Below are some of the top political news stories of the day: ¯\_(?)_/¯
- Trump says no defunding, dismantling or disbanding of police - ABC News
- Has Trump hit bottom? Polls show him trailing - AP
- Hard hit New York City begins reopening as coronavirus infection rate plummets - Reuters
- Satellite data suggests coronavirus may have hit China earlier: Researchers - ABC News
- GOP recruits army of poll watchers to fight voter fraud no one can prove exist - NBC News
- WHO says pandemic 'far from over' as daily cases hit record high - Reuters
- White House says reducing immunity for police is a non-starter - CBS News
- Barr, in FNC interview, confirms 'focused investigations' of Antifa, hammers 'dangerous' push to defund police - Fox News
- Democrats look to counter GOP vote-by-mail fraud claims - AP
- Texas Reports Record-Breaking COVID-19 Hospitalizations, As State Reopens - NPR
- Attorney General Bill Barr says "Secret Service recommended" Trump go to bunker - CBS News
- Trump to resume trademark campaign rallies after coronavirus hiatus - Fox News
- Thousands pay tribute to George Floyd as pressure mounts for U.S. police reform - Reuters
- Virus, racial unrest force Trump campaign to recalibrate - AP
- Police unions under fire from left as calls for reform ring out in aftermath of Floyd death - Fox News
- Biden promises police changes without stripping funding - AP
- Man who drove into Virginia protest is KKK leader, prosecutor says - Reuters
- Romney says he’ll ‘stay quiet’ on his 2020 presidential vote - AP
- It's official: U.S. economy entered recession in February - Reuters
- Much Of The Stimulus Aid Sent To States Hasn't Gone Where It's Needed Most - NPR
- Violence gives way to street fair vibe outside White House - AP
- Congressional Democrats unveil sweeping police reform bill that would ban chokeholds, no-knock warrants in drug cases - NBC News
- Democrats Unveil Police Reform Legislation Amid Protests Nationwide - NPR
- Closing in on all sides: Cuba nears declaring coronavirus victory - Reuters
- Biden campaign launches outreach effort targeting LGBTQ voters in key states - CBS News
- McEnany’s mission: Stand by, defend, punch back for Trump - AP
- Bail raised to $1.25 million for former police officer in George Floyd death - Reuters