Below are some of the top political news stories of the day: ¯\_(?)_/¯
- Trump urges calm even as US reports worrisome new virus case - AP | Trump declared Wednesday that a widespread U.S. outbreak of the new respiratory virus sweeping the globe isn’t inevitable...
- Trump campaign opening "community centers" in bid to win over black voters - CBS News | The Trump campaign is opening pop-up "community centers" in key states...
- Can Sanders beat Trump? A growing number of Democratic voters say yes - Reuters | Sanders’ electability was a prime topic at Tuesday’s Democratic presidential debate in South Carolina.
- Trump’s coronavirus conflict: Science vs. politics - Politico | The spread of coronavirus is presenting a managing and messaging challenge for the Trump administration...
- Trump puts Pence in charge of US coronavirus response - CNN | amid growing criticism of the White House's handling of the outbreak.
- Trump campaign says it is suing New York Times over Russia opinion piece - Reuters | Filing a libel suit accusing the New York Times of intentionally publishing a false opinion article...
- Bernie Sanders, unleashed at the Democratic debate - NBC News | The senator from Vermont has never been so sure of his message — and he's sticking to it.
- Court allows Trump to withhold funds from 'sanctuary' jurisdictions - Reuters | a U.S. appeals court ruled on Wednesday.
- Congress Warns Pentagon Not to Move Money to Fund Trump Wall - US News | Lawmakers from both parties have told Pentagon leaders that the Defense Department is undermining its own efforts...
- Pelosi urges Democratic unity amid Sanders' campaign surge - ABC News | “I would hope that everyone would say, no matter who the nominee is for president, we wholeheartedly embrace that person,” Pelosi
- 2020 black vote is rightly up for grabs by the left and right - The Hill | On Thursday evening, as all eyes will be on the looming Democratic primary in South Carolina...
- Obama lawyers send cease and desist letter over 'dispicable' pro-Trump super PAC's ad hitting Biden - FOX News | Former President Obama's team denounced an ad created by a pro-Trump super PAC Wednesday as "disinformation" and "despicable" for juxtaposing Obama's words...
- Republican lobbying firms riding high despite uncertainty of 2020 race - The Hill | Republican lobbying firms are riding high after three years of President Trump and a GOP Senate.
- The Globe endorses Elizabeth Warren - Boston Globe | The Senator is the best choice for Democrats.
- The Latest: Biden not worried about Trump refusing to leave - AP | Biden is looking to Saturday’s South Carolina primary for his first victory of the 2020 nominating fight.
- House makes lynching a federal crime, 65 years after Till - AP | The bill, introduced by Illinois Rep. Bobby Rush and named after Till, comes 120 years after Congress first considered anti-lynching legislation...