All Things LGBTQ+ (1 Viewer)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    Didn't really see a place for this so I thought I would start a thread about all things LGBTQ since this is a pretty hot topic in our culture right now

    • The Supreme Court on Thursday delivered a unanimous defeat to LGBT couples in a high-profile case over whether Philadelphia could refuse to contract with a Roman Catholic adoption agency that says its religious beliefs prevent it from working with same-sex foster parents.
    • Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in an opinion for a majority of the court that Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services once it learned that the organization would not certify same-sex couples for adoption.

    I will admit, I was hopeful for this decision by the SCOTUS but I was surprised by the unanimous decision.

    While I don't think there is anything wrong, per se, with same sex couples adopting and raising children (I actually think it is a good thing as it not an abortion) but I also did not want to see the state force a religious institution to bend to a societal norm.
    You do realize that's and origination that provides educational resources for a whole host of topics, don't you. Most are liberal, but not all. Are you arguing that organizations that independently provide educational resources shouldn't be allowed to exist? If so, can we also outlaw the multitude of conservative organizations that provide educational resources on a whole host of topics that I would disagree with?
    Do you really think that is what I was trying to prove? No, you asked about 'lessons plans in gender theory' as if there would never be such such a thing, and I was just showing you, by a quick google search, they are very much available. (web page already taken down)

    I will go ahead and save you all time, yes, these articles are from biased sources, but as long as we all get to use John Oliver, Comedy Central News, I think this is more than adequate. Also, is it not odd that no other media is covering this.
    Teachers are pushing back because they will be sued by any idiot in the public with an ax to grind about this issue. They are pushing back because they have been threatened with being monitored by people who aren’t even parents of school children. They are pushing back because they are being asked to do hours and hours of extra work to post entire lessons on line. They are pushing back because they are being treated like criminals for doing their job. But I suspect you know all that. And sex education was a thing back when I was in school - so no, it’s not something that the schools would refuse to talk about with kids at least since the 1960s.
    They are pushing back for being asked to do their job and be accountable by those that pay their salaries and who has kids in their care? Oh, the horrors.
    Because people like you will sue the school/teachers the first time a kid comes home and mentions that either his teacher is gay or one of his fellow students mentions he has gay parents. You won't care the context of how that happened, just the opportunity to push your anti-gay agenda.

    Opportunities to teach come up all the time outside the normal lesson plan based on questions from children. You seem to suggest that teachers ignore students' questions. My best teachers were the ones that interacted with students and addressed some "hot-button" issues that were asked about by students. The worst teachers were the ones that "stuck to the curriculum" and basically just read the text book to us each day.

    As for the bill, it is overly broad and intended to be broad so that parents could sue in almost any situation. The bill doesn't have to say "don't say gay" in order to have that effect. Quite honestly, it is chicken ****. If you want to submit a bill that says teachers can't discuss these subjects with students, own it and put it down just like that. The way it is worded now is intended to give people such as yourself cover when you support it. We know what you are about Farb. You have no interest in the kids. You just want to keep the different people down. I guess it makes you feel that you are more important. It would be sad if it were not so harmful.
    Can you show me in the bill where it says you can't say 'gay' or answer questions? You can't because it is not there.

    The bill simply says, no teaching of gender theory to 7 year olds. That is it.

    It is not board and that proves you didn't read it, you just take the narrative as face value. They just did a poll where the pollster actually read the language of the bill and what do you think happened? 64% approve of the bill. What is horrible is that over 20% of those in this country believe a kindergartener should be taught about trans ideology/

    Don't worry, the school board that we pay for has lawyers on retainer and they like to be used so if someone sues a teacher for saying he is gay, will lose in court (most laws are validated through the courts- kind of how it works). The teacher won't be out of pocket at all.

    Why does your argument always end with an attack on me personally? Interesting. Very emotional response, but I get it. This is an issue that evokes emotions.
    Not when it's the parents molesting them. Then what?
    What do you think the next step should be? Have a librarian show the student a book on a boy wearing a dress? If I had to guess, I would say the authorities should be contracted and the parents arrested
    What if the parents are serial killers too or they don't back Ukraine?

    You are taking (much like rape and incest in the abortion debate) the extreme example as if this is common place.
    Do you really think that is what I was trying to prove? No, you asked about 'lessons plans in gender theory' as if there would never be such such a thing, and I was just showing you, by a quick google search, they are very much available. (web page already taken down)

    I will go ahead and save you all time, yes, these articles are from biased sources, but as long as we all get to use John Oliver, Comedy Central News, I think this is more than adequate. Also, is it not odd that no other media is covering this.

    I was just responding to your post, I didn't ask for anything. In any case, that's not really shocking or surprising that an organization that supports said discussion would put out educational resources for said topic. You didn't really provide any proof those resources where being taught in school, which is what you're arguing.

    It would be easier if yourself and other right wingers just spoke honestly about your goals with this religious crusade of yours to purify our schools. Your objective is really to shut down and outlaw any discussion or advocacy that has anything to do with LGBTQ. To ostracize LGBTQ groups/people/kids as much as possible and to get the general public (which is overwhelmingly straight) to turn against LGBTQ acceptance and normalization at all levels of society. At least if y'all where honest about that much you all wouldn't seem so disingenuous and you could drop the pretext about protecting innocent children. But that's not a winning strategy and your side knows it. As has been proven many times throughout history, religious extremism is a lot more dangerous and harmful to both children and society than LGBTQ people, groups or lessons plans put out by different organizations.

    John Oliver is on HBO and his show is Last Week Tonight. He's certainly bias, but at least his staff researches his segments well, provide legitimate information and are funny. Can't really say any of that about the articles you posted.
    Last edited:
    Can you show me in the bill where it says you can't say 'gay' or answer questions? You can't because it is not there.
    Can you show me where in these new voter laws that says it's targeting black people specifically? You can't because it's not there. And therefore it's not happening
    Hope she gets her job back

    A Missouri teacher said she was fired for refusing to discriminate against LGBTQ students.

    Trish Jonshon has been part of the Festus School District in Jefferson County, Mo., for over 15 years. After working as a substitute teacher for 12 years, she took a permanent position at Festus Middle School five years ago, where she focuses on literature and academic support for 7th and 8th graders.

    That was until early last week when the district told her that her contract would not be renewed. She thinks she’s being punished for standing up for LGBTQ equality.

    Festus Middle School in Festus, Mo.

    “At the beginning of the school year, I was disciplined for displaying student work that contained three small LGBTQ+ pride flags and for allowing a student to state in class that she is ‘not straight,’” she told local television station KSDK-TV.

    “Over the course of the school year, I have been attempting to use all procedures outlined by the district to right the situation and gain equality for my students,” she added.

    But her efforts didn’t seem to please school officials.

    “The district has fought back at every turn and tried to intimidate me into silence, culminating in the non-renewal of my contract,” Johnson added...........

    One situation that led her mother to be disciplined by the school was an assignment in which students were asked to create a photo that best described themselves.

    “A student had a Pride flag in one of hers,” she said. “The principal came in and took it down.”

    Another incident involved a student who “was talking about her sexuality in her class.”

    According to Sydney Johnson, similar incidents have gotten her mother in trouble with the school’s principal, who “couldn’t support this and support that message in the school” because of “his Christian beliefs.”............

    Can you show me in the bill where it says you can't say 'gay' or answer questions? You can't because it is not there.

    The bill simply says, no teaching of gender theory to 7 year olds. That is it.

    It is not board and that proves you didn't read it, you just take the narrative as face value. They just did a poll where the pollster actually read the language of the bill and what do you think happened? 64% approve of the bill. What is horrible is that over 20% of those in this country believe a kindergartener should be taught about trans ideology/

    Don't worry, the school board that we pay for has lawyers on retainer and they like to be used so if someone sues a teacher for saying he is gay, will lose in court (most laws are validated through the courts- kind of how it works). The teacher won't be out of pocket at all.

    Why does your argument always end with an attack on me personally? Interesting. Very emotional response, but I get it. This is an issue that evokes emotions.
    I don't take a "narrative" at face value. I am an attorney that knows how to read a statute and understands how it can be abused. This statute is written broadly to allow it to be abused by people with an agenda. I have described how it will be abused, but you just ignore that and say "but it doesn't say those exact words." We have tried to show you how you don't need those exact words but you ignore it because it doesn't fit your agenda.

    Also, you clearly don't know how the retainer system works. Sure, attorneys are paid a retainer up front. However, lawsuits costs a lot of money. That retainer will be used up within the first weeks/days of the litigation. Once it is used up, the school boards will have to pay the additional attorneys' fees as they are incurred. As an example, I require a $10,000 retainer up front before taking on a case. That money is used to pay the initial attorneys' fees that are incurred from the case. When that $10,000 is used up, I will bill for my additional time I spend on the case, which in the case of litigation such as this, will be much more than $10,000. Also, the school board could claim (in order to avoid paying attorneys' fees) that the employee was outside the scope of employment. The teacher would then have to hire an attorney to defend the garbage lawsuit as well as pay to try and get the school board to honor its commitment to defend him/her. We will be lucky to have any quality teachers at this rate.

    As for the "emotional" response, that is what you always say when someone calls you on your b.s. It is like clock-work. Farb makes idiotic statement. Farb is shown to be wrong. Farb double's down but offers nothing new. People say he is full of it. Farb responds "you're triggered, yuk yuk" and claims victory. You are laughably predictable. To be honest, my posts really aren't directed at you. You are beyond hope. I post this for others to read and to understand how out of touch your positions really are.
    When the grade school music teacher is a living lesson on gender theory, in Louisiana of all places

    A video of a beloved music teacher in Louisiana has sparked a fiery about dress code and gender identity during a school board meeting on Tuesday.

    Blaine Banghart, who identifies as trans nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, teaches music at University Elementary School in Shreveport, La.

    In a recent video shared on TikTok, the always colorful teacher talked a little bit about their style.

    “I’m not allowed to be out as trans nonbinary at school…so, of course, my response to this is to look as obnoxiously queer as possible,” they said showing their “rainbow hair with leopard print” and their oversized heart-shaped rainbow glasses.

    “Basically my goal is to look like a unicorn threw me up. If I can’t do that, what’s the point?” they added.

    Banghart’s video ignited a heated debate at the Caddo Parish School Board meeting this week, where parents expressed impassioned views both against and in favor of the teacher’s right to dress however they like.

    “I have never spoken here as a citizen or parent of a student, but I am here today because this is important to me, my family and, most importantly, [the teacher],” one father said, according to the Shreveport Times. “Let everyone see on public record that there are good people here ready to defend other good people from vile, bigoted hate.”........

    Can you show me where in these new voter laws that says it's targeting black people specifically? You can't because it's not there. And therefore it's not happening
    I agree with you on that. Both narratives are false. See, we agree on a lot
    I don't take a "narrative" at face value. I am an attorney that knows how to read a statute and understands how it can be abused. This statute is written broadly to allow it to be abused by people with an agenda. I have described how it will be abused, but you just ignore that and say "but it doesn't say those exact words." We have tried to show you how you don't need those exact words but you ignore it because it doesn't fit your agenda.

    Also, you clearly don't know how the retainer system works. Sure, attorneys are paid a retainer up front. However, lawsuits costs a lot of money. That retainer will be used up within the first weeks/days of the litigation. Once it is used up, the school boards will have to pay the additional attorneys' fees as they are incurred. As an example, I require a $10,000 retainer up front before taking on a case. That money is used to pay the initial attorneys' fees that are incurred from the case. When that $10,000 is used up, I will bill for my additional time I spend on the case, which in the case of litigation such as this, will be much more than $10,000. Also, the school board could claim (in order to avoid paying attorneys' fees) that the employee was outside the scope of employment. The teacher would then have to hire an attorney to defend the garbage lawsuit as well as pay to try and get the school board to honor its commitment to defend him/her. We will be lucky to have any quality teachers at this rate.

    As for the "emotional" response, that is what you always say when someone calls you on your b.s. It is like clock-work. Farb makes idiotic statement. Farb is shown to be wrong. Farb double's down but offers nothing new. People say he is full of it. Farb responds "you're triggered, yuk yuk" and claims victory. You are laughably predictable. To be honest, my posts really aren't directed at you. You are beyond hope. I post this for others to read and to understand how out of touch your positions really are.
    You have read the bill then?

    That is how are system is designed to work. If the bill is unconstitutional, it will be challenged in court.

    That has not been my experience in the 2 law suits I was kind of a part of. Granted, I was with/supporting the teacher against the super and the school board so that might be the difference. On the the other one, the teacher/district was sued by a parent/group and the school board covered all costs during the lawsuit.

    Sure. But on your last personal attack, I agree with you. I won't change my mind on basic biological fact. I know some of yall are too far gone as well so my posts are mainly to make sure there is some level of reality to these radical left ideals and I hope that maybe I might make one person question the radical gender/race theory that is being forced down everyone's throat.
    When the grade school music teacher is a living lesson on gender theory, in Louisiana of all places

    A video of a beloved music teacher in Louisiana has sparked a fiery about dress code and gender identity during a school board meeting on Tuesday.

    Blaine Banghart, who identifies as trans nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, teaches music at University Elementary School in Shreveport, La.

    In a recent video shared on TikTok, the always colorful teacher talked a little bit about their style.

    “I’m not allowed to be out as trans nonbinary at school…so, of course, my response to this is to look as obnoxiously queer as possible,” they said showing their “rainbow hair with leopard print” and their oversized heart-shaped rainbow glasses.

    “Basically my goal is to look like a unicorn threw me up. If I can’t do that, what’s the point?” they added.

    Banghart’s video ignited a heated debate at the Caddo Parish School Board meeting this week, where parents expressed impassioned views both against and in favor of the teacher’s right to dress however they like.

    “I have never spoken here as a citizen or parent of a student, but I am here today because this is important to me, my family and, most importantly, [the teacher],” one father said, according to the Shreveport Times. “Let everyone see on public record that there are good people here ready to defend other good people from vile, bigoted hate.”........

    Maybe he should go work somewhere different, where he can be accepted? Sounds like he picked the wrong employer to work for.

    And, why does he feel the need to express himself to children like this? Maybe this is not the job for him if he can't preform the tasks his employer asks.
    You have read the bill then?

    That is how are system is designed to work. If the bill is unconstitutional, it will be challenged in court.

    That has not been my experience in the 2 law suits I was kind of a part of. Granted, I was with/supporting the teacher against the super and the school board so that might be the difference. On the the other one, the teacher/district was sued by a parent/group and the school board covered all costs during the lawsuit.

    Sure. But on your last personal attack, I agree with you. I won't change my mind on basic biological fact. I know some of yall are too far gone as well so my posts are mainly to make sure there is some level of reality to these radical left ideals and I hope that maybe I might make one person question the radical gender/race theory that is being forced down everyone's throat.
    I have read the bill. In total. I know what it can do and what it is designed to do.

    As for your “experience” in litigation…it is two cases. I have handled thousands of cases in my career. You would be wise to listen to my experience over yours.

    Finally, I am a real conservative. Biden was the first Democrat I ever voted for as president. Ever. I have always voted in Republican primaries, including the last one. I am not someone from the “radical left.” I am a Reagan Republican that is disgusted by what has been done to the party by the radical right. They have turned the GOP into a bunch of cowards afraid of their own shadows.
    I have read the bill. In total. I know what it can do and what it is designed to do.

    As for your “experience” in litigation…it is two cases. I have handled thousands of cases in my career. You would be wise to listen to my experience over yours.

    Finally, I am a real conservative. Biden was the first Democrat I ever voted for as president. Ever. I have always voted in Republican primaries, including the last one. I am not someone from the “radical left.” I am a Reagan Republican that is disgusted by what has been done to the party by the radical right. They have turned the GOP into a bunch of cowards afraid of their own shadows.
    I am not wise by any means, but my experiences were different than your thousands, that is all.

    I voted for Obama once, that does not make me a liberal.

    What is a 'real' conservative? Do you mean 'fiscal' conservative? I just don't see a 'real conservative' being ok with teaching kindergarteners about trans and gender theory, IMO. There is a large difference between the Rhinos and the new republican party, that is for sure.
    To me, the cowards are the ones that are afraid to stand up for their values and beliefs because of the fear of being shouted down and called 'bigot' or 'racist' because you don't believe the in alt-left radical push against reality. I know you disagree.
    I am not wise by any means, but my experiences were different than your thousands, that is all.

    I voted for Obama once, that does not make me a liberal.

    What is a 'real' conservative? Do you mean 'fiscal' conservative? I just don't see a 'real conservative' being ok with teaching kindergarteners about trans and gender theory, IMO. There is a large difference between the Rhinos and the new republican party, that is for sure.
    To me, the cowards are the ones that are afraid to stand up for their values and beliefs because of the fear of being shouted down and called 'bigot' or 'racist' because you don't believe the in alt-left radical push against reality. I know you disagree.
    A real conservative is someone that lives his/her life and does not judge others how they live theirs. A real conservative is someone isn’t afraid that their child will be “indoctrinated” because I have raised my child to think for themselves rather than to blindly submit to the accepted authority. A real conservative may be heterosexual but understands that not everyone else is and students learning about how others live is not “indoctrination.” If you are concerned about you child being “turned” gay, your child is probably gay and just afraid to tell you. You’re probably cool with conversion therapy.

    A real conservative reads the Constitution and understands that religion should not dictate what is taught in public school. A real conservative might be personally against abortion but will not force someone to have a baby because it is not body and not my decision to make.

    A real conservative doesn’t have any issues with gay marriage because as long as it doesn’t affect others, I am not opposed to it. They live their life, and I live mine.

    You don’t propose conservative values. You are a radical activist that tries to force your beliefs down someone’s throat. It it the antithesis of conservatism.

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