Trump Tracker Too (2 Trump 2 Tracker) (3 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 1, 2019
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    Near a River's Bend
    The football board had the very useful Daily Trump Tracker thread, which was a good place to briefly discuss the latest ridiculous thing that might have ended 97% of prior Presidential administrations even if it didn't necessarily justify an entire thread devoted to it in 2017-2019 (because of the sheer volume of these things). Since I don't see anything like that here already, I'll add one myself.
    I was talking about this thread, actually. it seems we get chided about it in every single thread.

    But I would be surprised if what they said wasn’t just speculation, and clearly indicated as such. Given the activities of the Trump campaign, all the contacts, all the lies, it wasn’t out of the realm.

    And some day we will find out just how much money actually is flowing from Russian oligarchs to Trump’s pockets. I still don’t think Trump does anything in his official capacity because he thinks it’s what’s best for the country.

    be honest, do you think he willingly does anything in his official capacity that doesn’t benefit him personally?
    Name a political that doesn't make a decision based on how it will help him/her politically.

    If Trump was controlled by those Oligarchs like you seem to think, don't you think Mueller would have made that front and center in his report?
    We were told that for 3 years and now they want to backtrack after their conspiracy theory was discredited. Thanks to the Democrats and their complaint media they now see Russia everywhere like Putin is some omniscient genius. It's a new age Mccarthyism.

    you are the absolute king of projection, it defies credulity. We are witnessing Trump purge from the government everyone who won’t be personally loyal to him, but we are the McCarthyites? That’s one of the most pathetic things you’ve ever said.

    Oh, and here’s another brilliant move from your leader:

    you are the absolute king of projection, it defies credulity. We are witnessing Trump purge from the government everyone who won’t be personally loyal to him, but we are the McCarthyites? That’s one of the most pathetic things you’ve ever said.

    Oh, and here’s another brilliant move from your leader:

    You figured it out! Trump and Putin unleashed the coronavirus and it was part of the plan to for Trump to fire the pandemic team to give Putin more power. We can get anything past you guys.
    I was talking about this thread, actually. it seems we get chided about it in every single thread.

    But I would be surprised if what they said wasn’t just speculation, and clearly indicated as such. Given the activities of the Trump campaign, all the contacts, all the lies, it wasn’t out of the realm.

    And some day we will find out just how much money actually is flowing from Russian oligarchs to Trump’s pockets. I still don’t think Trump does anything in his official capacity because he thinks it’s what’s best for the country.

    be honest, do you think he willingly does anything in his official capacity that doesn’t benefit him personally?
    So, you chide me for saying what Democrats have said and then hint at saying the exact thing you chided me for saying? If you want to make the distinction between an agent and an asset, fine. Democrats have called Trump both - so if you have a problem with that, criticize them for the words, not me.
    Name a political that doesn't make a decision based on how it will help him/her politically.

    If Trump was controlled by those Oligarchs like you seem to think, don't you think Mueller would have made that front and center in his report?

    good lord, are you going to try to honestly say that you see no different in how other presidents have behaved re their personal gain, and Trump? you honestly haven’t noticed his raging narcissism? How abnormal he is as a person? This normalization of what Trump is doing is just inexcusable.

    Mueller didn’t get Trump’s finances, actually I believe he was told they were off limits by Rosenstein. Even so, we have some evidence suggesting the links. Just go to ProPublica and read about it or listen to Trump, Inc podcast.
    So, you chide me for saying what Democrats have said and then hint at saying the exact thing you chided me for saying? If you want to make the distinction between an agent and an asset, fine. Democrats have called Trump both - so if you have a problem with that, criticize them for the words, not me.

    I think there was suspicion, and speculation. For good reason, IMO. Someday we’ll know the truth. But I really don’t think any of those people came out and stated that they knew for a fact whether he was or wasn’t either thing, with the possible exception of Waters, because I have seen her get pretty wound up. My favorite term for him is “useful idiot”. And I don’t think that is off the table yet, in my personal opinion.
    You figured it out! Trump and Putin unleashed the coronavirus and it was part of the plan to for Trump to fire the pandemic team to give Putin more power. We can get anything past you guys.

    That's what you got out of it?

    You don't think it's irresponsible of the president (who has publicly questioned medical professionals) to disband the government organization tasked with preparing us for a global health threat?

    You don't think that disbanding that particular government organization may have an effect on our preparedness or ability to face the current threat?
    Name a political that doesn't make a decision based on how it will help him/her politically.

    If Trump was controlled by those Oligarchs like you seem to think, don't you think Mueller would have made that front and center in his report?

    I'm dude I don't know how to tell you. The Mueller report did not get bank or tax records on Trump.

    In fact the bank records are gonna be before the supreme Court I think next month. Trump and all involved have been fighting exceptionally hard to keep his bank and tax records secret. That is kinda crazy you know. I wonder why? The money and where it came from.

    So yes Deutsche bank the one known for Russian money laundering to the tune of 20 billion is also Donald's bank shockingly. Donald's track record of not actually paying people made him somewhat of a risk so a major risk for not paying. No other Banks would give him anything. I know it has you flabbergasted that trump doesn't pay his bills.

    Deutsche bank has financed all of his projects. Donald has defaulted on a monster loan and Deutsche bank even gave him another loan.

    These are facts.

    If he turns out to be a bit more than a useful idiot will be found out because of the new York not because of the other branches of government. That is truly sad.
    You figured it out! Trump and Putin unleashed the coronavirus and it was part of the plan to for Trump to fire the pandemic team to give Putin more power. We can get anything past you guys.

    This sort of response is actually against TOS, and adds nothing to the conversation. And actually, now that I think about it, conversation is way too generous a term for what we are doing here.

    I am actually trying to have an honest discussion without ignoring certain inconvenient facets of what is currently going on, and I don’t deserve to have this sort of tripe in response.

    I used to think you were capable of a discussion, but lately all you ever do is either snark, insults or posting tweets from the same people over and over. Frankly, it’s not worth the effort.
    This sort of response is actually against TOS, and adds nothing to the conversation. And actually, now that I think about it, conversation is way too generous a term for what we are doing here.

    I am actually trying to have an honest discussion without ignoring certain inconvenient facets of what is currently going on, and I don’t deserve to have this sort of tripe in response.

    I used to think you were capable of a discussion, but lately all you ever do is either snark, insults or posting tweets from the same people over and over. Frankly, it’s not worth the effort.
    Are the personal insults that you normally throw out against the TOS as well? My post was clearly sarcasm which I think is preferable to the personal insults that you others here on the left use quite often. Your constant hyperbolic proclamations about Trump and Russia are quite predictable and falls along the line of the boy who cried wolf.
    I am pretty careful to criticize the idea presented rather than the person posting the idea. I have had some sharp criticisms of your recent posts, for one thing because I find the idea that democrats are fostering a new McCarthyism to be offensive in the extreme. It’s a Trumpian thought, pushed by Trump toadies, to distract from the way that Trump is attacking our government traditions and customs. It is a pathetic thought, but that isn’t calling you a name, it is just pointing out an idea you have espoused that is especially pernicious.

    Hyperbolic? Perhaps I have been from time to time, but can you not see the irony in your calling this out after your assertion of McCarthyism? Do you ever recognize or even register the hyperbole that spews from Trump nearly daily?

    Here’s a thought experiment. See if you can imagine a president who calls people who share your beliefs “horrible people who want to promote crime”. Says people like you are evil and want to ruin the country, says it nearly every day. Imagine that people like you are constantly belittled publicly by this president, having their humanity denied. Policies are enacted to punish people who believe like you. And slowly, people you respected from the opposite party of the President start to sound like him, start to tell his lies, seem to believe his smears. And the ones who can’t stomach the smears are forced out.

    I wonder how you would react? Heck, I wonder if you will even try to do what I just asked you to do.
    A federal appeals court has unanimously overruled a lower court, deciding that it is legal for the federal administration to withhold funds from New York City and seven states for non-cooperation with federal enforcement of immigration laws.

    "The case implicates several of the most divisive issues confronting our country and, consequently, filling daily news headlines: national immigration policy, the enforcement of immigration laws, the status of illegal aliens in this country, and the ability of States and localities to adopt policies on such matters contrary to, or at odds with, those of the federal government."
    - Judge Reena Raggi

    You figured it out! Trump and Putin unleashed the coronavirus and it was part of the plan to for Trump to fire the pandemic team to give Putin more power. We can get anything past you guys.

    Typing that may have amused you, but that's not what that tweet is about.
    Step up to the glossy, red counter at Conservative Grounds, a coffee shop in Largo, Fla., for a steaming cup of coffee or sugary pastry.

    Past a blue and white star-studded floor, take a picture with cardboard cutouts of President Trump and first lady Melania Trump in a reproduction of the Oval Office.

    Maybe purchase a “black coffee matters” shirt or “Make America Great Again” red cap.

    The store, which had a soft opening last Saturday, is a space for Trump supporters to gather for events or just a caffeinated beverage, said co-owner Cliff Gephart.

    “It’s a place for conservatives to feel welcome,” Gephart told local news. “There’s not going to be anyone throwing a drink in your face because you’re wearing a MAGA hat."

    But it’s not political, Gephart insists.

    “I don’t feel like we’re catering to one party,” the Republican told The Washington Post. “It’s about a conservative lifestyle.”................

    Step up to the glossy, red counter at Conservative Grounds, a coffee shop in Largo, Fla., for a steaming cup of coffee or sugary pastry.

    Past a blue and white star-studded floor, take a picture with cardboard cutouts of President Trump and first lady Melania Trump in a reproduction of the Oval Office.

    Maybe purchase a “black coffee matters” shirt or “Make America Great Again” red cap.

    The store, which had a soft opening last Saturday, is a space for Trump supporters to gather for events or just a caffeinated beverage, said co-owner Cliff Gephart.

    “It’s a place for conservatives to feel welcome,” Gephart told local news. “There’s not going to be anyone throwing a drink in your face because you’re wearing a MAGA hat."

    But it’s not political, Gephart insists.

    “I don’t feel like we’re catering to one party,” the Republican told The Washington Post. “It’s about a conservative lifestyle.”................

    I don't see anything wrong with this.
    To clarify, I don’t think it’s wrong either, just objecting to them calling themselves conservatives. If they support Trump, which it appears they do, they are not adhering to conservative principles. 🤷‍♀️
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