Who was it that Said Politically Correct was dead? (1 Viewer)

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    Joe Okc

    Better Days
    Nov 13, 2019
    Reaction score
    Okc, Ok
    Looks like it's alive and kicking to me... Sheezzzzzz.. Really...

    The farmer-owned dairy cooperative, which produces butter, cheese and other milk products, has dropped the Native American maiden image from its packaging, opting instead for just a landscape.
    The logo, which has been the company’s label for nearly 100 years since it was founded in Minnesota in 1921, has been called “racist” and criticized for its use of the “butter maiden.”

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    It involves the organized quasi-political agenda of self-appointed Internet social justice crusaders who wish to remold society, through shaming, criticizing, shouting down and belittling anybody who disagrees with them.
    You got all of that from a company removing an image from a package of butter?
    I am back... My reply is basically to everybody... But I do want to start off by saying something to @First Time Poster ...

    This is not about how Minorities feel and should their issues be addressed... Because Yes, their issues should be addressed.

    It seems though, that the only minorities that got quoted in any articles that I have found so far seem to be females... So I think that there may be something other involved here than just an Indian Maiden... Just I am far from seeing a Native American woman on a package of butter having anything to do with sex trafficking... Advertisers using Sex to sell products.. YES.. But not anywhere close to Native American Woman being used as sex slaves of Sex Trafficking. I have yet to find a Native American Male complaining about the woman.. So I think that is a totally different story to begin all together. In fact my Male Native American Friends think it's totally ridiculous.

    Can political correctness be a problem? Sure, it's possible. Particularly when people get offended on behalf of someone else who isn't offended, *** *** *** *** **** ***** *** But those examples are very, very rare.

    No, they are not rare. and that is my whole point. Too many people today because of social media giving a voice to people that never had one before... Some people need a cause, Even if it is something that they have absolutely nothing to do with it to begin with. And social media has given a voice to people for any and every cause just because... These people had no platforms before.. BUt they have one now...

    But think about it... People have been calling 911 because they ran out of toilet paper during this covid crisis... So much so that the media had to relay a message to tell everyone: "Do not call 911 because you have ran out of toilet paper."

    Now that person that thinks they should call 911 because they have ran out of toilet paper also has the ability to go to social media and pick a cause that they want to support and possibly obtain backing and support.

    Is the issue real? Possibly Not.. But if enough people start cry babying about it.. Companies began to worry that sales of their product will slump, drop or even worse get branded with a negative false label that will go against everything that they worked for for years... Is this fair to them?

    @SystemShock never answered me...Maybe you will @First Time Poster .. Was the Image of the Land Of Lakes Butter Maiden offensive? Do you in anyway see her image as offensive to Native Americans in any way?

    I need to know.. Because I am offended by MR. Clean... Honestly.. Big Muscular Bald guys are not the only men in this world that keep a clean house or clean up around the house... Many long and short haired skinny dudes clean just as much... Do you think that I want to hand my girlfriend a bottle of Mr. Clean to help around the house and have her get turned on by a bald headed guy that looks like he can bench 420? Do I really need that in my life? So I personally think that this needs to change and MR. Clean should start having an image of a middle aged man with a beer belly sitting on a Harley Davidson... I really think that this is the reason that I lost my last girlfriend. So something needs to change... So I think that I may start a facebook group called "Ban MR. Clean.".. It just needs to be done because it is my opinion...


    BBQ BEcky 2.jpg

    Now while suring up information on this issue, I found this political funny that I thought that I would share...

    land o lakes butter new image.jpg
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    The fact someone seriously latches on this kind of stuff as a reason to vote for a clown like Trump is exactly why a clown like Trump managed to win the election. Because he's not PC or whatever, and I really want to hold on to my vaguely racist symbols from my childhood, or something. And now we need that Trump guy to guide us through a pandemic and economic depression. Yay!!
    @SystemShock never answered me..

    What I think of the image is (or should be) irrelevant to what you think of the image. Are you going to change your opinion of the image, or how you feel about the image being removed from a package of butter, based on what I think of the image?

    BTW, this is what an Indian maiden looks like:

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    I am back... My reply is basically to everybody... But I do want to start off by saying something to @First Time Poster ...

    This is not about how Minorities feel and should their issues be addressed... Because Yes, their issues should be addressed.

    It seems though, that the only minorities that got quoted in any articles that I have found so far seem to be females... So I think that there may be something other involved here than just an Indian Maiden... Just I am far from seeing a Native American woman on a package of butter having anything to do with sex trafficking... Advertisers using Sex to sell products.. YES.. But not anywhere close to Native American Woman being used as sex slaves of Sex Trafficking. I have yet to find a Native American Male complaining about the woman.. So I think that is a totally different story to begin all together. In fact my Male Native American Friends think it's totally ridiculous.

    No, they are not rare. and that is my whole point. Too many people today because of social media giving a voice to people that never had one before... Some people need a cause, Even if it is something that they have absolutely nothing to do with it to begin with. And social media has given a voice to people for any and every cause just because... These people had no platforms before.. BUt they have one now...

    But think about it... People have been calling 911 because they ran out of toilet paper during this covid crisis... So much so that the media had to relay a message to tell everyone: "Do not call 911 because you have ran out of toilet paper."

    Now that person that thinks they should call 911 because they have ran out of toilet paper also has the ability to go to social media and pick a cause that they want to support and possibly obtain backing and support.

    Is the issue real? Possibly Not.. But if enough people start cry babying about it.. Companies began to worry that sales of their product will slump, drop or even worse get branded with a negative false label that will go against everything that they worked for for years... Is this fair to them?

    @SystemShock never answered me...Maybe you will @First Time Poster .. Was the Image of the Land Of Lakes Butter Maiden offensive? Do you in anyway see her image as offensive to Native Americans in any way?

    I need to know.. Because I am offended by MR. Clean... Honestly.. Big Muscular Bald guys are not the only men in this world that keep a clean house or clean up around the house... Many long and short haired skinny dudes clean just as much... Do you think that I want to hand my girlfriend a bottle of Mr. Clean to help around the house and have her get turned on by a bald headed guy that looks like he can bench 420? Do I really need that in my life? So I personally think that this needs to change and MR. Clean should start having an image of a middle aged man with a beer belly sitting on a Harley Davidson... I really think that this is the reason that I lost my last girlfriend. So something needs to change... So I think that I may start a facebook group called "Ban MR. Clean.".. It just needs to be done because it is my opinion...


    BBQ BEcky 2.jpg

    Now while suring up information on this issue, I found this political funny that I thought that I would share...

    land o lakes butter new image.jpg

    Hey Joe - Basically a lot of times I have a hard time determining exactly what it is that you think is going wrong. I get a strong sense of fear from your posts, but it seems a bit unfocused.

    For example, you've stated that you think minorities have a right to air their concerns and that they should be addressed fairly. But you don't go on to state why this particular example is unfair, or what you think a fair process is.

    This makes it hard to address your concerns in any sort of meaningful way.

    So, since you picked this particular example, do American Indians, or women or whoever else, have a right to be offended by the Land o Lakes packaging? If they do, how should they have addressed their concerns? Should Land o Lakes have listened to those concerns? Why or why not? Basically, since you picked this example, what went wrong in this example?
    What I think of the image is (or should be) irrelevant to what you think of the image. Are you going to change your opinion of the image, or how you feel about the image being removed from a package of butter, based on what I think of the image?

    BTW, this is what an Indian maiden looks like:

    Thank you for posting a picture of an actual Indian "Maiden". As someone who was previously engaged to an Indian woman - you know, like FROM INDIA - it annoys the crap out of me seeing people still referring to Native Americans as "Indians." Columbus was an idiot who must have been an awful navigator to get here and think he'd reached India. Especially when you consider that the trade routes to India were pretty well known at that time.
    So, since you picked this particular example, do American Indians, or women or whoever else, have a right to be offended by the Land o Lakes packaging?

    Since this thread got brought up.. I noticed I never answered your question... My Native American friends personally think that it's laughable... and to quote my otoe missouria friend... "People are just taking this shirt too far."
    Since this thread got brought up.. I noticed I never answered your question... My Native American friends personally think that it's laughable... and to quote my otoe missouria friend... "People are just taking this shirt too far."

    No worries on the delayed response.

    So, because some of your friends didn't worry about it, should others who are worried about not have any right to express their concerns? And was Land O' Lakes wrong to listen to those concerns and decide to change their branding?
    No worries on the delayed response.

    So, because some of your friends didn't worry about it, should others who are worried about not have any right to express their concerns? And was Land O' Lakes wrong to listen to those concerns and decide to change their branding?

    Answering you comments sir... Land O Lakes had every right to change their logo if they wanted to... But the sad part is "IF" they had to change their 100 year old logo due to just a few voices speaking displeasure... In their thoughts it would be better to just get rid of her than worry about reprocussion, bad press or protests by a few folks with nothing better to do...

    Take a look at this comment here: North Dakota Rep. (Dem) Ruth Buffalo said of the previous Land O'Lakes logo went "hand-in-hand with human and sex trafficking of our women and girls ... by depicting Native women as sex objects,

    Has old Ruth Buffulo said a word about Joe Biden and his Sexual accusations? Nope.. Not a peep.. But she sure saved the world from that package of butter.
    Answering you comments sir... Land O Lakes had every right to change their logo if they wanted to... But the sad part is "IF" they had to change their 100 year old logo due to just a few voices speaking displeasure... In their thoughts it would be better to just get rid of her than worry about reprocussion, bad press or protests by a few folks with nothing better to do...

    Take a look at this comment here: North Dakota Rep. (Dem) Ruth Buffalo said of the previous Land O'Lakes logo went "hand-in-hand with human and sex trafficking of our women and girls ... by depicting Native women as sex objects,

    Has old Ruth Buffulo said a word about Joe Biden and his Sexual accusations? Nope.. Not a peep.. But she sure saved the world from that package of butter.

    You're kind of switching topics here.

    Was anyone's rights violated by some people asking Land O Lakes to change their logo and Land O Lakes doing so? Did something go wrong in that process, and if so, what?

    If you want to discuss the relative severity of images of a subservient native American girl, and someone accusing Joe Biden of sexual assault, you can start a thread to discuss that... but since I don't think anyone here is all that worked up about Land O Lakes imagery through the century, it probably won't get much traction.
    You're kind of switching topics here.

    Was anyone's rights violated by some people asking Land O Lakes to change their logo and Land O Lakes doing so? Did something go wrong in that process, and if so, what?

    If you want to discuss the relative severity of images of a subservient native American girl, and someone accusing Joe Biden of sexual assault, you can start a thread to discuss that... but since I don't think anyone here is all that worked up about Land O Lakes imagery through the century, it probably won't get much traction.

    What are you talking about...

    a Native American Politician who just happens to be a Democrat speaks up loudly that the image of the girl on the butter package goes hand in hand with sex trafficking of Native American Women.. Yet she remains silent on Bidens sexual assault accusations?

    Isn;t this one of the people that was speaking up so loudly that she was offended by the woman on the butter?

    My whole point is that if a very few minority did not make it an issue, maybe Land o lakes would not have had to or chosen to change thier 100 year old image that they may have loved. ANd who is to say that these people were right or just wanting attention? BUt the Butter company is the one that has to pay the costs.

    But yet those same people complaining sexual issues are being selective about which sexual issues they protest when it fits their needs or desires.. But that just a side note.
    What are you talking about...

    a Native American Politician who just happens to be a Democrat speaks up loudly that the image of the girl on the butter package goes hand in hand with sex trafficking of Native American Women.. Yet she remains silent on Bidens sexual assault accusations?

    Isn;t this one of the people that was speaking up so loudly that she was offended by the woman on the butter?

    My whole point is that if a very few minority did not make it an issue, maybe Land o lakes would not have had to or chosen to change thier 100 year old image that they may have loved. ANd who is to say that these people were right or just wanting attention? BUt the Butter company is the one that has to pay the costs.

    But yet those same people complaining sexual issues are being selective about which sexual issues they protest when it fits their needs or desires.. But that just a side note.

    How closely are you following North Dakota politics? How do you know what Bluth has said about Joe Biden? I've never even heard of Bluth before this thread, so I'm assuming she isn't a major player in national politics, so what she's saying is generally not reported in national outlets right?

    So are you 100% sure she hasn't said anything about the Joe Biden allegations?

    If she hasn't -- is it possible that she reviewed the allegations against him and decided they didn't have merit?

    You're trying to conflate two different topics all centered around a person you know nothing about, unless I'm mistaken and you follow Bluth very closely and know what her opinions are about everything.

    And back to the topic, should people be silent if they're offended by something? You seem to be upset that some people voiced their displeasure about something and the company listened to those concerns and did something about it... why is that wrong?
    How closely are you following North Dakota politics? How do you know what Bluth has said about Joe Biden? I've never even heard of Bluth before this thread, so I'm assuming she isn't a major player in national politics, so what she's saying is generally not reported in national outlets right?

    So are you 100% sure she hasn't said anything about the Joe Biden allegations?

    If she hasn't -- is it possible that she reviewed the allegations against him and decided they didn't have merit?

    You're trying to conflate two different topics all centered around a person you know nothing about, unless I'm mistaken and you follow Bluth very closely and know what her opinions are about everything.

    And back to the topic, should people be silent if they're offended by something? You seem to be upset that some people voiced their displeasure about something and the company listened to those concerns and did something about it... why is that wrong?

    I am not going to debate the ND politicians... Just briefly that since she's a democrat and the game is whatever to get Trump out of office... You and I know that the most of the Democratic leaders are hush hush about any sexual accusations against Biden... So therefore my point of it is only important when it fits your agenda.

    Now... I think that you will agree with me that the age of social media has given people (And a lot of them Stupid) the ability to have a voice to the world when they did not have one before...

    People have been videoing themselves shoting themselves in the foot, popping fireworks in thier mouth.. etc...

    So let me ask you... Kids have been video themselves eating tide pods on social media... Do you think that Proctor and Gamble should stop making and selling tidepods?

    Such as this article from forbes? It’s clear that laundry pods as they currently exist are too dangerous to be sold to the public. If P&G and other manufacturers can’t figure out a way to reduce the more than 10,000 injuries they cause each year, laundry packs need to be taken off the market."

    Such as this facebook group here... https://www.facebook.com/groups/177514893007827/

    Or should we move the Deer Crossing sign, because we don;t want the deer crossing the road there?

    Just because someone has a cause does not mean it should be followed through with... As to the comments that were made that the image represented sexual trafficing of Native American women.. Do you really believe that?

    Should all women be removed from Advertising then?

    Or does this woman represent sexual trafficing and prostitution of white girls everywhere?

    coke ad.jpg
    I am not going to debate the ND politicians... Just briefly that since she's a democrat and the game is whatever to get Trump out of office... You and I know that the most of the Democratic leaders are hush hush about any sexual accusations against Biden... So therefore my point of it is only important when it fits your agenda.

    Now... I think that you will agree with me that the age of social media has given people (And a lot of them Stupid) the ability to have a voice to the world when they did not have one before...

    People have been videoing themselves shoting themselves in the foot, popping fireworks in thier mouth.. etc...

    So let me ask you... Kids have been video themselves eating tide pods on social media... Do you think that Proctor and Gamble should stop making and selling tidepods?

    Such as this article from forbes? It’s clear that laundry pods as they currently exist are too dangerous to be sold to the public. If P&G and other manufacturers can’t figure out a way to reduce the more than 10,000 injuries they cause each year, laundry packs need to be taken off the market."

    Such as this facebook group here... https://www.facebook.com/groups/177514893007827/

    Or should we move the Deer Crossing sign, because we don;t want the deer crossing the road there?

    Just because someone has a cause does not mean it should be followed through with... As to the comments that were made that the image represented sexual trafficing of Native American women.. Do you really believe that?

    Should all women be removed from Advertising then?

    Or does this woman represent sexual trafficing and prostitution of white girls everywhere?

    coke ad.jpg
    Most off-topic response I've seen in a while - and that's saying a lot. Talk about false equivalencies.
    What are you talking about...

    a Native American Politician who just happens to be a Democrat speaks up loudly that the image of the girl on the butter package goes hand in hand with sex trafficking of Native American Women.. Yet she remains silent on Bidens sexual assault accusations?

    Isn;t this one of the people that was speaking up so loudly that she was offended by the woman on the butter?

    My whole point is that if a very few minority did not make it an issue, maybe Land o lakes would not have had to or chosen to change thier 100 year old image that they may have loved. ANd who is to say that these people were right or just wanting attention? BUt the Butter company is the one that has to pay the costs.

    But yet those same people complaining sexual issues are being selective about which sexual issues they protest when it fits their needs or desires.. But that just a side note.

    What does sex trafficking have to do with Joe Biden? He is accused of being touchy feely 27 years ago in a public hallway. The sexual assault accusation is quite recent and clearly without merit. I am surprised you would concern yourself with one old, minor bit of stupidity in light of the 24 accusations of grabbing and peeping against Trump.
    What does sex trafficking have to do with Joe Biden? He is accused of being touchy feely 27 years ago in a public hallway. The sexual assault accusation is quite recent and clearly without merit. I am surprised you would concern yourself with one old, minor bit of stupidity in light of the 24 accusations of grabbing and peeping against Trump.
    Considering the large numbers of people who actually seem to believe that Trump is a God delivered gift to the United States, I'm not surprised at all. Especially since he seems to be one who'd fall in line with that group and their beliefs. He's fine with his guy admitting (privately) to having no problem with grabbing women by the arse - sexual assault as a matter of fact and law - and call it fake news but condemn someone who's been in public service for almost half a century having barely a mark on his record for how he treats women (who gives a shirt if he hugs or innocently touches women and they felt uncomfortable? If they'd said something back then, he'd probably have adjusted his behavior then and there.)

    But, nah, dude who paid off porn stars to hide their affairs, has been accused my dozens of women of sexual assault, has a documented history of being part of Jeffery Epstein's parties with trafficked girls is good as gold and a shining example of what kids growing up should aspire to be.

    The fact that Joe is a strip club DJ just makes the whole thing even more pathetic. If anyone gets to see how badly women can be treated, it's those working in the sex industry. Even I could see it working in the service industry but going to the clubs in the quarter when I'd get off.

    Trump = (Current) Republican Jesus.

    They've admittedly substituted his words, actions and advice over that of Christ himself.

    Trump 2020 - fork Your Feelings after all.
    Considering the large numbers of people who actually seem to believe that Trump is a God delivered gift to the United States, I'm not surprised at all. Especially since he seems to be one who'd fall in line with that group and their beliefs. He's fine with his guy admitting (privately) to having no problem with grabbing women by the arse - sexual assault as a matter of fact and law - and call it fake news but condemn someone who's been in public service for almost half a century having barely a mark on his record for how he treats women (who gives a shirt if he hugs or innocently touches women and they felt uncomfortable? If they'd said something back then, he'd probably have adjusted his behavior then and there.)

    But, nah, dude who paid off porn stars to hide their affairs, has been accused my dozens of women of sexual assault, has a documented history of being part of Jeffery Epstein's parties with trafficked girls is good as gold and a shining example of what kids growing up should aspire to be.

    The fact that Joe is a strip club DJ just makes the whole thing even more pathetic. If anyone gets to see how badly women can be treated, it's those working in the sex industry. Even I could see it working in the service industry but going to the clubs in the quarter when I'd get off.

    Trump = (Current) Republican Jesus.

    They've admittedly substituted his words, actions and advice over that of Christ himself.

    Trump 2020 - fork Your Feelings after all.

    LOLOL.. Good post. I have found in my lifetime that if a woman speaks up, she doesn't have to stew for 27 years.

    Remember after the impeachment when that clown claimed Pontius Pilate afforded Jesus more rights than the Democrats afforded Trump.. and remember how serious and passionate Trump was about flushing toilets 10 times.. and how he'd told the EPA to work on that.

    This guy is a buffoon.

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