and the Kremlin. Its the same CIA talking points that's been used for every war that I can remember. Who would have thought a far left professor would be a CIA simp. You probably signed up for Operation Mockingbird.

    -You are pro terrorists if you are against the war on terrorism( George Bush)

    -You support the Viet Cong if you are against the war in Vietnam

    -You are a Gaddafi supporter is you oppose the US intervention in Libya

    -You are an Assad supporter if you oppose the CIA intervention in Syria.

    It's the exact same template every time and you guys keep lapping it up like seals clapping for more wars, death and destruction.

    I've never said that I trust the KGB, but I never trust the CIA without evidence or proof. But keep making up things if it helps you.
    --He has not shown one shred of evidence of a substantive, good-faith discussion regarding any topic--or at least recently.
    According to you while you hide under your desk.
    Thats also not true. Can you post a link to an example?
    lol. People call you out on this all the time. You are constantly calling people “war-mongers” and saying they support all wars when they have done nothing of the sort. Try at least owning what you do.
    He's just making sheet up per usual.
    Idk. If I were Andrus I would suspect an alt user name that has been snooping around. It’s a strange claim to make when there’s no earthly way SFL could know what gets posted on the liberal board.
    Idk. If I were Andrus I would suspect an alt user name that has been snooping around. It’s a strange claim to make when there’s no earthly way SFL could know what gets posted on the liberal board.
    Him making sheet up is me giving him the benefit of the doubt. I mean, the alternative is pretty much a bannable offense. Either alt account or he's got a back door/workaround to get in there.
    Idk. If I were Andrus I would suspect an alt user name that has been snooping around. It’s a strange claim to make when there’s no earthly way SFL could know what gets posted on the liberal board.
    You have some issues. I was making the point that he rarely ever posts here, but keep going with that silly story you are concocting. I know you would love for me to get banned.
    lol. People call you out on this all the time. You are constantly calling people “war-mongers” and saying they support all wars when they have done nothing of the sort. Try at least owning what you do.
    When you uncritically support every war or military engagement and call war opponents Putin supporters what do you think that makes you?
    When you uncritically support every war or military engagement and call war opponents Putin supporters what do you think that makes you?
    Except no one is uncritically supporting every war. Almost everyone here was against the war in Iraq after 9-11. A lot wanted to get out of Afghanistan after Bin Laden was killed. Many opposed the Guantanamo prison. Many opposed the Vietnam War, etc, etc.

    As for Russia-Ukraine, had Ukraine attempted to invade Russia, I think most here would have opposed that action, but considering Russia did the invading, well, here we are.
    When you uncritically support every war or military engagement and call war opponents Putin supporters what do you think that makes you?
    You are once again telling on yourself. Nobody on here is uncritically supporting “every war”. This is a consistent issue with you. Reb was exactly right to call you out on it.
    You have some issues. I was making the point that he rarely ever posts here, but keep going with that silly story you are concocting. I know you would love for me to get banned.
    Nope - you specifically said he “hides on the liberal board”. If you had only said he rarely posts, that would have been fine. How do you know he posts on the liberal board? Explain that.

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