2024 GOP Presidential Race (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Jan 7, 2022
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    New Jersey
    Many of Trump's endorsed candidates did not do well on Nov. 8th.
    Gov. Ron DeSantis DID do well.
    He won convincingly.
    Yet in this OP's opinion, Donald Trump is an egomaniac who is seemingly incapable of putting "Party over Self"
    Trump has ZERO chance of being elected our next president.
    In my opinion, if Trump would just shut up and go away (fat chance of that)...but "if" Trump did that, Gov. Ron DeSantis would have a CHANCE to be a formidable candidate for President in 2024.
    Here is an interesting article on this topic...
    What do any of you think re. Trump vs DeSantis?
    His campaign is aware of the image he has. I also viewed a tv commercial that spent most of the 30 seconds displaying DeSantis with his family and smiling warmly rather than awkwardly.
    They don't even bother running commercials in New Orleans/Louisiana on television. Doesn't bother me a bit now that I think about it.
    The Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has said that he wants Elon Musk as an adviser if he becomes president.

    The billionaire biotech entrepreneur was in Newton, Iowa, campaigning at a town hall on Friday when he was asked about whom he would want as advisers for his potential presidency.

    Ramaswamy said in response that he wanted people with a “blank fresh impression” who do not “come from within” the government.

    “I’ve enjoyed getting to know better, Elon Musk recently, I expect him to be an interesting adviser of mine because he laid off 75% of the employees at Twitter,” NBC reports. “And then the effectiveness actually went up.”

    In an earlier interview this month with Fox News, Ramaswamy said of the layoffs: “What [Musk] did at Twitter is a good example of what I want to do with the administrative state … Take out the 75% of the dead weight cost, improve the actual experience of what it’s supposed to do.”…….

    In an earlier interview this month with Fox News, Ramaswamy said of the layoffs: “What [Musk] did at Twitter is a good example of what I want to do with the administrative state … Take out the 75% of the dead weight cost, improve the actual experience of what it’s supposed to do.”…….
    so the experience is supposed to be what exactly? watching your advertisers dry up and NAZI ads take over? watch it hemorrhage money?
    At approximately midnight on Saturday, Donald Trump attacked both Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, accusing them of propping up the presidential nomination campaign of Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and then complained about a Fox poll where he was not included.

    Over two posts on his Truth Social platform, the former president made dubious claims about the popularity of his interview with fired Fox News personality Tucker Carlson on the night of the Republican Party debate and then claimed the conservative network "will continue to Hemorrhage Viewers and Ratings."

    In his first post he maintained, "The Globalists over at FoxNews and their subservient 'paper,' The Wall Street Journal, in their never ending quest to stop America First, and give Ron DeSanctimonious one last HOPELESS push, have created the dumbest Poll yet. It states 'What candidates are you voting for among likely GOP primary voters who WATCHED THE DEBATE?'"

    "I wasn’t going to bring this up but no TRUMP VOTER watched the debate, which was the lowest rated ever, because they were ALL watching my interview with Tucker Carlson!" he added..............

    At approximately midnight on Saturday, Donald Trump attacked both Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, accusing them of propping up the presidential nomination campaign of Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and then complained about a Fox poll where he was not included.

    Over two posts on his Truth Social platform, the former president made dubious claims about the popularity of his interview with fired Fox News personality Tucker Carlson on the night of the Republican Party debate and then claimed the conservative network "will continue to Hemorrhage Viewers and Ratings."

    In his first post he maintained, "The Globalists over at FoxNews and their subservient 'paper,' The Wall Street Journal, in their never ending quest to stop America First, and give Ron DeSanctimonious one last HOPELESS push, have created the dumbest Poll yet. It states 'What candidates are you voting for among likely GOP primary voters who WATCHED THE DEBATE?'"

    "I wasn’t going to bring this up but no TRUMP VOTER watched the debate, which was the lowest rated ever, because they were ALL watching my interview with Tucker Carlson!" he added..............

    Trump probably believes every word he said...and therefore most of his flock will believe it also.
    Another article on her...
    Chuck nailed it for Haley, IMO. She does something good, like the debate, then she derails it with something really stupid. Fear mongering about Harris, which is a racist dog whistle IMO, for one example. Then coming out in favor of raising the retirement age, like she did recently. She did that consistently during her service in Trump Admin.
    If DeSantis continues to fall and Ramaswamy rises to top contender status it will be interesting to see how Vivek responds to trump turning his sights, attention and vitriol on him

    Which I'm sure will include thinly veiled comments to his race and religion

    Any guesses what Trump's childish nickname for Ramaswamy may be?

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