Supreme Court Corruption (Formerly Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire) (6 Viewers)

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    Well-known monkey
    May 17, 2019
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    It seems that a billionaire GOP donor has spent a small fortune on vacations for Ginni and Clarence Thomas.

    Putting this here. When the court wants to it can act in a timely manner. It is obviously aiding Trump here.

    Putting this here. When the court wants to it can act in a timely manner. It is obviously aiding Trump here.

    This is just my theory and I could be completely wrong. I think they're intentionally pushing it beyond the election because they don't want a sitting president subject to legal threats and would rather wait until after Trump's term if he becomes President. If he loses the election, then they'll allow things to proceed as normal at that point.

    I think they're well aware how close it's getting to the election and a lot of this won't be resolved in time. What they don't want is for a sitting President being handcuffed by legal challenges. I don't agree with it, but I do think it's part of their calculus.
    This is just my theory and I could be completely wrong. I think they're intentionally pushing it beyond the election because they don't want a sitting president subject to legal threats and would rather wait until after Trump's term if he becomes President. If he loses the election, then they'll allow things to proceed as normal at that point.

    I think they're well aware how close it's getting to the election and a lot of this won't be resolved in time. What they don't want is for a sitting President being handcuffed by legal challenges. I don't agree with it, but I do think it's part of their calculus.

    What they want is irrelevant. That's not their job to control. Rule on the law, that's what they're paid to do.
    What they want is irrelevant. That's not their job to control. Rule on the law, that's what they're paid to do.
    I agree. I'm just speculating as to why they might be stalling. Not saying it's right or wrong. I think they should proceed like they would any other case. The point is this isn't just any other case.
    Who brought the case and got the corrupt majority to overturn the ban on bump stocks? The only party I can think of who will benefit from making bump stocks legal are the manufacturers, oh and mass murderers. This court doesn’t serve the public. They just don’t. They serve special interests. They serve their billionaire handlers.

    This ban took effect during the Trump Administration, and was in response to the worst mass murder in US history.
    Just as I thought. I read that Thomas’ opinion had some illustrations of mechanisms and dense technical jargon. IMO, he is using industry sources to change a law that Congress passed in a bipartisan matter and Trump signed into law. They are serving special interests.

    “The man who challenged the bump stock ban is Michael Cargill, a gun shop owner in Texas, backed by the New Civil Liberties Alliance, an advocacy group with financial ties to Charles Koch, a billionaire who has long supported conservative and libertarian causes. The organization primarily targets what it considers unlawful uses of administrative power.”

    This should be a gift link:
    This is a great thread by Senator Whitehouse that summarizes some of the corrupt acts of Thomas. We still don’t know the extent of his corruption. I have quoted here the final 2 tweets in his thread, but it is well worth it to read it all.

    Sotomayor calling every.single.conservative on this court for their ability to adhere to their principles when they want and abandon them to serve their billionaire masters.

    If this level of corruption was uncovered about Jackson, Sotomayor, or Kagan, Roberts would have already acted, IMO. I also fervently believe that Roberts discovered that the leaker of the Dobbs decision was either associated with Alito or, less likely, Thomas and that’s why the investigation was allowed to peter out into nothing.

    I may have posted about this before
    The one consistent thing about fascist takeovers, they always start with huge amounts of funding from very rich capitalists, sometimes pretending to be socialists or communists.

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