Hunter Biden (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Nov 14, 2019
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    Bossier City
    Lost in all the news coverage about what's going on in the US right now is this bit of information.

    The Ukrainian government has completed an audit of thousands of case files related to Burisma. Ruslan Ryaboshapka (the prosecutor general), described by Zelenskiy as "100 percent my person" in the July phone call with president Trump said "I specifically asked prosecutors to check especially carefully those facts about Biden's alleged involvement. They answered that there was nothing of the kind."

    Not that anyone SHOULD be surprised to find out that Hunter Biden was not implicated in something that was done by the CEO of Burisma in his role as a government employee, that happened two years before Biden joined the board.

    I don’t know is this is true or not, but Hunter’s lawyer said today that they have reached out 8 times to Comer and the committee in an attempt to come to an agreement for Hunter’s testimony.


    what a circus
    But at least someone there said what several of us thought:

    The top Democrat on the panel, Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, highlighted the hypocrisy that a number of Republicans evaded congressional subpoenas, including Jordan, and yet are trying to hold Hunter Biden in contempt. Raskin claimed Comer has “bizarrely decided to obstruct his own investigation” because he is refusing to accept Hunter Biden’s offer to appear for a public hearing.

    “The chairman refused to take ‘yes’ for an answer from Hunter Biden” Raskin said before getting interrupted by Republicans
    I pray for a day when our congress is made up of 535 Katie Porters, regardless of their political ideologies. A congress made up entirely of people who believe that their job is to govern, and not get involved in petty squabbles, and who believes that they should be well informed about what they are discussing, and remain on topic. This congress would turn America into something amazing, something so much better than it already is.


    This is nothing but an allegation. Whenever someone calls in an allegation they fill out this form. Without any review of the facts at the point this form is filled out.

    Let’s see some proof. Anything. There’s none. That’s why they keep posting this over and over. That’s all they got.

    But I would be interested in hearing you defend Trump taking all that money from foreign governments while in office. And the “coincidences” when policy changes were made after money changed hands.
    Not sure why you even posted this. This has nothing to do with anything.
    C’mon. It’s an allegation of wrongdoing by Biden. Therefore it’s proof that Biden is corrupt.

    Just ignore the FACT that the whole Biden/Shokin thing has been thoroughly and completely debunked years ago. That’s not the least bit relevant.
    Not sure why you even posted this. This has nothing to do with anything.
    The FBI form detailing the bribery allegations that involve Joe and Hunter has nothing to do with anything? Huh? I'm not sure why you even posted what you did.
    The FBI form detailing the bribery allegations that involve Joe and Hunter has nothing to do with anything? Huh? I'm not sure why you even posted what you did.
    We can post allegations that Trump raped his wife. That he raped a 13 yo girl, and slapped her in the face. Would you automatically believe them?

    Plus, it’s not like that form hasn’t already been posted and discussed. Why did you repost it? There’s no evidence to support it and a good amount of evidence that it’s pure bunk.
    Allegations are meaningless without evidence. And until evidence is presented, yes, that form has nothing to do with anything.
    It's not just allegations. It's from a FBI informant. If a FBI informant had made similar accusations against Trump the Democrats would have instantly impeached Trump again.

    Speaking of FBI informants, the media and the Democrats didnt question the FBI informant Christopher Steele and it was used illegally to get FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.

    The form has to do with the corruption allegations against Hunter and Joe. You saying the form has nothing to do with anything is just partisan babble.
    Last edited:
    It's not just allegations. It's from a FBI informant. If a FBI informant had made similar accusations against Trump the Democrats would have instantly impeached Trump again.

    Speaking of FBI informants, the media and the Democrats didnt question the FBI informant Christopher Steele and it was used illegally to get FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.

    The form has to do with the corruption allegations against Hunter and Joe. You saying the form has nothing to do with anything is just partisan babble.
    Yes, it is just allegations. And, regardless of who it came from, we know it to be 100% false. There was an in-depth discussion here of this very form when it was first released, and that included a link to a twitter thread that listed all of the things that would have needed to be true for these allegations to be true. Those things included psychic ability and time travel.

    The objective reality is that Burisma's CEO did not want Viktor Shokin fired because Viktor Shokin was protecting him by not investigating him for crimes that he is accused of committing when he worked for the Ukranian government (long before Hunter Biden joined the board) and a money laundering investigation being done by the UK.

    The idea that Joe Biden got Viktor Shokin fired to help his son is so laughably bad (and is actually 180 degrees wrong). The US had made it clear months earlier that the money would be contingent upon them firing Shokin, so it wasn't Joe Biden's doing....and getting Shokin fired was something that Hunter's boss at Burisma did not want, so it actually was bad for Hunter.

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