All Things LGBTQ+ (6 Viewers)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    Didn't really see a place for this so I thought I would start a thread about all things LGBTQ since this is a pretty hot topic in our culture right now

    • The Supreme Court on Thursday delivered a unanimous defeat to LGBT couples in a high-profile case over whether Philadelphia could refuse to contract with a Roman Catholic adoption agency that says its religious beliefs prevent it from working with same-sex foster parents.
    • Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in an opinion for a majority of the court that Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services once it learned that the organization would not certify same-sex couples for adoption.

    I will admit, I was hopeful for this decision by the SCOTUS but I was surprised by the unanimous decision.

    While I don't think there is anything wrong, per se, with same sex couples adopting and raising children (I actually think it is a good thing as it not an abortion) but I also did not want to see the state force a religious institution to bend to a societal norm.
    The man that committed assault was transgender, so where the assault took place has some relevance don't you think?
    Children in the bathroom is a pretty solid place I was told this would never happen and I was a bigot for saying it would but yet every time I show that it does happen, it still doesn't prove it happens but only proves that I am bigot. Confusing.

    Here’s the problem with this example that you used. They were a man when they did this. They didn’t have “special” access to the womens bathroom because of trans status he just ignored the sign and walked in and raped a girl at 17. So this shows the exact opposite of what you are trying to prove and that anyone can walk into any bathroom and commit sexual assault.

    As for the sentencing being trans has nothing to do with the 2 year sentence. They got sentenced that because of charging them as a minor because they were a minor when it happened. In this case I don’t agree with it at all and they should be serving way longer especially when you consider their already vast criminal record.
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    You seem shocked that someone would consider your values to be 'evil'. I understand, I didn't get it when you called my values evil either but we learn and we grow.

    I consider teaching children that men can be women and women can be men to be evil. I think allowing guys in girls changing rooms or bathroom at school to be evil. I think intentionally blurring the lines between male and female is evil. No, I don't think homosexuality is evil (I know how you all like to invent words). I think the auto response of thinking religion is evil to be evil. I think teaching children that one color is victim and one color is oppressor is evil. I think abortion is evil. I think sexualizing children is evil. I think demanding an outcome without working for that outcome to be evil. I think racism is evil. I mean I could go on and on.
    My values are most assuredly not evil. Your values are authoritarian, and extreme. I don’t remember ever using the word “evil” though. I may think so, but I don’t usually speak in terms of good and evil.

    You don’t really think abortion is evil. You have stated that you would allow it in cases of rape or incest. What you think is “evil” is women having the ability to make their own decisions about childbearing. You have made that abundantly clear. So even though your religion teaches you that God gave humans the right of self determination, free will to follow God or not, you are extremely willing to take that God-given right away from women because they aren’t doing what you want.

    The use of religion to take away rights from people is where religion gets its “evil” reputation.

    Nobody on the left who isn’t a pedophile thinks it’s okay to sexualize children. This may come as a shock to you, but the prevalence of pedophilia isn’t the domain of any ideology; I would guess there are as many pedophiles on the right as the left. I wouldn’t be shocked to find out there is a slightly higher proportion of pedophiles on the right, though, for the same reason some arsonists become firefighters.

    I don’t even have a clue what you mean by “blurring the line between male and female”. You’ll have to specify what that means.
    I mean, all of this obviously.

    You answered the question yourself. You're bravely defending the little girls from the evils of the transgender community and gender ideology. Also, that you drink so much religious and right wing Kool Aid that you're view of people and society are distorted.

    Nobody ever told you that. That's just a remanence of your persecution complex. Of course there's the possibility of a transgender person being a sexual predator, just no more (but probably less) than any other man or women. They're much more likely to be the victims of a sexual assault, but I don't think your biblical view of them allows for those types of facts. So do with that what you will.
    I wouldn't consider myself 'brave' but thank you none the less.

    Interesting theory on trans victimhood to sexual assault. A link? I am sure you are correct, but I would be curious to see this included their life style decisions.
    For example, a prostitute is more likely to be sexual assaulted than someone who works at waffle house much like a drug dealer/user is more likely to die of overdose or violence than a school nurse.

    Can we also draw a distinction between suicide and trans?
    Here’s the problem with this example that you used. They were a man when they did this. They didn’t have “special” access to the womens bathroom because of trans status he just ignored the sign and walked in and raped a girl at 17. So this shows the exact opposite of what you are trying to prove and that anyone can walk into any bathroom and commit sexual assault.

    As for the sentencing being trans has nothing to do with the 2 year sentence. They got sentenced that because of charging them as a minor because they were a minor when it happened. In this case I don’t agree with it at all and they should be serving way longer especially when you consider their already vast criminal record.
    It is not an example, it is an actual case that just happened.

    I get the timeline and also what you says makes sense but.....and this is the key part for me, if there was not this distorted view of protected classes overriding common sense then we would not be having this discussion. The dude would have declared he is a woman, the judge would shake his head and put in male prison and adult prison. Instead, we have to suspend common sense and reality and put him in a juvenile female prison, but actually, since the DA is following the lefts new idea of justice, he is let out without having to register as a sex offender to serve probation.
    It is not an example, it is an actual case that just happened.

    I get the timeline and also what you says makes sense but.....and this is the key part for me, if there was not this distorted view of protected classes overriding common sense then we would not be having this discussion. The dude would have declared he is a woman, the judge would shake his head and put in male prison and adult prison. Instead, we have to suspend common sense and reality and put him in a juvenile female prison, but actually, since the DA is following the lefts new idea of justice, he is let out without having to register as a sex offender to serve probation.

    I realize it actually happened it is still an example of that you are presenting as why trans bathroom bans need to be in place.

    The short sentence has nothing to do with the person being trans or not. The sentence has everything to do with them being charged as a juvenile because the crime happened when they were 17 years old not because they are trans. They should have been tried as an adult and then sentenced to an adult facility.
    It is not an example, it is an actual case that just happened.

    I get the timeline and also what you says makes sense but.....and this is the key part for me, if there was not this distorted view of protected classes overriding common sense then we would not be having this discussion. The dude would have declared he is a woman, the judge would shake his head and put in male prison and adult prison. Instead, we have to suspend common sense and reality and put him in a juvenile female prison, but actually, since the DA is following the lefts new idea of justice, he is let out without having to register as a sex offender to serve probation.
    No. They're following the law. Not someone's idea of justice. The law sucks and is insufficient but it isn't some leftist conspiracy for trans rights.
    My values are most assuredly not evil. Your values are authoritarian, and extreme. I don’t remember ever using the word “evil” though. I may think so, but I don’t usually speak in terms of good and evil.

    You don’t really think abortion is evil. You have stated that you would allow it in cases of rape or incest. What you think is “evil” is women having the ability to make their own decisions about childbearing. You have made that abundantly clear. So even though your religion teaches you that God gave humans the right of self determination, free will to follow God or not, you are extremely willing to take that God-given right away from women because they aren’t doing what you want.

    The use of religion to take away rights from people is where religion gets its “evil” reputation.

    Nobody on the left who isn’t a pedophile thinks it’s okay to sexualize children. This may come as a shock to you, but the prevalence of pedophilia isn’t the domain of any ideology; I would guess there are as many pedophiles on the right as the left. I wouldn’t be shocked to find out there is a slightly higher proportion of pedophiles on the right, though, for the same reason some arsonists become firefighters.

    I don’t even have a clue what you mean by “blurring the line between male and female”. You’ll have to specify what that means.
    You have but no worries. Politics invokes passion. If we were not passionate about politics, I doubt either one of us would be on this board going back and forth.

    I do think abortion is evil. There is no God given right to kill a developing human. Personally, I don't think abortion should be allowed even in rape and incest. Do I think that should be codified? Hard to say because although that is a stance that makes sense to me and especially from my religious views, it does not make sense to a lot or vast majority of the other citizens I share this country with so I have no problem for that carve out. Got to win the battles we can in politics.

    Hard to judge pedophilia as a right or left issue and I don't think I have. But if I did, it was in the pretext of the radical gender theory created by a pedophile (Money, give him a google). That is sexualization of kids in my opinion. As to the firefighter remark, maybe, but I also think there is a predator problem in the public school system that is not being investigated because of these reality altering leftist propaganda. I would not be surprised if it is a big a scale of cover ups as the scandal or the catholic church. It will come out, unfortunately, just not anytime soon.
    No. They're following the law. Not someone's idea of justice. The law sucks and is insufficient but it isn't some leftist conspiracy for trans rights.
    Are you saying the DA Garcon is not pushing the new leftist criminal punishment theory? Again, 98% of the prosecutors in his city disagree with you. He absolutely is pushing the lefts idea of criminal justice.

    ETA- Yes, I agree. The law does suck however.
    but I also think there is a predator problem in the public school system that is not being investigated because of these reality altering leftist propaganda.
    What makes you think this? Please provide actual links to sources showing this is a thing.
    Are you saying the DA Garcon is not pushing the new leftist criminal punishment theory? Again, 98% of the prosecutors in his city disagree with you. He absolutely is pushing the lefts idea of criminal justice.

    ETA- Yes, I agree. The law does suck however.
    No. I'm saying the law is written so that he had to be tried as a juvenile because he committed the crime as a juvenile. That means he gets sentenced as such. It's backwards, ridiculous and needs to be fixed but it isn't like there were choices to be made in how it was prosecuted, and they decided to purposefully make a fool out of their own office by doing it like the law says they had to.
    I wouldn't consider myself 'brave' but thank you none the less.

    Interesting theory on trans victimhood to sexual assault. A link? I am sure you are correct, but I would be curious to see this included their life style decisions.
    For example, a prostitute is more likely to be sexual assaulted than someone who works at waffle house much like a drug dealer/user is more likely to die of overdose or violence than a school nurse.

    Can we also draw a distinction between suicide and trans?

    "Theory on trans victimhood to sexual assault?" No, not a theory, just facts that are readily available. I'll let you look them up.

    It probably does have some to do with some life style choices, such as turning to prostitution to survive. But if so many of their perfect Christian parents didn't throw them out on the street because they couldn't handle their little boy being a little girl, maybe so many of them wouldn't turn to prostitutions. So there's that. Either way, I don't support or shrug away sexual assault whether its perpetrated on a trans person, a prostitute or your daughter. Just like I don't shrug it away if a trans person commits the sexual assault.
    You have but no worries. Politics invokes passion. If we were not passionate about politics, I doubt either one of us would be on this board going back and forth.

    I do think abortion is evil. There is no God given right to kill a developing human. Personally, I don't think abortion should be allowed even in rape and incest. Do I think that should be codified? Hard to say because although that is a stance that makes sense to me and especially from my religious views, it does not make sense to a lot or vast majority of the other citizens I share this country with so I have no problem for that carve out. Got to win the battles we can in politics.

    Hard to judge pedophilia as a right or left issue and I don't think I have. But if I did, it was in the pretext of the radical gender theory created by a pedophile (Money, give him a google). That is sexualization of kids in my opinion. As to the firefighter remark, maybe, but I also think there is a predator problem in the public school system that is not being investigated because of these reality altering leftist propaganda. I would not be surprised if it is a big a scale of cover ups as the scandal or the catholic church. It will come out, unfortunately, just not anytime soon.
    There is no “reality altering leftist propaganda”.

    There is only your overwhelming radical fear response pushed by RW religionists and sources such as Evie magazine which attempts to equate gender issues with critical race theory.
    What makes you think this? Please provide actual links to sources showing this is a thing.
    I can provide links, but would you take them seriously or an example of 1 off? Not 'you' specifically but in a general sense. I can only provide examples, like I said, this, to my knowledge is not being investigated. In fact, I will say I think that is part of it, the cover up, again, much like the catholic church.

    Maybe that is why the teachers unions are so upset by the sudden light being shown on how and what they educate our kids? Speculation at this point. 100% speculation to be fair, but I can see an ending where this correct.

    In what world should we allow a person accused on sexual assault on a child be able to wear a monitor while awaiting trial so they can return to work at a school?
    No. I'm saying the law is written so that he had to be tried as a juvenile because he committed the crime as a juvenile. That means he gets sentenced as such. It's backwards, ridiculous and needs to be fixed but it isn't like there were choices to be made in how it was prosecuted, and they decided to purposefully make a fool out of their own office by doing it like the law says they had to.
    Except that is not what the DA said. He said he was wrong how his office handled the case....after leaked audio tape of the perv bragging about his light sentence was about to be published by FOX news. So, in fact, this had nothing to do with the way the law written but rather about a DA forcing the lefts view of reform in the justice department. He could have done somehting, as per his statement, he just chose not too to push his agenda.
    There is no “reality altering leftist propaganda”.

    There is only your overwhelming radical fear response pushed by RW religionists and sources such as Evie magazine which attempts to equate gender issues with critical race theory.
    How are the cities run by the left doing? I hear Seattle is beautiful and NY is really a safe place, especially for Asians. Must be all the religious zealots I am sure. Turns out, christians are not the only zealots out there. The left has theirs as well, but they tend to be called Antifa

    I will link another because the first one is from a christian news source and I don't care to add trigger labels for you.
    How are the cities run by the left doing? I hear Seattle is beautiful and NY is really a safe place, especially for Asians. Must be all the religious zealots I am sure. Turns out, christians are not the only zealots out there. The left has theirs as well, but they tend to be called Antifa

    I will link another because the first one is from a christian news source and I don't care to add trigger labels for you.

    Christian Post? lol

    "Black-clad mob at UNT attacks dad fighting to save son from trans puberty blockers"

    Except... the only truth in that headline is that they were at UNT.

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