2022 Georgia Senate Race (3 Viewers)

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    U.S. Blues
    Mar 26, 2019
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    Charleston, SC
    Senator Warnock won in a special election to fill the remainder of Johnny Isakson's seat - which expires January 2023. This means the seat is up for election in 2022, where Warnock will run as the incumbent and the GOP field that is now led by former running back Hershel Walker, who has been enthusiastically endorsed by Donald Trump.

    It's less than 30 days before the 2022 mid-term election and already in Georgia voters are running the risk of having their ballots thrown out.

    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on Wednesday that thousands of voters in Cobb County are being threatened with having their voter registration tossed. Those in the Atlanta Suburbs and Savannah community faced thousands of "voter challenges." Thus far, the officials have rejected more than 1,500 challenges

    The board cited a complete lack of probable cause behind the challenges and voted 4-1 to dismiss the complaint. The only vote in opposition was Pat Gartland, the Cobb County Republican Party appointee.

    "Four people submitted separate challenges listing specific Cobb County voter registrations they believe should be canceled. Kennesaw resident Gary Allen challenged 30 registrations," reported the Marietta Daily Journal. "Karyl Asta challenged 38 registrations and Henri Asta challenged 21 (the Astas are a married couple from north Cobb). Marietta resident Eugene Williams challenged 63."

    They claimed that they used the U.S. Postal Service National Change of Address database to find the people who were registered in both Cobb County and elsewhere.

    "Unlike past voter challenges, which have focused on voters alleged to have moved out of state, all of the challenges considered Monday were related to addresses which were reportedly incomplete," reported the Georgia Recorder. "Asta and Williams cited addresses missing apartment or unit numbers, or in the case of a number of Kennesaw State University students, missing dorm numbers.

    Cobb County isn't the only one, the Recorder warned, citing Chatham County as another place where people are being removed from the rolls at the last minute.

    Oct. 11 was the last day to register to vote in Georgia, so removing the people the day before the registration deadline means those removed wouldn't be able to reregister in time to vote in November.............

    What conservative groups typically do is send cards or letters to people they suspect of having moved or filed a change of address. If the letter comes back as undeliverable they then complain that the person is an ineligible voter.

    In a controversial election overhaul, Georgia gave any individual the ability to question the legitimacy of an unlimited number of voters in a county. The group VoterGA and other residents have challenged thousands of registered voters. Most of the complaints say that they aren't complying with eligibility laws because their mailing addresses are incomplete. So, if an address is missing the apartment number, for example, the group challenges the voter........

    It's less than 30 days before the 2022 mid-term election and already in Georgia voters are running the risk of having their ballots thrown out.

    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on Wednesday that thousands of voters in Cobb County are being threatened with having their voter registration tossed. Those in the Atlanta Suburbs and Savannah community faced thousands of "voter challenges." Thus far, the officials have rejected more than 1,500 challenges

    The board cited a complete lack of probable cause behind the challenges and voted 4-1 to dismiss the complaint. The only vote in opposition was Pat Gartland, the Cobb County Republican Party appointee.

    "Four people submitted separate challenges listing specific Cobb County voter registrations they believe should be canceled. Kennesaw resident Gary Allen challenged 30 registrations," reported the Marietta Daily Journal. "Karyl Asta challenged 38 registrations and Henri Asta challenged 21 (the Astas are a married couple from north Cobb). Marietta resident Eugene Williams challenged 63."

    They claimed that they used the U.S. Postal Service National Change of Address database to find the people who were registered in both Cobb County and elsewhere.

    "Unlike past voter challenges, which have focused on voters alleged to have moved out of state, all of the challenges considered Monday were related to addresses which were reportedly incomplete," reported the Georgia Recorder. "Asta and Williams cited addresses missing apartment or unit numbers, or in the case of a number of Kennesaw State University students, missing dorm numbers.

    Cobb County isn't the only one, the Recorder warned, citing Chatham County as another place where people are being removed from the rolls at the last minute.

    Oct. 11 was the last day to register to vote in Georgia, so removing the people the day before the registration deadline means those removed wouldn't be able to reregister in time to vote in November.............

    What conservative groups typically do is send cards or letters to people they suspect of having moved or filed a change of address. If the letter comes back as undeliverable they then complain that the person is an ineligible voter.

    In a controversial election overhaul, Georgia gave any individual the ability to question the legitimacy of an unlimited number of voters in a county. The group VoterGA and other residents have challenged thousands of registered voters. Most of the complaints say that they aren't complying with eligibility laws because their mailing addresses are incomplete. So, if an address is missing the apartment number, for example, the group challenges the voter........

    Voter suppression and intimidation was always the intent.
    Its just like this dude lies just for the sake of lying. I knew a guy who was like this. He would lie about the strangest and most randon things for no reason. there will be many GOP who back him up on this, but gave Elizabeth Warren hell about when she claimed it.. AT least she didn't try to say her grandmother was 100%...

    ........There is a legacy of positive Black political leadership – including the late Rep. John Lewis, civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former President Barack Obama, Vice President Kamala Harris, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Sen. Cory Booker and Rep. Maxine Waters to name a few. And let's not forget Walker's election opponent: Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga.

    The greatest Black leaders of yesterday and today were intelligent, dignified and honest. While even some of the greatest Black leaders have made mistakes, they could not be labeled an embarrassment.

    In fact, the characteristics of being honest, intelligent and dignified seem like a pretty low bar that should be attained by any individual interested in public office. Sadly, there are voters who are preparing to relinquish even the minimum positive attributes.

    If Walker is elevated to political office, he could become a useful cautionary tale for racists to illustrate why politicians of color are a bad idea. Of course, recruiting a minority candidate to run against another with the implicit goal of siphoning off votes is not a novel idea – in some ways it’s pure evil genius that is repeated because it's effective.

    But this election race is particularly insulting and problematic. Walker’s candidacy is not problematic because of the obvious political strategy to split Black voters. Walker is problematic because he is a perfect caricature of every negative stereotype the Black community has fought against decades. Competent conservative Black Republicans exist, so there was no need to settle for an incompetent one, unless part of the goal was the extra dig of embarrassing the Black community...........

    ATLANTA — Shelley Wynter, a Black conservative radio show host in this bustling capital of the New South, considers Herschel Walker a means to an end.

    His support of the Georgia Republican’s candidacy for the U.S. Senate rests on this fact: There are 35 Senate seats up for re-election next month, and if the former football star can overtake the incumbent, Democrat Raphael Warnock, it would be a boon that could help the GOP retake the majority.

    The controversies that have enveloped Walker’s campaign — including reports that he paid for a former girlfriend’s abortion, which he denies — are easily overlooked.

    “Yes, there’s a lot of stuff that doesn’t look so good for Herschel,” said Wynter, co-host of “Word on the Street,” with MalaniKai Massey, on WSB-FM. “But my vote is strictly about control of the Senate. Period. We need every seat.”

    NBC News interviewed six Black conservatives, many of whom echoed Wynter in saying that they would cast their vote not necessarily out of enthusiastic support for Walker but more a desire to see Republicans retake the chamber, which Democrats have narrowly controlled thanks to their sweep of Georgia’s two Senate runoff elections in January 2021.

    The sentiment matches that of Republicans overall — concerns about retaking the majority are outweighing all else. The race between Warnock and Walker has been one of the most competitive in the country, with a poll by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the University of Georgia released this week showing Warnock slightly ahead at 46.4% to Walker’s 43.4%, still within the poll’s 3.1% margin of error.

    Real Clear Politics, which aggregates numbers from several polls, has Warnock leading by an average of a little more than 3 points, indicating a tight race......

    Still, the race between Walker and Warnock, the senior pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church here, appears neck-and-neck, with little change in polling since the abortion allegations surfaced against Walker.

    Wynter, a native of New York City who lives in Atlanta, said he “couldn’t care less about the things that have plagued” Walker’s campaign. “We want a Republican-controlled Senate,” he said, adding that the 2022 midterms for him are not “a nuanced argument about candidates and policies and qualifications. This is party politics.”

    He joked that he would cast his vote while “holding my nose … and will probably close my eyes, too. But he’s getting my vote.”..........

    Wynter, a native of New York City who lives in Atlanta, said he “couldn’t care less about the things that have plagued” Walker’s campaign. “We want a Republican-controlled Senate,” he said, adding that the 2022 midterms for him are not “a nuanced argument about candidates and policies and qualifications. This is party politics.”

    Such outright craven bullshirt. They're too scared to discuss the issues, so they ignore them. I hope like hell that young Georgians are hearing this and seeing the GOP for the cowards that they are.
    Such outright craven bullshirt. They're too scared to discuss the issues, so they ignore them. I hope like hell that young Georgians are hearing this and seeing the GOP for the cowards that they are.

    Black Republicans have been doing that their entire existence. How many bad candidates and racist have they "had to hold their nose and vote for" in order to support Republican candidates and secure their majorities? I'd imagine having to vote for Walker over Warnock is a lot easier for them.

    When you've already denigrated and demeaned the past and current struggle of your fellow black breadthen, this is just a minor odious vote.

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