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Misty Mountains Envoy
Mar 8, 2023
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Anxiety surges as Donald Trump may be indicted soon: Why 2024 is 'the final battle' and 'the big one'​

WASHINGTON – It looks like American politics is entering a new age of anxiety, triggered by an unprecedented legal development: The potential indictment of a former president and current presidential candidate.

Donald Trump's many legal problems – and calls for protests by his followers – have generated new fears of political violence and anxiety about the unknowable impact all this will have on the already-tense 2024 presidential election

I’ll reframe this is a more accurate way, Are Presidents above the law? This new age was spurred into existence when home grown dummies elected a corrupt, mentally ill, anti-democratic, would be dictator as President and don’t bother to hold him responsible for his crimes, don’t want to because in the ensuing mayhem and destruction, they think they will be better off. The man is actually advocating violence (not the first time). And btw, screw democracy too. If this feeling spreads, we are In deep shirt.

This goes beyond one treasonous Peice of work and out to all his minions. This is on you or should we be sympathetic to the idea of they can’t help being selfish suckers to the Nation’s detriment? Donald Trump is the single largest individual threat to our democracy and it‘s all going to boil down to will the majority of the GOP return to his embrace and start slinging his excrement to support him?
From Robert Reich

I’m not as optimistic as he is

The misinformation engine will be in overdrive

If you’re feeling despair over Trump’s second regime, which begins today, I understand.

Yet I remain hopeful about America. Let me explain why.

Trump hoodwinked average working Americans into believing he’s on their side, and convinced enough voters that Kamala Harris and Democrats were on the side of cultural elites (as exemplified by Trump bogeymen the “deep state”, “wokeism”, and “coastal elites”).

But his hoax will not work for long, given the oligarchy’s conspicuous takeover of America under Trump’s second regime.

That regime has barely begun but it’s already exposing a reality that has been hidden from most Americans for decades: the raw, stinking power of the American oligarchy, and its use of obscene wealth to gain and increase this power.

My hope is founded on Americans finally seeing and responding to this reality. How can they not?……

Not to mention the billionaires Trump is putting in charge of key departments – treasury, commerce and education – to decide on taxes and expenditures, tariffs and trade, and even what young Americans learn. And the other billionaires he’s bringing into the White House.

Not since the gilded age of the late 19th century has such vast wealth turned itself into such conspicuous displays of political power. Unapologetically, unashamedly, defiantly.

This flagrancy makes me hopeful. Why? Because Americans don’t abide aristocracy. We were founded in revolt against unaccountable power and wealth. We will not tolerate this barefaced takeover.

The backlash will be stunning.

I cannot tell you precisely how or when it will occur, but I expect it will start with average Americans helping their communities and protecting the most vulnerable.

We will then see it in the 2026 midterms and the 2028 presidential election, when Americans elect true leaders who care about working people and the common good.

And just as we did at the end of the first gilded age of the late 19th century when the oligarchy revealed its hubris and grandiosity, we will demand and get fundamental reforms.

We will force big money out of our politics.

We will raise taxes on the wealthy to pay for what most Americans need.

We will bust up giant corporations so they cannot exercise untrammeled economic or political power and regulate big finance so it cannot hold the economy hostage to its wanton gambling.

And we will hold huge social media platforms accountable to the public rather than to a handful of multibillionaires.

In light of Trump’s re-election, some people have concluded, wrongly, that Americans don’t care about democracy – they’re more concerned about the cost of living or reproductive rights or immigration.……..

Goldwater ran for President 60 years ago and he died of Alzheimer’s 25 years ago. I was 4 yrs old when he ran for POTUS. Now 1964 may be current events to you. Maybe you spend great deal of time in the past. Lots of things can, do and have changed in the meantime. If you had a current quote you would have mentioned the person and the date. You purposely omitted both. Why is that? You are grasping.

I’m not going to say that some religious folks don’t have political aspirations. But the vast majority aren’t motivated that way.

This such a bad counter argument, of "it was a long time ago".

What is Christian Nationalism?

Why do polls like this exist?

Why do events like this keep happening?

You come across as a smug know-nothing.
Do you honestly believe that Evangelicals are motivated by political power? Are you that naive?
You don’t get out much do you? If you Believe that the 3 major religious groups out there, i.e. Catholic, Jewish, Muslim are not motivated by political power you’re more than naïve than you thought. Just take a look at the make up of all our government representatives. and what religious drum they’re beating at any specific time do you think it’s because they don’t have some priest or reverend or Iman Whispering in their ear? You think religion has tax exemption because they stay out of politics? Lol.
Goldwater ran for President 60 years ago and he died of Alzheimer’s 25 years ago. I was 4 yrs old when he ran for POTUS. Now 1964 may be current events to you. Maybe you spend great deal of time in the past. Lots of things can, do and have changed in the meantime. If you had a current quote you would have mentioned the person and the date. You purposely omitted both. Why is that? You are grasping.

I’m not going to say that some religious folks don’t have political aspirations. But the vast majority aren’t motivated that way.

The Moral Majority was formed in 1979, which is only 15 years after that. Are you claiming that what Goldwater said did not come to pass?
My apologies Steve.

As for abortion, I have stated my position previously.

I am a conservative but this to me is a legal question first.

If this were any other health related issue, it would be the sole decision of the individual. I don’t think it is a privacy issue. The government regulates medicine and medical procedures. So the question to me is one that goes to equal protection under the law. In health matters that solely affect the individual, it is the individuals choice. Matters not as to whether that individual is male or female.

Abortion brings in a complicating factor. The rights of unborn human beings. It is way beyond my pay grade or expertise to say when human life begins and when that human life obtains due process rights and whether those rights are superior to the rights of the mother.

Do I personally think “individual” human life begins at conception? No. I don’t believe the science would back that up. Do I think it begins after birth? Again No. I think it begins somewhere in between.

So the discussion to me is when does individual human life begins? What characteristics define that state of being? We make that determination when it comes to deciding matters at death. We should have a similar discussion when it comes to birth.

For medical decisions prior to when life begins, those are and should be the mothers. Beyond that date and prior to birth, that has yet to be decided. I think most countries limit abortions and few allow unrestricted abortion. So the US isn’t the only place struggling with this matter.

Abortion is treating a symptom of a larger problem. The prochoice and prolife people should work together when possible to limit the number of unwanted pregnancy. Therein lies the problem.

My religious friends and relatives have different views. My wife’s views are similar to mine.
Well I thank you for your time and I admire your patience to answer the many questions that are thrown your way. You have my support but I have 94 5th grade band students that I'm responsible for and I often don't have the time or patience to answer "their" questions.
Thanks again for your response above. Take Care!
This such a bad counter argument, of "it was a long time ago".

What is Christian Nationalism?

Why do polls like this exist?

Why do events like this keep happening?

You come across as a smug know-nothing.
And you purposely omitted information about that quote because you knew it was old and stale. How does that make you come across?
Goldwater ran for President 60 years ago and he died of Alzheimer’s 25 years ago. I was 4 yrs old when he ran for POTUS. Now 1964 may be current events to you. Maybe you spend great deal of time in the past. Lots of things can, do and have changed in the meantime. If you had a current quote you would have mentioned the person and the date. You purposely omitted both. Why is that? You are grasping.

I’m not going to say that some religious folks don’t have political aspirations. But the vast majority aren’t motivated that way.
Do you think that there is a large contingent of evangelicals who want to take over the US and make its laws based on their religious beliefs? Because that is extremely current and pertinent.

Donk was merely pointing out to you when it first started. Like most political movements, it’s a long range thing. What we are seeing right now is a political power grab from the religious right. They want to subjugate women - well they have already done that to a certain degree with their abortion ban. Pregnant women who aren’t even seeking an abortion have died or been seriously injured already due to this ban. They don’t care about that as long as they can force all women to follow their religious beliefs.

They want to end no-fault divorce. Which will be to the detriment of women, mostly. They want to end same-sex marriage, to force everyone to follow their religious beliefs. They want to shame women who don’t want to have children, or who want to delay parenthood while they pursue a career. Stopping DEI will harm women and minorities. Which is the point.

The more open religious leaders openly say they want to convert the US into a theocracy.

These are not religious goals - they don’t involve following Christ. They are political goals.

So tell me what is wrong with anything I just said.
You don’t get out much do you? If you Believe that the 3 major religious groups out there, i.e. Catholic, Jewish, Muslim are not motivated by political power you’re more than naïve than you thought. Just take a look at the make up of all our government representatives. and what religious drum they’re beating at any specific time do you think it’s because they don’t have some priest or reverend or Iman Whispering in their ear? You think religion has tax exemption because they stay out of politics? Lol.
I’m saying evangelicals don’t think that way. I don’t know that Jews are anymore motivated that way that any other individual. Most of us base our views on some type of value system. For many that’s religion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Nothing. Religious people have every right to be heard in the public square just like every other citizen. You don’t lose your rights because you believe in god. I’m not overly religious myself but many of my friends actively attend churches and synagogues and I defend their right to be heard. That does not make us a theocracy. Get over it.
Do you think that there is a large contingent of evangelicals who want to take over the US and make its laws based on their religious beliefs? Because that is extremely current and pertinent.

Donk was merely pointing out to you when it first started. Like most political movements, it’s a long range thing. What we are seeing right now is a political power grab from the religious right. They want to subjugate women - well they have already done that to a certain degree with their abortion ban. Pregnant women who aren’t even seeking an abortion have died or been seriously injured already due to this ban. They don’t care about that as long as they can force all women to follow their religious beliefs.

They want to end no-fault divorce. Which will be to the detriment of women, mostly. They want to end same-sex marriage, to force everyone to follow their religious beliefs. They want to shame women who don’t want to have children, or who want to delay parenthood while they pursue a career. Stopping DEI will harm women and minorities. Which is the point.

The more open religious leaders openly say they want to convert the US into a theocracy.

These are not religious goals - they don’t involve following Christ. They are political goals.

So tell me what is wrong with anything I just said.
I’m not concerned or worried nabout becoming a theocracy. No.

Lots of religious people are women. Lots of prochoice supporters are women. Strong women. I know quite a few of them. If you think they can be controlled, then you don’t know much. You underestimate them.
I’m not concerned or worried nabout becoming a theocracy. No.

Lots of religious people are women. Lots of prochoice supporters are women. Strong women. I know quite a few of them. If you think they can be controlled, then you don’t know much. You underestimate them.
And yet we sit here with women having already lost their right to control their own healthcare and bodies. Which was their first goal on the road to becoming a theocracy.

Next will be no-fault divorce and same-sex marriage. More rights gone.

As it incrementally happens, I wonder when you will realize that it is happening already?
So this guy found a clip of Musk actually making the “my heart goes out to you” gesture. As he said, he knows the difference.

President Donald Trump pardoned two D.C. police officers convicted in connection with a man's death in October 2020.

Karon Hylton-Brown was riding a motorbike without a helmet as Officer Terrence Sutton pursued him in an unmarked car in Northwest D.C., prosecutors said.

The chase went on for 10 blocks before Sutton followed Hylton-Brown down an alley at what prosecutors called unreasonable speed before Hylton-Brown left the alley and was hit by a car.

After the collision, Sutton and Lt. Andrew Zabavsky conspired to cover up what actually happened, prosecutors said.

Sutton was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to five-and-a-half years in prison. Zabavsky was convicted of conspiracy and obstruction of justice and given four years in prison. Both remained free on appeal.

“I am going to be letting two officers from Washington police, D.C., I believe they are from D.C., but I just approved it,” Trump told reporters Tuesday. “They were arrested, put in jail for five years, because they went after an illegal, and I guess something happened where something went wrong and they arrested the two officers and put them in jail for going after a criminal — a rough criminal, by the way — and I’m actually releasing.”……..

I’m saying evangelicals don’t think that way. I don’t know that Jews are anymore motivated that way that any other individual. Most of us base our views on some type of value system. For many that’s religion. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Nothing. Religious people have every right to be heard in the public square just like every other citizen. You don’t lose your rights because you believe in god. I’m not overly religious myself but many of my friends actively attend churches and synagogues and I defend their right to be heard. That does not make us a theocracy. Get over it.
Good points! I am cheering from the sidelines 😁
And yet we sit here with women having already lost their right to control their own healthcare and bodies. Which was their first goal on the road to becoming a theocracy.

Next will be no-fault divorce and same-sex marriage. More rights gone.

As it incrementally happens, I wonder when you will realize that it is happening already?
I’ve been hearing the control of women argument for decades. Hasn’t happened yet. I imagine you’ll be saying it for decades more. Probably long after I’m dead.
President Donald Trump pardoned two D.C. police officers convicted in connection with a man's death in October 2020.

Karon Hylton-Brown was riding a motorbike without a helmet as Officer Terrence Sutton pursued him in an unmarked car in Northwest D.C., prosecutors said.

The chase went on for 10 blocks before Sutton followed Hylton-Brown down an alley at what prosecutors called unreasonable speed before Hylton-Brown left the alley and was hit by a car.

After the collision, Sutton and Lt. Andrew Zabavsky conspired to cover up what actually happened, prosecutors said.

Sutton was convicted of second-degree murder and sentenced to five-and-a-half years in prison. Zabavsky was convicted of conspiracy and obstruction of justice and given four years in prison. Both remained free on appeal.

“I am going to be letting two officers from Washington police, D.C., I believe they are from D.C., but I just approved it,” Trump told reporters Tuesday. “They were arrested, put in jail for five years, because they went after an illegal, and I guess something happened where something went wrong and they arrested the two officers and put them in jail for going after a criminal — a rough criminal, by the way — and I’m actually releasing.”……..

So, are they going to kick his mother out of the country? If her son wasn't an American, is she? .
Or...was everything that trump wrote in that post was a just made up bullshirt?
I’ve been hearing the control of women argument for decades. Hasn’t happened yet. I imagine you’ll be saying it for decades more. Probably long after I’m dead.
So you don't consider preventing a woman from getting an abortion as controlling women? If not, explain how that isn't controlling them.
This is from Anne Applebaum’s Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World.

“Like Putin, Chavez slowly broke democratic institutions in Venezuela - the press, the courts, the civil service, various ombudsmen - even while proclaiming his belief in democracy.”

Now, who does that sound like?

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