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2024 GOP Presidential Race (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    Many of Trump's endorsed candidates did not do well on Nov. 8th.
    Gov. Ron DeSantis DID do well.
    He won convincingly.
    Yet in this OP's opinion, Donald Trump is an egomaniac who is seemingly incapable of putting "Party over Self"
    Trump has ZERO chance of being elected our next president.
    In my opinion, if Trump would just shut up and go away (fat chance of that)...but "if" Trump did that, Gov. Ron DeSantis would have a CHANCE to be a formidable candidate for President in 2024.
    Here is an interesting article on this topic...
    What do any of you think re. Trump vs DeSantis?
    DeSantis is seeking to undercut a 1964 U.S. Supreme Court decision that shielded news outlets from libel judgments unless proven that they were published with “actual malice” - knowing that something was false or acting with “reckless disregard” to whether it was true. Florida legislation carrying out DeSantis' plan would make it unnecessary to prove “actual malice”

    I'm surprised Fox News and Rupert Murdoch are letting him move forward with this suit.
    I'm surprised Fox News and Rupert Murdoch are letting him move forward with this suit.
    Yup, that is the only thing Fox was relying on. Although, now that their emails and texts are out in the open, they cannot claim they didn’t know it was all a lie.
    If Trump somehow loses the nomination, could you see him launching an independent bid just to say fork you to his detractors?

    It’s what I’m hoping for, would be perfect karma for Trump to burn the R party down….and then wind up in jail himself at some point……
    Liberals are horrified by Ron DeSantis, both in terms of what he has done so far as governor of Florida and what he might do as president.

    But many take comfort in this frequently repeated idea: Whatever his appeal to the Republican base, DeSantis is so lacking in charisma that winning the presidency would be exceedingly difficult.

    This observation has come from both DeSantis’s critics and admirers. He is “reserved and dry” and has a challenge “forging connections with people.” He’s “pinched and humorless.” He “just doesn’t have the charisma to command a national political stage.” He “has the charisma of a pair of cargo shorts.”

    It hasn’t seemed to hurt him so far, though. He was narrowly elected governor in 2018, reelected by a large margin in 2022 and has become the most prominent contender for the 2024 presidential nomination not named Donald Trump.

    Ever since German sociologist Max Weber theorized about charisma in the early 20th century, scholars have considered its impact on politics — though many struggle to define it.

    Some describe it as “personal magnetism.” Others locate it in the bond between the leader and their followers; as historian David A. Bell wrote, “charisma is not just an individual quality but a relationship.” It only exists insofar as others perceive it.

    Even if Republican voters are attracted to DeSantis, they don’t seem to be getting swept off their feet. They like what he’s done in Florida; they like his crusades against liberals; and they think he would be a smarter, more disciplined version of Trump. It’s all exceedingly rational.

    Yet all those who made it to the White House in recent decades have possessed at least one of two kinds of charisma.

    On the personal level, many had a charm that enabled them to connect with people individually.

    That was especially true of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

    The other form of charisma was a more distant version — the kind you can see through your TV or on a jumbotron. They could hold a rapt crowd in their hands and move them emotionally.

    That was especially true of Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama.

    In almost every recent presidential campaign, the more magnetic personality prevailed. The failed nominees — John McCain, John Kerry, Bob Dole, Hillary Clinton — were outshone by their opponents.

    Whatever else you think of him, Trump has his own brand of charisma. By no measure is he a dynamic orator, and he does little typical glad-handing. But even if you loathe him, he’s hard to take your eyes off of — or at least that was the case in 2016. That’s in part because he’s volatile and unpredictable; if Obama’s charisma is of the cool variety, Trump’s is much hotter……..

    I expect that as DeSantis makes more personal appearances the Trump lead will widen. He’s just not likeable. At all, lol. And Trump was set up for his popularity by his TV show for years. People saw him portrayed as a whip smart competent businessman and they just couldn’t budge from that misperception. And Trump knows how to play to a crowd, even though I don’t see the appeal it’s obvious plenty of people do.

    DeSantis comes across as stuffy, stiff and awkward. Someone on Twitter described him as the creepy guy who shows up to the party and sets up shop in the kitchen by the drinks and never leaves and never shuts up. And people avoid going in there until they just have to, lol.
    I expect once DeSantis declares the polls will tighten

    or is it possible these polls make him decide not to run at all?

    I don't think he beats Trump. Right now Ole Meatball feels like the "Break glass and use if Trump gets indicted" fallback.
    What’s amazing is how much of the e Republican Party believes this very thing.

    I heard this on morning joe while I was driving just a little while ago. They re not even trying to hide their blame America first stance anymore. The part about nato is particularly infuriating. All those who doubted that he would pull us out of nato should take note.
    What’s amazing is how much of the e Republican Party believes this very thing.

    straight out of the Dictators playbook.

    We are in an existential crisis within and the only way to get out is with heavy handed, authoritarian that you love.
    I heard this on morning joe while I was driving just a little while ago. They re not even trying to hide their blame America first stance anymore. The part about nato is particularly infuriating. All those who doubted that he would pull us out of nato should take note.

    First thing he would do is gift Russia all of Ukraine.
    What’s amazing is how much of the e Republican Party believes this very thing.

    That’s not just happenstance. The Rs have been demonizing democrats for a long time, longer than Trump has been around. Aided and abetted by Fox “News”, whose corporate strategy of “say anything to keep the rubes watching - we don’t care if it’s true or not” has led to millions of people believing all sorts of nonsense.
    I should add that once people saw how profitable the Fox “News” paradigm was, all kinds of people piled on. Breitbart, Daily Wire, Daily Caller, OAN, NewsMax all joined in the liar’s club. None of them care if what they do tears our country apart and creates rifts in families. As long as they make a buck.

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