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All things political. Coronavirus Edition. (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    May 17, 2019
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    I fear we are really going to be in a bad place due to the obvious cuts to the federal agencies that deal with infectious disease, but also the negative effect the Affordable Care act has had on non urban hospitals. Our front line defenses are ineffectual and our ability to treat the populous is probably at an all time low. Factor in the cost of healthcare and I can see our system crashing. What do you think about the politics of this virus?
    Can you show the estimated number of flu deaths from 2017/18 is accurate to > 10% ?

    That is the whole thing it is and always will be an estimate on flu deaths.

    Today right now The number is not 60k 80k or what ever it is 24,000 – 62,000 for this last flu season that just ended. As of today right now.

    You can argue about this till the cows come home just pull up the web site for the CDC and look.

    That is for this season that just ended.

    Here is the one I posted earlier yearly and yes still an estimate because that is how it works.

    Shocking everyone wearing masks in the presidential staff for the first time during this pandemic.

    With the best testing in the nation and actually has an out break in his staff. Sad!

    Then finishes his press conference like a baby.

    If these couch potato Patriots didn't get their subs, a rocket launcher may have been awaiting the poor individual serving them:

    My favorite part is why terrorize the community?

    Is the city not living in enough fear right now? A bunch of armed dipshits are not making anyone feel safe especially not social distancing!

    So they had time to look for the rocket launcher but not a bandana?

    Oh that is right armed guys with their face covered are crooks. You also don't get to brag if they can't see your face.
    I wonder what he’ll say about Fauci after his testimony

    (CNN)Hours before his top medical adviser is expected to contradict his assurances that it's safe to reopen America, President Donald Trumpis on a Twitter tear amplifying conspiracy theories and covering up for his own racially-tinged rhetoric to distract from his failures during the pandemic.

    Trump is making unfounded charges against his predecessor Barack Obama and wading into the row over his treatment of an Asian American journalist ahead of an appearance before a Senate committee by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government's top infectious disease specialist, and oral arguments before the Supreme Court about Trump's attempt to keep his financial information and tax returns from Congress and New York prosecutors........

    I wonder what he’ll say about Fauci after his testimony

    (CNN)Hours before his top medical adviser is expected to contradict his assurances that it's safe to reopen America, President Donald Trumpis on a Twitter tear amplifying conspiracy theories and covering up for his own racially-tinged rhetoric to distract from his failures during the pandemic.

    Trump is making unfounded charges against his predecessor Barack Obama and wading into the row over his treatment of an Asian American journalist ahead of an appearance before a Senate committee by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government's top infectious disease specialist, and oral arguments before the Supreme Court about Trump's attempt to keep his financial information and tax returns from Congress and New York prosecutors........

    I doubt seriously that Fauci will make any statements that are intended to directly contradict Trump. He has been very deft in providing information while not intentionally focusing on misinformation put out by Trump or his team. Senators may try to put him in a corner, but I don't think he'll allow himself to be used in that manner.

    The article tries to make the point that Trump was being racist when he responded to an Asian American journalist that she should "ask China." I didn't take it that way at all in real time. While Trump may well have racially insensitive tendencies, this exchange did not appear to be more than his continuation of the narrative he wants Americans to believe. That is that China, not Trump, is responsible for everything negative in our lives related to COVID-19 in general and the economy specifically. His re-election is dependent on getting enough voters to believe that if weren't for China's lies and recklessness, Americans would not have gotten sick and died and the economy would still be strong. Other than framing Biden as the devil, that will be the focus of his campaign over the coming months. So his comment to the journalist wasn't about her ethnicity. She provided him with an opportunity to campaign, so he took it.
    My favorite part is why terrorize the community?

    Is the city not living in enough fear right now? A bunch of armed dipshits are not making anyone feel safe especially not social distancing!

    So they had time to look for the rocket launcher but not a bandana?

    Oh that is right armed guys with their face covered are crooks. You also don't get to brag if they can't see your face.

    I just don't get what people want out of this. To be recognized? Do they feel the need to tell the world they want to be seen by scaring members of their own community? Good working folks don't deserve having to deal with thuggish nonsense like that.
    (looks like ol' turtle mitch is at it again)

    With more than 80,000 Americans dead from the coronavirus, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Trump are trying to deflect blame to former President Barack Obama.

    In a dialogue with Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, live-streamed by the Trump campaign on Monday evening, McConnell said that Obama’s team, which exited office over three years ago,“did not leave to this administration any kind of game plan for something like [the coronavirus pandemic].”

    Politico reported in March that the Obama National Security Council left its successors a document titled “Playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents.” It warned of potential problems like shortages in personal protective equipment that have plagued the nation’s response. The Trump administration neglected to implement its recommendations.

    “We literally left them a 69-page Pandemic Playbook.... that they ignored,” tweeted Ron Klain, who oversaw the Ebola response under Obama and now advises presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden. “And an office called the Pandemic Preparedness Office... that they abolished. And a global monitoring system called PREDICT .. that they cut by 75%.”

    It's a pretty long article.
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    Well, Germany tried it. Are we next in line for headline news in this area? Seems likely..

    I think it is inevitable, regardles of what we do. It may be that we are able to slow the spread, but for how long, at what cost and to what end?
    I think it is inevitable, regardles of what we do. It may be that we are able to slow the spread, but for how long, at what cost and to what end?

    I realize we eventually will come out of it, but I think we could afford to take a more careful approach as to cut down on the number of potential hospitalizations/casualties. Definitely interesting when states can essentially do their own thing. Guess it will be a wait and see by example thing.
    Well, Germany tried it. Are we next in line for headline news in this area? Seems likely..

    One day a trend does not make.

    And we see headlines like this constantly. Its how the news media keep you on edge.
    One day a trend does not make.

    And we see headlines like this constantly. Its how the news media keep you on edge.

    Are you saying there's no validity to the idea that opening the economy at point in time would have its consequences?

    From a numbers standpoint, it's common sense.

    I suppose folks could call any news of the coronavirus sensationalist, right?
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    Are you saying there's no validity to the idea that opening the economy at this time would have its consequences?

    From a numbers standpoint, it's common sense.
    No. But I also know that a 300% rise in cases in one day does not necessarily mean much despite the sensationalistic headline of the article you posted.

    Also, not sure where it gets that North Rhine Westphalia and Schleswig Hollstein have reimposed lockdowns. I see nothing about that in newspapers.
    No. But I also know that a 300% rise in cases in one day does not necessarily mean much despite the sensationalistic headline of the article you posted.

    I have a problem with being accused of posting inflammatory or sensationalistic content.

    So we should double down on this. Could you tell me what about the title of the article is inaccurate?
    I have a problem with being accused of posting inflammatory or sensationalistic content.

    So we should double down on this. Could you tell me what about the title of the article is inaccurate?

    A headline screaming "300% increase" after a single day rise, especially after following the lowest, or one of the lowest days, in weeks is sensationalized. Further - I am not seeing anything about reinstituting lockdown in Germany. If anything it is exactly the opposite. The German press is full of articles about states loosening restrictions and schools and daycares opening, etc.

    And I did not mean anything personal by it - at all. I don't think you, as a poster, are prone to sensationalism or anything like that.
    My favorite part is why terrorize the community?

    Is the city not living in enough fear right now? A bunch of armed dipshits are not making anyone feel safe especially not social distancing!

    So they had time to look for the rocket launcher but not a bandana?

    Oh that is right armed guys with their face covered are crooks. You also don't get to brag if they can't see your face.
    I wouldn't feel sorry for them if they all got the worst strain of Covid, because these people are like terrorists. They're a menace, because had anyone taken any action they deemed threatening, it could have led to bloodshed. We would've been hearing about stand your ground defenses that should've never occurred. Furthermore, they're breaking the law, so law enforcement should use the videos and photos to identify them so they can be charged accordingly.

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