Today’s Shooting (ongoing topic) (1 Viewer)

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    Misty Mountains Envoy
    Mar 8, 2023
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    I own 4 guns and I want to see gun regulations. Decades ago, the NRA was taken over by Right Wing Gun Nuts morphed the organization from gun safety, into a desire to see zero gun regulation. Their fear was that any regulations/restrictions was step 1 and that step 10 would be a total ban. Then they promoted other ideas like Stand Your Ground and actually legislated laws that made the phrase uttered by the gun owner, “I feared for my life” their get out of jail card, ie don’t question the motivations of a legal gun owner. I had never heard of such ridiculousness before, because it can and has been abused.

    The huge insurmountable issue unless we are willing to face it is:
    • Being awash in millions of guns.
    • The nightmare for law enforcement.
    • That it takes much more effort to get a driver’s license than to carry a gun,
    • Zero mental screenings to qualify for gun ownership.
    • Zero oversight to carry a lethal weapon. Carry permits are routinely issued just because I want my precious with me at all times.
    The bottom line here is that we live in an over the top gun culture, easy access to guns are the top priority, even over citizens’ and childrens’ lives, the streets run red daily in blood, and any punitive action happens only after the damage is done. When will we collectively get sick of this? :unsure:

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    I saw someone post that we (responsible citizens) should actually go on the offensive. Ask politicians who are in bed with the corrupt NRA why they support such corruption. Ask them why they hate law enforcement, because their policies endanger LE lives daily, ask them why they are unwilling to protect innocent children from being gunned down in their schools by weapons that were made for war.

    We need the media to quit enabling these clowns to hide behind their extreme policies. Instead of trying some sort of quick “gotcha” about a stupid Christmas picture (which, even though disgusting, matters not one little bit), they need to ask them why they won‘t support gun safety policies that are supported by 80% of the population. Why they support open carry which is opposed by every law enforcement organization I can think of. Why they won’t mandate safe storage laws.

    Kids aren’t just killed in schools. Way too many are accidentally shot at home by a sibling who finds an unsecured weapon. Way too many people who shouldn’t have guns are able to purchase them anyway. Background check laws should be strengthened and made universal.

    A family member who knows someone is dangerous and shouldn’t have guns should be able to raise a red flag.

    These aren’t taking any responsible gun owners’ rights away - they are safety measures. Politicians who oppose these simple safety measures are just owned by the NRA. They’ve sold our safety out for cash for themselves. Special place in hell.
    I think we need to start talking about the 2nd amendment as a target.

    I think there is much more public support for a constitutional amendment than people realize, and if we could make that known, it might scare the gun lobby to allow something meaningful to happen.

    it took them 50 years to overturn Roe V. Wade. We need that sort of commitment to the long game.
    The problem with our Gun Culture, in response to having a water bottle thrown at your car (what did the driver do to aggravate the water bottle flinging driver?) after having a water bottle thrown at his car, the driver who pulls out his gun and wounds a girl in the back seat of the other car, this was ruled as justified force?? The water bottle instigator who has bullets flying at him, shoots back and wounds the other guys daughter sitting in his back seat and is then arrested for defending himself?? :oops:

    WTF??? Are we now a country of idiots?? Both of these clowns should have been charged with reckless endangerment. This is where gun worship has taken us, where idiots think that gun fire is a justifiable response to any physical slight. Welcome to the new Wild West of America. 🤬

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    The article said he was released while the investigation was ongoing. Did I miss it?
    He was initially released. Apparently, the law there only allows someone to be held for 24 hours if they have mot been charged. Without a victim statement, they did not feel they could charge him. Yesterday, he was charged with aggravated assault in the first degree and armed criminal action.

    I don’t know if the charges came because of the outrage and media coverage or if they finally got a victim statement. I do know that the young man has spoken, and hopefully will make a full recovery.

    He was initially released. Apparently, the law there only allows someone to be held for 24 hours if they have mot been charged. Without a victim statement, they did not feel they could charge him. Yesterday, he was charged with aggravated assault in the first degree and armed criminal action.

    I don’t know if the charges came because of the outrage and media coverage or if they finally got a victim statement. I do know that the young man has spoken, and hopefully will make a full recovery.

    Aggravated assault my arse. Attempted murder.
    He was initially released. Apparently, the law there only allows someone to be held for 24 hours if they have mot been charged. Without a victim statement, they did not feel they could charge him. Yesterday, he was charged with aggravated assault in the first degree and armed criminal action.

    I don’t know if the charges came because of the outrage and media coverage or if they finally got a victim statement. I do know that the young man has spoken, and hopefully will make a full recovery.

    How freaking common is this? This Stand Your Ground BS (the basis for/excuse given frequently for these types of shootings) has got to go, because it is so abused by people who shoot at people who come onto their property line. If anything can be called fortunate is that the killer has been arrested for second degree murder. I can’t say that would happen down South.

    I think it was in Arizona, several years ago, maybe a decade ago where a pedestrian walking though a fast food parking lot, after almost being hit, approached a car yelling at the driver, who shot and killed the pedestrian. In court he said I feared for my life, and the jury let him walk because as one of the jury said, that is how the SYG law was written. :frack:
    It makes sense that they didn’t want to charge anything until they could get a statement from the victim, since thankfully he lived. Also, I saw where the DA said that racism definitely played a role, so that may have swayed their judgement also, once they got the guy’s statement about why he shot the young man.

    Remember when mass shooting were rare? Now they are a daily event, and we have a group of citizens who promote politicians who have made gun ownership routine, and they refuse to seriously address the mental issue with any thing other than an idiotic slogan, guns don’t kill people, people kill people, as if that is an excuse to fight like hell against all gun regs, while pushing gun ownership and carry for everyone, even the people who have no business anywhere close to a gun. You can blame the Founding Fathers who created the Second Amendment, but more rightfully you can blame todays Gun Lobby, who promotes death and killing although they will deny this to their last breath, for refusing to allow the 2A to be updated to reflect the damage being done daily .

    We need a group of people who overall are smarter than today’s US batch. The problem of My Precious assails us daily, yet the gun lobby doubles down, clutches Precious closer. They are more willing to makes excuses as to why, sleeping in their bloody beds, is worth their “freedom” to wield deadly force, and if an unstable citizen murders a group of kids, no outrage, just an abundance of empty thoughts and prayers, to act like we give a damn. :unsure:
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    Just pointing out that the suspect in the latest Texas mass shooting has been captured, as an update to the article you posted.

    I agree with you that we have to reform gun laws in this country and work at changing gun culture.
    Active shooter in Atlanta - Grady Memorial Hospital- 4 shot- 1 dead

    may be targeted as i think shooter fled scene.
    They are saying the Atlanta shooter was at a doctor’s appt with his mother, (not sure who had the appt) when he became agitated and started shooting with a handgun. They said the mother is cooperating with police.
    We couldn’t possibly post all of them. This is just horrible.


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