Midterm projections. (1 Viewer)

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    It's Not my Fault
    Dec 2, 2021
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    I've voted and election day is something like 5 or so days away. That means it's time for projections as to how it goes this time.

    Usually I have a good sense, and good track record for being right using the simple time proven system of "who's turn it is". That's the method where one ignores everything about the current issues, and who is running. One only uses who's the incumbent along with the last election's outcome to predict the next election.

    Under that simple system this upcoming midterm election is a case of it historically being the Republican's turn.

    But this time it doesn't quite fit that normal mode. Trump threw it all out of whack. Republicans seem to be entirely capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory this time. So instead of thinking that the Republicans are going to win this one, I don't know.

    That's my projection. I Don't Know. I'm a bit hopeful this time instead of being adjusted to the idea that the Republicans are going to win this one for sure.

    I'm not sure I would call it large scale and I don't think it was effective as the left claims, but yes there was a Russian disinformation campaign. It's effect was wildly exaggerated by the left similar to the Demcracy is at stake narrative. In what ways was their disinformation campaign supposedly effective?

    Here are some of those Russian Facebook ads. Do you really think these influenced many people to vote a certain way?

    So all those claims that Russia hacked our elections was because of the Russian disinformation campaign and not just more lies from the left?


    Yes, the Russian disinformation campaign had an effect. Just read the Senate intelligence report (since it was bi-partisan), if you need more info.

    I don't know about that yougov poll. By November of 2018, Democrats had moved on to the midterms. No Democrat was running on overturning the 2016 election and Hillary was out of sight. No Democrats was running on dismissing the 2018 election results if they didn't win. No Democrat said that in 2020 either. You have plenty of Repulicans doing all of those things now.
    Yes, the Russian disinformation campaign had an effect. Just read the Senate intelligence report (since it was bi-partisan), if you need more info.

    I don't know about that yougov poll. By November of 2018, Democrats had moved on to the midterms. No Democrat was running on overturning the 2016 election and Hillary was out of sight. No Democrats was running on dismissing the 2018 election results if they didn't win. No Democrat said that in 2020 either. You have plenty of Repulicans doing all of those things now.
    Which section of the Senate report are you referring to because I just read over the table of contents are I didn't see anything about how effective it was?

    The Bipartisan Senate Report is often brought up by the left as evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. But the report doesn't say that. There is a section at the end that's labeled "additional views of Senators Heinrich, Feinstein, Wyden, Harris & Bennett" that talks about collusion, but that was the view of Democrats and its wasn't bipartisan.

    The additional views of the Republicans said: the Committee found no evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government in its efforts to meddle in the election.

    In regards to the poll, the video I posted showed Democrats claimed Russia hacked our elections plenty of times and it was enough for a majority of Democrats to think Russia hacked our elections to help Trump. Speaking of misinformation...
    Last edited:
    I'm surprised that the NYT would cover a story like this. It's an excellent video that shows the areas of the country with complete control by Democrats don't enact laws or policies that they claim to be in support of.

    I listened to about half of the video. The fallacy is that it implies that Democrats are largely socialists. Democrats tend to advocate for MORE equality and opportunity, but not equal outcomes. There are some that do, but that is not the majority of the party. Democrats tend to favor policies that redistribute wealth, but not make everyone equal. I think most democrats strive to live in affluent neighborhoods, and want their children to have advantages. That isn’t hypocrisy, as long as you alto advocate for more help for less affluent people. The differences in the parties from an economic prosperity perspective is overstated, because most in both parties want to improve their lot in life.

    The differences are pronounced in who pays for government, social policies related to sexual preferences and law enforcement, religious influences, and racial matters. Democrats usually want more social services than Republicans, but they also have restraint. If you want to believe Democrats are hypocrites for wanting better lives for themselves, then that video is for you. I just believe Democrats are typical people that want better lives, yet they want less overall disparity,
    Which section of the Senate report are you referring to because I just read over the table of contents are I didn't see anything about how effective it was?

    The Bipartisan Senate Report is often brought up by the left as evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. But the report doesn't say that. There is a section at the end that's labeled "additional views of Senators Heinrich, Feinstein, Wyden, Harris & Bennett" that talks about collusion, but that was the view of Democrats and its wasn't bipartisan.

    The additional views of the Republicans said: the Committee found no evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump or his campaign colluded with the Russian government in its efforts to meddle in the election.

    We were talking about the Russian Disinformation campaign and it's effect on the election, not collusion. Why did you pivot to the collusion discussion?

    In regards to the poll, the video I posted showed Democrats claimed Russia hacked our elections plenty of times and it was enough for a majority of Democrats to think Russia hacked our elections to help Trump. Speaking of misinformation...

    The Russian Disinformation Campaign was certainly carried out to help Trump. Not because they wanted to help Trump, but because the Russian believed that it would help them. The Senate bi-partisan report confirmed that.
    We were talking about the Russian Disinformation campaign and it's effect on the election, not collusion. Why did you pivot to the collusion discussion?

    The Russian Disinformation Campaign was certainly carried out to help Trump. Not because they wanted to help Trump, but because the Russian believed that it would help them. The Senate bi-partisan report confirmed that.
    Because most of the people that bring up that bipartisan Senate Report on Russia use it as evidence of collusion. They say that despite the part of the report that said there was collusion was from the Democrat section and it wasn't bipartisan.

    I didn't see in the table of contents anything about the effect of the Russian disinformation. Can you point out the section of the report you were referencing earlier?
    Because most of the people that bring up that bipartisan Senate Report on Russia use it as evidence of collusion. They say that despite the part of the report that said there was collusion was from the Democrat section and it wasn't bipartisan.

    I didn't see in the table of contents anything about the effect of the Russian disinformation. Can you point out the section of the report you were referencing earlier?
    It’s just deflection on your part. Own it.
    Nobody in any position of authority in the Democratic Party ever alleged that Russia had “switched votes” or flooded the polls with fake ballots. What a stupid false equivalency. Anyone with half a brain can see through this BS. You show one poll done in 2018 and expect us to all just believe this pile of manure and effort to deflect from your own crazy claims?
    Because most of the people that bring up that bipartisan Senate Report on Russia use it as evidence of collusion. They say that despite the part of the report that said there was collusion was from the Democrat section and it wasn't bipartisan.

    Some do, but that wasn't what we were discussing.

    On the collusion, there wasn't enough proof to conclude conclusively that there was any between Trump's campaign and the Russians. Personally I don't know if there was or wasn't collusion, but regardless they where both more or less walking in lock step with each other. The both elevated and spread disinformation and of course they both had the same purpose.

    I didn't see in the table of contents anything about the effect of the Russian disinformation. Can you point out the section of the report you were referencing earlier?

    It would honestly take me time to find it in the report. I read though it once, by that was a long time ago. I've long moved on from 2016 and not that interested in investing my time.
    This thread should be about the Midterms.
    Not about Russia....or a poster who is accused of trying to deflect attention.
    I hope when I check this thread later the focus will indeed be on Today's election.
    Speaking for myself...
    I think it is clear that the House will go to the Rs and the Senate is up for grabs.
    One news organization floats the possibility that when we wake up tomorrow, the Rs will "lead" in the total Senate tally, but there will be 4 races that may take days to be "called".
    If all of those hypothetical 4 undecided races swing to the Ds, they will be the Senate Majority Party.
    This thread should be about the Midterms.
    Not about Russia....or a poster who is accused of trying to deflect attention.
    I hope when I check this thread later the focus will indeed be on Today's election.
    Speaking for myself...
    I think it is clear that the House will go to the Rs and the Senate is up for grabs.
    One news organization floats the possibility that when we wake up tomorrow, the Rs will "lead" in the total Senate tally, but there will be 4 races that may take days to be "called".
    If all of those hypothetical 4 undecided races swing to the Ds, they will be the Senate Majority Party.
    I am back with the 4 states that will POSSIBLY take days to resolve who their next Senator will be:
    Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania
    I listened to about half of the video. The fallacy is that it implies that Democrats are largely socialists. Democrats tend to advocate for MORE equality and opportunity, but not equal outcomes. There are some that do, but that is not the majority of the party. Democrats tend to favor policies that redistribute wealth, but not make everyone equal. I think most democrats strive to live in affluent neighborhoods, and want their children to have advantages. That isn’t hypocrisy, as long as you alto advocate for more help for less affluent people. The differences in the parties from an economic prosperity perspective is overstated, because most in both parties want to improve their lot in life.

    The differences are pronounced in who pays for government, social policies related to sexual preferences and law enforcement, religious influences, and racial matters. Democrats usually want more social services than Republicans, but they also have restraint. If you want to believe Democrats are hypocrites for wanting better lives for themselves, then that video is for you. I just believe Democrats are typical people that want better lives, yet they want less overall disparity,
    If I want to believe? The NYT editorial Board produced that video. The same editorial board that endorses Democrats in every race so it's a very pro-democratic source.

    The video shows in the areas where Democrats control government they do the exact opposite of what they claim they believe. Are you saying the NYT video isn't accurate?
    If I want to believe? The NYT editorial Board produced that video. The same editorial board that endorses Democrats in every race so it's a very pro-democratic source.

    The video shows in the areas where Democrats control government they do the exact opposite of what they claim they believe. Are you saying the NYT video isn't accurate?
    You have an extremely simplistic view of everything, and don’t acknowledge valid comments. The Democratic Party has a lot of different viewpoints, and the valid comment was made that this video seems to treat all democrats as believing the same things. That’s a valid criticism of this POV that the video takes.
    This thread should be about the Midterms.
    Not about Russia....or a poster who is accused of trying to deflect attention.
    I hope when I check this thread later the focus will indeed be on Today's election.
    Speaking for myself...
    I think it is clear that the House will go to the Rs and the Senate is up for grabs.
    One news organization floats the possibility that when we wake up tomorrow, the Rs will "lead" in the total Senate tally, but there will be 4 races that may take days to be "called".
    If all of those hypothetical 4 undecided races swing to the Ds, they will be the Senate Majority Party.
    Don't mind SFL. He's mostly harmless so long as he stays in St. Tammany Parish For Life! I agree with your assessments on the midterms although I think the Republicans will do better than forecast in the closer states.

    I'm mostly interested to see if Evan McMullin can somehow pull off the victory in Utah. He needs a decent portion of Republicans to abandon Trump-approved Mike Lee and then probably all of Utah's Democrats to head to the polls to affirmative vote for a guy who is basically a Reagan Republican.
    If I want to believe? The NYT editorial Board produced that video. The same editorial board that endorses Democrats in every race so it's a very pro-democratic source.

    The video shows in the areas where Democrats control government they do the exact opposite of what they claim they believe. Are you saying the NYT video isn't accurate?
    Yes it is not accurate. I say that video has a fallacy that implies Democrats are socialists. The media gets that wrong. I say the political divide is not on issues that make ourselves and kid’s lives better. Where those are concerned, most agree. You’ll find a different story on climate, religion, gender matters, and where income is derived.
    I've developed a modest optimism. That's a usual thing for any election day. Hope springs eternal.


    I'm figuring on grating a mess of Parmesan cheese and then sprinkling it on my big cooker of election night popcorn while it's still piping hot. If the timing of that is done right it's real good. Better than butter.

    The trick to the timing is to have one handful of that cheese heading for the pot while the other hand is removing the lid. Get that cheese in there and then get the lid back on and shake it some. Work quickly, as soon as the pot is shaken a bit off with the lid and add another hand full of that cheese, put the lid back on and shake it some more. On the third time I dump the bowl I had the cheese in and so that will be the last time I lid and shake it.

    When salting remember that the Parmesan cheese is salty. Certainly add some salt, but perhaps add a bit less of it than would be usual.
    I've developed a modest optimism. That's a usual thing for any election day. Hope springs eternal.


    I'm figuring on grating a mess of Parmesan cheese and then sprinkling it on my big cooker of election night popcorn while it's still piping hot. If the timing of that is done right it's real good. Better than butter.

    The trick to the timing is to have one handful of that cheese heading for the pot while the other hand is removing the lid. Get that cheese in there and then get the lid back on and shake it some. Work quickly, as soon as the pot is shaken a bit off with the lid and add another hand full of that cheese, put the lid back on and shake it some more. On the third time I dump the bowl I had the cheese in and so that will be the last time I lid and shake it.

    When salting remember that the Parmesan cheese is salty. Certainly add some salt, but perhaps add a bit less of it than would be usual.
    That post was ....uh....just.....uh....weird :cautious::rolleyes:
    I mean....you are the OP of a thread on Election night ....and it IS election night .....yet you are opining about Parmesan cheese ??? :unsure: :ROFLMAO:

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