All things political. Coronavirus Edition. (37 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    May 17, 2019
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    I fear we are really going to be in a bad place due to the obvious cuts to the federal agencies that deal with infectious disease, but also the negative effect the Affordable Care act has had on non urban hospitals. Our front line defenses are ineffectual and our ability to treat the populous is probably at an all time low. Factor in the cost of healthcare and I can see our system crashing. What do you think about the politics of this virus?
    Idiot southern republican govnerors are gonna kill plenty of people.

    Just now he heard a game changer that it has carriers that don't show symptoms?

    This is a direct result of trump and the republican party blowing this off and down playing this pandemic.

    Hell Alabama has yet to do anything.
    This time, it was a fairly routine question that Chanel Rion, a correspondent for One America News Network, posed to President Trump during Tuesday’s White House news briefing: How many clinical trials would it take before a potential coronavirus drug he has touted could be approved? Trump wasn’t sure and turned the question over to Anthony S. Fauci, his infectious-diseases expert.

    But the brief Q&A raised its own question: What was Rion doing there in the first place?

    Under strict new guidelines jointly imposed last month by White House officials and the White House Correspondents' Association, which represents journalists, access to the cramped briefing room is now restricted to about 15 reporters each day, to enforce social-distancing measures amid the coronavirus crisis, and several smaller news organizations can rotate in only once every several days.

    And it wasn’t OANN’s turn on Tuesday. Nor on Wednesday, when Rion showed up in the room again — prompting the correspondents’ association to vote to remove OANN from the rotation.

    Rion and her employer, a tiny conservative cable outlet known as OANN, appear to have gotten special permission from the White House, in violation of the guidelines.

    The reasons, and the source of the approval, are unclear, but OANN and Rion have a history of reporting favorably about Trump. Rion herself has pushed conspiracy theories that advance his political interests, such as the unfounded allegation that officials in Ukraine secretly manipulated the 2016 election to help Hillary Clinton. Trump, in turn, has tweeted praise of OANN’s reporting dozens of times........

    Idiot southern republican govnerors are gonna kill plenty of people.

    Just now he heard a game changer that it has carriers that don't show symptoms?

    This is a direct result of trump and the republican party blowing this off and down playing this pandemic.

    Hell Alabama has yet to do anything.

    The CDC is headquartered in his forking state. He is either lying or so unfit for office that he hasn't done as much research on the topic as the average EE board poster.
    My facebook feed has been blowing up with all the "you can't trust China" , "china was lying about CV" all day.

    I guess it's circulating on right wing sites as some sort of excuse for Trump to use to excuse his inaction and misinformation.

    My question to you is why would anyone have ever assumed China was going to tell us the truth? How does an administration founded on a trade war with China because China manipulates thier currency, steals our intellectual property and is a nasty authoritarian state blame China's lack of transparency for our own lack of preparedness and an inadequate response?

    We know not to trust them. Trump tells us they're liars. And, here you are and others telling us it's not his fault because they lied to him.

    Is that correct? If not, do tell?

    And, while you're at it, please do include how firing and defunding the specific intelligence office previously tasked with spying on China's health and other emerging virus threat locales is not a bad thing.

    How does our lack of adequate response get explained away by saying China doesn't tell the truth after we fired the spies who we had monitoring the likelihood that a potential pandemic could arise in their region?
    You can believe who ever you want, you already do. I would be cautious about playing whataboutism with China though, they admitted to lying in their last pandemic and it has come out recently that they are lying about their newest pandemic.

    Trump is horrible and Trump is terrible. The US is guilty of everything and we deserve everything we get. We are the scourge of the earth and the world will be better without our evil empire. That might be true.

    Can two things be true at once? Can we be terrible and also China is a horrible world neighbor? Or does blame only get to be laid upon our feet?

    The CDC is headquartered in his forking state. He is either lying or so unfit for office that he hasn't done as much research on the topic as the average EE board poster.

    I know it is absolutely mind blowing.

    Then again he is the voter suppression guy. What better way to suppress the Democrats than poor elderly Democrats getting off the books for good.
    That's incredibly promising news... How reputable is this Dr?

    And if he is... Why is this news not being blasted everywhere 24/7?

    I saw some info on him, Yale Med, board certified in infectious diseases since 94, lots of AIDS research. It can be difficult to ascertain how much is important as everyone pads CV's.

    I would have liked to have heard more, but I got the feeling that they cut it short due to the audio being poor.

    Maybe we will hear more this week out of New York as I believe they were trying the drugs. I just hope they were not limiting it to very advanced cases. I heard conflicting info with whether that is the case. If so, I think it's going to be hard to see great results as I have also heard the drugs are more effective the earlier they are given.

    There are several other promising developments, such as an AIDS drug being repurposed and a couple of possible vaccines in the works.
    On the evening news last night they reported tobacco giants were stepping up to splice together tobacco plants that produce anti-viral compounds in less time than other methods. This was done before with Ebola, with good results.

    Cigarette makers may seem like an unlikely source of life-saving vaccines, yet Philip Morris International Inc. and British American Tobacco Plc are trying to devise a defense against the coronavirus from the humble tobacco leaf.

    BAT said Wednesday that it’s in pre-clinical testing of a plant-based vaccine via a U.S. biotech subsidiary Kentucky BioProcessing. Philip Morris has said its partially owned Canadian unit Medicago expects to start human trials for a potential vaccine this summer.

    “We believe we have made a significant breakthrough,” said David O’Reilly, BAT’s director of scientific research. “We stand ready to work with governments and all stakeholders to help win the war against Covid-19.”

    Edit: Link
    SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — At first, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker tried to play nice. He limited criticisms of the federal government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic and asked for medical supplies through official channels.

    But nothing came, so he went on television. The first-term Democrat blasted the Trump administration Sunday on CNN for failing to help states obtain masks, gloves and other protective gear.

    It got President Donald Trump’s attention. After a Twitter feud and some mudslinging (Pritzker compared Trump to a “carnival barker”), the two got on the phone Monday, and Trump promised Illinois 250,000 masks and 300 ventilators.

    Facing an unprecedented public health crisis, governorsare trying to get what they need from Washington, and fast. But that means navigating the disorienting politics of dealing with Trump, an unpredictable president with a love for cable news and a penchant for retribution.

    Republicans and Democrats alike are testing whether to fight or flatter, whether to back channel requests or go public, all in an attempt to get Trump’s attention and his assurances.

    At stake may be access to masks, ventilators and other personal protective gear critically needed by health care workers, as well as field hospitals and federal cash. As Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, D-Mich., put it, “I can’t afford to have a fight with the White House.”..........

    Good article

    .....We’ll never know how the coronavirus crisis might have played out under a different president because there is no parallel universe (at least that we know about) where we can watch that possibility unfold.

    But something Peter Wehner wrote recently tapped into a new emotional response from me. I’ve had lots of moments of fear and anger, but this description finally triggered my grief.
    The qualities we most need in a president during this crisis are calmness, wisdom, and reassurance; a command of the facts and the ability to communicate them well; and the capacity to think about the medium and long term while carefully weighing competing options and conflicting needs.
    We need a leader…who can focus like a laser beam on a problem for a sustained period of time, and who will listen to—and, when necessary, defer to—experts who know far more than he does.
    We need a president who…excels at the intricate work of governing, and who works well with elected officials at every level. We need a chief executive whose judgment is not just sound, but exceptional.
    There are some 325 million people in America, and it’s hard to think of more than a handful who are more lacking in these qualities than Donald Trump........

    Called up a big league company to confirm they received the contract I sent them last week, since they didn't respond to my emails.

    The lady on the other end of the line apologized profusely. Her email was swamped with her company's coronavirus notices, she was overwhelmed trying to work from home, so she came in, submitted to a virus test, waited for the results, then went into the deserted offices and got down to business. Still, she had to go get her temperature taken every couple of hours.

    "Your connection is breaking up. Where are you?" she asked.
    "Standing on the front porch of my house in the middle-of-nowhere Mississippi," I said.
    "Ohhh! What's it like way down there?"
    "Beautiful! Sixty degrees, clear skies. How about you?" I asked.
    "Minnesota. It might get up to 40 today."

    We talked for several minutes. She seemed genuinely relieved to have somebody to talk to. It reminded me of one of those movies where two people who thought they were the only people left made contact with each other.

    "I'll get this confirmation email off to you, pronto!" she said.
    "Stay safe," I answered. "We're gonna get through this."
    "I sure hope you're right. But I worry, you know?" her voice trembled a bit.
    "Yes, I know," I said softly.
    Called up a big league company to confirm they received the contract I sent them last week, since they didn't respond to my emails.

    The lady on the other end of the line apologized profusely. Her email was swamped with her company's coronavirus notices, she was overwhelmed trying to work from home, so she came in, submitted to a virus test, waited for the results, then went into the deserted offices and got down to business. Still, she had to go get her temperature taken every couple of hours.

    "Your connection is breaking up. Where are you?" she asked.
    "Standing on the front porch of my house in the middle-of-nowhere Mississippi," I said.
    "Ohhh! What's it like way down there?"
    "Beautiful! Sixty degrees, clear skies. How about you?" I asked.
    "Minnesota. It might get up to 40 today."

    We talked for several minutes. She seemed genuinely relieved to have somebody to talk to. It reminded me of one of those movies where two people who thought they were the only people left made contact with each other.

    "I'll get this confirmation email off to you, pronto!" she said.
    "Stay safe," I answered. "We're gonna get through this."
    "I sure hope you're right. But I worry, you know?" her voice trembled a bit.
    "Yes, I know," I said softly.

    It's going to be really nice when Abbott labs gets their 15 minute tests into the system which should be happening now.

    A good friend of mine who has only one lung had to wait 7 days to get a negative test result. By then, we were all 99% sure she was going to be clear because she was still alive and kicking.

    We have lots of good things in the works.
    It's going to be really nice when Abbott labs gets their 15 minute tests into the system which should be happening now.

    A good friend of mine who has only one lung had to wait 7 days to get a negative test result. By then, we were all 99% sure she was going to be clear because she was still alive and kicking.

    We have lots of good things in the works.
    Yep a good things! We might actually start testing.

    Hell the first case was only January the 21st.

    So what you think we might get the test by when Easter? Detroit got 5 machines and 5k tests yesterday for use on the medical staff.

    Abbot labs is on track to produce 5 million tests this month with only a fraction being the quick one.

    So if your hopes are for that lord help ya. First responders are gonna get all of them. It is not gonna be the general public.
    .......Vice President Pence appeared Wednesday on CNN and, with a straight face, said Trump never “belittled” the threat.

    “I don’t believe the president has ever belittled the threat of the coronavirus,” Pence said, adding: “I think he’s expressed confidence that America will meet this moment."

    Trump, too, has attempted to rewrite this portion of his personal history, saying at Tuesday’s briefing, “I think from the beginning my attitude was that we have to give this country — I knew how bad it was. All you have to do is look at what was going on in China, it was devastation.”

    Trump also tweeted two weeks ago, “I always treated the [coronavirus] very seriously.”

    Revisionism has been a staple of Trump’s tenure, but in few instances has it been as blatant as this....

    Looking over the timeline, a few examples spell this out the most clearly. First we’ll start with things Trump said which he now says the polar opposite about.

    On whether this would be a pandemic:

    • Jan. 22: “No, we’re not at all [worried about a pandemic]. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China.”
    • March 17: “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

    On comparing this to the flu:

    • Feb. 26: “This is a flu. This is like a flu. … It’s a little bit different, but in some ways it’s easier, and in some ways it’s a little bit tougher.”
    • March 9: “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”
    • March 31: “It’s not the flu; it’s vicious. … This is not the flu.”

    Saying it was “under control”:

    • Feb. 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.”
    • March 15: “This is a very contagious virus. It’s incredible. But it’s something that we have tremendous control over.”
    • March 16: “I’m not referring to ‘it,’ meaning the [virus being under control]. … No, that’s not under control for any place in the world. … I was talking about what we’re doing is under control. But I’m not talking about the virus.”.......

    ......Let’s start with Trump downplaying the virus.

    Acosta asked him: “Is there any fairness to the criticism that you may have lulled Americans into a false sense of security? When you were saying things like it’s going to go away and that sort of thing?"

    Trump’s answer basically came down to: He did not want to deliver the bad news about how serious the virus could be.

    What’s more, he said he knew ahead of time it could be this bad (or even worse, killing millions with no government intervention whatsoever), but he did not want to tell Americans that at the time.

    “I want to give people a feeling of hope. I could be very negative. I could say ‘wait a minute, those numbers are terrible. This is going to be horrible,’” he said. “Well, this is really easy to be negative about, but I want to give people hope, too. You know, I’m a cheerleader for the country.”.......


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