What happens to the Republican Party now? (3 Viewers)

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    Well-known member
    Mar 13, 2019
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    This election nonsense by Trump may end up splitting up the Republican Party. I just don’t see how the one third (?) who are principled conservatives can stay in the same party with Trump sycophants who are willing to sign onto the TX Supreme Court case.

    We also saw the alt right types chanting “destroy the GOP” in Washington today because they didn’t keep Trump in power. I think the Q types will also hold the same ill will toward the traditional Republican Party. In fact its quite possible that all the voters who are really in a Trump personality cult will also blame the GOP for his loss. It’s only a matter of time IMO before Trump himself gets around to blaming the GOP.

    There is some discussion of this on Twitter. What do you all think?

    Dude, we’re not stupid. You joined this board on June 9th. You’ve been posting at a very high rate of frequency ever since.
    It's summer. Summer school is only four hours.

    Not that I have the slightest obligation to explain to you.

    It's not like I'm a federal employee on the clock and "working from home."
    It's been said before and I guess I need to say it again, you're not getting pushback for having a different opinion. A lot of us disagree on key issues. To my core, I'm a conservative. I'm not a Republican, and I'm definitely someone who cannot stand Trump, and that's consistently been the case since the 80s. I have disagreed with posters here about a whole host of issues, and while it has gotten testy on occasion, we always treated each other with respect.

    You're getting a lot of grief because you support Trump, specifically. Our prior experiences with Trumpers who have been on this board has been universally bad. You're really one of the only ones who have stayed as long as you have.
    So you admit that I am different. Why did you attack me for what previous Trump supporters have done?

    Is that your idea of adult discussion.
    Sorry, but with Snark as a name and starting posting the way you did, you're the one who has to earn respect. Not the other way around.

    "Your screen name name hurts my feelers!"
    I didn't respond to your substance-free childish insults, no.
    Tell me what the insults were.
    You forgot to mention that your posts were not replies to me, but replies to other posters who replied to me.
    Dude, I said i wasn't talking directly to you at the time. That's exaclty what not replying to you is. Maybe try reading more carefully? :shrug:
    You were literally the little guy standing beside the bully saying "yeah!" LoL, I typed that before I even noticed that you had done that again in this post.
    Lol, your self-awareness needs work. I can see why you think you're not a wanna be bully.

    Not a good look. I see why you like your work-at-home job. No chance of any colleague or supervisor walking past you at the pool and seeing how hard you "work" during work hours.
    Lol, at the end of the day, my tasks get done. They don't really care what I do as long as the work gets done.
    I ignored you precisely because your posts were not worth responding to and were a distraction. When I took you off ignore, you had grown up a little, at least enough to address me directly, so I did respond to you. If you go back to being everyone's sidekick, back to ignore land you go.
    We won't see eye to eye much because of Trump, but I already explained why I did what I did. If you can't accept that, well, that's not my problem.
    You were waiting for a formal introduction?

    That may be the lamest excuse I've seen on any message board.
    Lol, exaggerate much? Making mountains out of literally nothing. Ok then.
    That is a flat lie, given the examples I posted.
    We're not going to get past my name are we?
    First time I've mentioned the name thing. :shrug:
    I had this issue before on a board on which my screen name was "Buck Ofama." The snowflakes their couldnt' let it go. I changed my name to "Generic Login" to assuage them. I try to minimize the personal attacks any way I can. Notice that "Buck Ofama" cannot possibly be an insult against a poster. I'll make the same change in two days, if I'm able.
    That name might not be personally offensive, but you know it's intended to rile people up. That, and it's a pretty good indication that the poster with that name is a troll and can't be taken seriously.
    So you admit that I am different. Why did you attack me for what previous Trump supporters have done?

    Is that your idea of adult discussion.
    I didn't attack you...at all. Or is every time someone talks about Tumpers offensive to you?

    "Your screen name name hurts my feelers!"
    Nope, it's just a good indication that poster with that sort of name isn't someone to be taken seriously. But hey, you do you.

    I didn't include my second and third posts because to me they seemed as free of personal insults as the first one, so why be repetitive and drive the point home.

    In fact, they still seem that way. Not one thing in that post is a personal insult to any individual poster on this board, nor to posters in general. I did say that Trump opponents would like to see him imprisoned and even given the death penalty. Nothing but true from what I've seen on and off this board.

    But you say "popcorn time" is the meanness really set people off?

    Praise Allah, then that I waited until now to say that this board has the flakiest snowflakes I've ever seen in my life.

    Clear up the record for you my reneging friend, "popcorn time" means nothing more than "we're about to see a show." No personal insult to you was intended at that time.

    People here have said Trump deserves the death penalty?
    Lol, at the end of the day, my tasks get done. They don't really care what I do as long as the work gets done.
    Obviously, they do not. If you have so little work to do, that your "tasks" can get done in between repetitively posting personal insults, then your workload needs to be adjusted.

    As a taxpayer, I prefer that my employee be supervised by someone who does really care what you do.
    Obviously, they do not. If you have so little work to do, that your "tasks" can get done in between repetitively posting personal insults, then your workload needs to be adjusted.
    Lol, you do realize I can multi-task? :shrug:
    As a taxpayer, I prefer that my employee be supervised by someone who does really care what you do.
    Well, thankfully, you're not my employer any more than a Texas citizen is your employer. You don't write my checks, hire/fire me, or tell me what to do. I already have a boss who trusts me to get the work done that needs to get done. That's all that really matters. At the end of the day, I get my work done. My boss likes me because I get my work done and do it well.
    Obviously, they do not. If you have so little work to do, that your "tasks" can get done in between repetitively posting personal insults, then your workload needs to be adjusted.

    As a taxpayer, I prefer that my employee be supervised by someone who does really care what you do.

    Are you not a public school employee yourself? Did you not say that you worked in/around Houston for the school district?

    As a private sector employee and tax payer in Texas, I demand that my public sector school district employees not spend their work or off hours spreading backwards MAGA ideology and LGBTQ+ hate to kids and are supervised appropriately to prevent this. That's how this works, right?

    Also, as a private sector employee that works for an engineering consulting firm, I also work a hybrid schedule where I work from the office 3 times a week and from home 2 times a week. I can tell you from my experience for the last 3 years that I'm much more productive working from home and that I tend to work longer hours and not watch the clock as much when I'm at home. My employer has noticed as well, because my responsibilities have increased substantially over the last 3 years and I've been with my employer for 20+ years now.
    Last edited:
    I'm sorry you don't respect the people who pay your salary.
    It has nothing to do with respecting or not respecting taxpayers. It is recognizing that they do not pay my salary any more than I pay the salary of any worker of any business I patron, and that their ability to influence a school is no more than my ability to influence said business.
    Lol, you do realize I can multi-task? :shrug:
    What are your tasks at work that seemingly require no cognitive attention, so you can put it all into finding the right animated emoticon for your latest snitty comment?
    Well, thankfully, you're not my employer any more than a Texas citizen is your employer.
    Texas citizens, and especially the payers of property taxes in my district are indeed my employer.
    You don't write my checks, hire/fire me, or tell me what to do. I already have a boss who trusts me to get the work done that needs to get done.
    Have you ever told your boss about your little message board life that you lead while you simultaneously attend to what must be an incredibly light workload?
    That's all that really matters. At the end of the day, I get my work done. My boss likes me because I get my work done and do it well.
    Federal jobs are well noted to be lucrative sinecures in which people can goof off the majority of the day and still get the limited tasks they are assigned done.

    Of course, anyone who has ever had to deal with an agency like the VA, that is supposed to be providing them service knows who pays the price for the pampered life federal employees lead.

    Right now, one of my sons, a disabled veteran, has to deal with the long waits for service, or even simple answers, the passing the buck from one employee to another, in which the process practically starts over with each one, and with supervisors who brush off complaints about long waits by telling us how overworked and understaffed the agency is.

    It is sad to see him go through it. He was a bookish teenager, and we were concerned when he followed his much more athletic older brothers example and joined the Marines. He made it through basic training with flying colors, we hardly recognized him at graduation. He served his country, and now when he goes to the VA to get the service he earned, he is instead referred to someone like you.
    Texas citizens, and especially the payers of property taxes in my district are indeed my employer.
    This is just factually inaccurate. Your W2s do not say "Texas Taxpayer". They are not your employer.
    What are your tasks at work that seemingly require no cognitive attention, so you can put it all into finding the right animated emoticon for your latest snitty comment?
    I explained it well enough. :shrug:
    Texas citizens, and especially the payers of property taxes in my district are indeed my employer.
    They're actually not. But hey, if it makes you feel better, keep believing that I suppose.
    Have you ever told your boss about your little message board life that you lead while you simultaneously attend to what must be an incredibly light workload?
    Why would I need to tell my boss that? You have no idea what my workload is. Until you sit with me and see what I do, you don't know what you're talking about.
    Federal jobs are well noted to be lucrative sinecures in which people can goof off the majority of the day and still get the limited tasks they are assigned done.
    Well, you've obviously never had a real federal job before. Until you do, you don't know what you're talking about.
    Of course, anyone who has ever had to deal with an agency like the VA, that is supposed to be providing them service knows who pays the price for the pampered life federal employees lead.
    You do realize the problems with the VA are systemic and really arent related to any one individual doing or not doing their job. There are no doubt gaps and problems with some federal agencies. Usually because they're woefully understaffed and not sufficiently funded. And because of the low pay, most of the best talent works in the private sector. If pay was actually comparable to the private sector you'd see better outcomes.
    Right now, one of my sons, a disabled veteran, has to deal with the long waits for service, or even simple answers, the passing the buck from one employee to another, in which the process practically starts over with each one, and with supervisors who brush off complaints about long waits by telling us how overworked and understaffed the agency is.
    I'm genuinely sorry to hear about your son's issues with the VA. My dad is a veteran as well and he's had to utilize services from the VA before and it was a pain to deal with. So I hear what you're saying. I don't work for the VA but I do understand the frustration people have with it.
    It is sad to see him go through it. He was a bookish teenager, and we were concerned when he followed his much more athletic older brothers example and joined the Marines. He made it through basic training with flying colors, we hardly recognized him at graduation.
    I do thank him for his service. I've seen the sacrifices my family members have made in the military. I wanted to, but couldn't because of my disability being deaf.
    He served his country, and now when he goes to the VA to get the service he earned, he is instead referred to someone like you.
    That's really a low blow, even for you.
    That's really a low blow, even for you.
    I'm going to let this discussion go, then. It was not my intention ever to hurt anyone's feelings.

    It's hard for me not to say something, when I know what my son is going through, and I know that it is primarily because of federal workers who concentrate on work avoidance rather than work.

    You may have the last word.
    I'm going to let this discussion go, then. It was not my intention ever to hurt anyone's feelings.

    It's hard for me not to say something, when I know what my son is going through, and I know that it is primarily because of federal workers who concentrate on work avoidance rather than work.

    You may have the last word.
    My issue is you're in essence throwing the baby out with the bathwater. You assume because one, or even some negative experiences with the federal government means they must all be like that.

    And I disagree that your son's struggles is solely because one or a few workers may or may not have done their jobs correctly or whatever may have happened.

    I'll give you an example of what causes inefficiencies. In my position as a financial management specialist, I work on 3 different platforms to process transactions. And each step in the transactional process involves several different approves before it reaches me for processing. If a request is missing a signature or a document, I have to send it back up the chain for signature. I can't simply send it directly to the signing official. I send it to my direct POC who sends it on up the line because that's how the approval process is set up. It's inefficient because it can take time for the document needing a signature to work it's way back to me. Sometimes it takes an hour, sometimes a day or two depending on availability. It's really inefficient, but we have to follow the procedures there unless there are exceptions, and sometimes the process can be expedited. But that's the exception and not the rule.

    I'd just rather you recognize that it's a bad look to be impugning the 2 million people working in the federal workforce when there are actually a lot of good, well-meaning people who are trying to make the world a little better place. It's far from perfect, but the services are needed.
    It's summer. Summer school is only four hours.

    Not that I have the slightest obligation to explain to you.

    It's not like I'm a federal employee on the clock and "working from home."
    Since you are in Houston, which is on central time, you started posting today at about 10 AM, and have been posting regularly ever since. Does your school day start at 6AM or something?

    It’s pretty hypocritical of you to be dragging Dave for not working when A. You don’t know anything about him and B. You post throughout the day and night.

    This is a pretty egregious string of personal attacks on Dave, IMO. For no real reason that I can see.

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