Critical race theory (4 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 6, 2018
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    Vienna, VA (via Lafayette)
    Frankly, I'm completely ignorant when it comes to the Critical Race Theory curriculum. What is it, where does it come from, and is it legitimate? Has anyone here read it and maybe give a quick summary?

    If this has been covered in another thread, then I missed it.
    I wouldn’t trust anything put out by the Daily Wire. They have misrepresented stories and edited videos in a deceptive manner. Farb, you must really love your outrage porn, lol.

    They are not teaching actual CRT in a primary or secondary school; now whether the superintendent is just giving in to the dishonest use of the term and using it in the same incorrect manner that you and your sources use it, I don’t know. Maybe he has decided to troll you guys, who knows?
    Or, just maybe, he is being honest?
    It is wild that you say it is not being taught, but teachers, principles and now supers are saying it is but you still can't possibly believe your sources would lie, misrepresented, and edited videos. Only those who you don't agree with.

    You don't have any idea what CRT is. At least if it is taught in schools, your grandchildren will understand what they are against.
    Oh, but I do know what it is. My grandchildren will understand racism. They won't need a 'teacher' to indoctrinate them into the racist ideology.
    Might as well let the teachers continue to diddle all the kids too. You know, so they will know what they are up against in the future.
    There are a lot of kids who aren’t nearly as innocent and pure as their parents think they are

    What age is too young to hurl a racial slur?

    My dad first heard one thrown at him in the first grade — by another first-grader. For my mom, it occurred in the fourth grade. Several years ago, I mentored a Black middle schooler who told me that, as a younger child, he had been called the n-word at summer camp.

    Now, as a college counselor, I read essays by Black and brown high schoolers recounting the racial trauma they’ve experienced from painfully young ages: children as young as 6 years old, called “dirty” for having dark skin, socially ostracized for their complexion and told to chemically straighten their hair so they could look pretty.

    These distressing rites of passage occurred in the most innocent of settings: school playgrounds.

    So when I hear parents argue that their school-age children are “too young” to learn about race, I’m baffled.

    That’s one of the arguments voiced by parents in a recent CBS News documentary, “The Trials of Critical Race Theory,” about the current fight over how and whether race and racism should be taught in schools.

    “I don’t want them to see racism yet — to engage, to learn racism,” Robin Steenman, a member of Moms for Liberty — which fashions itself a “parental rights” group — says in the documentary. She adds: “We feel that’s too heavy for a second-grader.”
No one wants a child to suffer from exposure to racism.

    But how can a second-grader be too young to learn about race when first-graders have called my students the n-word? If children are not too young to learn a hateful word and inflict it on a peer, they are certainly not too young to be taught about racism……..

    Yes, attack the students because the alt left ideology is being pushed back upon by concerned parents. Bold strategy Cotton.
    Yes, attack the students because the alt left ideology is being pushed back upon by concerned parents. Bold strategy Cotton.
    Just some more alt-left delusion I guess

    SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A federal civil rights investigation released Thursday found widespread racial harassment of Black and Asian American students at a Utah school district, including hundreds of documented uses of the N-word and other racial epithets over the last five years.

    The probe also found physical assaults, derogatory racial comments and harsher discipline for students of color at Davis School District, the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division said in a statement.

    The district has agreed to take several steps as part of a settlement agreement, including a new department to handle complaints, more training and data collection.

    Black students throughout the district told investigators about similar experiences of white and non-Black students calling them the N-word, referring to them as monkeys or apes and saying that their skin was dirty or looked like feces, according to the department’s findings.

    Students also made monkey noises at their Black peers, repeatedly referenced slavery and lynching and told Black students to “go pick cotton” and “you are my slave.”

    The investigation found Black students were also disciplined more harshly than their white peers for similar behavior, and were denied the ability to form student groups while supporting similar requests by other students……..
    Last edited:
    Yes, attack the students because the alt left ideology is being pushed back upon by concerned parents. Bold strategy Cotton.

    Kids are terrible.

    I gave up teaching after just 5 years because I realized that had forgotten how terrible teenaged kids were even though I had been one only 10 years earlier.

    The teachers (even the bad ones that aren’t diddlying the students) that are showing up to work at a job surrounded by heathens for less money than they could make at almost any other job requiring a college degree all deserve medals of honor.

    Here is a 'local' story that you guys love so much, but I bet since it is not an alt left article, it will be labeled as Russian disinformation.
    Well, it's the Star network, so they aren't exactly unbiased.

    These articles all seem to pull this quote from the same tweet:

    I'm curious what the tweet cut off, because I'd like to know what Vitti was responding to, and what he said after.

    I'm also going to snip this part, because it still seems to have been something that came up after Fox started complaining about CRT. Still waiting for any evidence CRT had any real foothold prior to that. You'd think if it were so out of control, anyone who has been bellyaching about it would be able to provide even one school district teaching CRT in K-12 prior early 2020.

    |"In a later Monday meeting, Vitti said the district embraces CRT's basic tenets as part of its 2020 anti-racism resolution, Chalkbeat reported.

    You can also nitpick over where "basic tenants of CRT" vs "teaching CRT" actually falls.
    Why do these kind of groups always have names using Liberty, Freedom, Justice, Patriots etc?

    Here is a 'local' story that you guys love so much, but I bet since it is not an alt left article, it will be labeled as Russian disinformation.
    You actually think that is a local news outlet? Seriously? It is far from that. It’s a disinformation site. Part of a network of them. There’s really no excuse for not knowing, since they tell you on the website:

    ‘Michael Patrick Leahy is the CEO and Editor-in-chief of Star News Digital Media, which owns and operates a family of state focused conservative news sites, including The Tennessee Star, The Ohio Star, The Michigan Star, The Minnesota Sun, The Virginia Star, The Georgia Star News, The Florida Capital Star, The Arizona Sun Times, The Wisconsin Daily Star, and The Star News Network.

    He is also the host of The Tennessee Star Report, broadcast weekday mornings from 5 am to 8 am on 98.3 FM and 1510 WLAC in Nashville.

    Leahy was the sole proprietor of The Tennessee Star website from its launch in February 2017 to August 2018, when it was acquired by Star News Digital Media, a company in which he is the majority shareholder.

    He has been a Breitbart News contributor since 2012, and is the author of Covenant of Liberty: The Ideological Origins of the Tea Party Movement, published by Harper Collins’ Broadside Books imprint in 2012, and co-author of The Star News Digital Media Guide to the Constitution and Bill of Rights for Secondary School Students, published in 2019.’
    Well, it's the Star network, so they aren't exactly unbiased.

    These articles all seem to pull this quote from the same tweet:

    I'm curious what the tweet cut off, because I'd like to know what Vitti was responding to, and what he said after.

    I'm also going to snip this part, because it still seems to have been something that came up after Fox started complaining about CRT. Still waiting for any evidence CRT had any real foothold prior to that. You'd think if it were so out of control, anyone who has been bellyaching about it would be able to provide even one school district teaching CRT in K-12 prior early 2020.

    |"In a later Monday meeting, Vitti said the district embraces CRT's basic tenets as part of its 2020 anti-racism resolution, Chalkbeat reported.

    You can also nitpick over where "basic tenants of CRT" vs "teaching CRT" actually falls.

    Christopher Rufo is claiming that he is responsible for “weaponizing” CRT. He brags about changing the meaning of the term so that it means whatever he wants it to mean. He picked it up from reading about it in a law school, and has taken the term and bastageized it into a catchall phrase for anything he wants it to be. There’s no doubt in my mind that he is twisting words in this instance, it’s his brand and he’s proud of it.
    Christopher Rufo is claiming that he is responsible for “weaponizing” CRT. He brags about changing the meaning of the term so that it means whatever he wants it to mean. He picked it up from reading about it in a law school, and has taken the term and bastageized it into a catchall phrase for anything he wants it to be. There’s no doubt in my mind that he is twisting words in this instance, it’s his brand and he’s proud of it.
    I actually didn’t go so far as to see who that Twitter user was, I just noticed most of the sites that used the quote referenced the same tweet. So yea, I really need actual context now. I went through a few minutes of the last school board meeting (never doubt me when I say I research what I read :hihi:) to see if I could find the direct source, but it doesn’t seem to be posted yet.
    I am so confused. Is it taught or not in K-12? I keep hearing it a racist 'dog whistle' for conservatives and not being taught, then I hear it is necessary and good thing because it is 'accurate history', then it isn't really being taught, just kind of wrapped in the misery of gender theory?

    Here is my theory, it is being taught right along with the mentally challenged gender theory and the alt-left does not know how to react when it was put out in the open and parents, as they should, had a massive push back. Now the alt-left is still trying to figure out how to fight this for the mid-terms with many propaganda outlets of the Dems are kind of feeling their way to find a suitable hill to make a stand on. Honestly, I have not seen the alt-left so disorganized in their defense. You guys are usually spot on and able to regurgitate the talking points. It is like the curtain was pulled back on the wizard.
    I am so confused. Is it taught or not in K-12? I keep hearing it a racist 'dog whistle' for conservatives and not being taught, then I hear it is necessary and good thing because it is 'accurate history', then it isn't really being taught, just kind of wrapped in the misery of gender theory?

    Here is my theory, it is being taught right along with the mentally challenged gender theory and the alt-left does not know how to react when it was put out in the open and parents, as they should, had a massive push back. Now the alt-left is still trying to figure out how to fight this for the mid-terms with many propaganda outlets of the Dems are kind of feeling their way to find a suitable hill to make a stand on. Honestly, I have not seen the alt-left so disorganized in their defense. You guys are usually spot on and able to regurgitate the talking points. It is like the curtain was pulled back on the wizard.
    What do you care? You already said you'd have no problem with indoctrinating your own kids to be racists regardless of what's being taught at school. Congratulations.

    And, btw, if you really think people on this board are part of the "alt-left" then you have no clue what you are talking about. Again, no surprise there though.
    I am so confused. Is it taught or not in K-12? I keep hearing it a racist 'dog whistle' for conservatives and not being taught, then I hear it is necessary and good thing because it is 'accurate history', then it isn't really being taught, just kind of wrapped in the misery of gender theory?

    Here is my theory, it is being taught right along with the mentally challenged gender theory and the alt-left does not know how to react when it was put out in the open and parents, as they should, had a massive push back. Now the alt-left is still trying to figure out how to fight this for the mid-terms with many propaganda outlets of the Dems are kind of feeling their way to find a suitable hill to make a stand on. Honestly, I have not seen the alt-left so disorganized in their defense. You guys are usually spot on and able to regurgitate the talking points. It is like the curtain was pulled back on the wizard.

    -Fox started whining about CRT being taught apparently everywhere, the response to this was "no, it wasn't" (If you can prove it, I'm still waiting. Ya'll avoid that like the plague though)
    -People who don't actually know what CRT is beyond the boogeyman definition they've been fed start getting up in arms (again, something else I've repeatedly asked for and none of you answer). This is where the dog whistle vs accurate history thing comes in.
    -Now CRT is getting talked about, people who actually take the time to research beyond their outrage porn (like I did for your article I responded to) get interested
    -Some schools start picking up CRT. "It's not taught in K-12" was true in March, now it's not. That doesn't mean the original statement wasn't true, it means the facts have changed. But even your link is a) one school district b) only mentions "tenants of CRT", which is nebulous at best.

    The people kvetching about CRT brought it to the public eye, and created the problem they want to solve. No one knew what the hell it was before it became the outrage of the week.

    You really need to take a look in the mirror with your constant "you guys/talking points" nonsense. Everyone else discusses different viewpoints on various subjects. The "conservatives" are the ones who never disagree about anything.
    What do you care? You already said you'd have no problem with indoctrinating your own kids to be racists regardless of what's being taught at school. Congratulations.
    Did I? Prove it.
    -Fox started whining about CRT being taught apparently everywhere, the response to this was "no, it wasn't" (If you can prove it, I'm still waiting. Ya'll avoid that like the plague though)
    -People who don't actually know what CRT is beyond the boogeyman definition they've been fed start getting up in arms (again, something else I've repeatedly asked for and none of you answer). This is where the dog whistle vs accurate history thing comes in.
    -Now CRT is getting talked about, people who actually take the time to research beyond their outrage porn (like I did for your article I responded to) get interested
    -Some schools start picking up CRT. "It's not taught in K-12" was true in March, now it's not. That doesn't mean the original statement wasn't true, it means the facts have changed. But even your link is a) one school district b) only mentions "tenants of CRT", which is nebulous at best.

    The people kvetching about CRT brought it to the public eye, and created the problem they want to solve. No one knew what the hell it was before it became the outrage of the week.

    You really need to take a look in the mirror with your constant "you guys/talking points" nonsense. Everyone else discusses different viewpoints on various subjects. The "conservatives" are the ones who never disagree about anything.
    It is on schools districts websites. Many posts have been put up showing this. But see no evil.
    I think the definition of CRT has been discussed ad nauseum but hear no evil I guess
    I don't know of a school system that changes it's curriculum during the middle of the school year. I could be wrong, but I don't think that is correct. CRT has been embedded in the public schools for a some time now. It just happens now that the evil FOX news and other actual journalists are starting to dig into it. Way too late but just in time for the elections, I don't deny that part.

    Sorry, I thought I have made it abundantly clear that I really only care about the culture war at this point because to me, it the by far the most important. That is where my focus is. I thought you guys would appreciate it if I left your echo chambers alone and keep my racist self to a few threads. Maybe I do need to branch out more and comment on all the threads. Thanks.
    It is on schools districts websites. Many posts have been put up showing this. But see no evil.
    I think the definition of CRT has been discussed ad nauseum but hear no evil I guess
    I don't know of a school system that changes it's curriculum during the middle of the school year. I could be wrong, but I don't think that is correct. CRT has been embedded in the public schools for a some time now. It just happens now that the evil FOX news and other actual journalists are starting to dig into it. Way too late but just in time for the elections, I don't deny that part.

    Sorry, I thought I have made it abundantly clear that I really only care about the culture war at this point because to me, it the by far the most important. That is where my focus is. I thought you guys would appreciate it if I left your echo chambers alone and keep my racist self to a few threads. Maybe I do need to branch out more and comment on all the threads. Thanks.
    Prove literally any of this. You keep saying it’s obvious and out there, but won’t back it up. What K-12 schools were teaching this early 2020?

    People can’t see things from your perspective when you can’t give your perspective.
    Prove literally any of this. You keep saying it’s obvious and out there, but won’t back it up. What K-12 schools were teaching this early 2020?

    People can’t see things from your perspective when you can’t give your perspective.
    There are 70 pages on this thread. Check out the article I posted yesterday that quoted an actual superintendent in a meeting discussing his oppisition to possible legislation being passed to stop CRT being taught. Then look back on the last 73 pages from anyone other than you guys posts. There are screen shots of district websites, links to companies that peddle the racist propaganda and their contracts to school districts.

    Does it matter anyway? No matter what is posted, the goal posts will shift, as they are now. Unless you guys hear it on CNN directly from Lemons mouth, you all won't believe it.

    In this article it says
    A Detroit Public Schools superintendent said the district would be “embedding critical race theory” into the curriculum because “students need to understand the truth of history.”.”
    @Farb, so my question is, are they teaching it or are they gonna teach it? He comments are conflicting.

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