Drag Queens in society -what's appropriate and what isn't (1 Viewer)

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    Staff member
    Sep 14, 2019
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    There has been an interest in discussing the role of drag queens in the public arena, and what is appropriate with children. This specifically was an area of concern:

    So, are there dangers present in transgenders reading stories to children. If so, what are they? What is government's role in this? Is it a local or federal issue?
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    I have a few problems with this post.

    1. Transgender is an adjective, not a noun. There are people that are transgender, but no person that is "a transgender."

    2. The drag queen in the video says that, when in character, they prefer she and her pronouns. When not in character, they prefer he and him pronouns. That sounds to me like the person does not identify as transgender, given that their preferred everyday pronouns match their gender.
    I will start by saying I did not watch the video; my wife is watching a program behind me and I do not want to disturb her. I doubt watching it would change my opinion.

    That said, I will try to comment and answer the questions posed. I think any opportunity to expose children to literature is a good thing, whether it be from a drag queen, a clown, a teacher, or hopefully a parent. If someone has an issue with drag queens reading stories to kids, that is more a problem within themselves. If they want to "do something about it", they should perhaps hold their own story sessions and also read to children. More interactions with the world, whether through personal interactions or through literature, help our children become accepting adults.

    The government should have absolutely NO role in restricting this activity. I am a very hands-off sort, my underlying principle is the less government interference in my life the better. I also think that when it comes to political power, the more spread out and local it is the better. If a parent, the only party that should be allowed to have any objection, wants to restrict their kid going to drag queen story hour, that is their prerogative. I am not advocating that and would hope our society is open-minded enough to welcome any educational experience for our children.
    As one who believes in what conservatism used to mean, I find the idea of government interference to be abhorrent. The recent policy advance towards tax payer schools encouraging prayer is wrong just as any governmental restriction on the freedom of anyone - gay, straight, liberal or conservative - to read or say what they please.

    As a parent, I'm free to choose whether to take or allow my kid to be read to by drag queens or preachers. If I don't like science and evolution, I'm free to send my kid to a flat-earth school. If I don't like my kid being exposed to cheerleading, I can send her somewhere she won't be.

    Whether a kid is read to by a drag queen or a preacher is up to the parents. Government has no place in this and the "conservatives" who support restrictions and pretend as if this is indoctrination are wrong.

    One simply does not catch the gay though it seems many of our fellow Americans worry for some reason that you can. I disagree.
    How people dress and what "gender" they chose to live as is IMHO a private matter and none of society's business.

    If someone wants to dress up like the opposite sex and tell stories to children that is ok. As a matter of fact one of our most popular childrens tv hosts actually do that. The kids really don't see a man in a womans clothes. They see the caracter he plays the same way they would see a clown, or a bear or a chicken (another popular childrens tv host).
    Wow.. This is an Internet TV show aimed at Kids called "Queer Kids Stuff"... And it is not just simply about reading to kids while wearing a dress either... it is directed at Glorifying a Gay lifestyle to children. This is a total misrepresentation by the OP.

    I will start by saying I did not watch the video;

    If you did not watch the video, then you really don;t have much to say then do you?

    I think any opportunity to expose children to literature is a good thing,

    Again, that is spoken so peotically.. And in any conversation with any normal adult to simply state that our children should be exsposed to Literature would be an absolute "Yes" in any normal situation. But.. This is NOT a normal situation is it? It ain't Shakespeare, Mark Twain, or Dr. Seuss..

    How people dress and what "gender" they chose to live as is IMHO a private matter and none of society's business.

    If someone wants to dress up like the opposite sex and tell stories to children that is ok.

    What a total contradiction... You say this is private and not society's business... Well if It's privets and none of society's business, then it should not be our children's business either.

    This is the little TV show... "Queer Kids Stuff".. In this episode they talk to another drag queen... They go on to tell the kids that dressing up is "FUN" and they can continue to dress up as adults too. They are basically telling kids that this is fun and normal and if they do this, life will be fun. (I wish that I could exspress myself a little better here.) The DQ goes on to tell the kids that they are the "Hosts" of the Queer communities whether they lip sync, sing or do Dance numbers..... How fun does that sound kids?

    at 4:23 the teddy bear says.. "Drag is so cool" and the teddy bear wants to do it.. and the host says that is ok.. But only after the teddy bear sees the Drag Queen and the DQ promotes his lifesytle.

    This company, or whatever BTW- is sueing Google and Youtube because google and youtube are not allowing them to buy ads or sponsorships for this TV show..

    Watch this episode.. it's like 5 whole minutes... No where in all this is any direction towards Literature.

    Last edited:
    Wow.. This is an Internet TV show aimed at Kids called "Queer Kids TV"... And it is not just simply about reading to kids while wearing a dress either... it is directed at Glorifying a Gay lifestyle to children. This is a total misrepresentation by the OP.

    If you did not watch the video, then you really don;t have much to say then do you?

    Again, that is spoken so peotically.. And in any conversation with any normal adult to simply state that our children should be exsposed to Literature would be an absolute "Yes" in any normal situation. But.. This is NOT a normal situation is it? It ain't Shakespeare, Mark Twain, or Dr. Seuss..

    What a total contradiction... You say this is private and not society's business... Well if It's privets and none of society's business, then it should not be our children's business either.

    This is the little TV show... Queer Kids TV.. In this episode they talk to another drag queen... They go on to tell the kids that dressing up is "FUN" and they can continue to dress up as adults too. They are basically telling kids that this is fun and normal and if they do this, life will be fun. (I wish that I could exspress myself a little better here.) The DQ goes on to tell the kids that they are the "Hosts" of the Queer communities and they do dance numbers etc.... How fun does that sound kids?

    This company, or whatever BTW- is sueing Google and Youtube because google and youtube are not allowing them to buy ads or sponsorships for this TV show..

    Watch this episode.. it's like 5 whole minutes... No where in all this is any direction towards Literature.

    I'd love to have this conversation, but I need to ask two questions first: Are you aware that not all young people identify as cis hetero, and are you aware that gender identity, drag, and sexual orientation can be discussed without talking about the act of sex?
    aggressive sarcasm
    This is where the problems of anti-vaxxing become manifest
    One can easily get innoculated from catching the transgender - but clearly some on this board aren’t and now live in fear, not only of the transgender but any of the tolerant conditions
    I'd love to have this conversation, but I need to ask two questions first: Are you aware that not all young people identify as cis hetero, and are you aware that gender identity, drag, and sexual orientation can be discussed without talking about the act of sex?

    Maybe you should explain what sex is to the kids first before they can even understand gender identity, drag and sexual orientation... I mean... Gotta make this shirt clear to the kids right, so they can decide for themselves?

    I think 3 years old is a perfect age to start telling kids about the birds and the bees, don;t you. ANd don;t forget to tell the kids that Mommies toys are not to be played with. And daddies new toy is actually their aunt Linda.

    They'll understand.
    Wow.. This is an Internet TV show aimed at Kids called "Queer Kids Stuff"... And it is not just simply about reading to kids while wearing a dress either... it is directed at Glorifying a Gay lifestyle to children. This is a total misrepresentation by the OP.

    If you did not watch the video, then you really don;t have much to say then do you?

    Again, that is spoken so peotically.. And in any conversation with any normal adult to simply state that our children should be exsposed to Literature would be an absolute "Yes" in any normal situation. But.. This is NOT a normal situation is it? It ain't Shakespeare, Mark Twain, or Dr. Seuss..

    What a total contradiction... You say this is private and not society's business... Well if It's privets and none of society's business, then it should not be our children's business either.

    This is the little TV show... "Queer Kids Stuff".. In this episode they talk to another drag queen... They go on to tell the kids that dressing up is "FUN" and they can continue to dress up as adults too. They are basically telling kids that this is fun and normal and if they do this, life will be fun. (I wish that I could exspress myself a little better here.) The DQ goes on to tell the kids that they are the "Hosts" of the Queer communities whether they lip sync, sing or do Dance numbers..... How fun does that sound kids?

    at 4:23 the teddy bear says.. "Drag is so cool" and the teddy bear wants to do it.. and the host says that is ok.. But only after the teddy bear sees the Drag Queen and the DQ promotes his lifesytle.

    This company, or whatever BTW- is sueing Google and Youtube because google and youtube are not allowing them to buy ads or sponsorships for this TV show..

    Watch this episode.. it's like 5 whole minutes... No where in all this is any direction towards Literature.

    If they're suing Google and Youtube then let the market decide.

    Joe, you're trying to limit free speech because you don't like what you think they're saying. I

    If you don't like it, don't participate. Don't buy it. Don't take your kids and ignore it already.

    To further my understanding of your position, should I assume you have no problem with Christians proselytizing to our children, but do probably think Muslims shouldn't be able to advance Sharia, right? Are you up in arms about anti-abortion groups posting videos of bloody babies on Youtube?
    As one who believes in what conservatism used to mean, I find the idea of government interference to be abhorrent. The recent policy advance towards tax payer schools encouraging prayer is wrong just as any governmental restriction on the freedom of anyone - gay, straight, liberal or conservative - to read or say what they please.

    As a parent, I'm free to choose whether to take or allow my kid to be read to by drag queens or preachers. If I don't like science and evolution, I'm free to send my kid to a flat-earth school. If I don't like my kid being exposed to cheerleading, I can send her somewhere she won't be.

    Whether a kid is read to by a drag queen or a preacher is up to the parents. Government has no place in this and the "conservatives" who support restrictions and pretend as if this is indoctrination are wrong.

    One simply does not catch the gay though it seems many of our fellow Americans worry for some reason that you can. I disagree.

    I tend to believe that people are either born gay or not. (Doesn't really matter on the issue of acceptance - it's not necessary for it to be outside of a person's control). There is, however, a phenomenon known as rapid onset gender dysphoria. This is where a child shows a sudden interest in identifying as transgender later in life than one would expect. I think it's important to note that this phenomenon often occurs in clusters within a population and such clusters are almost always comprised of teenage biological girls. To me, that suggests that this is the result of influences from society. In other words, it sounds like it's a fad in those instances.

    I have an issue with people exposing children to sexual issues by - well, who really knows who these people are.

    I am not making the argument that trans people or drag queens are more likely to be pedophiles. However, I do think the prospect of presenting sexual issues to kids may very well be something a pedophile would be interested in. Self selection.

    Regardless of what our philosophical views are, this has already proven to be a problem.

    As a parent, I would not take my kids to see a presentation by drag queens, but I also would not take them to a presentation about the wonders of BDSM given by a dominatrix all decked out in leather and chains either. I guess I am old fashioned.
    Joe, you're trying to limit free speech because you don't like what you think they're saying.

    It's not trying to limit free speech... It just more that I am astonished as to what we have become and what we are now finding acceptable in this world and country.

    I mean really... Sexual education in my school didn;t start until about grade 6 or 7... Not Toddlers. and at that age they are just trying to learn their ABC's.. Don;t confuse them with LGBTQ...
    Maybe you should explain what sex is to the kids first before they can even understand gender identity, drag and sexual orientation... I mean... Gotta make this shirt clear to the kids right, so they can decide for themselves?

    I think 3 years old is a perfect age to start telling kids about the birds and the bees, don;t you. ANd don;t forget to tell the kids that Mommies toys are not to be played with. And daddies new toy is actually their aunt Linda.

    They'll understand.

    Shouldn't you raise your kids however you like while the rest of us have the freedom to do the same?
    I tend to believe that people are either born gay or not. (Doesn't really matter on the issue of acceptance - it's not necessary for it to be outside of a person's control). There is, however, a phenomenon known as rapid onset gender dysphoria. This is where a child shows a sudden interest in identifying as transgender later in life than one would expect. I think it's important to note that this phenomenon often occurs in clusters within a population and such clusters are almost always comprised of teenage biological girls. To me, that suggests that this is the result of influences from society. In other words, it sounds like it's a fad in those instances.

    I have an issue with people exposing children to sexual issues by - well, who really knows who these people are.

    I am not making the argument that trans people or drag queens are more likely to be pedophiles. However, I do think the prospect of presenting sexual issues to kids may very well be something a pedophile would be interested in. Self selection.

    Regardless of what our philosophical views are, this has already proven to be a problem.

    As a parent, I would not take my kids to see a presentation by drag queens, but I also would not take them to a presentation about the wonders of BDSM given by a dominatrix all decked out in leather and chains either. I guess I am old fashioned.

    I can't speak to the facts you laid out in the first section and have no reason to doubt you. Surely, confusion can happen and trends/societal influences come to bear.

    And, I agree with you that pedophilia is unlikely more prevalent among drag queens than priests. I wouldn't likely take my kid to the library at all much less to be read to by a drag queen or an imaginary rabbit. I'm just not taking her to the library to be read to by anyone and surely not taking her to church so she can be exposed to things I find to be far out of the realm of logic. IF she later decides to become a believer, that's her choice.

    As for the BDSM presentation, again, we agree. I'd sooner take her to learn of the joys of spanking and leather gear than to a church picnic or Falcons tailgate.
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    Shouldn't you raise your kids however you like while the rest of us have the freedom to do the same?

    Well of course you should and so should I.. But... Can you honestly say that this little internet TV is something that you would let you kids watch?

    I can say that others can raise thier kids any way that they want.. Sure.. Does that mean I think that this is acceptable? No..

    Where is your stance..
    Do you feel that this TV show is acceptable for little kids?
    Would you let your kids watch "Queer KId Stuff" on a regular basis?
    Do you feel that Google has a right to refuse them an ad?
    Wow.. This is an Internet TV show aimed at Kids called "Queer Kids Stuff"... And it is not just simply about reading to kids while wearing a dress either... it is directed at Glorifying a Gay lifestyle to children. This is a total misrepresentation by the OP.

    If you did not watch the video, then you really don;t have much to say then do you?

    Again, that is spoken so peotically.. And in any conversation with any normal adult to simply state that our children should be exsposed to Literature would be an absolute "Yes" in any normal situation. But.. This is NOT a normal situation is it? It ain't Shakespeare, Mark Twain, or Dr. Seuss..

    What a total contradiction... You say this is private and not society's business... Well if It's privets and none of society's business, then it should not be our children's business either.

    This is the little TV show... "Queer Kids Stuff".. In this episode they talk to another drag queen... They go on to tell the kids that dressing up is "FUN" and they can continue to dress up as adults too. They are basically telling kids that this is fun and normal and if they do this, life will be fun. (I wish that I could exspress myself a little better here.) The DQ goes on to tell the kids that they are the "Hosts" of the Queer communities whether they lip sync, sing or do Dance numbers..... How fun does that sound kids?

    at 4:23 the teddy bear says.. "Drag is so cool" and the teddy bear wants to do it.. and the host says that is ok.. But only after the teddy bear sees the Drag Queen and the DQ promotes his lifesytle.

    This company, or whatever BTW- is sueing Google and Youtube because google and youtube are not allowing them to buy ads or sponsorships for this TV show..

    Watch this episode.. it's like 5 whole minutes... No where in all this is any direction towards Literature.

    What do you think we should do about it?

    Should we ban these videos? Boycott YouTube?
    Maybe you should explain what sex is to the kids first before they can even understand gender identity, drag and sexual orientation... I mean... Gotta make this shirt clear to the kids right, so they can decide for themselves?

    I think 3 years old is a perfect age to start telling kids about the birds and the bees, don;t you. ANd don;t forget to tell the kids that Mommies toys are not to be played with. And daddies new toy is actually their aunt Linda.

    They'll understand.
    the Scandinavian model teaches sex ed early and continuously
    here's an early ed cartoon
    click, but only if y'all are mature enough


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