Nancy Pelosi's husband attacked in home (1 Viewer)

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    Nov 20, 2019
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    This could go in several threads but deserves one of its own. Apparently, the suspect got into the home and was looking for the Speaker. The police saw some of the attack and the spouse is in surgery. Social media accounts point to him being an election denier. This is pretty forked up.

    Also - he’s been homeless. He wasn’t in his underwear at the Pelosi house, he asked for Nancy and held Paul hostage “until Nancy gets home”. He had zip-ties. Paul managed to sneak his phone into the bathroom to make the 911 call and had to speak in guarded tones because he was afraid the guy was listening outside the door. He became violent when the police showed up and that’s when he attacked Paul with the hammer.

    This was an assassination attempt on the Speaker of the House by someone fueled by right wing ideology, hatred and conspiracy theories. No doubt left at all.

    Adding - I just checked and sure enough Shellenberger is blocked on my Twitter feed, lol. It never fails. I block people pretty liberally, but if he’s a reporter I probably blocked him for twisting the truth to serve a narrative.
    So at one time he wasn't a crazy right wing Qanon nut, so therefore that doesn't make him one now? If anyone tries to say this wasn't 100% politically motivated (oviously by some one CRAZY, but politcal none the less) then they are just a dumb or just in denial. His craziness made him buy into what the MAGA politians are selling, which is exactly what they are counting on.
    purely a coincidence
    Two senior Republicans pushed back Sunday at Democratic assertions that heated GOP political rhetoric contributed to the brutal assault of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul.

    Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel called it "unfair" that Democrats would draw a direct line between her party's villainizing of Pelosi and the Friday home invasion that left the speaker's husband hospitalized.

    And National Republican Congressional Committee Chair Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), who posted a video last week of himself firing a gun with the hashtag #FirePelosi, deflected a question about whether he should have used a weapon along with the hashtag.

    Instead, Emmer sought to contrast the media's treatment of the Pelosi attack with what he argued was a comparable lack of attention to the 2017 politically motivated shooting of House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.).

    "I'm sure people like to talk about anything but what the Democrats have done to this country," Emmer said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

    The debate over political rhetoric's role in the Paul Pelosi attack, the perpetrator of which steeped himself in online disinformation about fraud in the 2020 election and other conspiracy theories, dominated the airwaves Sunday.

    On both sides of the aisle, major players broadly condemned the violence — even as they openly disagreed on the root causes, with some Republicans arguing that Democratic policies played a role...........

    The one source that claimed that Pelosi and his attacker were both in their underwear have retracted that statement just hours later.

    Now you will never convince any MAGA person that they weren't both in their underwear when police arrived.

    Social media needs to be eradicated.
    The Vice article said he no longer lived there. The article didn't say when he stopped living there, but it doesn't change the fact that he previously lived with a local nudist that had a BLM sign and an LGBT symbol.

    My goodness, this article. I mean what screams BLM / Antifa / left wing more than posting far right wing propaganda online and showing up at Nancy Pelosi's house to try to beat her to death with a hammer? You just have to be a prominently anti-BLM substacker to see that clearly, and to see that the root cause here is California (read "Democrat") drug culture, and according to the article, but without any sort of specifics, pedophilia(?).

    In all seriousness, I don't doubt this guy was complex, had a long history of mental health and drug issues, and even that at some point he aligned with progressive politics. But this substacker is doing some impressive intellectual gymnastics to avoid seeing right wing rhetoric as having played a part in this assassination attempt.

    ..........In another since-nuked tweet, the Newsmax host questioned how Paul Pelosi could have been struck by a hammer and already be on the road to recovery.

    “Wait a second,” he wrote. “82-year-old Paul Pelosi they SAY was attacked by a guy with a HAMMER, yet he’s expected to make a Full Recovery? And why is NANCY requesting ‘privacy at this time’ – NO.”


    Elsewhere, in his afternoon tweet spree, the Newsmax host took issue with the press conference held by law enforcement officials while asking a series of yet-to-be-answered questions.

    “What the hell kind of ‘press conference was That?” he rhetorically asked his over half-of-a-million followers. “No questions?”..........


    ..........In another since-nuked tweet, the Newsmax host questioned how Paul Pelosi could have been struck by a hammer and already be on the road to recovery.

    “Wait a second,” he wrote. “82-year-old Paul Pelosi they SAY was attacked by a guy with a HAMMER, yet he’s expected to make a Full Recovery? And why is NANCY requesting ‘privacy at this time’ – NO.”


    Elsewhere, in his afternoon tweet spree, the Newsmax host took issue with the press conference held by law enforcement officials while asking a series of yet-to-be-answered questions.

    “What the hell kind of ‘press conference was That?” he rhetorically asked his over half-of-a-million followers. “No questions?”..........

    “Wait a second,” he wrote. “82-year-old Paul Pelosi they SAY was attacked by a guy with a HAMMER, yet he’s expected to make a Full Recovery?..................................."

    Hey Greg Kelly, ever heard of doctors looking over an injury and realizing that with proper procedures and care a full recovery is expected? Happens all the time.
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    I’m only surprised it took this long after all the shirt they have said about her.

    And now MTG and her ilk will act surprised that it happened and will be outraged by anyone suggesting they are responsible for this.

    They will act as if they were the ones assaulted in their home
    Marge has already put out a "poor me, I keep getting swatted" response.
    The thing is...rand Paul got tackled because he's an arse and a terrible neighbor. It had nothing to do with politics. His neighbor was angry because he had asked Paul about some mess near his property. And the incident had to do with that dispute.

    And the irony is this. Paul argues that socialized healthcare is worthless. But he traveled to Canada for a meshless procedure that wasnt available in the US for a hernia resulting from that incident.
    Personally, when it comes to Rand Paul, I'm on Team Neighbor. The voice of progressives in every town in America
    With more details coming out, like the fact that DePape wanted to "break Nancy's kneecaps and wheel her into Congress" as some kind of warning, I feel like something, anything needs to be done to fight the MAGA Sewer of Disinfo. More Alex Jones-type verdicts, please. The voice of progressives in every town in America

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