All Things LGBTQ+ (3 Viewers)

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Mostly Peaceful Poster
Oct 1, 2019
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Didn't really see a place for this so I thought I would start a thread about all things LGBTQ since this is a pretty hot topic in our culture right now

  • The Supreme Court on Thursday delivered a unanimous defeat to LGBT couples in a high-profile case over whether Philadelphia could refuse to contract with a Roman Catholic adoption agency that says its religious beliefs prevent it from working with same-sex foster parents.
  • Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in an opinion for a majority of the court that Philadelphia violated the First Amendment by refusing to contract with Catholic Social Services once it learned that the organization would not certify same-sex couples for adoption.

I will admit, I was hopeful for this decision by the SCOTUS but I was surprised by the unanimous decision.

While I don't think there is anything wrong, per se, with same sex couples adopting and raising children (I actually think it is a good thing as it not an abortion) but I also did not want to see the state force a religious institution to bend to a societal norm.

"A trans-identifying man came in first place at the Canadian Powerlifting Union’s 2023 Western Canadian Championship in Brandon, Manitoba this weekend.

Anne Andres, 40, out lifted his female competitors by over 200lbs to win top honours in the Female Masters Unequipped category. Had he competed in the male division, his performance would still have earned him a spot at the top of the rankings.

According to results obtained by Reduxx, Andres lifted a total of 597.5 lbs across the squat, bench press, and deadlift events. The second-place lifter, SuJan Gil, finished the competition with a combined 387.5 lbs."
Again, are we talking secular or religious? They are not the same.
The word civil would imply a societal union rather than a religious one. They’re not new, they’ve been around for maybe more than a hundred years. And it’s still called a marriage, has been forever.
You don’t think trans people have health records? Or is it you don’t think they have the same rights to privacy that anyone else would have? These were not minors, necessarily, nor were they even patients of the transgender part of the facility. Reading the actual article would be helpful. It might puncture your narrative, though.
So you are finally admitting that surgeries and hormone blockers have been and are given by doctors to minor patients? Good on you for finally admitting it.
You’re the one making the claim that these are official graduation proceedings. You need to show proof of that, but you cannot. These are private parties not businesses. Jeesh. Do you misunderstand on purpose?
So you can't prove they are not sanctioned by the universities? Are they at least happening off campus and not in campus building/facilities?
Correct. The former carries with it certain obligations and rights and is legally recognized and binding. The latter is not and means nothing outside of the church in which it was performed.
So one is a marriage and one is a civil union. I understand what you are saying now.
The word civil would imply a societal union rather than a religious one. They’re not new, they’ve been around for maybe more than a hundred years. And it’s still called a marriage, has been forever.
Ok, so we are talking about a civil union. What was your question?
So you are finally admitting that surgeries and hormone blockers have been and are given by doctors to minor patients? Good on you for finally admitting it.
Okay, more slowly - these.were.not.minors.

And I get really tired of you saying I said things I never said. Honestly, I don’t care that you don’t agree with me, but at least be honest about stuff. That’s what is so annoying. In essence, don’t be a Richard about stuff like this.

If you had such great arguments, you wouldn’t have to twist what I say around and torture it so much it ends up being completely not what I said. After all this time, I doubt you can do that though.

It’s really not worth it to try to engage with you when you do this.
Even if the marriage is religious, you still need to get a marriage license and sign legal civil papers with witnesses and a presider. That presider also has to be licensed by the state to perform marriages. So for it to be recognized legally by the government and to obtain all the benefits of marriage, you still have to comply with legal secular requirements.

Otherwise, you can have a little religious ceremony, but it doesn't mean anything outside of your church.
I would argue that the little religious ceremony means far more and the little secular civil union that is just paperwork doesn't really mean anything other than for accounting and tax purposes, but to each their own.
So you can't prove they are not sanctioned by the universities? Are they at least happening off campus and not in campus building/facilities?

And groups of people can use campus facilities, it happens all the time. Weddings and other parties. You know that though.

This is why you just aren’t worth the trouble. You are angling for some sort of gotcha, rather than having an honest conversation.
Ok, so we are talking about a civil union. What was your question?
It’s a marriage. I don’t have any question, just correcting you because you seem to think that civil marriage is something new.
Yes, and you wouldn't have been wrong to do so.

There's nothing wrong with questioning and getting more information from your doctor or other sources on the medication or treatments your doctor prescribes. It's also okay to reject the medication if you don't feel safe with it and request another medication. But you should also give weight to your doctors recommendation. I've done this myself with a medication my child's developmental pediatrician prescribed for our child and we didn't feel comfortable with it. If you don't trust your doctor then find a new one. That's all part of critical thinking and taking ownership of your own health care.

What's illogical is to discount the opinion of the vast majority of doctors and scientist to listen to and base your medical decisions on a few crack pot doctors. That's not critical thinking (especially when it comes to a vaccine for a new virus), that's just foolish. I'm still waiting for all of the negative effects of the vaccine and boosters to hit me. It's been 2 years and I'm still good.

Ivermectin is useless for treating Covid, but you go ahead and listen to Ron Johnson for your medical advice. 😂

I want you to be clear on this. Do you think that the censorship of 'crackpot' doctors during covid was not politically/financially motivated?
I want you to be clear on this. Do you think that the censorship of 'crackpot' doctors during covid was not politically/financially motivated?
There wasn’t any censorship. None.

And groups of people can use campus facilities, it happens all the time. Weddings and other parties. You know that though.

This is why you just aren’t worth the trouble. You are angling for some sort of gotcha, rather than having an honest conversation.
Cool, how about from the university website:

As commencement season kicks off across the U.S., UC Berkeley’s Department of African American Studies is preparing to host the annual Black Graduation ceremony on May 20, 2023, at Zellerbach Hall. Black Grad, as it is affectionately called, honors and celebrates Black-, African-, and African American-identifying students upon completion of their undergraduate, master’s, Ph.D., J.D., and professional degree programs from departments all over campus.

So, your turn. Do you still deny these are happening or are we at the MT stage of "they are happening but they need to happen and are a good thing"?
I would argue that the little religious ceremony means far more and the little secular civil union that is just paperwork doesn't really mean anything other than for accounting and tax purposes, but to each their own.
doesn any of that matter? the original question i asked was should it be legal for minors to marry? if it was debatable to you if it should be legal?
unless you are saying it should be legal if it was a religious marriage but not a gov't marriage..
So one is a marriage and one is a civil union. I understand what you are saying now.

I think you actually do understand it, you just hate it. When I got married, we did not have a religious ceremony of any sort. We were married at the courthouse and had a small celebration lunch after the fact. At no point has religion been a part of our marriage. For you to imply that my wife and I are not in a marriage is all manner of forked up.
Cool, how about from the university website:

As commencement season kicks off across the U.S., UC Berkeley’s Department of African American Studies is preparing to host the annual Black Graduation ceremony on May 20, 2023, at Zellerbach Hall. Black Grad, as it is affectionately called, honors and celebrates Black-, African-, and African American-identifying students upon completion of their undergraduate, master’s, Ph.D., J.D., and professional degree programs from departments all over campus.

So, your turn. Do you still deny these are happening or are we at the MT stage of "they are happening but they need to happen and are a good thing"?
You do know that anyone can sign up for this, right? They will not turn anyone away who wants to attend? Dude, what is even your point? This makes you look like a small, angry man.

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