All things political. Coronavirus Edition. (22 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    May 17, 2019
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    I fear we are really going to be in a bad place due to the obvious cuts to the federal agencies that deal with infectious disease, but also the negative effect the Affordable Care act has had on non urban hospitals. Our front line defenses are ineffectual and our ability to treat the populous is probably at an all time low. Factor in the cost of healthcare and I can see our system crashing. What do you think about the politics of this virus?
    This needs to stop.

    We certainly need someone to take charge request the supplies from the government to set the price so states, and hospitals are no longer in a biding war. If the government places a huge order and then sets the price it is a win for everyone. Hell why should some industries and middle men rape extremely huge profit having us bid up prices.

    But then again this is the exact reason we don't have universal healthcare. It allows the price of anything not to be set so we all get screwed.

    As much as he doesn't want to use Presidential powers it is just a poster in favor of universal healthcare.
    For any PPE or supplies that are commonly needed to fight this thing - and especially those that are in short supply in some places - there should be a coordinated national response on allocation of those things. Sort of cannot believe that there is not at the current time.


    And now I find that some of my Republican colleagues are very distressed. They’re very upset that somebody who is making ten, twelve bucks an hour might end up with a paycheck—for four months!—more than they received last week.

    Oh my G-d! The universe is collapsing.
    Imagine that.

    Somebody who’s making 12 bucks an hour, now like the rest of us, faces an unprecedented economic crisis, with the 600 bucks on top of their normal- their regular unemployment check- might be making a few bucks more for four months.

    Oh my WORD! Will the universe survive?

    How absurd and wrong is that? What kind of value system is that?

    Meanwhile, these very same folks had no problem, a couple years ago, voting for a trillion dollars in tax breaks for billionaires and large profitable corporations!

    Not a problem!

    But when it comes to low-income workers in the midst of a terrible crisis, maybe some of them earning or having more money than they previously made- [tongue clicks] oh my word we gotta strip that out.

    Gotta- we gotta tell those poor people that no matter what-

    By the way when this bill, when the McConnell bill first came up, unbelievably, and I know many Republicans objected to this, they were saying that well we wanna give a, whatever it was, a thousand or twelve hundred bucks, but poor people should get less.

    You see, because poor people are down here, they don’t deserve- they don’t eat. They don’t pay rent. They don’t go to the doctor; they’re somehow inferior, because they’re poor we’re gonna give them less.

    Well that was addressed. Now everybody is gonna get the 1200 dollars. But some of our Republican friends still have not given up of the need to punish the poor and working people.

    You haven’t raised the minimum wage in ten years! Minimum wage should be at least fifteen bucks an hour, you haven’t done that!

    You’ve cut program, after program, after program, and now horror of horrors, for four months, workers might be earning a few bucks more than they otherwise would. Well needless to say, this— (audio cuts off as video ends).
    For any PPE or supplies that are commonly needed to fight this thing - and especially those that are in short supply in some places - there should be a coordinated national response on allocation of those things. Sort of cannot believe that there is not at the current time.

    That goes all against the reasons for the healthcare reform.

    Open market is what they are fighting for. In this situation you can all see just how stupid it truly is.
    For any PPE or supplies that are commonly needed to fight this thing - and especially those that are in short supply in some places - there should be a coordinated national response on allocation of those things. Sort of cannot believe that there is not at the current time.

    Really he is making govnerors do all the leg work with FEMA to get temp hospitals up and running.

    You know what is crazy they can convert hotels real easy to handle everything. From hopsital, housing of health workers, and a means to feed them all. Has he offered up any?


    And now I find that some of my Republican colleagues are very distressed. They’re very upset that somebody who is making ten, twelve bucks an hour might end up with a paycheck—for four months!—more than they received last week.

    Oh my G-d! The universe is collapsing.
    Imagine that.

    Somebody who’s making 12 bucks an hour, now like the rest of us, faces an unprecedented economic crisis, with the 600 bucks on top of their normal- their regular unemployment check- might be making a few bucks more for four months.

    Oh my WORD! Will the universe survive?

    How absurd and wrong is that? What kind of value system is that?

    Meanwhile, these very same folks had no problem, a couple years ago, voting for a trillion dollars in tax breaks for billionaires and large profitable corporations!

    Not a problem!

    But when it comes to low-income workers in the midst of a terrible crisis, maybe some of them earning or having more money than they previously made- [tongue clicks] oh my word we gotta strip that out.

    Gotta- we gotta tell those poor people that no matter what-

    By the way when this bill, when the McConnell bill first came up, unbelievably, and I know many Republicans objected to this, they were saying that well we wanna give a, whatever it was, a thousand or twelve hundred bucks, but poor people should get less.

    You see, because poor people are down here, they don’t deserve- they don’t eat. They don’t pay rent. They don’t go to the doctor; they’re somehow inferior, because they’re poor we’re gonna give them less.

    Well that was addressed. Now everybody is gonna get the 1200 dollars. But some of our Republican friends still have not given up of the need to punish the poor and working people.

    You haven’t raised the minimum wage in ten years! Minimum wage should be at least fifteen bucks an hour, you haven’t done that!

    You’ve cut program, after program, after program, and now horror of horrors, for four months, workers might be earning a few bucks more than they otherwise would. Well needless to say, this— (audio cuts off as video ends).

    Those 3 Republican Senators only threatened to block the bill right? The Democrats held up the agreement for 3 days while they tried to insert their liberal pet projects. Can you find the clip of Bernie criticizing his own party?
    So at this point I'm reduced to praying that trump gets Covid-19 and Pence has to take over until trump recovers. Maybe Pence will actually use the power of the office to order private industry to produce the medical equipment and test that are needed to try to save the country. Trump is fine letting millions of Americans die so he doesn't have to admit being wrong. Trump will continue to lie as people die.

    I can hear it now....

    "Trump lied and people died!"

    Campaign slogan 2020.
    This needs to stop.

    We certainly need someone to take charge request the supplies from the government to set the price so states, and hospitals are no longer in a biding war. If the government places a huge order and then sets the price it is a win for everyone. Hell why should some industries and middle men rape extremely huge profit having us bid up prices.

    But then again this is the exact reason we don't have universal healthcare. It allows the price of anything not to be set so we all get screwed.

    As much as he doesn't want to use Presidential powers it is just a poster in favor of universal healthcare.

    Trump is so stupid he thinks he's going to get a trophy for negotiation with Ford and GM by tweeting about ventilators.

    If he had a set the size of peas he would have ordered them to make them in massive quantities and paid them their bailouts contingent upon ventilators, but he didn't. He tried to make himself look cool and tweet.
    For any PPE or supplies that are commonly needed to fight this thing - and especially those that are in short supply in some places - there should be a coordinated national response on allocation of those things. Sort of cannot believe that there is not at the current time.

    Will you hazard a guess as to why there isn't?

    We are 2 weeks into quarantine and not the first order from POTUS.

    I am personally shocked that the healthcare providers in New York is so irresponsible with this killer drug. They must be a Trump follower. What is next, giving patients aquarium cleaner? I am glad the Gov of Nevada banned that trump drug.

    You do understand that the fact that Trump's comments were both incorrect and highly irresponsible has nothing to do with whether or not the medicine is being used in clinical trials, right? The medicine was being used prior to his comments, and it's still being used now.

    The point is that we do not have the data to say anything near what he said (and in fact have emerging, though by no means final, data to suggest the contrary). His comments were bad because he, in a position of extreme authority, spoke about the medicine's effects on the virus as if what he was saying was confirmed fact, when in reality he was just making shirt up as he went along. This is dangerous for far more important reasons than whether two idiots ingested fish anti fungals because of it. It is dangerous because it created a Nationwide run on the medicine for absolutely no reason, and that has now led to an extreme shortage for people who depend on this medicine to treat their lupus, RA, etc. It also puts in patients' heads that this is a known "cure", which then leads to families demanding this medicine for the patient regardless of what makes sense for that patient in that institution, at that time, thereby creating issues for providers, issues for patients, and even further issues for the supply chain. Resultingly, Kaiser-Permanente has already sent notice to its lupus patients that, until further notice, it will no longer provide them with medicine to treat their lupus. It closed by thanking them "for their sacrifice". So here we have lupus patients with a long-proven treatment who are no longer able to access their long-proven, effective treatment because some jackass ran his mouth and caused a national issue. Meanwhile, there are a number of different drugs being trialed to deal with this, but the irresponsible actions of one person in charge has slanted the focus all onto one drug which has thus far proven to be no more effective than the others.

    Lupus patients will die because of his actions, covid patients will die because they refuse other treatments in favor of this because of his actions, and your need to continue to defend his recklessness is ridiculous. Grow up and learn how to level criticism when it's due.
    You do understand that the fact that Trump's comments were both incorrect and highly irresponsible has nothing to do with whether or not the medicine is being used in clinical trials, right? The medicine was being used prior to his comments, and it's still being used now.

    The point is that we do not have the data to say anything near what he said (and in fact have emerging, though by no means final, data to suggest the contrary). His comments were bad because he, in a position of extreme authority, spoke about the medicine's effects on the virus as if what he was saying was confirmed fact, when in reality he was just making shirt up as he went along. This is dangerous for far more important reasons than whether two idiots ingested fish anti fungals because of it. It is dangerous because it created a Nationwide run on the medicine for absolutely no reason, and that has now led to an extreme shortage for people who depend on this medicine to treat their lupus, RA, etc. It also puts in patients' heads that this is a known "cure", which then leads to families demanding this medicine for the patient regardless of what makes sense for that patient in that institution, at that time, thereby creating issues for providers, issues for patients, and even further issues for the supply chain. Resultingly, Kaiser-Permanente has already sent notice to its lupus patients that, until further notice, it will no longer provide them with medicine to treat their lupus. It closed by thanking them "for their sacrifice". So here we have lupus patients with a long-proven treatment who are no longer able to access their long-proven, effective treatment because some jackass ran his mouth and caused a national issue. Meanwhile, there are a number of different drugs being trialed to deal with this, but the irresponsible actions of one person in charge has slanted the focus all onto one drug which has thus far proven to be no more effective than the others.

    Lupus patients will die because of his actions, covid patients will die because they refuse other treatments in favor of this because of his actions, and your need to continue to defend his recklessness is ridiculous. Grow up and learn how to level criticism when it's due.

    You make some interesting points.
    As for me, I don’t defend any of them and I don’t toe a party line. It’s elites vs. non elites imo. Always has been always will be.
    And I don’t disagree that our leaders left and right, along with the media, have helped to create a frenzy of sheer panic and utter stupidity. Sheep in a herd. Admittedly that’s not hard to do.
    Last edited:
    I am personally shocked that the healthcare providers in New York is so irresponsible with this killer drug. They must be a Trump follower. What is next, giving patients aquarium cleaner? I am glad the Gov of Nevada banned that trump drug.

    Why?? What makes it a killer drug?

    Trump today stated that the FDA has approved this drug for this use.
    Trump today stated that it has been used for years so a person who takes it for this new virus won't die from it.
    Stay classy, lady.
    Let’s make sure to politicize this.
    I’m thankful she got shamed.

    Just imagine had she won the presidency and was leading during this pandemic, telling all the red states to say nothing but nice things or face the consequence of receiving no help, using the lives of the sick and dying, and the mechanisms that could help save their lives, as the fodder for owning her political rivals in critically hit states? Telling them to shut up and be quiet!

    ,,,Glad we got someone of higher character amirite?
    .......Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), in purely symbolic opposition to the $2.2 trillion emergency coronavirus legislation, forced hundreds of his colleagues to risk their lives — literally — by flying back to Washington. So what if many of the lawmakers are elderly and at high risk?

    To thwart Massie’s pointless protest, an attempt to force a roll-call vote instead of a simple voice vote, leaders had to summon 216 members to fill the chamber, eerily separated on the floor and in the gallery above to limit infection.

    This fruitless, immoral gesture by the 49-year-old legislator was in service of another: to thwart a nearly unanimous Congress from dispensing aid to the sick and suffering in the middle of a pandemic.

    President Trump called Massie a “third rate Grandstander” and proposed to “throw Massie out of Republican Party!”

    Joining in bipartisan revulsion, former secretary of state John Kerry shared Trump’s tweet and added: “Congressman Massie has tested positive for being an a--hole. He must be quarantined to prevent the spread of his massive stupidity.”.......

    President Trump is a commander in chief dealing with a coronavirus outbreak in which many difficult decisions have to be made.

    And on Friday, he seemed to suggest some of those decisions could be made according to who has run afoul of him personally.

    Appearing at the daily White House briefing, Trump disclosed that he has told Vice President Pence, who is leading the coronavirus task force, not to call the governors of Michigan and Washington state because those governors had been critical of Trump and the federal response.

    “When they’re not appreciative to me, they’re not appreciative to the Army Corps, they’re not appreciative to FEMA, it’s not right,” Trump said.

    He then added: “I say, Mike, don’t call the governor of Washington; you’re wasting your time with him. Don’t call the woman in Michigan. It doesn’t make any difference what happens. You know what I say: If they don’t treat you right, I don’t call. He’s a different type of person; he’ll call quietly anyway.".........

    Stay classy, lady.
    Let’s make sure to politicize this.
    I’m thankful she got shamed.
    Yeah, I'm not thankful because the country wouldn't be in this mess and people wouldn't be needlessly dying because unlike the jackass in chief, Clinton would have taken it seriously from the moment she was informed. I get that you dislike Clinton but if you are being honest, you can't possibly believe that she wouldn't be handling this differently can you? She wouldn't have lies from the start and governors wouldn't have to be pleading with the federal government for help. Don't cut your nose off to spite your face. Don't let dislike take you down the road to stupidity.

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