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This Is A Very Revealing Quote About The Current Dark State Of The Republican Party (1 Viewer)

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    Kerry Won Ohio

    Well-known member
    Feb 3, 2021
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    near St. Louis
    God help us if the Republican Party is ever in power again. This is what a Republican official in Pennsylvania apparently said yesterday. --

    David Ball, the chair of the Washington County GOP, vented his anger at Sen. Pat Toomey, fellow Republican of Pennsylvania, who committed the apostasy of joining six other GOP senators in voting to convict former president Donald Trump of inciting insurrection.

    We did not send him (Sen Toomey) there to vote his conscience,” Ball said on Monday. “We did not send him there to do the right thing or whatever he said he was doing. We sent him there to represent us.”

    This tells you everything you need to know about the current evil, fascist nature of the Republican Party. They must NEVER control Congress or the White House ever again. If they do, democracy is over in this country.
    Yeah, I was a lifelong Republican. The current state of the party is downright frightening. Imo, every sane Republican needs to leave the party and simply sit out or even outright vote for the other side. They have to be held accountable, and if the only way that can happen is through the complete destruction of the party, so be it.
    Yeah, I was a lifelong Republican. The current state of the party is downright frightening. Imo, every sane Republican needs to leave the party and simply sit out or even outright vote for the other side. They have to be held accountable, and if the only way that can happen is through the complete destruction of the party, so be it.
    So, when 100 people leave a party of tens of millions.... what's gonna happen? ;)
    Anne Applebaum, spelling may not be right, and Jared Yates Sexton write all the time that the danger to our democracy is ongoing. Anne in particular has said that one more election going the wrong way will be the end. It’s pretty scary, but we see that the personality cult is strong. They want him to be a dictator.
    So, when 100 people leave a party of tens of millions.... what's gonna happen? ;)
    the last 2 presidential elections should be a prefect example of what 1% of votes can do.

    Also look what happened in the senate races in Georgia. that is what a small amount of people who change their minds can do.

    this debacle didn't pick up any extra support, it only lost them support.. a small amount, but at this point, that could be devastating..
    Last edited:
    The problem as seen from abroad is that your democracy is more or less binary,,

    If you have 10-15 different political parties and none have absolute majority on their own, it works as a "counterweigth" to extremism.

    You also have an educational system which favors binary answers (Multiple choice tests) where everything is either right or wrong and critical source evaluation isn't taugth until the higher levels of education and where local school boards can override scientific education in favor of "creationism" thereby allowing religious beliefs an equal position to science basically telling students that "fact" is a personal oppinion and not just "facts"

    All this has created a situation where your democracy is in serious danger from within
    The problem as seen from abroad is that your democracy is more or less binary,,

    If you have 10-15 different political parties and none have absolute majority on their own, it works as a "counterweigth" to extremism.

    You also have an educational system which favors binary answers (Multiple choice tests) where everything is either right or wrong and critical source evaluation isn't taugth until the higher levels of education and where local school boards can override scientific education in favor of "creationism" thereby allowing religious beliefs an equal position to science basically telling students that "fact" is a personal oppinion and not just "facts"

    Until ranked choice voting becomes a thing nationwide, this is what we're stuck with.
    Until ranked choice voting becomes a thing nationwide, this is what we're stuck with.

    And as long as the filibuster exists, at least in its current state, it doesn't really matter how many political parties exist.

    That said, I argue that calling our two party system binary isn't exactly right, at least on the Democratic side. It's much more apt to say we have left and right wings. Elizabeth Warren isn't the same kind of Democrat as Joe Biden, Joe Biden isn't the same kind of Democrat as Joe Manchin, and on and on. The Democratic party is very diverse. The Republican party has become a monolith with only two goals: stand in the way of absolutely anything the left wants, even things they themselves have come out in favor of, and make sure federal courts are full of judges who will back that goal up.
    The problem as seen from abroad is that your democracy is more or less binary,,

    If you have 10-15 different political parties and none have absolute majority on their own, it works as a "counterweigth" to extremism.

    You also have an educational system which favors binary answers (Multiple choice tests) where everything is either right or wrong and critical source evaluation isn't taugth until the higher levels of education and where local school boards can override scientific education in favor of "creationism" thereby allowing religious beliefs an equal position to science basically telling students that "fact" is a personal oppinion and not just "facts"

    All this has created a situation where your democracy is in serious danger from within

    That's an interesting perspective, something that I've never really thought about in-depth.

    Personally, I think the bigger problem with our democracy is that the minority Republican Party in this country is over-represented in our government, particularly in the Senate. If you take the 10 least populated states, that's a total of 20 Senators. 20 Senators representing 5 million people, if that. And the vast majority of those rural, unpopulated states vote Republican.

    On the other hand, California has 40 million people, but only 2 Senators. There is something seriously wrong with this. This is why the Republican Party always has a "puncher's chance" of controlling the Senate, and it's dangerous to our democracy.

    And, of course, there is our Electoral College nightmare that always gives the Republican Presidential candidate at least a 30% chance of winning the White House, no matter how incompetent or crazy that candidate is -- Trump is Exhibit A.
    the last 2 presidential elections should be a prefect example of what 1% of votes can do.

    Also look what happened in the senate races in Georgia. that is what a small amount of people who change their minds can do.

    this debacle didn't pick up any extra support, it only lost them support.. a small amount, but at this point, that could be devastating..
    The GOP lost support between Presidential election day and the Georgia senate vote on January 5th.. and then January 6th happened. Republican should have won both the seats nd didn't, and I'd certainly make the argument that they didn't because of Donald Trump and the cowardly Republicans who followed him.

    So while I think it's difficult to judge just how wounded the GOP is here without another election result to look at.. I am pretty confident that they are much worse off than they were headed in to November.

    And as much (it's actually 'most' not much I'm sure, but whatever) of the party now consists of Trump cultists, they're either too far in it to see to make the moves necessary that could correct the direction of the party, or they're a candidate in a district without competition from the Democrats.

    I think losses in 2022 would wake some of them up, but I think the delusions are too strong for a lot of them and they're just going to continue on, to their own party's detriment I'd say, with their idolization of their loser that is Donald Trump.
    the last 2 presidential elections should be a prefect example of what 1% of votes can do.

    Also look what happened in the senate races in Georgia. that is what a small amount of people who change their minds can do.

    this debacle didn't pick up any extra support, it only lost them support.. a small amount, but at this point, that could be devastating..

    Possibly. I think it largely depends on how successful Republican-controlled state legislatures are in their latest round of voter suppression efforts during the next two years. Republicans know they are in the permanent minority now and they are desperate. They will resort to any means necessary to get power one more time and keep it forever.

    Yes, Republicans elected at the Federal level are crazy. However, Republicans at the state level are even crazier. What's going on in Arizona right now is scary as fork. And the way that Romney, Cassidy, Toomey, and the other Republican Senators who did the right thing during the impeachment trial are now being treated by Republicans in their home states is also extremely disturbing.
    That's an interesting perspective, something that I've never really thought about in-depth.

    Personally, I think the bigger problem with our democracy is that the minority Republican Party in this country is over-represented in our government, particularly in the Senate. If you take the 10 least populated states, that's a total of 20 Senators. 20 Senators representing 5 million people, if that. And the vast majority of those rural, unpopulated states vote Republican.

    On the other hand, California has 40 million people, but only 2 Senators. There is something seriously wrong with this. This is why the Republican Party always has a "puncher's chance" of controlling the Senate, and it's dangerous to our democracy.

    And, of course, there is our Electoral College nightmare that always gives the Republican Presidential candidate at least a 30% chance of winning the White House, no matter how incompetent or crazy that candidate is -- Trump is Exhibit A.

    Agree - presidential elections should be one (wo)man - one vote

    I know this is controversial this is but the whole voter registration system has disadvantages.
    1. it makes it harder to vote
    2. it make gerrymandering easier

    On the flip side, having a system like ours requires a much higher degree of official registrations which I'm not sure that americans are really confident about. We all get a social security number at birth, and that number identifies us throughout our lives. We need it to go to school, to see a doctor and to pay our taxes. It is also mandatory to register a permanent adress within 5 days when you move.

    And it is also used to vote.. You only need to show your official registration and you will be able to vote at your assigned voting place or you can vote by mail or at any city hall throughout the country. No registration needed.
    Agree - presidential elections should be one (wo)man - one vote

    I know this is controversial this is but the whole voter registration system has disadvantages.
    1. it makes it harder to vote
    2. it make gerrymandering easier

    On the flip side, having a system like ours requires a much higher degree of official registrations which I'm not sure that americans are really confident about. We all get a social security number at birth, and that number identifies us throughout our lives. We need it to go to school, to see a doctor and to pay our taxes. It is also mandatory to register a permanent adress within 5 days when you move.

    And it is also used to vote.. You only need to show your official registration and you will be able to vote at your assigned voting place or you can vote by mail or at any city hall throughout the country. No registration needed.
    If we don't require people to register, how can we suppress the ability to vote? Now that poll taxes are illegal, all that we have is requiring 7 forms of identification in order to acquire an i.d. that is accepted at a polling place that may, or may not, be where it was last time. Voter suppression is an American institution!
    You know, I haven't taken a course in Civics in decades, but the Senate is supposed to represent the entire State, not just certain district's constituents, that's the House's job. That is the problem with most of these US Senators, they do not even know their job description, I urge them to brush up on the US Constitution starting with Article One. The Senate was designed to be more of a check on the House to ensure stupid wasn't running rampant but instead, they have joined in on the stupid and no one is left to hold the mob back.
    That's an interesting perspective, something that I've never really thought about in-depth.

    Personally, I think the bigger problem with our democracy is that the minority Republican Party in this country is over-represented in our government, particularly in the Senate. If you take the 10 least populated states, that's a total of 20 Senators. 20 Senators representing 5 million people, if that. And the vast majority of those rural, unpopulated states vote Republican.

    On the other hand, California has 40 million people, but only 2 Senators. There is something seriously wrong with this. This is why the Republican Party always has a "puncher's chance" of controlling the Senate, and it's dangerous to our democracy.

    And, of course, there is our Electoral College nightmare that always gives the Republican Presidential candidate at least a 30% chance of winning the White House, no matter how incompetent or crazy that candidate is -- Trump is Exhibit A.
    True, but another, often underlooked perspective on why and what gives GOP a realistic chance of winning more seats in state legislatures in blue states like New York and California is because both states economies are realing due to strict, restrictive Covid-19 shutdowns and high income/real estate taxes on major corporations and individuals are making them come to realization its too costly to do business there's Google, Tesla, Hewlett-Packard, Oracle, and many others are leaving to more business-friendly states like Texas, Arizona, Georgia, and Florida and where they feel,.they won't be seen or treated as some, ominous, creepy enemy.

    Plus, the Dem governors of both of these states aren't exactly being seen in a favorable light so if you're the Republican minority opposition, especially in New York, you can use the exodus of large, multi-national corporations and the questionable, inept,.duplitious Covid-19 controversies in both states to point to and argue "See where all your jobs, and livelihoods are going and these sancrosanct Democrats running against us aren't these supposed " choir boys" they claim they are. And they'll likely convince more then a few voters in both states to buy in. Particularly, in more conservative western New York.
    Last edited:
    God help us if the Republican Party is ever in power again. This is what a Republican official in Pennsylvania apparently said yesterday. --

    David Ball, the chair of the Washington County GOP, vented his anger at Sen. Pat Toomey, fellow Republican of Pennsylvania, who committed the apostasy of joining six other GOP senators in voting to convict former president Donald Trump of inciting insurrection.

    We did not send him (Sen Toomey) there to vote his conscience,” Ball said on Monday. “We did not send him there to do the right thing or whatever he said he was doing. We sent him there to represent us.”

    This tells you everything you need to know about the current evil, fascist nature of the Republican Party. They must NEVER control Congress or the White House ever again. If they do, democracy is over in this country.
    I agree. I mean.. the idea that a representative should be asked to represent his constituents, and not just his own individual beliefs, is just fascist, racist, transphobic, and probably fattening.

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