Tucker Carlson's head writer Neff, resigns over discovery of racist posts using pseudonym (1 Viewer)

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    Mar 14, 2019
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    Gilbert, AZ

    It is a long read, due to them adding specifics at the end of the article.

    It isn't that surprising to many of us who have heard the various dog whistles from Tucker for years, and some of the overt stuff that has made him lose sponsors. Nice to see it right out in the open though, even if under a pseudonym.

    The guy is a total INCEL. When you read the story, you'll see it. Wow.

    That level of repression, being channelled into a media opinion show is damaging. Tucker may not have know about the posts, but there is no way he didn't know about those kind of thoughts and feelings from this guy. It is his head writer. They probably talk with each other more than anyone.
    It's almost as though he's making himself out to be a victim because there's something terrible coming out right now...

    Well, I don't know about the harassment stuff, but wow, Ed Henry... did you read that crap?

    I feel bad for Eckhart. I mean.. this is totally messed up. Probably should be its own thread.

    The suit says that, “Mr. Henry not only leveraged this imbalance of power for control over his victim, Ms. Eckhart, but asked her to be his ‘sex slave’ and his ‘little whore,’ and threatened punishment and retaliation if Ms. Eckhart did not comply with his sexual demands.”

    And “when she would not comply voluntarily, he sexually assaulted her on office property, and raped her at a hotel where Fox News frequently lodged its visiting employees,” the suit alleges. It says that Eckhart was handcuffed when she was raped.

    “Prior to violently assaulting Ms. Eckhart, Mr. Henry took photos of Ms. Eckhart on his iPhone while laughing, as Ms. Eckhart pleaded with Mr. Henry to stop, and to remove the handcuffs, and to delete the naked pictures he took of her without her consent,” the suit says.

    Otherwise, I'm not overly shocked about sexual harassment at FOX.. that's been their MO for years, and when you hire a bunch of faux alpha males drumming up stories of the good old days at the boys club, and hire a bunch of hot, younger women (or younger than the guys at least), it's not a stretch of the imagination that this happens, a lot.

    But, sexual quid pro quo, gone wrong and into full blown rape, handcuffs, etc... that dude deserves the full punishment of the law and hope he ends up in the worst prison possible. Even if the rape ends up being in question (regret?), it still seems like textbook quid pro quo sexual harassment, at a minimum. And that's being generous.
    I still remember when some people actually celebrated what happened to Tucker. Some of those people are in this very thread.
    Link please? Tucker gets a lot of hate, but if it happened, I'd prefer to be reminded of exactly what happened. Thanks.
    Glad we closed Biden's the instant it happened because "He's a Democrat". Some of y'all should be detectives.

    Closed the instant it happened? You have a very selective memory there. We heard about it nonstop for weeks. We had hashtags, we had news stories. Good lord, even you cannot believe this slant on things.

    Eventually, her story fell apart because it was proven she was sorta out there and couldn’t back up a single thing she said happened.
    Color me skeptical on all of this. The timing is odd to say the least as per usual with the cancel culture vultures circling after Tucker killed cable news ratings. He had to be shut down. First his writer, now a reporter on his show. Yeah......I think I will wait until the actual facts are know. Good news is, it won't take too long for this pan out.
    Color me skeptical on all of this. The timing is odd to say the least as per usual with the cancel culture vultures circling after Tucker killed cable news ratings. He had to be shut down. First his writer, now a reporter on his show. Yeah......I think I will wait until the actual facts are know. Good news is, it won't take too long for this pan out.
    Seems like a lot of this has been an issue for years, but the rape case mostly had traction about 3 weeks ago. And that takes time to put it all together. I'd also imagine, most of us in that position would want the employer to do something and you'd be more willing to work within the company's 'system' before you go for a lawsuit or criminal charges.

    Skepticism is fine, but these things take time to put together.
    Glad we closed Biden's the instant it happened because "He's a Democrat". Some of y'all should be detectives.
    I can't speak for anyone but myself but I remember when the Biden info came out and my stance was the same now as it was then. If you are a republican or a trump supporter, don't talk to me about anything that Biden is accused of until you address the 18 accusations against trump that republicans and trump supporters conveniently overlooked. When we have a conversation about the complete lack of outrage by the right and the things trump has been accused of and sued for, then and only then can we talk about Biden. Until that time, it's a non-issue.
    I can't speak for anyone but myself but I remember when the Biden info came out and my stance was the same now as it was then. If you are a republican or a trump supporter, don't talk to me about anything that Biden is accused of until you address the 18 accusations against trump that republicans and trump supporters conveniently overlooked. When we have a conversation about the complete lack of outrage by the right and the things trump has been accused of and sued for, then and only then can we talk about Biden. Until that time, it's a non-issue.

    I like how people only seem to care since Trump (not you specifically) I'll say this I will start caring once everyone demands that all 200 plus congressional sexual harassment documents are released. This was paid for with OUR MONEY and we have a right to know where it went. To me until we get that everything is just blah blah blah.
    Closed the instant it happened? You have a very selective memory there. We heard about it nonstop for weeks. We had hashtags, we had news stories. Good lord, even you cannot believe this slant on things.

    Eventually, her story fell apart because it was proven she was sorta out there and couldn’t back up a single thing she said happened.

    By one side yes. I mean you're going to sit there and pretend Biden didn't give a shirt ton of interviews before it was brought up and he got what was it 1 question about it with a follow up then it disappeared like a fart in the wind. I can't not in any way be the only one with selective memory. Also got to love that for that instance twitter matters.
    I like how people only seem to care since Trump (not you specifically) I'll say this I will start caring once everyone demands that all 200 plus congressional sexual harassment documents are released. This was paid for with OUR MONEY and we have a right to know where it went. To me until we get that everything is just blah blah blah.
    I agree that we need to see the documents and prosecute anyone involved to the fullest extent of the law. However, IMO, you are way off with saying people only seem to care since Trump. Trump's presence and the complete turning a blind eye is the culmination of republicans refusing to hold their own accountable. Democrats more than Republicans have been willing to hold their own accountable and then watch Republicans circle the wagon to protect theirs. The trump situation simply put people over the edge with watching the party of supposed morals willing turn a blind eye for the sake of power.

    If Republicans are cool with looking the other way with trump, they shouldn't have a damn thing to say to anyone about looking the other way on similar accusations
    I agree that we need to see the documents and prosecute anyone involved to the fullest extent of the law. However, IMO, you are way off with saying people only seem to care since Trump. Trump's presence and the complete turning a blind eye is the culmination of republicans refusing to hold their own accountable. Democrats more than Republicans have been willing to hold their own accountable and then watch Republicans circle the wagon to protect theirs. The trump situation simply put people over the edge with watching the party of supposed morals willing turn a blind eye for the sake of power.

    If Republicans are cool with looking the other way with trump, they shouldn't have a damn thing to say to anyone about looking the other way on similar accusations

    The only 2 Democrats I can recall that being help responsible ,recently, was Sen Franklin (I Think that was his name, the guy from Min) and the Rep Woman from Ca. Even Dems admitted they may have been to quick with the Senator and Hell even I said the Rep should not have stepped down.
    Closed the instant it happened? You have a very selective memory there. We heard about it nonstop for weeks. We had hashtags, we had news stories. Good lord, even you cannot believe this slant on things.

    Eventually, her story fell apart because it was proven she was sorta out there and couldn’t back up a single thing she said happened.
    Like the train story with Cavenaugh? I think he raped Ford, but every accusation, especially in a lawsuit, does not pass the smell test.
    Guess I’ll put this here instead of starting a new thread

    Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s Wednesday show was filled with images of the unrest in Kenosha, Wis., sparked by the police shooting of Jacob Blake — including graphic footage of a protester bleeding out in the street after he was shot in the head on Tuesday.

    Police have charged Kyle Rittenhouse, 17, with murder for allegedly killing that man and another protester in a shooting after driving to Kenosha with a rifle to stand with others in self-styled militias claiming to guard local businesses.

    But Tucker argued that the teen’s actions were understandable after days of chaos.

    “Are we really surprised that looting and arson accelerated to murder?” Carlson said. “How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?”

    Carlson’s comments drew swift and intense backlash online, with many calling once again for advertisers to drop the host, who has recently been assailed for past bigoted statements and who took a vacation in July after his former top writer was outed for racist and misogynistic posts.

    “If they don’t take action after this, every one of Fox News’s executives, directors, and advertisers is complicit in Tucker Carlson’s racist, murderous rants,” tweeted Robert Reich, the former labor secretary under President Clinton.........

    Like I do with all of these, I will wait until all the evidence comes out before trying to ruin someones lives. Kind of need all the information before you can pass judgment and also to let the LE work the process.
    Like I do with all of these, I will wait until all the evidence comes out before trying to ruin someones lives. Kind of need all the information before you can pass judgment and also to let the LE work the process.
    But it’s ok for a cop to rush to judgement and shoot someone. Got it.

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