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All things political. Coronavirus Edition. (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    May 17, 2019
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    I fear we are really going to be in a bad place due to the obvious cuts to the federal agencies that deal with infectious disease, but also the negative effect the Affordable Care act has had on non urban hospitals. Our front line defenses are ineffectual and our ability to treat the populous is probably at an all time low. Factor in the cost of healthcare and I can see our system crashing. What do you think about the politics of this virus?
    The people who were responsible for enabling, funding the gain of function research as well as the censorship of discussions of Covid, vaccines, etc should be held responsible.
    How would you hold them responsible?

    Jail time? Fines? Standing at a press conference podium where a bunch of people like you can say "Hah, I told you so! You're not smarter than me!"?

    Also gain of function research should be banned. No research is worth 20 million deaths.
    Let's say we actually do ban gain of function research in the US.

    How exactly will you be banning it in China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and elsewhere? And when they release bioweapons we're not prepared for because we halted research, what will you do then?
    If you are accusing him of having a warped sense of reality,...
    It's not an accusation, it's a fact. Farb claimed and believes that most narcissists and politicians in Congress were the kids that were in theater in high school and college. That is factually inaccurate, so Farb's belief that it's true shows that he has both a warped sense of reality and is unhinged from reality on that issue.

    What he or I think about any other issue is irrelevant to the fact that Farb's belief, that most narcissists and politicians in Congress were the kids that were in theater in high school and college, is in fact a warped sense of reality and unhinged from reality.

    ...then you should be able to answer a simple question.
    I can answer. I'm not refusing to answer, because I can't. I'm refusing to answer it, because it's irrelevant to the conversation that Farb started with his false claim.

    In fact, I'll make a deal with Farb and you. If Farb admits that he made a false claim, then I'll gladly respond to the question, "can a man have a baby?"

    I have no fear of responding to that question and discussing it, because my answer and the conversation is not going to go anything like Farb or you think it will. It won't be the "gotcha" that either of you think it will be.

    I'm only refusing to answer it, because you and Farb are only asking it to desperately distract and change the subject from the BS claim that Farb made. If Farb owns up to the fact that he made a BS claim, then I'll gladly move on to the subject you both want so badly to move on to, but not until after Farb admits his statement was complete BS.

    Balls are in you and Farb's court.
    Last edited:

    We have been trying to tell you that “gain of function“ has been poorly defined in general and means different things to different people. That’s not some malignant conspiracy, that is just the nature of language sometimes.
    How would you hold them responsible?

    Jail time? Fines? Standing at a press conference podium where a bunch of people like you can say "Hah, I told you so! You're not smarter than me!"?

    Let's say we actually do ban gain of function research in the US.

    How exactly will you be banning it in China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, and elsewhere? And when they release bioweapons we're not prepared for because we halted research, what will you do then?
    One would think that someone consuming all this hysterical nonsense about distinguished scientists with many decades of honorable service would stop for a moment and ask themselves a question or two. Like who benefits from getting top US scientists discredited? Who benefits if we can get the US to voluntarily hobble their scientific community?

    It ain’t Americans who benefit, that’s for damned sure.
    One would think that someone consuming all this hysterical nonsense about distinguished scientists with many decades of honorable service would stop for a moment and ask themselves a question or two. Like who benefits from getting top US scientists discredited? Who benefits if we can get the US to voluntarily hobble their scientific community?

    It ain’t Americans who benefit, that’s for damned sure.
    That’s just what the CIA wants you to think!
    We have been trying to tell you that “gain of function“ has been poorly defined in general and means different things to different people. That’s not some malignant conspiracy, that is just the nature of language sometimes.
    Not quite. That's just spin from Fauci defenders.

    SFL do you think every scientist uses only the official government definition of a term, or is it possible that as terms evolve the government definition doesn’t keep up?

    Everything isn’t a huge conspiracy. It’s just not. Come back to normality with us. It’s not bad here. A lot better, actually, than the world you’re inhabiting, where everyone is plotting against you.
    Yeah it's not like the CIA was involved in the last election...oh wait

    Did you read any of the source documents? Or are you just running with whatever “Bad Kitty” says? Don’t you think it wise to actually read up on this stuff before you ascribe bad intentions to everything?
    If you are accusing him of having a warped sense of reality, then you should be able to answer a simple question. Can a man have a baby? If you refuse to answer that question, then you have no room to talk about anyone else having a warped sense of reality.
    Quit giving other people ultimatums. “if you won’t do this (some arbitrary thing I made up) then that means you support this (something I think is evil or wrong) or cannot talk about that (another way to shut down conversation you don’t like)”.

    I completely take back my idea that you are harassing me. You evidently do it to everyone, I was only noticing it when you did it to me.

    It’s not a valid form of debate or conversation.
    Quit giving other people ultimatums. “if you won’t do this (some arbitrary thing I made up) then that means you support this (something I think is evil or wrong) or cannot talk about that (another way to shut down conversation you don’t like)”.

    I completely take back my idea that you are harassing me. You evidently do it to everyone, I was only noticing it when you did it to me.

    It’s not a valid form of debate or conversation.
    Oh stop your crying and look in the mirror at your own posts. You have no room to talk based on how you reply to people you disagree with.
    Did you read any of the source documents? Or are you just running with whatever “Bad Kitty” says? Don’t you think it wise to actually read up on this stuff before you ascribe bad intentions to everything?
    It's right there for anyone to see, but keep up with your silly message board tactics.

    Do you think asking if I read what I posted cancels it out? Look here is what you insinuated wasn't there:


    But then you probably support the CIA being involved in our elections because of MISINFORMATION.


    • 1000004180.jpg
      494 KB · Views: 48
    "The National Endowment for Democracy is a quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization in the United States founded in 1983 to advance democracy worldwide, by promoting political and economic institutions, such as political groups, trade unions, free markets, and business groups."

    Founders: Carl Gershman, Ronald Reagan, Allen Weinstein - Republicans all

    Your source is a typical Russian disinformation agent. How to recognize that. They always makes Ukraine one of the bad guys lol

    Also did you even read their mission statement?

    Without concerted efforts to identify, respond to, and buildlong-term resilience to election-related information manipulation,

    attacks on information integrity
    threaten to delegitimize electionsglobally, reduce faith in elected governments, polarize societiesand weaken democracies writ large.”

    It did not say what you think it did. It is an anti-disinformation ressource to combat among other things russian bots
    It's right there for anyone to see, but keep up with your silly message board tactics.

    Do you think asking if I read what I posted cancels it out? Look here is what you insinuated wasn't there:


    But then you probably support the CIA being involved in our elections because of MISINFORMATION.
    What is there? Dragon looked it up. It’s just crazy all the wild stuff you will believe because someone called Bad Kitty tells you to. It’s embarrassing, IMO.
    "The National Endowment for Democracy is a quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization in the United States founded in 1983 to advance democracy worldwide, by promoting political and economic institutions, such as political groups, trade unions, free markets, and business groups."

    Founders: Carl Gershman, Ronald Reagan, Allen Weinstein - Republicans all

    Your source is a typical Russian disinformation agent. How to recognize that. They always makes Ukraine one of the bad guys lol

    Also did you even read their mission statement?

    Without concerted efforts to identify, respond to, and buildlong-term resilience to election-related information manipulation,

    attacks on information integrity
    threaten to delegitimize electionsglobally, reduce faith in elected governments, polarize societiesand weaken democracies writ large.”

    It did not say what you think it did. It is an anti-disinformation ressource to combat among other things russian bots
    New York Times 1997:


    The National Endowment for Democracy, a central part of Ronald Reagan’s propaganda war against the Soviet Union three decades ago, has evolved into a $100 million U.S. government-financed slush fund that generally supports a neocon agenda often at cross-purposes with the Obama administration’s foreign policy.

    NED is one reason why there is so much confusion about the administration’s policies toward attempted ousters of democratically elected leaders in Ukraine and Venezuela. Some of the non-government organizations (or NGOs) supporting these rebellions trace back to NED and its U.S. government money, even as Secretary of State John Kerry and other senior officials insist the U.S. is not behind these insurrections.

    So, while President Barack Obama has sought to nurture a constructive relationship with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin especially in hotspots like Iran and Syria, NED has invested in projects in Russia’s close neighbor, Ukraine, that fueled violent protests ousting President Viktor Yanukovych, who won election in 2010 in balloting that was viewed by international observers as fair and reflecting the choice of most Ukrainian citizens.

    Thus, a U.S.-sponsored organization that claims to promote “democracy” has sided with forces that violently overthrew a democratically elected leader rather than wait for the next scheduled election in 2015 to vote him out of office.

    For NED and American neocons, Yanukovych’s electoral legitimacy lasted only as long as he accepted European demands for new “trade agreements” and stern economic “reforms” required by the International Monetary Fund. When Yanukovych was negotiating those pacts, he won praise, but when he judged the price too high for Ukraine and opted for a more generous deal from Russia, he immediately became a target for “regime change.”

    Last September, NED’s longtime president, Carl Gershman, took to the op-ed page of the neocon-flagship Washington Post to urge the U.S. government to push European “free trade” agreements on Ukraine and other former Soviet states and thus counter Moscow’s efforts to maintain close relations with those countries. The ultimate goal, according to Gershman, was isolating and possibly toppling Putin in Russia with Ukraine the key piece on this global chessboard.

    “Ukraine is the biggest prize,” Gershman wrote. “The opportunities are considerable, and there are important ways Washington could help. The United States needs to engage with the governments and with civil society in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova to ensure that the reform process underway not only promotes greater trade and development but also produces governments that are less corrupt and more accountable to their societies. An association agreement with the European Union should be seen not as an end in itself but as a starting point that makes possible deeper reforms and more genuine democracy.

    Shadow Structure

    In furtherance of these goals, NED funded a staggering 65 projects in Ukraine, according to its latest report. The funding for these NGOs range from tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars and created for NED what amounted to a shadow political structure of media and activist groups that could be deployed to stir up unrest when the Ukrainian government didn’t act as desired.

    This NED shadow structure, when working in concert with domestic opposition forces, had the capability to challenge the decisions of Yanukovych’s elected government, including the recent coup spearheaded by violent neo-Nazis that overthrew him. Presumably, NED wanted the “regime change” without the neo-Nazi element. But that armed force was necessary for the coup to oust Yanukovych and open the path for those IMF-demanded economic “reforms.”

    Beyond the scores of direct NED projects in Ukraine, other major NED recipients, such as Freedom House, have thrown their own considerable weight behind the Ukraine rebellion. A recent Freedom House fundraising appeal read: “More support, including yours, is urgently needed to ensure that Ukrainian citizens struggling for their freedom are protected and supported.” Freedom House meant the “citizens struggling” against their elected government.

    The National Endowment for Democracy was established by Congress, in effect, to take over the CIA's covert propaganda efforts. But, unlike the CIA, the NED promotes US policy and interests openly.

    Allen Weinstein, a former acting president of NED and one of the authors of the study that led to its creation, told David Ignatius in a 1991 interview that: "A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA. The biggest difference is that when such activities are done overtly, the flap potential is close to zero.
    Openness is its own protection."


    • 1000004182.jpg
      612.6 KB · Views: 43
    "The National Endowment for Democracy is a quasi-autonomous non-governmental organization in the United States founded in 1983 to advance democracy worldwide, by promoting political and economic institutions, such as political groups, trade unions, free markets, and business groups."

    Founders: Carl Gershman, Ronald Reagan, Allen Weinstein - Republicans all

    Your source is a typical Russian disinformation agent. How to recognize that. They always makes Ukraine one of the bad guys lol

    Also did you even read their mission statement?

    Without concerted efforts to identify, respond to, and buildlong-term resilience to election-related information manipulation,

    attacks on information integrity
    threaten to delegitimize electionsglobally, reduce faith in elected governments, polarize societiesand weaken democracies writ large.”

    It did not say what you think it did. It is an anti-disinformation ressource to combat among other things russian bots
    That was from Wikipedia.

    Co-founder of Wikipedia:


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