Trump Tracker Too (2 Trump 2 Tracker) (1 Viewer)

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    Well-known member
    Oct 1, 2019
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    Near a River's Bend
    The football board had the very useful Daily Trump Tracker thread, which was a good place to briefly discuss the latest ridiculous thing that might have ended 97% of prior Presidential administrations even if it didn't necessarily justify an entire thread devoted to it in 2017-2019 (because of the sheer volume of these things). Since I don't see anything like that here already, I'll add one myself.
    Hey, at least Clinton's was based on an actual violation of the law. And pretty clearly, if Trump were a Democrat you guys would be opposing impeachment.
    I wouldn't like it if he was a Democrat but I would accept the facts. When a Dem had to resign because of a scandal or ethics violation I have never defended them.

    There is absolutely no point to discuss this with you. All we get is whataboutism's, excuses and justifications because a law wasn't broken. It's your guy so you don't care.
    I wouldn't like it if he was a Democrat but I would accept the facts. When a Dem had to resign because of a scandal or ethics violation I have never defended them.

    There is absolutely no point to discuss this with you. All we get is whataboutism's, excuses and justifications because a law wasn't broken. It's your guy so you don't care.
    Sometimes the facts are hard to accept.
    First it was Stormy Daniels and the Democrats fell in love with Michael Avenetti. Then it was Russia, Russia Russia! Everyone is a Russian agent - as Democrats led us through this ridiculous spy caper and every day we were told: "this is it, its over." Then it was quid-pro-quo. That was not strong enough, so it was bribery and extortion. And then obstruction of justice because allowing judicial review of balance of powers questions is now a crime, I guess. And, of course I have left out a lot. And after all that we get the nebulous "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress" geez.
    Who isn't accepting facts here? Someone is being misled and manipulated.
    First it was Stormy Daniels and the Democrats fell in love with Michael Avenetti. Then it was Russia, Russia Russia! Everyone is a Russian agent - as Democrats led us through this ridiculous spy caper and every day we were told: "this is it, its over." Then it was quid-pro-quo. That was not strong enough, so it was bribery and extortion. And then obstruction of justice because allowing judicial review of balance of powers questions is now a crime, I guess. And, of course I have left out a lot. And after all that we get the nebulous "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress" geez.
    Who isn't accepting facts here? Someone is being misled and manipulated.

    Trump is an unindicted co conspirator in the crime that Michael Cohen is in prison for. -Stormy Daniels

    Mueller found dozens of contacts between Russians and the Trump campaign. He also found about a dozen examples of obstruction of justice by Trump.

    There was a quid quo pro. Even Gordon Sonland said it under oath.

    Trump's total stonewalling of congress is unprecedented.
    First it was Stormy Daniels and the Democrats fell in love with Michael Avenetti. Then it was Russia, Russia Russia! Everyone is a Russian agent - as Democrats led us through this ridiculous spy caper and every day we were told: "this is it, its over." Then it was quid-pro-quo. That was not strong enough, so it was bribery and extortion. And then obstruction of justice because allowing judicial review of balance of powers questions is now a crime, I guess. And, of course I have left out a lot. And after all that we get the nebulous "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress" geez.
    Who isn't accepting facts here? Someone is being misled and manipulated.
    And you are ok with all this crap that he has done? Any part of this would be unacceptable to me for someone to be president. Some of it isn't impeachable just dirty as hell.
    He claimed people are flushing toilets 10 or 15 times. If you are doing that you should probably seek medical treatment. He says there are whole states where the water only drips out of faucets. Surely people don’t believe this kind of verbal diarrhea?
    I'd give that one to him. Maybe a day vs at a time. But auto flush toilets, sometimes, if you just move a little will flush on you.

    But leaks, running toilets, etc waste a ton of water.
    The nebulous "abuse of power" and even worse "obstruction of Congress." LOL. Weakest impeachment in history. To not see this as a political charade you have to be totally oblivious to facts and/or be so emotionally invested in hating Trump that it trumps all rational reasoning skills.

    Can you go back to posting your own thoughts vs just trying to get high fives from your group by parroting silly talking point. I like actually talking and debating you.

    I dont see this as a political charade. I do feel like they moved fast due to timing and his current actions of inviting foreign interference. I wonder why they didn't use solicitation of a bribe, but likely it was a semantics game they didnt want to give a cute legal move away.

    What I do have an issue with is that not a single republican thinks this was wrong. They can hate the process and all that, but not a single one is willing to say Trump was wrong or dumb for making that call that way. All of them that used to come close to saying that were whipped back into shape quickly.
    What I do have an issue with is that not a single republican thinks this was wrong. They can hate the process and all that, but not a single one is willing to say Trump was wrong or dumb for making that call that way. All of them that used to come close to saying that were whipped back into shape quickly.

    Most of them won't even acknowledge Trump did it. Somehow we're letting them get away with saying "I don't know what he did, but whatever it was it's fine."

    I'll give then this, the Republicans sure know how to make themselves feel victimized about anything.

    It isnt Trump's actions, no, they are trying to hurt a voter in, say... Alabama. Yup. Democrats are coming for your wive and child!
    First it was Stormy Daniels and the Democrats fell in love with Michael Avenetti. Then it was Russia, Russia Russia! Everyone is a Russian agent - as Democrats led us through this ridiculous spy caper and every day we were told: "this is it, its over." Then it was quid-pro-quo. That was not strong enough, so it was bribery and extortion. And then obstruction of justice because allowing judicial review of balance of powers questions is now a crime, I guess. And, of course I have left out a lot. And after all that we get the nebulous "abuse of power" and "obstruction of Congress" geez.
    Who isn't accepting facts here? Someone is being misled and manipulated.

    You aren't. The facts are well established.

    Stormy Daniels was paid hush money by Cohen on Trump's behalf to help his political odds. Cohen is in prison for this and other acts. Trump lied about it and you have overlooked it as if it's nothing. It was not nothing.

    Several of Trump's closest campaign folks and associates have dirty relationships with Russians. From the meeting at Trump tower that you're calling nothing, but was something to all the other circumstantial evidence. There was clearly a quid pro quo. Trump's own darn lawyer has iced the cake. Even the Republican politicians defend him as you do via obfuscation and public reaction observations rather than denying what he did.

    Abuse of power and obstruction have been proven beyond my doubt and I'm skeptical of everything. I'm becoming particularly skeptical of the ethics, intelligence and patriotism of those who defend this POTUS, as well.

    Is he suggesting the Senate just kills it and not even have a trial? That just screams "I'm innocent"

    And, I'm laughing here. His tactic against the "do nothings" is for the senate to do nothing..

    Is he suggesting the Senate just kills it and not even have a trial? That just screams "I'm innocent"

    And, I'm laughing here. His tactic against the "do nothings" is for the senate to do nothing..

    His incessant tweeting of factually void BS is not going to be kindly viewed through the lens of history.
    His incessant tweeting of factually void BS is not going to be kindly viewed through the lens of history.

    Either that or at some point during his fourth term he will have history corrected to reflect his greatness.
    I'd give that one to him. Maybe a day vs at a time. But auto flush toilets, sometimes, if you just move a little will flush on you.

    But leaks, running toilets, etc waste a ton of water.

    He specifically said that there isn’t enough water to flush, so people are flushing toilets 10-15 times. I have no idea where this crazy idea comes from.
    He specifically said that there isn’t enough water to flush, so people are flushing toilets 10-15 times. I have no idea where this crazy idea comes from.
    His own demented mind. He obviously heard something about low flow toilets or whatever they're called, realized that they're being implemented in places like CA (you know, where water is a big issue) and since CA is a blue state, he created this talking point to own the libs - even though he just sounds like an ill-informed moron.
    He specifically said that there isn’t enough water to flush, so people are flushing toilets 10-15 times. I have no idea where this crazy idea comes from.

    It doesn't matter about the toilets, because people are going to have to stop eating because they won't have clean dishes. From Trump's rally night before last:

    "We did the dishwasher, right? You press it. Remember the dishwasher? You press it, boom, there'd be like an explosion. 5 minutes later, you open it up, the steam pours out, the dishes. Now, you press it 12 times...women tell me, again you know they give you four drops of water, and they're in places where there's so much water, they don't know what to do with it."
    I’ve said many times on the PDB that I’d never understand why evangelicals have adopted and defend trump so much

    Is this a sign of cracks in that support?

    NEW YORK (AP) — A major evangelical Christian magazine founded by the late Rev. Billy Graham on Thursday published an editorial calling for President Donald Trump’s removal from office.

    The editorial in Christianity Today -- coming one day after the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives made Trump the third president in American history to be impeached -- raised fresh questions about the durability of his support among the conservative evangelicals who have proven to be a critical component of his political base.

    The magazine’s editorial, written by editor-in-chief Mark Galli, envisions a message to those evangelical Christians who have remained stalwart Trump backers “in spite of his blackened moral record.”

    “Remember who you are and whom you serve,” Galli’s editorial states. “Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior.

    Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency.”.............

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