Media Literacy and Fake News (1 Viewer)

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    Spirit Grocer
    Sep 28, 2019
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    The Canadian Journalism Federation is taking fake news very seriously. I've worked with media literacy for years, and this is - to date - the most expansively public approach that I've seen, in advance of the Federal Election.

    If you are engaged online, you have likely been subjected to something that was not true, and yet there isn't much pursuit in trying to determine factual accuracy of the articles and information. And most of us - probably every single one of us here - have fallen for it.

    Recent polling by Ipsos, Earnscliffe Strategy Group and MIT researchers suggests nearly all Canadians have come across misinformation online, yet only 40 per cent feel they know how to differentiate between fake news and the real thing.

    The polls also found 90 per cent of Canadians admitted to falling for fake news in the past, and only a third of them regularly check to see if the stories they’re consuming are legitimate.

    I don't think that their approach is going to be enough. I think the most effective utility it will have is bringing awareness. But fuller approaches to media literacy are going to be necessary to combat the deluge of increasingly deceptive media. These are hard skills that can be learned, but with the advent of new 'deep fake' technology, media literacy is going to have adapt, too.

    I would like to see greater emphasis on media literacy in the US. Because even though this statement is for the Canadian audience, it definitely - maybe even more so - applies to the US where news is more infotainment and sensationalized than it is up here:
    “To be an engaged citizen, you have to have access to quality journalism… you have to understand what is quality journalism and what is not,” said Richard Gingras, vice-president of Google News.

    Another source includes one approach - the SPOT approach:

    SPOT is an acronym that acts as a simple way to remember the four principles of identifying misinformation. It works like this:
    S: Is this a credible source? Check the source of the article—and be skeptical.
    P: Is the perspective biased? Think critically and look for varying viewpoints on an issue.
    O: Are other sources reporting the same story? Be your own fact-checker and verify the validity of the story.
    T: Is the story timely? Check the date the story was published—sometimes, stories use old information to take advantage of a timely occurrence.

    It's obviously not enough, but a decent start.
    No, I want to talk about irresponsible reporting on the part of CBS and other media outlets.
    After all, this is a thread about Media Literacy and Fake News.

    For instance, what do you say about a media outlet that only fact-checks one presidential candidate and not the others?
    I'd call it slanted. What would you call it?


    Since Super Tuesday, Dale has written roughly 30 fact-check reports on President Trump. Meanwhile, Biden was only scrutinized once by the CNN reporter, and it came after the network's March 16 debate where both he and Sanders were fact-checked for their entire debate performances.

    Dale wrote 38 pieces fact-checking Trump from Jan. 18 through April 10, and only one for Biden over the same time period. A different CNN reporter, Holmes Lybrand, also did one fact check on Biden’s comments about gun control on March 21.

    The last time Dale himself fact-checked Biden individually was on Jan. 6 when the former lawmaker repeated his debunked claim that he opposed the Iraq War while in the Senate., let's be fair to everyon, ok?

    "Dale wrote 38 pieces fact-checking Trump from Jan. 18 through April 10, and only one for Biden over the same time period. A different CNN reporter, Holmes Lybrand, also did one fact check on Biden’s comments about gun control on March 21. "

    Was Biden doing daily press conferences and question and answer sessions during much of that time?
    No, I want to talk about irresponsible reporting on the part of CBS and other media outlets.
    After all, this is a thread about Media Literacy and Fake News.

    For instance, what do you say about a media outlet that only fact-checks one presidential candidate and not the others?
    I'd call it slanted. What would you call it?


    Since Super Tuesday, Dale has written roughly 30 fact-check reports on President Trump. Meanwhile, Biden was only scrutinized once by the CNN reporter, and it came after the network's March 16 debate where both he and Sanders were fact-checked for their entire debate performances.

    Dale wrote 38 pieces fact-checking Trump from Jan. 18 through April 10, and only one for Biden over the same time period. A different CNN reporter, Holmes Lybrand, also did one fact check on Biden’s comments about gun control on March 21.

    The last time Dale himself fact-checked Biden individually was on Jan. 6 when the former lawmaker repeated his debunked claim that he opposed the Iraq War while in the Senate.

    Trump is on TV every day or tweeting or both... He's a master of lies and chaos .. No candidate could possibly compete.

    Trump was also for the invasion of Iraq.

    Trump believes Supreme Court Judges are partisan.. and now he's p***** them off with his insults.

    American Airlines union says 100 flight attendants have ...
    6 days ago · The union representing flight attendants for American Airlines says about 100 flight attendants have tested positive for the coronavirus.
    But TRUMP!!
    It would be comical if it wasn't so sad and pathetic. But it is just sad and pathetic.
    No, I want to talk about irresponsible reporting on the part of CBS and other media outlets.
    After all, this is a thread about Media Literacy and Fake News.

    For instance, what do you say about a media outlet that only fact-checks one presidential candidate and not the others?
    I'd call it slanted. What would you call it?


    Since Super Tuesday, Dale has written roughly 30 fact-check reports on President Trump. Meanwhile, Biden was only scrutinized once by the CNN reporter, and it came after the network's March 16 debate where both he and Sanders were fact-checked for their entire debate performances.

    Dale wrote 38 pieces fact-checking Trump from Jan. 18 through April 10, and only one for Biden over the same time period. A different CNN reporter, Holmes Lybrand, also did one fact check on Biden’s comments about gun control on March 21.

    The last time Dale himself fact-checked Biden individually was on Jan. 6 when the former lawmaker repeated his debunked claim that he opposed the Iraq War while in the Senate.

    Ok man comical.

    Since Joe has been in isolation like the rest of us he has had by far less chances to be fact checked.

    Oh yeah tell about fake news and post a fact check article from fox news.

    That is priceless!

    I don't know we could talk about the republican govnerors are gonna make it impossible to get a pork chop.
    No, I want to talk about irresponsible reporting on the part of CBS and other media outlets.
    After all, this is a thread about Media Literacy and Fake News.

    For instance, what do you say about a media outlet that only fact-checks one presidential candidate and not the others?
    I'd call it slanted. What would you call it?


    Since Super Tuesday, Dale has written roughly 30 fact-check reports on President Trump. Meanwhile, Biden was only scrutinized once by the CNN reporter, and it came after the network's March 16 debate where both he and Sanders were fact-checked for their entire debate performances.

    Dale wrote 38 pieces fact-checking Trump from Jan. 18 through April 10, and only one for Biden over the same time period. A different CNN reporter, Holmes Lybrand, also did one fact check on Biden’s comments about gun control on March 21.

    The last time Dale himself fact-checked Biden individually was on Jan. 6 when the former lawmaker repeated his debunked claim that he opposed the Iraq War while in the Senate.

    Wants to talk about irresponsible journalism....Quotes a largely substance-less Fox News article attempting to work the refs of the MSM.

    If you wanted to actually evoke a quality conversation here, you might find a report that actually attempts to provide some sort of substance to the underlying contention and allegatiion. Not presuming it in the thesis and never providing the necessary supporting evidence. The sort of poor media consumption the OP speaks about.

    One that would show in a statistically significant manner that Joe Biden should be fact checked more often because of an outsized level of lies going unchallenged relative to Trump.

    Trump evokes fact checkers at a breakneck pace because he lies at a breakneck pace. This has been demonstrated ad nauseum, and so to meet that rate it requires much more fact checking time. Fox alledges that in order to balance coverage Biden should be fact-checked at the same rate Trump is. But for that to make sense they would need to actually substantiate the case that Biden should be fact-checked at the rate Trump does(or even at a greater rate than he is) by demonstrating Biden is lying as much as Trump, and no, a couple cherry picked examples are not sufficient to prop up that argument.
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    I have trouble with the terminology of "fake news." Something isn't fake if it doesn't fit one's perspective or is slanted to a viewpoint. Fake news is Alex Jones or QAnon stuff that is fictional. The other stuff can be chalked up to bad journalism, but it's not fake news. MSNBC and FoxNews are biased, due to the infotainment nature of their presentation of opinion programming as news, but they aren't fake.

    All journalists are human and therefore have their own personal points of view. Those personal feelings are bound to inform how they write or report the news, but the best journalists learn how to sublimate their own opinions to present the news without influencing their reporting. In today's climate, the rush to be first with a story has caused some to cut corners in vetting the information and so you end up with clips attributed to Syria that took place elsewhere. That's how you get a campaign pushing a story and a perspective and the story gets aired/reported before the proper research and background work is done. Journalistic ethics have taken a back seat to expediency and the will of their overlords at NBCUniversal and Fox Corporation, among others.
    I have trouble with the terminology of "fake news." Something isn't fake if it doesn't fit one's perspective or is slanted to a viewpoint. Fake news is Alex Jones or QAnon stuff that is fictional. The other stuff can be chalked up to bad journalism, but it's not fake news. MSNBC and FoxNews are biased, due to the infotainment nature of their presentation of opinion programming as news, but they aren't fake.

    All journalists are human and therefore have their own personal points of view. Those personal feelings are bound to inform how they write or report the news, but the best journalists learn how to sublimate their own opinions to present the news without influencing their reporting. In today's climate, the rush to be first with a story has caused some to cut corners in vetting the information and so you end up with clips attributed to Syria that took place elsewhere. That's how you get a campaign pushing a story and a perspective and the story gets aired/reported before the proper research and background work is done. Journalistic ethics have taken a back seat to expediency and the will of their overlords at NBCUniversal and Fox Corporation, among others.

    This isn't about media.. nor is it about Republicans V Democrats. This is about Trump and his shame.
    MSNBC and FoxNews are biased, due to the infotainment nature of their presentation of opinion programming as news, but they aren't fake.
    First off, I am not deleting the rest out of disrespect, but because it is all stuff I highly agree with in principle. What is left is just my contention. One I feel very strongly about because to me it is a barrier to having a truly honest conversation about the media in this country.

    Those two organizations really arent journalistically equivalent, and I think it ultimately does a disservice to these media consumption conversations when people even allow the appearance of equivalency(as I don’t want to presume that is your position). Because there is bias....and then there is active disinformation and misinformation in service of a bias. Fox News stands alone in their willingness, scope, depth, and brazenness with which they engage in the latter and no other major MSM organization even comes close.

    Fox News is an organization explicitly designed to be a partisan weapon meant to radicalize and control conservatives(not objectively delivering news). As it’s first head of operations details in the linked story about Murdoch’s ultimatum to him as he helped build the foundation that would become Fox News. An organization that stands alone without any sort of standards and practices department and has staffed several positions in the administration and has been serving as an unofficial public relations arm to the GOP and now the Trump administration. That routinely, habitually, and intentionally spreads misinformation and passes off conspiracy after conspiracy as fact to it's viewers: Vince Foster, Madrassa-Gate, Birtherism, Uranium One, Blood-Thirsty Caravans, Terrorist fist-jab, Seth Rich, Death Panels, Benghazi, Pizza-Gate, Memo-Gate, SpyGate, False-flagging Cesar Sayoc, the ACA equals communism, Trump’s inauguration numbers, Kavanaugh, and of course, the shameful water carrying during both the Mueller and impeachment proceedings around their active role spreading the lies relative to Biden and Russia with regards to Ukraine.

    Fox News, in both it’s reach and willingness to lie, distort, and actively spread propaganda to prop up one particular political party in order to serve the economic interests of it’s owner and his wealthy allies is unprecedented in this country and has no equal, and I do not think we do any service to this sort of media literacy discussion by glossing over, or worse, laundering those facts and distinctions and allow even the interperation that this organization is anything but a radical outlier amongst it’s MSM peers, as demonstrated time and again.
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    Since Super Tuesday, Dale has written roughly 30 fact-check reports on President Trump. Meanwhile, Biden was only scrutinized once by the CNN reporter, and it came after the network's March 16 debate where both he and Sanders were fact-checked for their entire debate performances.

    Expected reaction:

    Fox Headline: Trump wins again, this time 29 to 1!!

    MSNBC Headline: Trump tells 29 times as many lies as Biden!!

    Reasonable people: WTH is going on in this country?
    First off, I am not deleting the rest out of disrespect, but because it is all stuff I highly agree with in principle. What is left is just my contention. One I feel very strongly about because to me it is a barrier to having a truly honest conversation about the media in this country.

    Those two organizations really arent journalistically equivalent, and I think it ultimately does a disservice to these media consumption conversations when people even allow the appearance of equivalency(as I don’t want to presume that is your position). Because there is bias....and then there is active disinformation and misinformation in service of a bias. Fox News stands alone in their willingness, scope, depth, and brazenness with which they engage in the latter and no other major MSM organization even comes close.

    Fox News is an organization explicitly designed to be a partisan weapon meant to radicalize and control conservatives(not objectively delivering news). As it’s first head of operations details in the linked story about Murdoch’s ultimatum to him as he helped build the foundation that would become Fox News. An organization that stands alone without any sort of standards and practices department and has staffed several positions in the administration and has been serving as an unofficial public relations arm to the GOP and now the Trump administration. That routinely, habitually, and intentionally spreads misinformation and passes off conspiracy after conspiracy as fact to it's viewers: Vince Foster, Madrassa-Gate, Birtherism, Uranium One, Blood-Thirsty Caravans, Terrorist fist-jab, Seth Rich, Death Panels, Benghazi, Pizza-Gate, Memo-Gate, SpyGate, False-flagging Cesar Sayoc, the ACA equals communism, Trump’s inauguration numbers, Kavanaugh, and of course, the shameful water carrying during both the Mueller and impeachment proceedings around their active role spreading the lies relative to Biden and Russia with regards to Ukraine.

    Fox News, in both it’s reach and willingness to lie, distort, and actively spread propaganda to prop up one particular political party in order to serve the economic interests of it’s owner and his wealthy allies is unprecedented in this country and has no equal, and I do not think we do any service to this sort of media literacy discussion by glossing over, or worse, laundering those facts and distinctions and allow even the interperation that this organization is anything but a radical outlier amongst it’s MSM peers, as demonstrated time and again.

    Years ago Bill O'Reilly used to say he wasn't a news reporter... He said he was a "News Analyst".
    I think 90% of the shows on fox news network officially classify as opinion and analysis.

    Funny sort of analysts to give Trump a pass on EVERYTHING.. Fox didn't even call him out as a barbarian when he claimed that he had the tallest building in NYC after 9-11.
    And you think they’re alone in that among the major networks? Really?

    Do you think the whole business model of the network when pitched was not to be polar opposite of what was MSNBC?

    When Roger got the boot from CNBC that was the exact plan for Fox to be extremely shifted or exactly polar opposite of what was being broadcast already by his former employer.

    Do you know why? It is a good idea to find your own lane when trying to sell something and yes news is selling you something. And yes that lane was wide open with only a junkie doing a radio show was similar.

    So yes if fox news speaks to you it is fine. That is the beautiful thing about merica you can spew garbage and the public gets to decide.

    But if you don't get that fox news was a business model more than a news outlet even at it's inception you are forking delusional.

    Or do you think old Rodger did not believe a damn thing he did at cnbc? Or is it just by chance that MSNBC is polar opposite of fox news and that Rodger ailes is by chance responsible for both?
    This board mirrors the larger media in ignoring news counter to the agenda of its “reporters”. That is why it is “fake” and generally pointless.

    A few recent examples.

    This board mirrors the larger media in ignoring news counter to the agenda of its “reporters”. That is why it is “fake” and generally pointless.

    A few recent examples.

    You are a riot man! Thanks I needed a good chuckle.

    You post from the William f Buckley founded news! The oranges like the orange guy says of the birther movement! 🤣

    Thanks in these stressful time everyone needs a good chuckle!
    Expected reaction:

    Fox Headline: Trump wins again, this time 29 to 1!!

    MSNBC Headline: Trump tells 29 times as many lies as Biden!!

    Reasonable people: WTH is going on in this country?

    Do you remember 2009 when Trump came out demanding action on climate change? He believed in it then.

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