All Things LGBTQ+ (1 Viewer)

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    Mostly Peaceful Poster
    Oct 1, 2019
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    Didn't really see a place for this so I thought I would start a thread about all things LGBTQ since this is a pretty hot topic in our culture right now

    • The Supreme Court on Thursday delivered a unanimous defeat to LGBT couples in a high-profile case over whether Philadelphia could refuse to contract with a Roman Catholic adoption agency that says its religious beliefs prevent it from working with same-sex foster parents.
    • Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in an opinion for a majority of the court that Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services once it learned that the organization would not certify same-sex couples for adoption.

    I will admit, I was hopeful for this decision by the SCOTUS but I was surprised by the unanimous decision.

    While I don't think there is anything wrong, per se, with same sex couples adopting and raising children (I actually think it is a good thing as it not an abortion) but I also did not want to see the state force a religious institution to bend to a societal norm.
    “My son said, ‘You can’t tell me you love me and support somebody who’s going to hurt me,’” Fisher recalled.

    This is such a simple, profound and sad statement

    I will say that it's not like Trump's/MAGA/GOP opinion on trans matter were some deep dive, buried in the fine print position. They were very clear and upfront about it

    The parents knew what Trump/MAGA thought, they knew what they wanted to do, and knew their child was trans but chose to support Trump anyway

    It took discovering the suicide pact and that statement to jar them

    I will say I'm glad that it jarred them enough to change their vote. I wouldn't have been surprised if they did like so many other and just voted for Trump anyway and hoped and prayed it wouldn't be that bad
    I’m sure it has to do with more than one analysis saying that Trump’s anti trans anti Harris ads (Harris is for they them, Trump is for you) were by far his most effective and therefore a not insignificant factor in his victory hence the distancing

    Representative Nancy Mace is proudly embracing her George Wallace moment. It’s time for dissent.

    When Vivian Malone and James Hood enrolled at the University of Alabama in 1963, Governor Wallace traveled to Tuscaloosa to stand defiantlyin the doorway of the Foster Auditorium.

    In tailored suit and tie, the white Southern governor, whom Dr Martin Luther King once called “perhaps the most dangerous racist in America today”, prevented the two Black students from attending class.

    Wallace’s Stand in the Schoolhouse Door upheld the impassioned promise he made while delivering his inaugural address: “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever”. Mace has clearly studied this history and chosen to side with its least savory character.

    When Sarah McBride became the first openly transgender woman elected to Congress this past November, Mace swiftly introduced a House resolution to ban McBride from using the bathroom.

    This legislation, which has far-reachingimplications, might as well be known as Mace’s Stand in the Bathroom Door.

    When cruel injustice becomes enshrined in law by politicians fueled by hate the only conscionable response is to dissent.

    Yet, in the face of escalatinganti-trans rhetoric and legislation on Capitol Hill, Democrats have remained eerily silent.

    That is why, in a commitment to affirm the basic human dignity and respect all people deserve, I helped lead a group of trans women, nonbinary people, and cis allies in holding a sit-in in a women’s bathroom in Congress.

    Holding a banner that read “Flush Bathroom Bigotry”, we openly disobeyed House policy and defied Mace and House speaker Mike Johnson’s hate.

    We are inspired by the long and proud tradition of everyday people coming together to confront injustice – people willing to take a risk to uphold a vision for the future we deserve, from the 1960 sit-in at a Woolworth lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, that helped to catalyze the Black Freedom Movement, to the 1966 sip-in at Julius’ Bar in New York City that helped to ignite the movement for queer liberation.

    We held these histories in our hearts as we raised our voices together: “Democrats grow a spine, trans lives are on the line.” Capitol police tightened handcuffs around our wrists and hauled 15 of us off to jail.

    Mace followed along to the US Capitol police headquarters. With a megaphone magnifying her hate, she hurled anti-trans slurs at us while we sat locked in our cells. So far, only a single member of Congress, Representative Maxwell Frost, has condemned her abhorrent hate speech……..

    The white vigilantes, who took it upon themselves to terrorize and murder the Black people whom this memorial honors, commonly justified their heinous acts by claiming, like Mace, that they were “protecting” women, who invariably were cis and white.

    Racism’s pernicious construction – that is to say, false imagination – of Black people as inherently posing a threat to white women has excused egregious acts of racist violence.

    Mace adopts a similar logic to the southern segregationists she cosplays as while advancing her own viciously anti-trans hate.

    By suggesting trans women inherently pose a threat to the safety of cis women, she justifies all acts of violence committed against us, both physical and political.

    Mace seems proud of this brutality. To her, our bodies are to be dismembered and placed as a present under the Christmas tree of cis salvation.

    Mace’s infatuation with hawking grotesque anti-trans merchandise harkens back to the despicable racist tradition of selling souvenirs that celebrated lynchings.……

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    I’m sure it has to do with more than one analysis saying that Trump’s anti trans anti Harris ads (Harris is for they them, Trump is for you) were by far his most effective and therefore a not insignificant factor in his victory hence the distancing

    Representative Nancy Mace is proudly embracing her George Wallace moment. It’s time for dissent.

    When Vivian Malone and James Hood enrolled at the University of Alabama in 1963, Governor Wallace traveled to Tuscaloosa to stand defiantlyin the doorway of the Foster Auditorium.

    In tailored suit and tie, the white Southern governor, whom Dr Martin Luther King once called “perhaps the most dangerous racist in America today”, prevented the two Black students from attending class.

    Wallace’s Stand in the Schoolhouse Door upheld the impassioned promise he made while delivering his inaugural address: “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever”. Mace has clearly studied this history and chosen to side with its least savory character.

    When Sarah McBride became the first openly transgender woman elected to Congress this past November, Mace swiftly introduced a House resolution to ban McBride from using the bathroom.

    This legislation, which has far-reachingimplications, might as well be known as Mace’s Stand in the Bathroom Door.

    When cruel injustice becomes enshrined in law by politicians fueled by hate the only conscionable response is to dissent.

    Yet, in the face of escalatinganti-trans rhetoric and legislation on Capitol Hill, Democrats have remained eerily silent.

    That is why, in a commitment to affirm the basic human dignity and respect all people deserve, I helped lead a group of trans women, nonbinary people, and cis allies in holding a sit-in in a women’s bathroom in Congress.

    Holding a banner that read “Flush Bathroom Bigotry”, we openly disobeyed House policy and defied Mace and House speaker Mike Johnson’s hate.

    We are inspired by the long and proud tradition of everyday people coming together to confront injustice – people willing to take a risk to uphold a vision for the future we deserve, from the 1960 sit-in at a Woolworth lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, that helped to catalyze the Black Freedom Movement, to the 1966 sip-in at Julius’ Bar in New York City that helped to ignite the movement for queer liberation.

    We held these histories in our hearts as we raised our voices together: “Democrats grow a spine, trans lives are on the line.” Capitol police tightened handcuffs around our wrists and hauled 15 of us off to jail.

    Mace followed along to the US Capitol police headquarters. With a megaphone magnifying her hate, she hurled anti-trans slurs at us while we sat locked in our cells. So far, only a single member of Congress, Representative Maxwell Frost, has condemned her abhorrent hate speech……..

    The white vigilantes, who took it upon themselves to terrorize and murder the Black people whom this memorial honors, commonly justified their heinous acts by claiming, like Mace, that they were “protecting” women, who invariably were cis and white.

    Racism’s pernicious construction – that is to say, false imagination – of Black people as inherently posing a threat to white women has excused egregious acts of racist violence.

    Mace adopts a similar logic to the southern segregationists she cosplays as while advancing her own viciously anti-trans hate.

    By suggesting trans women inherently pose a threat to the safety of cis women, she justifies all acts of violence committed against us, both physical and political.

    Mace seems proud of this brutality. To her, our bodies are to be dismembered and placed as a present under the Christmas tree of cis salvation.

    Mace’s infatuation with hawking grotesque anti-trans merchandise harkens back to the despicable racist tradition of selling souvenirs that celebrated lynchings.……

    Democrats have turned into spineless jellyfish without the sting in the face of this trans bigotry and Republican hate because of the election and how many voters have responded. What a predictable disappointment. :jpshakehead:

    I think it's obvious now that trans and other LGBTQ+ people really don't have a party that will advocate for their basic dignity and their issue. Time to become a lot more militant towards both parties now.
    Just in case anybody was under the delusion that these forkers where going to stop at hurting the trans community.

    This is why you never cooperate with the right wing's selective outrages. You give them an inch and they'll force you back to the 1800's. Anti-diversity and forced religious adherence is all the rage now. A direct result of the success of their anti-DEI and ant-trans crusades of the last 4 years. And yet so many Democrats are still holding water for these hate crusades and validate them to some extent. Shameful to say the least.

    An Idaho House committee will consider a formal statement asking the U.S. Supreme Court to end same-sex marriage nationwide and allow the state to restore its ban on such unions.

    Rep. Heather Scott, R-Blanchard, proposed the measure that calls the 2015 decision from the nation’s highest court to legalize same-sex marriage an “illegitimate overreach.” It asked the court to reinstate the “natural definition of marriage” — saying that is between one man and one woman.

    Read more at:
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    That is roughly 6,000,000 children. I would be curious to know how the mental health of these children as they progress on this path.

    Many articles suggest one of the main reasons for the mental health issues are acceptance issues with society. If society doesn't accept this type of behavior, why promote it?

    Why are we setting these confused children up for failure? Many of these articles reflect the need to focus on availability and expanded mental health treatment. Yet ignoring that by fostering the acceptance, we may be making the mental health worse.
    That is roughly 6,000,000 children. I would be curious to know how the mental health of these children as they progress on this path.

    Many articles suggest one of the main reasons for the mental health issues are acceptance issues with society. If society doesn't accept this type of behavior, why promote it?

    Why are we setting these confused children up for failure? Many of these articles reflect the need to focus on availability and expanded mental health treatment. Yet ignoring that by fostering the acceptance, we may be making the mental health worse.

    Because if a person is trans, non-binary or gay, they're not confused. They're just different than the typical. You're not going to make their mental health better by telling them that they can't be what they are because society won't accept them.

    Also, the problem isn't with them, it's with society.
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    Because is a person is trans, non-binary or gay, they're not confused. They're just different than the typical. You're not going to make their mental health better by telling them that they can't be what they are because society won't accept them.

    Also, the problem isn't with them, it's with society.
    Lurking here for some time, I understand that you are not an unbiased participant and that is ok. We don't allow children to make life decisions because their brains are incapable of such.

    Parents are pimping their kids out for social media cred and should be ashamed of themselves. 6,000,000 children receiving gender affirming care. Many, if not most of these children are being told by the media and their social groups that it is cool to be part of this crowd. Be who you want to be. Total freedom.

    In my opinion and it is backed up by the suicide statistics, this is TERRIBLE advice. We as a society choose to not promote many things because it is a detriment to the populous. Accepting behavior and seeking help is one thing. Promoting this behavior and saying its everyone else's fault, leads to dramatically high suicide numbers.
    That is roughly 6,000,000 children. I would be curious to know how the mental health of these children as they progress on this path.

    Many articles suggest one of the main reasons for the mental health issues are acceptance issues with society. If society doesn't accept this type of behavior, why promote it?

    Why are we setting these confused children up for failure? Many of these articles reflect the need to focus on availability and expanded mental health treatment. Yet ignoring that by fostering the acceptance, we may be making the mental health worse.
    No. There are approximately 43,000,000 teenagers in the United States, .1% of that would be approximately 43,000. The entire trans population makes up less than .1% of the US population, and that would still only be 335,000 people nationwide. These are much smaller numbers than the alarmists would like people to believe.

    As far as mental health goes, the trans people I know are much happier and mentally healthy than they were prior to transitioning. I can't say I understand it what it means to be in their shoes or to feel how they feel, but just from a numbers perspective, if about 6 or 7 out of every 100 people identify as gay, I don't understand why it's hard to accept that one person in 1000 might identify as trans, or why that would be threatening.
    No. There are approximately 43,000,000 teenagers in the United States, .1% of that would be approximately 43,000. The entire trans population makes up less than .1% of the US population, and that would still only be 335,000 people nationwide. These are much smaller numbers than the alarmists would like people to believe.

    As far as mental health goes, the trans people I know are much happier and mentally healthy than they were prior to transitioning. I can't say I understand it what it means to be in their shoes or to feel how they feel, but just from a numbers perspective, if about 6 or 7 out of every 100 people identify as gay, I don't understand why it's hard to accept that one person in 1000 might identify as trans, or why that would be threatening.
    I quoted the numbers from the article. Maybe I missed something. I thought it said 60 million adolescence and .1%. But here not there if the number is 40k its to many. I accept whatever an adult wants to do EXCEPT pimp out their kids for popularity.

    I don't understand either, but I do understand the suicide rate. And I am against anything that fosters one taking his or her life. Especially something done for political pandering. It really is shameful how politicians and parents use children for their own selfishness.
    I quoted the numbers from the article. Maybe I missed something. I thought it said 60 million adolescence and .1%. But here not there if the number is 40k its to many. I accept whatever an adult wants to do EXCEPT pimp out their kids for popularity.

    I don't understand either, but I do understand the suicide rate. And I am against anything that fosters one taking his or her life. Especially something done for political pandering. It really is shameful how politicians and parents use children for their own selfishness.

    Anti-trans laws cause large spikes in suicide attempts. You are part of the problem, not the solution.
    Anti-trans laws cause large spikes in suicide attempts. You are part of the problem, not the solution.
    Excuse me, you don't know anything about me. I am asking legitimate questions to further discussions.

    Did I say anything about anti-trans laws?

    When did you people on the left become so intolerant of others opinions? The left used to be the party of love. Seems like a ton of hate, racism and bigotry now.
    Excuse me, you don't know anything about me. I am asking legitimate questions to further discussions.

    Did I say anything about anti-trans laws?

    When did you people on the left become so intolerant of others opinions? The left used to be the party of love. Seems like a ton of hate, racism and bigotry now.

    Sorry, you must have forgotten that the words you type are visible for all to see.

    In my opinion and it is backed up by the suicide statistics, this is TERRIBLE advice. We as a society choose to not promote many things because it is a detriment to the populous. Accepting behavior and seeking help is one thing. Promoting this behavior and saying its everyone else's fault, leads to dramatically high suicide numbers.
    Many articles suggest one of the main reasons for the mental health issues are acceptance issues with society. If society doesn't accept this type of behavior, why promote it?

    Why are we setting these confused children up for failure? Many of these articles reflect the need to focus on availability and expanded mental health treatment. Yet ignoring that by fostering the acceptance, we may be making the mental health worse.

    The only thing setting trans kids up for failure is the people with these attitudes, attitudes which fuel fear and anger in the ignorant and lead to these anti-trans laws that drive the suicide rate you lament.
    Sorry, you must have forgotten that the words you type are visible for all to see.

    The only thing setting trans kids up for failure is the people with these attitudes, attitudes which fuel fear and anger in the ignorant and lead to these anti-trans laws that drive the suicide rate you lament.
    Please quote where I said anything about anti-trans laws. I am not going to have an honest discussion with someone who isn't going to be honest. If you make up small things you make up all things.
    Excuse me, you don't know anything about me. I am asking legitimate questions to further discussions.

    Did I say anything about anti-trans laws?

    When did you people on the left become so intolerant of others opinions? The left used to be the party of love. Seems like a ton of hate, racism and bigotry now.
    The left is the party of love. That’s why your trans hate isn’t allowed in.

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