2024 GOP Presidential Race (2 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    Many of Trump's endorsed candidates did not do well on Nov. 8th.
    Gov. Ron DeSantis DID do well.
    He won convincingly.
    Yet in this OP's opinion, Donald Trump is an egomaniac who is seemingly incapable of putting "Party over Self"
    Trump has ZERO chance of being elected our next president.
    In my opinion, if Trump would just shut up and go away (fat chance of that)...but "if" Trump did that, Gov. Ron DeSantis would have a CHANCE to be a formidable candidate for President in 2024.
    Here is an interesting article on this topic...
    What do any of you think re. Trump vs DeSantis?

    I've seen this before.
    No one cares but you.
    If I had the time and the technical ability to splice / edit video footage....and if I was mean...
    I could come up with 90 seconds of footage of Alzheimer's patients, selectively focusing on their outward mannerisms.
    Then I could be cruel and pour through footage of President Biden and select 90 seconds of footage where his mannerisms are very much the same.
    #1 I'm not that mean. I wouldn't do that.
    #2 I don't have the time or the talent to pull that off
    #3 Maybe someone else already HAS done that....but I'm not going to search for that or post that.
    The video I posted earlier this morning I'll post again here..

    When the republican leaning or independent voter watches DeSantis speak they are not going to focus on his supposed Trump like mannerisms. Is that really important?
    They are going to focus on what he said:
    Which is droves of people are leaving Democrat led states and moving to Florida.
    People have positive reactions to Gov. DeSantis and the way he has run Florida.
    People will additionally like President DeSantis.
    You want a Biden 2nde term so you are afraid (or should be afraid) of DeSantis.
    Trump is a joke and has no chance in November of 2024.
    So naturally the Ds on this thread will try to smear DeSantis with the Trump brush.
    This tactic WILL WORK on madaboutpolitics....but it won't work in the real world.
    The real world does not know about or care about madaboutpolitics.
    DeSantis is a formidable candidate and all the negatives posts on these madaboutpolitics threads will not change that.
    Last edited:
    So, I should actually post a serious rebuttal to DeSantis, even though the above is amusing

    From what I can tell, DeSantis is far more authoritarian and anti-institutional than Trump. I don't necessarily mean in theory but in practice, there are accounts of many episodes where Trump raised schemes at various levels or institutions but was dissuaded by input from officials and (most importantly) government lawyers. At least in his administration of Florida, DeSantis seems to have not been bothered to exercise direct executive control over activities that are supposed to democratic or competitive or transparent or all three. There are numerous examples of this.

    Of course doing it a federal level is far more complicated and I don't know how a DeSantis administration would operate. My personal instinct is that he's a bit of a fake strong man.
    I've seen this before.
    No one cares but you.
    If I had the time and the technical ability to splice / edit video footage....and if I was mean...
    I could come up with 90 seconds of footage of Alzheimer's patients, selectively focusing on their outward mannerisms.
    Then I could be cruel and pour through footage of President Biden and select 90 seconds of footage where his mannerisms are very much the same.
    #1 I'm not that mean. I wouldn't do that.
    #2 I don't have the time or the talent to pull that off
    #3 Maybe someone else already HAS done that....but I'm not going to search or post that.
    The video I posted earlier this morning I'll post again here..

    When the republican leaning or independent voter watches DeSantis speak they are not going to focus on his supposed Trump like mannerisms. Is that really important?
    They are going to focus on what he said:
    Which is droves of people are leaving Democrat led states and moving to Florida.
    People have positive reactions to Gov. DeSantis and the way he has run Florida.
    People will additionally like President DeSantis.
    You are afraid or should be afraid of DeSantis.
    Trump is a joke and has no chance in November of 2024.
    So naturally the Ds on this thread will try to smear DeSantis with the Trump brush.
    This tactic WILL WORK on madaboutpolitics....but it won't work in the real world.
    The real world does not know about or care about madaboutpolitics.
    DeSantis is a formidable candidate and all the negatives posts on these madaboutpolitics threads will not change that.

    So the post you’re responding to was done just as an amusement. Care to address the serious criticisms of DeSantis? You haven’t done that before, so I would like to hear your thoughts on his authoritarian actions in Florida.
    From what I can tell, DeSantis is far more authoritarian and anti-institutional than Trump. I don't necessarily mean in theory but in practice, there are accounts of many episodes where Trump raised schemes at various levels or institutions but was dissuaded by input from officials and (most importantly) government lawyers. At least in his administration of Florida, DeSantis seems to have not been bothered to exercise direct executive control over activities that are supposed to democratic or competitive or transparent or all three. There are numerous examples of this.

    Of course doing it a federal level is far more complicated and I don't know how a DeSantis administration would operate. My personal instinct is that he's a bit of a fake strong man.
    Well, most of his administration has been performative blustering. He can’t actually tell corporations what they can and cannot say during their internal training. He cannot actually punish corporations for speech, in theory, because of the First Amendment. He cannot actually force teachers to say only what he wants them to say. He just tries to bully them. It’s sad how many people actually enjoy watching someone with political power bully those who have no political power.

    But why take a chance that he could actually accomplish some of his dictatorial aims? We just had 4 years of Trump testing our democratic institutions and norms in an entirely bumbling way and it wasn’t great. DeSantis isn’t a complete moron like Trump, I’d rather not see what he can do.
    So the post you’re responding to was done just as an amusement. Care to address the serious criticisms of DeSantis? You haven’t done that before, so I would like to hear your thoughts on his authoritarian actions in Florida.
    Nope. My morning "prep period" is ending and I'll have students any minute now.
    Additionally, I don't "buy" that your post was solely meant to be humorous.
    It was your intention and it will be the intention in the future for Ds to say the DeSantis is just like Trump.
    A vote for DeSantis (you liberals will say ) will bring about four years that will be basically the same as if Trump were to be victorious.
    These are the talking points for liberals.
    Yet I better focus on my job.
    Last edited:
    Nope. My morning "prep period" is ending and I'll have students any minute now.
    Additionally, I don't "buy" that your post was solely meant to be humorous.
    It was your intention and it will be the intention in the future for Ds to say the DeSantis is just like Trump.
    A vote for DeSantis (you liberals will say ) will bring about four years that will be basically the same as if Trump were to be victorious.
    These are the talking points for liberals.
    Yet I better focus on my job.
    I understand time constraints. But it’s so disrespectful for you to tell me that I am basically lying when I said my first post was meant to be humorous. Especially when my very next post, posted before you came on here to patronize me, said I should probably post a serious rebuttal to the idea you are pushing that DeSantis is anything but a younger version of Trump.

    Saying something is a talking point hardly addresses it’s veracity, Steve. It’s basically a dodge.

    You are certainly not required to defend your posts on here. You’re free to post videos and refuse to defend them. But don’t get all huffy when people challenge your ideas. We see right through that.
    I understand time constraints. But it’s so disrespectful for you to tell me that I am basically lying when I said my first post was meant to be humorous. Especially when my very next post, posted before you came on here to patronize me, said I should probably post a serious rebuttal to the idea you are pushing that DeSantis is anything but a younger version of Trump.

    Saying something is a talking point hardly addresses it’s veracity, Steve. It’s basically a dodge.

    You are certainly not required to defend your posts on here. You’re free to post videos and refuse to defend them. But don’t get all huffy when people challenge your ideas. We see right through that.
    I don't think I was "All huffy".
    Back to the kids...bye.
    I don't think I was "All huffy".
    Back to the kids...bye.
    Maybe not this time, but you have dramatically vowed to quit posting here several times. Seemed a bit huffy. It’s all good though. I am serious about wanting you to tell me in your opinion what you like about DeSantis and how you feel he is different than Trump.
    Nope. My morning "prep period" is ending and I'll have students any minute now.
    Additionally, I don't "buy" that your post was solely meant to be humorous.
    It was your intention and it will be the intention in the future for Ds to say the DeSantis is just like Trump.
    A vote for DeSantis (you liberals will say ) will bring about four years that will be basically the same as if Trump were to be victorious.
    These are the talking points for liberals.
    Yet I better focus on my job.

    This is all Ron DeSantis is. Just as this is all the Republican party truly represents today.

    The gap between that humanistic vision and what we see from the Republican Party could not be more stark. Violence (whether inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, or inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2023) and toxic masculinity seem to be endemic to a party that scorns the police who defended them two years ago and minimizes the brutality of the mob.

    This is a crowd that delights in mocking the vulnerable and bullying the defenseless, persecuting refugees, elevating their selfish aims over the needs of others and fanning bitterness and vengefulness.

    The Republican Party aim is to define America as a White Christian nation, bolstered by an apocalyptic fear of the Great Replacement conspiracy and a perpetual sense of victimhood. The MAGA camp’s character is displayed in the surly reception (and, in some cases, boycotts) given to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during his speech to Congress.

    It is exemplified, too, in former president Donald Trump’s ongoing abuse and attacks on election workers Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, in the forced birth crowd’s insistence that a teen be compelled to bear her rapist’s child, in MAGA lawmakers’ refusal to extend the child tax credit that lifted more than 2 million children out of poverty, and in the House Republicans’ obsession with inquisitions into fake scandals and phony conspiracies.

    It’s no coincidence that the most viable Republican challenger to Trump is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has repeatedly used his power to crush dissent, harass innocent voters, vilify manufacturers of lifesaving vaccines and cultivate the image of a bully. He fits right in with today’s GOP.

    One doesn’t even need to know the two parties’ policy positions to know there is a world of difference in their vision and character. Poetry and grace on one side, thuggishness and fury on the other. Americans cannot say they lack a stark choice.

    I don't know why you all bother with him. As soon as you try to peg him down, he'll announce to everyone here he is leaving (again) and most certainly, maybe, probably never coming back, again.
    I don't know why you all bother with him. As soon as you try to peg him down, he'll announce to everyone here he is leaving (again) and most certainly, maybe, probably never coming back, again.

    Oh boy, I hope so.
    Maybe not this time, but you have dramatically vowed to quit posting here several times. Seemed a bit huffy. It’s all good though. I am serious about wanting you to tell me in your opinion what you like about DeSantis and how you feel he is different than Trump.
    Happy New Year! :)
    I am wishing you a healthy and happy year.
    I don't want to post what I think and then have you and others respond. Others will naturally tell me how wrong I am as well.
    Then I might attempt to respond.
    ...and on and on it goes. No thank you!
    I just wanted to share a video.
    Take care.
    Happy New Year! :)
    I am wishing you a healthy and happy year.
    I don't want to post what I think and then have you and others respond. Others will naturally tell me how wrong I am as well.
    Then I might attempt to respond.
    ...and on and on it goes. No thank you!
    I just wanted to share a video.
    Take care.

    You're a teacher that doesn't know what the word 'discussion' means.
    I don't know why you all bother with him. As soon as you try to peg him down, he'll announce to everyone here he is leaving (again) and most certainly, maybe, probably never coming back, again.
    I post a video and people can read it or ignore it. That is totally up to them.
    There is no point in trying to engage me in a debate.
    I'll not participate.
    It WOULD be wise to just not bother with me.
    (Yet possibly my occasional videos are of interest to some folks)
    I post a video and people can read it or ignore it. That is totally up to them.
    There is no point in trying to engage me in a debate.
    I'll not participate.
    It WOULD be wise to just not bother with me.
    (Yet possibly my occasional videos are of interest to some folks)
    You are misinterpreting the purpose of this forum.

    This is not a place where you can just post what you want and then refuse any discussion on your post. Here in this discussion forum, everything you post is up for discussion. That's the point of a discussion forum. We do not have to just blindly accept your posts.

    If you want that, you will need to instead make your posts Facebook and turn off comments.
    You are misinterpreting the purpose of this forum.

    This is not a place where you can just post what you want and then refuse any discussion on your post. Here in this discussion forum, everything you post is up for discussion. That's the point of a discussion forum. We do not have to just blindly accept your posts.

    If you want that, you will need to instead make your posts Facebook and turn off comments.
    I will not adjust my style.
    People may of course quote me if they wish.
    That is their right and totally proper.
    I was just trying to agree w/ @zztop who suggested they should not bother to try to engage me in a debate.
    I will not adjust my style.
    People may of course quote me if they wish.
    That is their right and totally proper.
    I was just trying to agree w/ @zztop who suggested they should not bother to try to engage me in a debate.

    So you agree that you're a troll who has no interest in discussing anything, preferring to have your assumptions and opinions remain unchallenged, likely because you are too fragile to handle the mildest of pushback. Cool.

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