Why Would Releasing the 1023 Detailing the Biden Bribery Scheme Endanger the Source? (1 Viewer)

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    Snarky Sack

    He, Him, Sir, Dude
    Jun 9, 2023
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    Houston Area
    Even if the name of source is redacted?

    This is from the FBI itself, not wild speculation. Providing evidence against the Biden family means risking death. Anyone care to connect the dots, there?

    By saying that, do you think the FBI makes it less likely or more likely that people with knowledge of crimes by senior officials (of any political stripe) will come forward?
    Hey Sack of RoofBeachFarb - if grand juries are so easily duped during the indictment phase by prosecutors making one sided arguments, how do they have over a 95% prosecution rate?

    Hopefully your fat draft dodging boy’s heart pops like a zit so he can room with Limbaugh and Pat Robertson in hell.
    I'd have to see the source of that statistic in order to properly analyze it.

    I've been hoping you would realize that on your own, but I've given you plenty of chances, so I just told you.

    What is the name of the poster you think was me? I want to see at least one intelligent guy on here.
    Oh, none of those guys are still around. Not by choice I don’t think.

    I’m pretty sure I read that the Trump WH instructed the FBI to turn all the leads in the Kavanaugh “investigation” over to them, rather than the FBI look into them. So the presumption is that there actually wasn’t an investigation, because I don’t see anyone in the Trump WH actually looking into any of them. Did you not see that? It seems like it wasn’t long ago that I read that.
    Hey Sack of RoofBeachFarb - if grand juries are so easily duped during the indictment phase by prosecutors making one sided arguments, how do they have over a 95% prosecution rate?

    Hopefully your fat draft dodging boy’s heart pops like a zit so he can room with Limbaugh and Pat Robertson in hell.

    Only after he's found guilty and perp walked out of the courtroom in front of the world.
    Oh, none of those guys are still around. Not by choice I don’t think.
    I love these little veiled threats of yours that you think are so clever. How about a couple of names, I'd love to see that there used to be smart guys who think like me.
    I’m pretty sure I read that the Trump WH instructed the FBI to turn all the leads in the Kavanaugh “investigation” over to them, rather than the FBI look into them.
    Show me!
    So the presumption is that there actually wasn’t an investigation, because I don’t see anyone in the Trump WH actually looking into any of them. Did you not see that? It seems like it wasn’t long ago that I read that.

    If I recall correctly, it was the White House itself that ordered the brief investigation into Kavanaugh. If they asked for the leads, it was likely out of fear that the FBI would not follow them. It's just not the kind of thing the FBI investigates on their own, not even the legit crime fighting part of the FBI. You know the expression, "don't make a federal case out of it?" There was no way to do that with this. But Trump was determined to be fair and on the up-and-up, so he tried to placate Dems.

    Always a bad idea.

    It was a 36 years old accusation for a crime that the supposed victim had never reported. The likely response from the FBI would have been to tell the "victim" to go report to the local police in the jurisdiction the crime supposedly happened. Barring pure politics, that's what would have happened.

    Of course, barring pure politics, Blasey-Ford never is heard of by FBI or her local police.

    She was fine being a Professor of Psychology and living in a house with a double door. It was only when a pro-lifer was nominated to the court that she ran her little psyop. It didn't work, in spite of all the foot-stomping, which is the bottom line for the Democrats.
    Hey Sack of RoofBeachFarb - if grand juries are so easily duped during the indictment phase by prosecutors making one sided arguments, how do they have over a 95% prosecution rate?

    Hopefully your fat draft dodging boy’s heart pops like a zit so he can room with Limbaugh and Pat Robertson in hell.
    its the Deep State conspiracy.. Everyone is in on it. Everyone is out to get him. Thats why the only way the Republicans have his back is by saying stuff like the Documents were safer in the bathroom because it had a lock...

    But honestly, not even the biggest MAGA will disagree that Trump is his own worst enemy.
    its the Deep State conspiracy.. Everyone is in on it. Everyone is out to get him. Thats why the only way the Republicans have his back is by saying stuff like the Documents were safer in the bathroom because it had a lock...
    Saver than next to Biden's Corevette, you mean?
    But honestly, not even the biggest MAGA will disagree that Trump is his own worst enemy.
    Oh, yeah. Absolutely. That's why his life is so miserable, and he's never had any success.
    Saver than next to Biden's Corevette, you mean?

    Oh, yeah. Absolutely. That's why his life is so miserable, and he's never had any success.
    how many times has he filed for bankruptcy?

    "Simpsons did it!" Is that always you reponse when you can't really defend his actions?
    And actually its not. Ican lock my garage so its secure from the outside. I cannot lock my bathroom door from the outside.
    how many times has he filed for bankruptcy?
    Many times. And came out ahead every time.
    "Simpsons did it!" Is that always you reponse when you can't really defend his actions?
    Show me all the times I've said that since you put it in quotes.
    And actually its not. Ican lock my garage so its secure from the outside. I cannot lock my bathroom door from the outside.
    Are you saying that your bathroom door faces the outdoors like Biden's garage?

    Outhouse or port-a-potty?
    Many times. And came out ahead every time.

    Show me all the times I've said that since you put it in quotes.

    Are you saying that your bathroom door faces the outdoors like Biden's garage?

    Outhouse or port-a-potty?
    So you think its a good business practice to file bankruptcy instead of paying the bills? If i owed you substantial amount of money and i filed for bankrputcy so i didn't have to pay you all while you know i had billions, you'd be ok with that? You'd be like, well, as long as he came out ahead, thats all that counts, thats just a make of a great businessman.

    No, i'm not about to got through the multiple threads and quote each time you brought up Hillary, Biden and Obama when it was irrelevant to the conversation. I don't have that kind of patitience. But there are quite a few here that canback me up on that

    if i don't want people in my garage when i'm not around, i can lock it. Its a very common thing. I store stuff in my garage to keep it safe on a regular basis. However, i do not lock my bathroom when i am not using it. I don't store important things in my bathroom when i know people come in and out of there many times throughout the day. I am not one to put my medicines in the bathoom either.
    Are you saying that your bathroom door faces the outdoors like Biden's garage?

    Outhouse or port-a-potty?
    Quick question: what does it take for a random person to get access to Joe Bidens garage? All it takes to get into MarALago is cash…maybe….there have been instances of random people getting in by lying and saying they were members…hell, one person lied about who she was and got access to Trump.
    I love these little veiled threats of yours that you think are so clever. How about a couple of names, I'd love to see that there used to be smart guys who think like me.

    You think that someone saying "the posters I'm talking about got banned for breaking forum rules or stopped coming around for whatever reason" is a threat? lol
    Sack, I sincerely didn’t mean that comment as a threat. I am surprised you took it that way. I apologize for making you feel threatened.

    Now, to address your revisionist history. Trump didn’t want to investigate the allegations at all, he did so after pressure from Senate Republicans. From Reuters:

    “Trump, ceding to a request from Senate Republican leaders, ordered the FBI to conduct a background investigation of Kavanaugh.

    The FBI completed its probe after speaking with 10 people, according to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Potentially key witnesses, including Ford and Kavanaugh, were never interviewed as part of the investigation, and Democratic lawmakers have long said the probe was a sham.”

    “Seven Democratic senators on Thursday said that newly released materials show the FBI failed to fully investigate sexual misconduct allegations against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he was nominated to the court in 2018.

    The senators, including Sheldon Whitehouse and Chris Coons, said a letter they received from the FBI last month shows the agency gathered over 4,500 tips relating to Kavanaugh without any apparent further action by investigators.

    According to that June 30 letter, written by FBI Assistant Director Jill Tyson, the most "relevant" of the 4,500 tips were referred to lawyers in President Donald Trump's White House whose handling of them remains unclear.”

    Ford did provide evidence that she had discussed the sexual assault in the years after it happened with both friends and therapists. It’s not so easy to dismiss something with that sort of evidence, as you seem to do so cavalierly.

    Trump by his own admission thinks that certain men are entitled to grab women’s genitals without permission. So what makes you think that he would care about these allegations in the slightest?
    Sack, I sincerely didn’t mean that comment as a threat. I am surprised you took it that way. I apologize for making you feel threatened.

    Now, to address your revisionist history. Trump didn’t want to investigate the allegations at all, he did so after pressure from Senate Republicans. From Reuters:

    “Trump, ceding to a request from Senate Republican leaders, ordered the FBI to conduct a background investigation of Kavanaugh.

    The FBI completed its probe after speaking with 10 people, according to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Potentially key witnesses, including Ford and Kavanaugh, were never interviewed as part of the investigation, and Democratic lawmakers have long said the probe was a sham.”

    “Seven Democratic senators on Thursday said that newly released materials show the FBI failed to fully investigate sexual misconduct allegations against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he was nominated to the court in 2018.

    The senators, including Sheldon Whitehouse and Chris Coons, said a letter they received from the FBI last month shows the agency gathered over 4,500 tips relating to Kavanaugh without any apparent further action by investigators.

    According to that June 30 letter, written by FBI Assistant Director Jill Tyson, the most "relevant" of the 4,500 tips were referred to lawyers in President Donald Trump's White House whose handling of them remains unclear.”

    Ford did provide evidence that she had discussed the sexual assault in the years after it happened with both friends and therapists. It’s not so easy to dismiss something with that sort of evidence, as you seem to do so cavalierly.

    Trump by his own admission thinks that certain men are entitled to grab women’s genitals without permission. So what makes you think that he would care about these allegations in the slightest?

    Yep. Remember it then and I'm not going to fall for a revisionist view of it now.

    Kavanaugh's confirmation was never in serious jeopardy because the due diligence and the ethical commitment needed to vote him down were never going to be exercised by Trump's administration and McConnell's senate .
    Sack, I sincerely didn’t mean that comment as a threat. I am surprised you took it that way. I apologize for making you feel threatened.
    Thank you! I find comfort in that.
    Now, to address your revisionist history. Trump didn’t want to investigate the allegations at all, he did so after pressure from Senate Republicans. From Reuters:

    “Trump, ceding to a request from Senate Republican leaders, ordered the FBI to conduct a background investigation of Kavanaugh.
    I'm not sure that I agree that "ceding to a request" means that the Republicans "pressured" him. It may well be that President Trump, knowing that confirmations are in the Senate's purview, decided to respect their wishes.
    The FBI completed its probe after speaking with 10 people, according to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Potentially key witnesses, including Ford and Kavanaugh, were never interviewed as part of the investigation, and Democratic lawmakers have long said the probe was a sham.”

    I wonder whether the FBI was hesitant to encroach on the Senate's purview by interviewing witnesses that had already been extensively, and publicly, interviewed by that body.
    “Seven Democratic senators on Thursday said that newly released materials show the FBI failed to fully investigate sexual misconduct allegations against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh when he was nominated to the court in 2018.

    The senators, including Sheldon Whitehouse and Chris Coons, said a letter they received from the FBI last month shows the agency gathered over 4,500 tips relating to Kavanaugh without any apparent further action by investigators.
    I wonder whether Senate Democrats would have ever ever been satisfied with any investigation that did not lead to Kavanaugh not being confirmed.
    According to that June 30 letter, written by FBI Assistant Director Jill Tyson, the most "relevant" of the 4,500 tips were referred to lawyers in President Donald Trump's White House whose handling of them remains unclear.”
    4,500 tips! It would be amazing if 4,500 people had credible evidence of Kavanaugh raping women, and he stayed out of jail for so long.

    I wonder whether you would agree that such a high figure indicates a political motive for many, perhaps most of those 4,500. If so, would you further agree that such a large number of non-credible tips would only make it more difficult to manage the credible ones? That may have been why the FBI gave the credible tips to the White House, since the FBI would not be able to ignore the non-credible ones.
    Ford did provide evidence that she had discussed the sexual assault in the years after it happened with both friends and therapists. It’s not so easy to dismiss something with that sort of evidence, as you seem to do so cavalierly.
    I regret if my tone came off as cavalier. I'll simply say that I dismiss it due to utter lack of credibility.
    Trump by his own admission thinks that certain men are entitled to grab women’s genitals without permission. So what makes you think that he would care about these allegations in the slightest?
    If I may respectfully correct you: during that private moment caught on tape, Trump discussed how some women would allow wealthy celebrities, and/or powerful men to grab their genitals. If they allow it, that means that it is with permission, not without.

    You may remember that Bill Clinton, as president, used a young intern's internal private part to add flavor to a cigar that he was smoking. Boorish behavior, no doubt. But, she never denied that it was consensual. Clinton was known to "talk p*&^%" with one of his male friends on the golf course.

    Those facts would not make me find more credible hypothetical accusations of sexual agression and assault came up (hypothetically) against Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for example.

    Disheartening to think of presidents being so vulgar. But we once had a president of very decent and unquestioned morals, a farmer/scholar/sailor from the heartland.

    It was a disaster.
    If I may respectfully correct you: during that private moment caught on tape, Trump discussed how some women would allow wealthy celebrities, and/or powerful men to grab their genitals. If they allow it, that means that it is with permission, not without.

    If I walk up to someone that I am in a position of authority over, reach out, take the donut they are eating, and eat it in front of them, did their silence give me permission to do so?
    If I walk up to someone that I am in a position of authority over, reach out, take the donut they are eating, and eat it in front of them, did their silence give me permission to do so?
    Certainly not!

    Trump did say that silence gives permission.
    Certainly not!

    Trump did say that silence gives permission.

    Here is Trump's full comment:

    "I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait," Trump said. "When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the arse. You can do anything."

    That's not getting permission. That's sexual assault and your attempt to minimize it is disgusting.
    Here is Trump's full comment:

    "I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait," Trump said. "When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the arse. You can do anything."

    That's not getting permission. That's sexual assault and your attempt to minimize it is disgusting.
    First - for clarification, did you replace another word with "arse?" If you did that is fine, I just want to verify we're talking abot the same quote.

    As to getting permission or not getting permission, I respectfully disagree. "When you're a star, they let you do it." They is exactly getting permission.

    Not saying that he is correct in his assertion. I'm saying that, true or false, this statement in the polar opposite of "not getting permission."

    In my opinion.

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