Here come the Hillary e-mails again... (1 Viewer)

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    Uh yu ka t'ann
    May 17, 2019
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    President Donald Trump's administration is investigating the emails of dozens of current and former senior State Department officials who sent emails to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email, The Washington Post reported.

    When is it going to end?
    The ONE GOOD thing that came after the Nov 2016 election was the thought that I wouldn't have to hear about Hillary's emails anymore and now they have ruined that as well.

    The ONE GOOD thing that came after the Nov 2016 election was the thought that I wouldn't have to hear about Hillary's emails anymore and now they have ruined that as well.


    She made the rounds on CBS Sunday Morning, using words like "illegitimate president." The article is in the newsfeed.
    My daughter changed the channel when Hillary came on, so I didn't see it.
    The rerun of Stargate SG-1 we watched instead was pretty good though.

    She made the rounds on CBS Sunday Morning, using words like "illegitimate president." The article is in the newsfeed.
    My daughter changed the channel when Hillary came on, so I didn't see it.
    The rerun of Stargate SG-1 we watched instead was pretty good though.

    You raised your daughter right.
    You all surely realize that the State Dept. inquiry has absolutely nothing to do with her making the rounds on cable news, right? It was ordered by Trump and his lackey Barr is only too happy to jump through hoops and throw away any legitimate reputation he used to have.

    Bringing up her appearances in response to this pathetic investigation just shows you cannot defend this administration’s actions.

    Trump is the one keeping her relevant with his desperation. It’s very sad, really.
    And the Democrats of today are like the Falcons' last Super Bowl appearance, and we all know what a historic failure that was.
    see, mine makes sense bc we all know that vikings fans rode the whole bountygate/favregate thing with only the scantest evidence but continue to whine about the same thing they've been wrong about for a decade

    yours, otoh, has no comparable reference
    see, mine makes sense bc we all know that vikings fans rode the whole bountygate/favregate thing with only the scantest evidence but continue to whine about the same thing they've been wrong about for a decade

    yours, otoh, has no comparable reference
    Oh but it does. Just like the Falcons squandered away a 28-3 lead, the Democratic party has squandered the opportunity to be the party of reasonable people in order to become the party of left-wing nutjobs.
    Oh but it does. Just like the Falcons squandered away a 28-3 lead, the Democratic party has squandered the opportunity to be the party of reasonable people in order to become the party of left-wing nutjobs.
    i'll bite - what was our 28-3 lead?
    The Republicans nominating Donald Trump in 2016. You had the chance to become the party for middle America and you blew it big time!
    a. she won the popular vote
    b. reagan to bush is the only time one party has held onto the presidency after a 2 term president since fdr to truman
    c the only thing approaching 28-3 is if mondale would have somehow beat Reagan
    The Republicans nominating Donald Trump in 2016. You had the chance to become the party for middle America and you blew it big time!
    So, what you are saying is that HRC is a left-wing nutjob???

    The Clinton's may be a lot of things but left-wing anything is not one of them. That is the problem with the R's, to them anyone the D's nominate are always the most radical, left-wing socialist that the world has ever seen regardless of that candidate's actual views.

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