All things Racist...USA edition (1 Viewer)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    I was looking for a place to put this so we could discuss but didn't really find a place that worked so I created this thread so we can all place articles, experiences, videos and examples of racism in the USA.

    This is one that happened this week. The lady even called and filed a complaint on the officer. This officer also chose to wear the body cam (apparently, LA doesn't require this yet). This exchange wasn't necessarily racist IMO until she started with the "mexican will never be white, like you want" garbage. That is when it turned racist IMO

    All the murderer and other insults, I think are just a by product of CRT and ACAB rhetoric that is very common on the radical left and sadly is being brought to mainstream in this country.

    Another point that I think is worth mentioning is she is a teacher and the sense of entitlement she feels is mind blowing.
    No, take a reading comprehension course. Slavery in the western world particularly North America and parts of Latin America as well and what the south called the peculiar institution was based on racism. C'mon, your more intelligent than that. At least I hope that that is the case.

    Welp, I hope for your family's sake you don't run into that issue. Because you would likely find yourself on the outside looking in. As for professional help? that is just a RW bullschlitz comment based on you waking, quaking fear. Gender is not biology. Sexual reproductive organs are. Gender is in the brain. You don't like it? too damn bad. You'll get over it. Either when one of your family comes to you or when you die. You can choose to have the love of a family member or you can choose your rigidity.

    Btw, your Duke of Wellington bullschlitz would require professional help as would your idiotic cat comment. Gender identification? Not the way you look at it.

    Your last line is an eye-opener. A cry for help, perhaps? I wish you luck getting the help you seek.
    very rational and productive reply. Congrats on over reacting as per your usual ranting with lots of 'bullschlitz' and other dazzling vocabulary choices.

    If you had a family member that came to you and said they joined a cult and now believe that a rocket ship is coming to pick them up and take them to the moon, would you play along and reassure them that the rocket ship is on the way or you drop the bullshchlitz and try and help them? I hope you would help them but it appears that you are in too deep and no longer have a tie to reality. One simple question for a test, but I know you won't answer it because it would be a sin for you: can men get pregnant?

    Are you saying that only western civilization practiced slavery against another race or civilization without the backdrop of racism? Can you give me an example? Maybe like how the Muslims when the enslaved European women by they millions the respected them as humans being?
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    Posted this on EE too

    That is pretty awful. On the bright side, if there is one, that dude should get rich off of this. He needs to sue the bank, the police force and especially the officer that detained and put cuffs on him for standing up, as directed. Those yankees are some racist Peice of work.
    very rational and productive reply. Congrats on over reacting as per your usual ranting with lots of 'bullschlitz' and other dazzling vocabulary choices.

    If you had a family member that came to you and said they joined a cult and now believe that a rocket ship is coming to pick them up and take them to the moon, would you play along and reassure them that the rocket ship is on the way or you drop the bullshchlitz and try and help them? I hope you would help them but it appears that you are in too deep and no longer have a tie to reality. One simple question for a test, but I know you won't answer it because it would be a sin for you: can men get pregnant?

    Are you saying that only western civilization practiced slavery against another race or civilization without the backdrop of racism? Can you give me an example? Maybe like how the Muslims when the enslaved European women by they millions the respected them as humans being?
    Aw, your feelings got hurt? Don’t really care. Remember what Republicans said about the feelings of Democrats? The same applies to you.


    Cult vs Pronouns. Congratulations on trying to say apples and kumquats are the same. Nice failure. Btw, regarding cults? The Republican Party IS a cult as currently constructed. Try and get some of the help you mentioned.

    Re: slavery. I’ll see if I can find a reading comprehension course for you. Western civilization’s actions with slavery were based upon racism, period. You don’t like it, I don’t care. That other civilizations/nations/tribes/religions practiced slavery is irrelevant to the racism underpinning Western civilization.

    Finally, since you are a liar I will answer your question. Men could actually “get” pregnant by implantation of a fertilized embryo in the abdominal cavity. That being said it doesn’t happen because it would fail which I know makes you squeal with delight as though you won some cheap prize at the county fair. Are woman who cannot get pregnant still women? Sexual reproduction is biology. Gender resides in the brain. If we are to accept that nature/God made things “the way they are” then we should not do any of the following:

    Develop vaccines
    Treat any and all diseases
    In vitro fertilization

    Virtually any medical, scientific or social change/advancement is an alleged affront to nature/God.

    Beyond that? Go take a flying flock at a rolling doughnut.
    Aw, your feelings got hurt? Don’t really care. Remember what Republicans said about the feelings of Democrats? The same applies to you.


    Cult vs Pronouns. Congratulations on trying to say apples and kumquats are the same. Nice failure. Btw, regarding cults? The Republican Party IS a cult as currently constructed. Try and get some of the help you mentioned.

    Re: slavery. I’ll see if I can find a reading comprehension course for you. Western civilization’s actions with slavery were based upon racism, period. You don’t like it, I don’t care. That other civilizations/nations/tribes/religions practiced slavery is irrelevant to the racism underpinning Western civilization.

    Finally, since you are a liar I will answer your question. Men could actually “get” pregnant by implantation of a fertilized embryo in the abdominal cavity. That being said it doesn’t happen because it would fail which I know makes you squeal with delight as though you won some cheap prize at the county fair. Are woman who cannot get pregnant still women? Sexual reproduction is biology. Gender resides in the brain. If we are to accept that nature/God made things “the way they are” then we should not do any of the following:

    Develop vaccines
    Treat any and all diseases
    In vitro fertilization

    Virtually any medical, scientific or social change/advancement is an alleged affront to nature/God.

    Beyond that? Go take a flying flock at a rolling doughnut.
    are we sure I am the one who got their feelings hurt?

    Do you know any republicans in your family? If so, do you try and get them help or let them wallow in their mental illness? Something tells me you purposely chose to ignore my question.

    Are you saying that slavery committed by western civilization is degrees worse than those committed by other civilization because only the west used it as a means to justify their racism? Although, that is not the case at all as all races, tribes, societies looked down upon others, even in subjugation. The left's view of world history is really inept and child like.
    I didn't have time to take a reading comprehension course like you suggested but that it what I am picking up from your incoherent ramblings about doughnuts and birds.

    So men can not get pregnant at all. Yes, some women cannot get pregnant either. Did you know that some men can not fertilize the egg of the female because they don't produce sperm? True story. Do we still consider those guys to be men? We do. That is how baseless your woman question was.
    God also gave us the ability to reason and to understand the world so in essence he created our ability to make the earth bend to our will and the beasts with it. What a silly take about your 'affront to God' stance is, but even you knew that.

    Let me know what you find out about the comprehension class for me and thanks for help on that.
    are we sure I am the one who got their feelings hurt?
    Do you know any republicans in your family? If so, do you try and get them help or let them wallow in their mental illness? Something tells me you purposely chose to ignore my question.
    Not all my republican family members are mentally ill, but the one's who are fall for conspiracy theories, like the election was stole. We have tried to help them.
    Are you saying that slavery committed by western civilization is degrees worse than those committed by other civilization because only the west used it as a means to justify their racism? Although, that is not the case at all as all races, tribes, societies looked down upon others, even in subjugation. The left's view of world history is really inept and child like.
    I didn't have time to take a reading comprehension course like you suggested but that it what I am picking up from your incoherent ramblings about doughnuts and birds.
    The slavery committed here in America should be the worst to us, because it was committed by us. Instead of owning our mistakes ad trying to make things right by former slaves, we have whitewashed the truth and passed Jim Crow type laws. We need to acknowledge our past and atone for the atrocities committed.
    So men can not get pregnant at all. Yes, some women cannot get pregnant either. Did you know that some men can not fertilize the egg of the female because they don't produce sperm? True story. Do we still consider those guys to be men? We do. That is how baseless your woman question was.
    God also gave us the ability to reason and to understand the world so in essence he created our ability to make the earth bend to our will and the beasts with it. What a silly take about your 'affront to God' stance is, but even you knew that.

    Let me know what you find out about the comprehension class for me and thanks for help on that

    You absolutely seem like you haz hurt feelz
    are we sure I am the one who got their feelings hurt?

    Do you know any republicans in your family? If so, do you try and get them help or let them wallow in their mental illness? Something tells me you purposely chose to ignore my question.

    Are you saying that slavery committed by western civilization is degrees worse than those committed by other civilization because only the west used it as a means to justify their racism? Although, that is not the case at all as all races, tribes, societies looked down upon others, even in subjugation. The left's view of world history is really inept and child like.
    I didn't have time to take a reading comprehension course like you suggested but that it what I am picking up from your incoherent ramblings about doughnuts and birds.

    So men can not get pregnant at all. Yes, some women cannot get pregnant either. Did you know that some men can not fertilize the egg of the female because they don't produce sperm? True story. Do we still consider those guys to be men? We do. That is how baseless your woman question was.
    God also gave us the ability to reason and to understand the world so in essence he created our ability to make the earth bend to our will and the beasts with it. What a silly take about your 'affront to God' stance is, but even you knew that.

    Let me know what you find out about the comprehension class for me and thanks for help on that.
    So, men can’t get pregnant. Are you going to stop your lie that liberals believe that? Or are you just going to keep up your bullschlitz? You brought up the stupid, homophobic question about a man becoming pregrant. Then you prance about like a little child saying ”look at me”.

    Your inability or unwillingness to grasp the racist underpinning of slavery in Western civilization is unsurprising. The Right’s view of history is a distorted, sepia colored wish for a return to the 1950’s prior to Brown v Bd. of Ed. Blacks saying “yessuh and no suh” with their heads down when talking to medicocre white men like yourself, Gays in the closet, women kept in the kitchen and voting the way their husbands tell them to vote. What a beautiful view of history. If you are a complete idiot.

    Welp, we have seen the results of “bending the earth and beasts to our will”. From species driven to extinction to cities built in the desert causing rivers to fail to flow to the ocean to micro plastic pollution and forever chemicals I would say that we have failed utterly. Utilizing deity as rationale for political agendas is dangerous. Perhaps you could tell that Majorie Traitor Greene or Lauren Boebert or any other Republican religionist?

    Re: God Republicans/conservatives are pushing a bullschlitz biblical worldview as being the foundation of this country. All conservatives believe this so you must believe it. It’s a sin if you don’t. Sounds kinda stupid, doesn’t it? Just like the stupidity regarding gays and trangenders and those who support and defend them that flows off of your keyboard.

    So, no more pleasantries…just flock off. Your hatred, bigotry and desire for backwardness are not acceptable. Get over it, don’t get over it, I no longer care. You offer nothing but a desire for a fake utopia that never actually existed.
    Your inability or unwillingness to grasp the racist underpinning of slavery in Western civilization is unsurprising. The Right’s view of history is a distorted, sepia colored wish for a return to the 1950’s prior to Brown v Bd. of Ed. Blacks saying “yessuh and no suh” with their heads down when talking to medicocre white men like yourself, Gays in the closet, women kept in the kitchen and voting the way their husbands tell them to vote. What a beautiful view of history. If you are a complete idiot.
    ........But to those who idealize the 1950s, how we achieved our prosperity is immaterial. What matters to them are the sepia-toned images of a time they remember as “great.” The problem is: That era was not so great for everyone.

    The neighborhoods depicted in the TV shows “Leave It to Beaver” and “Father Knows Best” did not include a single Black family — and these television portrayals were, unfortunately, accurate. Redlining and discrimination excluded African Americans from the booming suburbs, no matter how well-educated they were or whether they were World War II veterans who fought for freedom.

    As William Levitt said of his suburban Levittown developments, “If we sell one house to a Negro family, then 90 or 95 percent of our White customers will not buy into the community.” When a middle class Black family managed to buy a home in the Levittown outside Philadelphia, they were met with violence, riots, Confederate flags and racial threats.

    Not even celebrity could shield people of color from this treatment. When the New York Giants moved to San Francisco in 1957, it wasn’t until the mayor intervened that baseball great Willie Mays could buy the home he wanted.

    Many labor unions and educational institutions also excluded Black Americans. And because of discrimination, the GI bill that helped launch the White middle class was of only limited value to Blacks. The ladder of opportunity that enabled White families to grasp their American Dream largely didn’t exist for Black families.

    Religious minorities faced exclusion, as well. Pluralism was embraced in name only, and those who weren’t Christian faced overt and subtle discrimination. Even though the U.S. Supreme Court struck down restrictive housing covenants in 1948, communities continued to exclude Jews, as did country clubs, law firms, resorts and elite universities.

    So as not to stand out, many Jews celebrated Christmas, Anglicized their names and sat through Bible readings at their children’s schools. Even the play and film about Anne Frank deliberately de-emphasized her Judaism. Atheists fared even worse: A 1954 survey found that only 12 percent of Americans favored allowing an atheist to teach in a college or university.

    These also weren’t happy days for many women, who were told that work was unbecoming and fulfillment could be found only by marrying a man, raising children, serving their husbands and massaging their egos. Only a third of women who attended college graduated, or, as many quipped, they went to receive their “Mrs. Degree,” or simply to find a husband. Society harshly judged women who deviated from this norm.

    In 1956, Life magazine featured five male psychiatrists who attributed anxious husbands, troubled households and even homosexuality in boys to female assertiveness and ambition. In one survey, 80 percent of adults said that women must be sick, neurotic or immoral to remain unmarried.

    Newspaper want ads were segregated by sex, and women who sought work found few opportunities beyond typist, secretary, stenographer, receptionist or nurse — with ads describing the perfect “girl” as “young” or “attractive,” with one requiring applicants to be “5’ 5”-7” in heels.”

    As for sex, it was the classic double standard: a wink and a nod for men’s sexual adventures, shame for women.

    Gay men and lesbians in the United States also faced unrelenting repression. “Perverts Called Government Peril,” blared a 1950 New York Times headline, and in 1953, the Miami Beach police chief proudly announced that his officers would “harass those men who affect female mannerisms in public places and let them know in no uncertain terms that they are unwelcome on Miami Beach.”

    Suspecting a “widespread homosexual underground,” as Time magazine put it, Boise police interrogated and investigated 1,500 men in 1955. To cope with the discrimination, many gay men and lesbians married or stayed in the closet — because exposure could bring imprisonment, social isolation and the loss of one’s livelihood.............

    So, men can’t get pregnant. Are you going to stop your lie that liberals believe that? Or are you just going to keep up your bullschlitz? You brought up the stupid, homophobic question about a man becoming pregrant. Then you prance about like a little child saying ”look at me”.

    Your inability or unwillingness to grasp the racist underpinning of slavery in Western civilization is unsurprising. The Right’s view of history is a distorted, sepia colored wish for a return to the 1950’s prior to Brown v Bd. of Ed. Blacks saying “yessuh and no suh” with their heads down when talking to medicocre white men like yourself, Gays in the closet, women kept in the kitchen and voting the way their husbands tell them to vote. What a beautiful view of history. If you are a complete idiot.

    Welp, we have seen the results of “bending the earth and beasts to our will”. From species driven to extinction to cities built in the desert causing rivers to fail to flow to the ocean to micro plastic pollution and forever chemicals I would say that we have failed utterly. Utilizing deity as rationale for political agendas is dangerous. Perhaps you could tell that Majorie Traitor Greene or Lauren Boebert or any other Republican religionist?

    Re: God Republicans/conservatives are pushing a bullschlitz biblical worldview as being the foundation of this country. All conservatives believe this so you must believe it. It’s a sin if you don’t. Sounds kinda stupid, doesn’t it? Just like the stupidity regarding gays and trangenders and those who support and defend them that flows off of your keyboard.

    So, no more pleasantries…just flock off. Your hatred, bigotry and desire for backwardness are not acceptable. Get over it, don’t get over it, I no longer care. You offer nothing but a desire for a fake utopia that never actually existed.
    You say men can't get pregnant but yet you tried to prove that in fact they can, they just can't sustain the pregnancy. I am the one that is brainwashed?

    I grasp the underpinning of racism in slavery. I just don't only blame one civilization like the left likes to do. I like to look at the world as it is, a series of conflicting civilization viaing for supremacy. You on the other hand look at it as the only evil comes from Western Civilization. Very Marxist of you but also very very tiresome.

    Can you tell me where the majority of the worlds plastic pollution comes from? Where are rivers and streams literally choked with plastics? But, you know what else we got besides pollution? A much much better life for all humans on this earth. Turns out, we are pretty good at adaptation
    The biblical worldview was absolutely used in the formation of this country. The federalist papers would be a good place to look for that. Not uncommon for a government formed at that time as most were very religious. Thank goodness they were smart enough to put checks and balances for religion because otherwise, we would all be stuck with these evil teacher union run boards of education. I don't think there is a bigger religion right now in this country than the religion of woke.

    Ok. Nice talking to you too. I offer no Utopia. Life sucks and is not easy. The left offers a silly Utopia as well but I am not interested in that one either so no thanks.
    You say men can't get pregnant but yet you tried to prove that in fact they can, they just can't sustain the pregnancy. I am the one that is brainwashed?

    I grasp the underpinning of racism in slavery. I just don't only blame one civilization like the left likes to do. I like to look at the world as it is, a series of conflicting civilization viaing for supremacy. You on the other hand look at it as the only evil comes from Western Civilization. Very Marxist of you but also very very tiresome.

    Can you tell me where the majority of the worlds plastic pollution comes from? Where are rivers and streams literally choked with plastics? But, you know what else we got besides pollution? A much much better life for all humans on this earth. Turns out, we are pretty good at adaptation
    The biblical worldview was absolutely used in the formation of this country. The federalist papers would be a good place to look for that. Not uncommon for a government formed at that time as most were very religious. Thank goodness they were smart enough to put checks and balances for religion because otherwise, we would all be stuck with these evil teacher union run boards of education. I don't think there is a bigger religion right now in this country than the religion of woke.

    Ok. Nice talking to you too. I offer no Utopia. Life sucks and is not easy. The left offers a silly Utopia as well but I am not interested in that one either so no thanks.
    Brainwashed? If you are conservative, you are. Today’s conservatism is not conservative, it is reactionary. And you are happily part and parcel of it.

    Your comments re: slavery are telling, stupid but telling. I never said that slavery did not exist elsewhere. I did say that the West’s involvement with slavery particularly as it relates to the Western Hemisphere was based upon racism.

    Ever read Marx? Great on analysis. Not good on solutions. Of course the Communist Manifesto actually ends with what the right wants which is the withering away of the state. Problem with that is workers would be making decisions and that doesn’t fit with the right.

    Turns out humans are pretty shirtty when comes to adaptation. Screaming denials of climate change, building cities in deserts, building on flood plains, refusing to alter their actions to actually improve life all around, no, your comment is pretty much a RW rose-colored glasses utopian piece of excrement.

    Now, regarding religion? That is a flat out lie. Stories abound regarding examples such as not starting, iirc, the constitutional convention with prayer to Jefferson’s bible which has all references to miracles in the gospels completely removed to the complete and utter lack of religion being mentioned in the constitution beyond a negative in the document itself. We The People, stupid as we can be, are basis of the government. The first amendment guarantees that you can worship as you wish which includes not worshipping. Jefferson noted that the pilot of a ferry could do his job well whether he was Christian, Muslim, Jewish or atheist. Religious belief does not underpin the government of the United States. It was not, is not and never will be a Christian nation. The founders understood this despite claims by idiots like David Barton. I don’t remember whether it was Adams or Jefferson who thought that most people would become Unitarian. Hardly what the pharisaical right would consider Christian. Read Kramnick and Moore’s The Godless Constitution.

    As for evil teachers unions? Hmmm. What about pedophile clerics of multiple stripes?

    As for being woke? Aw, poor baby, asked to consider someone besides himself. Your mother and grandmothers probably told you to be nice to others. You know, considerate. Conservatives can’t do that just like Trump couldn’t say that the election was over.

    The biggest religion in this country right now is the worship of Trump by conservatives.

    Sorry, the left offers no utopia but merely the goal of striving for improvement. You and your ilk offer nothing more than a forward march to the past.

    It has been real and it has been fun but it hasn’t been real fun.
    Brainwashed? If you are conservative, you are. Today’s conservatism is not conservative, it is reactionary. And you are happily part and parcel of it.

    Your comments re: slavery are telling, stupid but telling. I never said that slavery did not exist elsewhere. I did say that the West’s involvement with slavery particularly as it relates to the Western Hemisphere was based upon racism.

    Ever read Marx? Great on analysis. Not good on solutions. Of course the Communist Manifesto actually ends with what the right wants which is the withering away of the state. Problem with that is workers would be making decisions and that doesn’t fit with the right.

    Turns out humans are pretty shirtty when comes to adaptation. Screaming denials of climate change, building cities in deserts, building on flood plains, refusing to alter their actions to actually improve life all around, no, your comment is pretty much a RW rose-colored glasses utopian piece of excrement.

    Now, regarding religion? That is a flat out lie. Stories abound regarding examples such as not starting, iirc, the constitutional convention with prayer to Jefferson’s bible which has all references to miracles in the gospels completely removed to the complete and utter lack of religion being mentioned in the constitution beyond a negative in the document itself. We The People, stupid as we can be, are basis of the government. The first amendment guarantees that you can worship as you wish which includes not worshipping. Jefferson noted that the pilot of a ferry could do his job well whether he was Christian, Muslim, Jewish or atheist. Religious belief does not underpin the government of the United States. It was not, is not and never will be a Christian nation. The founders understood this despite claims by idiots like David Barton. I don’t remember whether it was Adams or Jefferson who thought that most people would become Unitarian. Hardly what the pharisaical right would consider Christian. Read Kramnick and Moore’s The Godless Constitution.

    As for evil teachers unions? Hmmm. What about pedophile clerics of multiple stripes?

    As for being woke? Aw, poor baby, asked to consider someone besides himself. Your mother and grandmothers probably told you to be nice to others. You know, considerate. Conservatives can’t do that just like Trump couldn’t say that the election was over.

    The biggest religion in this country right now is the worship of Trump by conservatives.

    Sorry, the left offers no utopia but merely the goal of striving for improvement. You and your ilk offer nothing more than a forward march to the past.

    It has been real and it has been fun but it hasn’t been real fun.
    I know you are but what am I? classic.

    That was probably Jefferson, he more libertarian than the others. Although Adams did say that "our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”
    You could also argue, not with you though, that most of the anti religion statements you all like is actually a call for the government to have no say on the exercise of religion. Basically freedom of religion not freedom from religion.

    Funny how when I bring up teacher unions you go right to pedophilia. I think someone is starting to pay attention. But as to your question, anyone who diddles a kid should be executed. No reason for that person to live on this earth any longer. Would you agree to that?

    You might want to see someone about your obsession with Trump. I don't think it is very healthy but I am with you. I hope he doesn't run and I hope he goes away. Maybe him and Hillary can get a cabin somewhere and we can all put a fence up to keep them in.

    Totally rad dude. Catch you the flip side.
    Although Adams did say that "our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”
    He also said
    “The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”
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