Harris VP watch (4 Viewers)

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    The Dobbs decision means that unless Kamala utterly screws the pooch, she'll get a big majority of the female vote. Black, white, Native, Asian, Latin what have you, they're ALL pissed.

    Can she appeal to men? Not the sexist ones, for sure. Is that loss outweighed by the gain in the female vote? It ought to be, but we'll have to see.
    The couple polls I have seen on younger voters (either under 35 or under 40 depending on the poll) the vast majority are favoring Harris. Like 80% or so. Even the guys that age realize they need the women in their lives to have bodily autonomy.
    I get it. I used to worry about it also, you can probably find my posts worrying about it. But she has come out so strong, so electric, such a good campaigner. And her support has been through the roof, genuine enthusiasm, great grassroots money flowing in. We are a different electorate than 8 years ago. Millions of younger people have come into voting age and millions of older people … aren’t voting this time.

    People have also become sick of Trump’s schtick, except for the cultish. He hasn’t changed one bit, while Harris has grown and developed. The other day - he was actually pissed off that the Russian detainees were returned to the point he congratulated Putin in a rally speech. He was cheering for a real market crash yesterday as well, 6 posts in a few hours, just giddy about it. He’s old and tired and mentally ill. People see it in ways they didn’t in 2020, before he inspired a riot at the Capitol and became the first president to refuse a peaceful transfer of power.
    One thing I don’t think I will ever understand about 1/6, how does one get excited to riot by listening to “Gloria” by Laura Branigan? Trump cracked the code.
    The Dobbs decision means that unless Kamala utterly screws the pooch, she'll get a big majority of the female vote. Black, white, Native, Asian, Latin what have you, they're ALL pissed.

    Can she appeal to men? Not the sexist ones, for sure. Is that loss outweighed by the gain in the female vote? It ought to be, but we'll have to see.
    Does being pissed translate to votes is what I am wondering. Could just end up in people sitting at home.
    The couple polls I have seen on younger voters (either under 35 or under 40 depending on the poll) the vast majority are favoring Harris. Like 80% or so. Even the guys that age realize they need the women in their lives to have bodily autonomy.

    It's not a subject you can approach as a candidate. (Unless you're Cheato, then you can babble about anything and the cult will lap it up) But I've long wondered why conservatives hate young, straight men. These old, closeted farts are doing all they can to ensure no young woman in her right mind will EVER have sex with a man. What're these young bucks to do? How are they going to obtain all these babies they're foaming about when fertile females are gluing their hoohas shut?
    Does being pissed translate to votes is what I am wondering. Could just end up in people sitting at home.
    Angry people beat Cheato last time. This time they're livid. I'm pretty sure women will turn out to vote. It's going to be explained to them that the GOP regards the Handmaid's Tale as amateur hour.
    I think picking Shapiro would have risked the type of unity we are seeing with Walz as the pick. Everyone from Sanders to Manchin has come out in support of Walz. Plus if what I read is true, Walz told Harris he has no desire to run for President in 8 years. All he wants to do is help her win and govern. Shapiro has loftier goals, as he should, but it makes for a less comfortable relationship, IMO.

    Walz’s appeal will translate to rural areas in any state, IMO. And I think the R’s who are celebrating the pick look foolish. They will soon realize it.

    I think Walz maybe (probably?) would have broader appeal... but it is still a risk, since PA is so important to win. Do you sacrifice broad appeal for securing PA? This is really me just complaining that I dislike how PA is so important to winning the election. Like what would they give up/sacrifice if it meant winning PA? Now this could all be irrelevant, if she still wins PA. It just makes me very uncomfortable thinking how near-mandatory winning PA is in all of this.
    The Dobbs decision means that unless Kamala utterly screws the pooch, she'll get a big majority of the female vote. Black, white, Native, Asian, Latin what have you, they're ALL pissed.

    Can she appeal to men? Not the sexist ones, for sure. Is that loss outweighed by the gain in the female vote? It ought to be, but we'll have to see.
    For what it's worth, there are more women registered to vote than men and after Roe was overturned, women started registering at record rates.
    Angry people beat Cheato last time. This time they're livid. I'm pretty sure women will turn out to vote. It's going to be explained to them that the GOP regards the Handmaid's Tale as amateur hour.
    Women turned out in force for the 2022 midterms which is usually low voter turnout. I think it's safe to assume most of them and probably even more of them will vote in this election.
    and most places that put abortion rights on the ballot, women turned out and the rights passed, then legislature back tracked and didn't honor the results. people don't forget stuff like that..
    It also makes them realize that they need federal level protections which I hope translates into down ballot Republican losses in Congress.

    I was concerned about the risk of switching candidates. Gotta love it when none of the things, that could have gone wrong, go wrong. If I pitched a screenplay about how everything has gone so far, I'd get laughed out of the room for pitching something too impossible to believe.
    In some aspects she doesn’t have the baggage that Hillary had, but then Hillary was never an AG or VP, so Kamala’s baggage is different.

    And not a tenth of Hillary's, as I said. Kamala has no Benghazi. Kamala has no Bill Clinton.

    The only thing the two candidates have in common is a vagina, and I've already conceded that yes, Republicans are too sexist to vote for her for that reason.
    What does that even mean?
    It means, I wonder if people are getting complacent and just assuming that certain groups will get out and vote for Harris just because she isn’t Trump (like what was assumed when Hillary ran).
    An ironic note about this pick and one we all knew was coming is that the right is attacking Harris campaign’s selection of Walz as VP as being “radical lefty liberal left extreme” etc , and the campaign is welcoming it.

    The Trump faithful is slowly but surely starting to come to the stark and panicked realization that all of these scare words they thought would trigger voters years ago now are actually more enticing and synonymous for horrific “communist” (they don’t know what this word means) things like feeding our nation’s children, normal paid & sick leave for families, expanding voter rights, making college attainable as prices drive out of control, etc..

    They’re panicking because their sheete isn’t sticking any more. Side note: they also can’t seem to escape irony hitting their arse on the way out the door 🧐


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