I own 4 guns and I want to see gun regulations. Decades ago, the NRA was taken over by Right Wing Gun Nuts morphed the organization from gun safety, into a desire to see zero gun regulation. Their fear was that any regulations/restrictions was step 1 and that step 10 would be a total ban. Then they promoted other ideas like Stand Your Ground and actually legislated laws that made the phrase uttered by the gun owner, “I feared for my life” their get out of jail card, ie don’t question the motivations of a legal gun owner. I had never heard of such ridiculousness before, because it can and has been abused.
The huge insurmountable issue unless we are willing to face it is:

The huge insurmountable issue unless we are willing to face it is:
- Being awash in millions of guns.
- The nightmare for law enforcement.
- That it takes much more effort to get a driver’s license than to carry a gun,
- Zero mental screenings to qualify for gun ownership.
- Zero oversight to carry a lethal weapon. Carry permits are routinely issued just because I want my precious with me at all times.
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